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Fandom Superheros and Villains

He put his hand over his jaw as he made the ground shake and crack open. By now other assassins had come. One shot a poison dart at Peter.
Peter had sensed the Assassin and positioned themselves just right that they ended up hitting Hades when he dodged.

((Yes it seem impossible but you have to remember the actual leviathan isn't connected to the water image directly as I said it's a puppet for Lilith as her actual self(leviathan) can watch while invisible))
"Anyway there's a fight going on over there...with...fakers?" she said as she points at the building where the fake gods are fighting.
"Oh yeah we're we're saving one of our own from the wannabes." He said.

(Sorry Music, I didnt see your post at first)

Fredrick turned around, stepping in front of Sans as if he was going to protect him. Even though he was mostly just a shield and had no fighting skill whatsoever. "Miss, I ask of you to let me leave with both Sans and Spider-Man" He insists, the design on his forhelm going yellow with caution.
"you weren't supposed to tell her that spidey was here too." Sans said face palming his skullm
"sorry rust bucket, the answer is no." She said as her hair started to turn green. (its ok it happens)

Peter had sensed the Assassin and positioned themselves just right that they ended up hitting Hades when he dodged.

"Oh yeah we're we're saving one of our own from the wannabes." He said.

"you weren't supposed to tell her that spidey was here too." Sans said face palming his skullm

Fredrick looked at Sans, "Oh." He looked at Eve. "Also please ignore my previous statement" Poor Fredrick wasnt used to this whole rescuing thing, nor was he used to being conspicuous. He saw her changing and put out his servos. "Please miss! I only wish to keep my friends safe! I beg of you, do not attack" His weapons were words, and still they were very weak because they were submissive.
Peter had sensed the Assassin and positioned themselves just right that they ended up hitting Hades when he dodged.

"Oh yeah we're we're saving one of our own from the wannabes." He said.

"you weren't supposed to tell her that spidey was here too." Sans said face palming his skullm
Hades got hit by the dart and fell down. A door appeared behind him and Janus picked up his brother and tossed him through the door. He looked at Peter. "care to dance web head?" He spoke in his normal voice.
Fredrick looked at Sans, "Oh." He looked at Eve. "Also please ignore my previous statement" Poor Fredrick wasnt used to this whole rescuing thing, nor was he used to being conspicuous. He saw her changing and put out his servos. "Please miss! I only wish to keep my friends safe! I beg of you, do not attack" His weapons were words, and still they were very weak because they were submissive.
Sans eye began to glow blue. "i had a nice nao and got my energy back.... so i'll this once. do you really think that you want to do this?" He created fifteen gaster blasters that surrounded her.

Hades got hit by the dart and fell down. A door appeared behind him and Janus picked up his brother and tossed him through the door. He looked at Peter. "care to dance web head?" He spoke in his normal voice.
"why not I can break dance like there's no tomorrow." Peter quipped. "I also have a present from my friend Sam. He jumped at Janus and stuck something on his immediately the doors were slammed shut on his bad guy personalities. "My Smart's combined with Sam's telepathic abilities." He said.
Fredrick looked at Sans, "Oh." He looked at Eve. "Also please ignore my previous statement" Poor Fredrick wasnt used to this whole rescuing thing, nor was he used to being conspicuous. He saw her changing and put out his servos. "Please miss! I only wish to keep my friends safe! I beg of you, do not attack" His weapons were words, and still they were very weak because they were submissive.
"you know my daughter always said please to me growing up. 'mom please stop, I want to leave, please let me choice what I wanna do with my life. please let me out of this cage.'" She said all that in a mocking tone. "well tin man, please doesnt get away where with me." Vines burst up from the floor as her eyes changed back to pink, her hair fully green again. They wrapped tightly around Sans and Fredrick.
Sans eye began to glow blue. "i had a nice nao and got my energy back.... so i'll this once. do you really think that you want to do this?" He created fifteen gaster blasters that surrounded her.

"why not I can break dance like there's no tomorrow." Peter quipped. "I also have a present from my friend Sam. He jumped at Janus and stuck something on his immediately the doors were slammed shut on his bad guy personalities. "My Smart's combined with Sam's telepathic abilities." He said.
Janus held his head, not saying anything. The assassins had no idea what was going on. One went over to Janus as another seemed to disappear as they ran off in a direction.
Sans eye began to glow blue. "i had a nice nao and got my energy back.... so i'll this once. do you really think that you want to do this?" He created fifteen gaster blasters that surrounded her.

"why not I can break dance like there's no tomorrow." Peter quipped. "I also have a present from my friend Sam. He jumped at Janus and stuck something on his immediately the doors were slammed shut on his bad guy personalities. "My Smart's combined with Sam's telepathic abilities." He said.

"you know my daughter always said please to me growing up. 'mom please stop, I want to leave, please let me choice what I wanna do with my life. please let me out of this cage.'" She said all that in a mocking tone. "well tin man, please doesnt get away where with me." Vines burst up from the floor as her eyes changed back to pink, her hair fully green again. They wrapped tightly around Sans and Fredrick.

