Roleplay Pet Peeves

Sentence/paragraph minimums/maximums are ridiculous, in any circumstance. No "what-ifs," you cannot make writing any better by writing more. I will happily accept one-liners if they advance the plot forward, instead of four paragraphs of introspect that can easily be interpreted from one action or phrase.

I think it's more of a mirroring issue than strictly speaking a question of writing quality. I mean I've seen this come up a lot and for the most part the people that have a hard - you must write xx amount of words/paragraphs limit are really looking for people that write in the same style or the same length as themselves.

The feeling being if I give you 2 paragraphs and you only give me 1 line of text than you're not putting in as much effort as me.

Or just the idea if your writing the same number of paragraphs as me than likely our writing styles will mesh better.

This is not always entirely true but it does bring up a familiar frustration which Bacon is fluffy Bacon is fluffy goes into below.

The idea that - well I'm putting in the effort to write a paragraph ( or more ) and you're responding with like four words or a measly sentence.

Which can be frustrating because if it happens often enough it gives the appearance of a lack of effort on the part of the person writing the oneliners whereas the person writing more is "putting in all the effort."

Now that being said I think a one-liner every once in awhile is fine. If anything I'm fine with requesting more information from a post if I don't quite have enough to formulate a response.

I do however understand the supreme frustration of working hard on a reply only to get ( what seems like ) a half-assed response in return.

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Sentence/paragraph minimums/maximums are ridiculous, in any circumstance. No "what-ifs," you cannot make writing any better by writing more. I will happily accept one-liners if they advance the plot forward, instead of four paragraphs of introspect that can easily be interpreted from one action or phrase.

I wouldn't accept a one liner willingly. I expect effort whether I'm a player or a gm. If you're going to post a one liner, then you better justify yourself thoroughly as to why you posted a one liner.

It's just a part of rping. There's a balance between fluff and action in an rp post. Showing is always better than telling, but a little telling doesn't hurt. But a one liner neither has room to be fluff or to be action. It's literally just a line of text.

He was frustrated that there was no pizza, therefore he threw his tray on the floor.

Leaves a lot to be desired.
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Overuse and abuse of BBcode.

I know you can make things look pretty, but how about making it somewhat... readable? Hiding your text under 0.5 size font and under a thousand clickable drawers and 50 gifs of an asian model isn't going to make it any better. Though, it does appears to attract more attention than anything else on this website.

Maybe I'm just jealous because I can't code to save my life, but I don't really understand how actively making the actual content content harder to look at enhances or improves anything.

Especially with the fact that a phone user most likely won't be able too see it.
My pet peeve has to be when people want to role-playing a Canon/OC pairing in a role-playing but they will not double but they expect you to play a male character for their female.

I don't care about playing a male character but when you expect me to just do it constantly and the Cannon I'm playing has devote their time to paying attention to your OC it gets kind of annoying.

And also when people say "I can't play a male character because I'm a female in real life". I'm a female in real life too, do you think I don't want to play a female also? And then you tell the person maybe you could role-playing with a guy or something and their response is "I feel more comfortable role playing with females".

it's not much of a pet peeve as it is more amusing, but it can get annoying when you really want to role-play something and you are basically put as you can play one character and one character only.
^^^^ All of the things RPFallenAngel1 RPFallenAngel1 said although in my case I don't like doubling either. Mostly because in my experience when people say "we can double up" it's really still more of the same. The whole roleplay is built along what THEY want not what you want.

Even if they say - oh you play a male and i'll play a male for you. They don't really mean it. They just mean - I really want you to play this character that's going to be madly in love with my character and I guess if it means that much to you I'll half ass some character so you can maybe have a little love story of your own.

Like first off I don't really care about gender or romance or any of it in the first place. So being made to play a specific gender doesn't really bother me. It's more the idea that I'm forced to cater to my partners every want when I get no say in the roleplay whatsoever that bothers me.

Plus this idea - oh i can't play this gender because I'm not that gender IRL.

If that is really true ( and sometimes I think it's just an excuse to again make the roleplay all about what they want ) then I nope out of that stuff real quick.

Because that tells to me that you're not really playing characters your making self-inserts so that you can have the romance/fantasy you always wanted and again. It's going to be all about you.

So yeah no all of this.
That moment when someone says they're interested in your RP search but they didn't actually read your original post. You've gotta be kidding me. -_-
If that is really true ( and sometimes I think it's just an excuse to again make the roleplay all about what they want ) then I nope out of that stuff real quick.
I did that for a while, when I first joined, simply because I was afraid of rping male characters 'incorrectly.' And then things took a 180, blah blah blah.. Yyyyeah.

So with some people it's a legitimate fear.
I did that for a while, when I first joined, simply because I was afraid of rping male characters 'incorrectly.' And then things took a 180, blah blah blah.. Yyyyeah.

So with some people it's a legitimate fear.

