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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Ah oka...oh just remember something stay on my good side and you won't have to see the true horror that I mask." she said as Sam felt something big was watching him causing him to get uncomfortable.
Sam was more confused than anything else. That statement had come out of basically nowhere and didn't seem called for.
Sam was more confused than anything else. That statement had come out of basically nowhere and didn't seem called for.
Lilith stop "Oh right...you don't know...well you can say I'm actually a puppet." she said as her arm turns into water as the water reforms back to a arm "see just a puppet to hide the real me." she said as she reattaches the arm like nothing.
"oh trouble is my middle name. I cause trouble." She smiled before walking slowly to the door.

"I shut the door on your evil personalities for a while. It's only temporary unfortunately but I need to get my friends out." He said.

Peter went to find Fred

Fredrick sighed. "Do as you wish, I cannot stop you. I can only hope you change your mind soon before something terrible happens. And perhaps maybe I wont be there to help you"
Fredrick sighed. "Do as you wish, I cannot stop you. I can only hope you change your mind soon before something terrible happens. And perhaps maybe I wont be there to help you"
"we gotta go." Peter said to Fred. He didn't pay any attention to Venus
"we gotta go." Peter said to Fred. He didn't pay any attention to Venus

"Okay, let us leave" Fredrick says to Peter, looking away from Venus. "I am terribly sorry for getting you both into this mess" He says, bowing his helm to him.
Sam nodded.

"Eh it's fine it's not the first time I've been in this kind of crap." Peter said getting them both out.

"Still, I should not have put you in this situation if you have been in this situation before. You probably are tired of it" He says.
Fredrick sighed. "Do as you wish, I cannot stop you. I can only hope you change your mind soon before something terrible happens. And perhaps maybe I wont be there to help you"
"Again, you can't change me." She said ignoring Peter as he came in. "Artemis! Apollo! Hades! Janus! Come here!"
Sam nodded.

"Eh it's fine it's not the first time I've been in this kind of crap." Peter said getting them both out.
"Let's see how powerful your friends are." she said as three pools of water appear around her and turn into monsters as one had a mortar cannon on it as other two became small leviathans but still bigger than a human as the two leviathans started head towards Spiderman and others direction as the one with the mortar prepare to fire.
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"Still, I should not have put you in this situation if you have been in this situation before. You probably are tired of it" He says.

"Let's see how powerful your friends are." she said as three pools of water appear around her and turn into monsters as one had a mortar cannon on it as other two became small leviathans but still bigger than a human as the two leviathans started head towards Spiderman and others direction as the one with the mortar prepare to fire.

He answered "Hello?"
"One second crap just started." Peter grumbled. He webbed the front of the Mortars with Titanium webbing making them impossible to fire. "So what did you need help with?" He asked.
"Okay then show me how. I just want to be able to control my wolf form again as soon as possible." She said with a look of worry in her eyes. She was worried about what would happen if she couldn't control herself. She didn't want to hurt any of her friends or any innocents.

"All he can do is show you what to do in the physical plane, you need someone to show you what to do mentally" Jenny replied as she skipped out the door (and I mean little Jenny)
"All he can do is show you what to do in the physical plane, you need someone to show you what to do mentally" Jenny replied as she skipped out the door (and I mean little Jenny)
"Okay but I don't really like people in my head these days." She said. "I see you got younger Jenny"

"One second crap just started." Peter grumbled. He webbed the front of the Mortars with Titanium webbing making them impossible to fire. "So what did you need help with?" He asked.
"I was wondering if you and Sans could help me steal some evidence from a prosecutor." He said "How good is your Japanese?"
"I was wondering if you and Sans could help me steal some evidence from a prosecutor." He said "How good is your Japanese?"
"I can read it pretty well." Peter said. "Also you do know who you're asking to steal for you right you do know who you're asking to steal for you right?" He asked
"I can read it pretty well." Peter said. "Also you do know who you're asking to steal for you right you do know who you're asking to steal for you right?" He asked
"I'm trying to prove my client's innocence... we have reports that this guy has something that could turn the tables on the whole case. I know this guy and he has an alibi. Security footage of him at a parking lot three miles from the crime scene and a receipt involving a lamp purchase. If you can distract the guy while Sans searches his home, I could turn this whole thing around." He said.

"One second crap just started." Peter grumbled. He webbed the front of the Mortars with Titanium webbing making them impossible to fire. "So what did you need help with?" He asked.
The leviathans open their mouth and unleashed a blast of scolding hot water at them as the groink soon became water to undo the web as it reformed and pointed it's cannon upwards.
"I'm trying to prove my client's innocence... we have reports that this guy has something that could turn the tables on the whole case. I know this guy and he has an alibi. Security footage of him at a parking lot three miles from the crime scene and a receipt involving a lamp purchase. If you can distract the guy while Sans searches his home, I could turn this whole thing around." He said.
"alright give me a location." Peter said.

The leviathans open their mouth and unleashed a blast of scolding hot water at them as the groink soon became water to undo the web as it reformed and pointed it's cannon upwards.
The water being basically titanium held firm. Peter jumped to canons and punched through them causing extreme damage.
"I was a rare animal I got sold to some rich asshole once but I got lucky Becuase he was Kais first ever target. A solo infiltration mission " SilvEr said
Maya's mom nodded. "and thats how you ended up here" Snow had finished her food and walked out of the kitchen.
"alright give me a location." Peter said.

The water being basically titanium held firm. Peter jumped to canons and punched through them causing extreme damage.
"He lives at (I don't know how Japanese addresses work so insert Japanese address here.), bring me the security footage and receipt immediately." He said "You'll be paid... Are you busy right now?"

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