Fredrick winced at the tight grip of the vines. He saw the blasters and his lights went haywire on his forehelm. "No killing please!" He said quickly. "I am sure we can talk this out, so far you refuse to listen to reason but I also refuse to give up on the hope that you may turn away from this behavior and walk the path of mercy" He says.
Fredrick winced at the tight grip of the vines. He saw the blasters and his lights went haywire on his forehelm. "No killing please!" He said quickly. "I am sure we can talk this out, so far you refuse to listen to reason but I also refuse to give up on the hope that you may turn away from this behavior and walk the path of mercy" He says.
"that isn't going to happen. just ask the skeleton." Venus said making her vines try to crush the blasters.
"that isn't going to happen. just ask the skeleton." Venus said making her vines try to crush the blasters.
Bones cut through the vines releasing both of them. "they won't killer..." Sans said. "it's just going to hurt like hell." He said as they all fired on her.

Janus held his head, not saying anything. The assassins had no idea what was going on. One went over to Janus as another seemed to disappear as they ran off in a direction.
"Janus?" Peter asked getting closer.

Fredrick winced at the tight grip of the vines. He saw the blasters and his lights went haywire on his forehelm. "No killing please!" He said quickly. "I am sure we can talk this out, so far you refuse to listen to reason but I also refuse to give up on the hope that you may turn away from this behavior and walk the path of mercy" He says.
"i won't kill her unless she gives me a really good reason." Sans said.
"that isn't going to happen. just ask the skeleton." Venus said making her vines try to crush the blasters.

Bones cut through the vines releasing both of them. "they won't killer..." Sans said. "it's just going to hurt like hell." He said as they all fired on her.

"Janus?" Peter asked getting closer.

"i won't kill her unless she gives me a really good reason." Sans said.

"There is no good reason to kill" Fredrick says, getting worried now. For the enemy. His protocol was so focused on healing people that he hardly distinguished enemy from ally. He just saw someone who needed help.
"There is no good reason to kill" Fredrick says, getting worried now. For the enemy. His protocol was so focused on healing people that he hardly distinguished enemy from ally. He just saw someone who needed help.
Sans sighed. He grabbed Frederick and began to run.
Bones cut through the vines releasing both of them. "they won't killer..." Sans said. "it's just going to hurt like hell." He said as they all fired on her.

"Janus?" Peter asked getting closer.

"i won't kill her unless she gives me a really good reason." Sans said.

"There is no good reason to kill" Fredrick says, getting worried now. For the enemy. His protocol was so focused on healing people that he hardly distinguished enemy from ally. He just saw someone who needed help.
Venus screamed out in pain as she got hit by the blasters.
Bones cut through the vines releasing both of them. "they won't killer..." Sans said. "it's just going to hurt like hell." He said as they all fired on her.

"Janus?" Peter asked getting closer.

"i won't kill her unless she gives me a really good reason." Sans said.
"I don't hear them...myself..." He muttered as the one Assassin that was close to him was trying to figure out what Peter did. The other assassin that ran off earlier was now behind Peter and stabbed him with his blade.
Sans sighed. He grabbed Frederick and began to run.

Venus screamed out in pain as she got hit by the blasters.

Fredrick pulled away from Sans, "You go on ahead, I must tend to her. She's hurt, the burns could be very dangerous" He says, moving back to Venus after the blasters were done with their job. The force and heat of the energy would have burnt her very very badly. He made sure she didnt hit the ground roughly, instead lowering her down. The medicine in his arm released and one servo had a needle in his palm for injecting medicine and the other had gel for exterior burns.

He administered the interior medicine for shock and any damage the force of the energy may have caused. After that he gently covered the burns with the exterior medicine. As soon as it was applied, it started cooling the burns and reducing pain as well as healing them. The interior medicine helped any shock to her brain and repaired what it could.
Fredrick pulled away from Sans, "You go on ahead, I must tend to her. She's hurt, the burns could be very dangerous" He says, moving back to Venus after the blasters were done with their job. The force and heat of the energy would have burnt her very very badly. He made sure she didnt hit the ground roughly, instead lowering her down. The medicine in his arm released and one servo had a needle in his palm for injecting medicine and the other had gel for exterior burns.

He administered the interior medicine for shock and any damage the force of the energy may have caused. After that he gently covered the burns with the exterior medicine. As soon as it was applied, it started cooling the burns and reducing pain as well as healing them. The interior medicine helped any shock to her brain and repaired what it could.
Venus was breathing heavily and was surprisingly still conscious, the plants in the room all sunk back into the floor. She tried getting up. "get away from me." She relaxed a bit feeling the medicine work but still saw Fredrick as her enemy. "I do not need your help. I'm gonna get that skeleton."
Peter had sensed the Assassin and positioned themselves just right that they ended up hitting Hades when he dodged.