Well as I said it can be a real fear although in my experience its more often a way to make a roleplay focus only on one person rather than a real inability to do a specific kind of characters,

And even in a situation where it's a real fear I still walk away because it's a basic premise of unfairness.

Because your basically saying I can't do something but I'm expecting my partner to do that very thing.

So basically I can't play the opposite gender myself but I'm expecting my character to do that so I can have the pairing I want.

( I'm not saying like that's something you specifically do I'm talking in general that's the attitude I see in these kinds of roleplay searches which I find very unfair )
Claims of being too 'Busy' or 'tired' to post for long period of time irritate me, because they're basically lies. If you lack the motivation to post, or aren't interested anymore, just say so instead of making excuses and people will likely react better.

Also, collaborative posts.
My pet peeve has to be when people want to role-playing a Canon/OC pairing in a role-playing but they will not double but they expect you to play a male character for their female.

I don't care about playing a male character but when you expect me to just do it constantly and the Cannon I'm playing has devote their time to paying attention to your OC it gets kind of annoying.

And also when people say "I can't play a male character because I'm a female in real life". I'm a female in real life too, do you think I don't want to play a female also? And then you tell the person maybe you could role-playing with a guy or something and their response is "I feel more comfortable role playing with females".

it's not much of a pet peeve as it is more amusing, but it can get annoying when you really want to role-play something and you are basically put as you can play one character and one character only.
I would lose half my motivation if I couldn't play my favorite waifu. And reinvent my favorite girl character into something else.
Well as I said it can be a real fear although in my experience its more often a way to make a roleplay focus only on one person rather than a real inability to do a specific kind of characters,

And even in a situation where it's a real fear I still walk away because it's a basic premise of unfairness.

Because your basically saying I can't do something but I'm expecting my partner to do that very thing.

So basically I can't play the opposite gender myself but I'm expecting my character to do that so I can have the pairing I want.

( I'm not saying like that's something you specifically do I'm talking in general that's the attitude I see in these kinds of roleplay searches which I find very unfair )
I mean I did branch out of it very quickly in like the fifth RP I ever did on this site (all the others before that died REALLY fast) and if someone had asked me to I would've gone "ah sure why not" haha but I also see very much where you come from lol, definitely.

Anyways my RP pet peeve is actually something I'm trying to dig myself out of right now, which is cringey writing. I go back to older posts of mine, especially in On The Run (that RP where I started playing male characters) and I'm just like dying of shame like "How did I even write this"... archur archur can tell you all about that lol. (Also I wanna hear his peeves because he cracks me up)

And I still do it sometimes but I feel like I'm getting better.. it's people making no effort to improve that irk me.
Collaborative posts? What are those?
Dunno if he's talking about the same thing, but there used to be something called titan pad. You could start a session, send a link so that two or more people can write on one document.

I'm sure there's other ways of doing it, but I've only seen it used once.
I mean I did branch out of it very quickly in like the fifth RP I ever did on this site (all the others before that died REALLY fast) and if someone had asked me to I would've gone "ah sure why not" haha but I also see very much where you come from lol, definitely.

Anyways my RP pet peeve is actually something I'm trying to dig myself out of right now, which is cringey writing. I go back to older posts of mine, especially in On The Run (that RP where I started playing male characters) and I'm just like dying of shame like "How did I even write this"... archur archur can tell you all about that lol. (Also I wanna hear his peeves because he cracks me up)

And I still do it sometimes but I feel like I'm getting better.. it's people making no effort to improve that irk me.
heheh. I write Leo a little better now, he's still the shithead we all know and love.

Honestly I really don't like when people traveling from one place to another defy the laws of physics and get there without letting time pass. IE: My characters walk for weeks to get from kingdom a to kingdom b. Peeve's character rides a horse from kingdom a to kingdom z in a day, then goes from z back to a, and flies from a to kingdom f in the span of a few hours.


Oh, I also really don't like Telekinesis combined with prescience. How the fuck do you stop somebody who can see the future, and can hold bullets in the air without much danger to themself. The only way you can really stop that is a invisible, floating, sonic speed assassin, an invisible sniper, or a nuke. THAT'S IT. It's hard to deal with that sort of utter cheese.
Dunno if he's talking about the same thing, but there used to be something called titan pad. You could start a session, send a link so that two or more people can write on one document.

I'm sure there's other ways of doing it, but I've only seen it used once.
There's this great thing called etherpad, which functions most of the same way mefinks. Check it out, it's what I've been doing for collabs.
Specifically to Fandom RP, and mainly more of a personal issue, not finding being able to find a good RP for a fandom you like, but not quite having the skill to make your own.
Writing a huge introduction to someone, full of excitement and questions, and getting a one word reply.
Writing a huge introduction to someone, full of excitement and questions, and getting a one word reply. That's annoying. Once I made a introduction where the person told me it was too long they didn't read it which was obvious since the intro started off in a city and they started their post in a forest with their neko character searching for a bear.

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