"Oh yeah we're we're saving one of our own from the wannabes." He said.

"you weren't supposed to tell her that spidey was here too." Sans said face palming his skullm
Lilith soon gets up "So what are we waiting for." she said and jumps down.
Venus was breathing heavily and was surprisingly still conscious, the plants in the room all sunk back into the floor. She tried getting up. "get away from me." She relaxed a bit feeling the medicine work but still saw Fredrick as her enemy. "I do not need your help. I'm gonna get that skeleton."

"On the contrary, you do need my help. The healing process isnt fully dont yet, movement of the limbs may be a bit painful and stiff" He warned. "I would not advise moving all that much, nor pursuing the one who put you in this situation where I, your apparent enemy, had to help you" He says. "Be warned, if you try it again with intent to kill, I may not heal you again. Being in pain is one thing, but letting someone else die is another. I will not let anyone die"
"On the contrary, you do need my help. The healing process isnt fully dont yet, movement of the limbs may be a bit painful and stiff" He warned. "I would not advise moving all that much, nor pursuing the one who put you in this situation where I, your apparent enemy, had to help you" He says. "Be warned, if you try it again with intent to kill, I may not heal you again. Being in pain is one thing, but letting someone else die is another. I will not let anyone die"
She laughed. "you sound like my daughter. She doesn't let anyone die either. She'll heal them no matter what." She stood fully up, ignoring the pain she was in. "I'll be fine. Apollo will fix me later. I'm going after that skeleton."
"I don't hear them...myself..." He muttered as the one Assassin that was close to him was trying to figure out what Peter did. The other assassin that ran off earlier was now behind Peter and stabbed him with his blade.
Peter's Spider-Sense tingled. He stepped to the side grabbed the blade and broke it before grabbing the assasin's arm using the blades hilts to knock him out. "Janus?" He asked again webbing up the other assassin.

Lilith soon gets up "So what are we waiting for." she said and jumps down.
"I have mental connection with them the fight's over we won." He said.

"On the contrary, you do need my help. The healing process isnt fully dont yet, movement of the limbs may be a bit painful and stiff" He warned. "I would not advise moving all that much, nor pursuing the one who put you in this situation where I, your apparent enemy, had to help you" He says. "Be warned, if you try it again with intent to kill, I may not heal you again. Being in pain is one thing, but letting someone else die is another. I will not let anyone die"
Sans had gone on ahead clearing a path.
She laughed. "you sound like my daughter. She doesn't let anyone die either. She'll heal them no matter what." She stood fully up, ignoring the pain she was in. "I'll be fine. Apollo will fix me later. I'm going after that skeleton."
Sans had escaped from the building and teleported away.
Peter's Spider-Sense tingled. He stepped to the side grabbed the blade and broke it before grabbing the assasin's arm using the blades hilts to knock him out. "Janus?" He asked again webbing up the other assassin.

"I have mental connection with them the fight's over we won." He said.

Sans had gone on ahead clearing a path.
"I can't hear them..myself.." he looked at Peter."what did you do"
Sans had escaped from the building and teleported away.

She laughed. "you sound like my daughter. She doesn't let anyone die either. She'll heal them no matter what." She stood fully up, ignoring the pain she was in. "I'll be fine. Apollo will fix me later. I'm going after that skeleton."

Fredrick figured Sans was already gone. So he just stood up, stepping away from her. "You are stubborn, and in ways that is not praiseworthy. I am sorry for my harsh words but goodness you may get in trouble one of these days" He says, sounding somewhat like he was scolding her. "Please rethink your actions in the future miss"
Peter's Spider-Sense tingled. He stepped to the side grabbed the blade and broke it before grabbing the assasin's arm using the blades hilts to knock him out. "Janus?" He asked again webbing up the other assassin.

"I have mental connection with them the fight's over we won." He said.

Sans had gone on ahead clearing a path.
"Ah oka...oh just remember something stay on my good side and you won't have to see the true horror that I mask." she said as Sam felt something big was watching him causing him to get uncomfortable.
Sans had escaped from the building and teleported away.

Fredrick figured Sans was already gone. So he just stood up, stepping away from her. "You are stubborn, and in ways that is not praiseworthy. I am sorry for my harsh words but goodness you may get in trouble one of these days" He says, sounding somewhat like he was scolding her. "Please rethink your actions in the future miss"
"oh trouble is my middle name. I cause trouble." She smiled before walking slowly to the door.
"I can't hear them..myself.." he looked at Peter."what did you do"
"I shut the door on your evil personalities for a while. It's only temporary unfortunately but I need to get my friends out." He said.

Fredrick figured Sans was already gone. So he just stood up, stepping away from her. "You are stubborn, and in ways that is not praiseworthy. I am sorry for my harsh words but goodness you may get in trouble one of these days" He says, sounding somewhat like he was scolding her. "Please rethink your actions in the future miss"
Peter went to find Fred

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