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Fantasy A Nation In Havoc OOC (2.0)

A little random, but how many of the characters here are sadists?
A little late but Decius a little bit. You know with him chopping people in half and etc. He wont go out of his way to commit violent acts when there isn't the need for them but when he is in a position where he can be violent he wiol take advantage.
may have looked at the eclipse without the glasses. My eyes feel like I've been staring at a computer screen for a whole day at max brightness.... at least I'm not blind/seeing black spots.
I'll probably post again after the joint post from you three. The_Omega_Effect The_Omega_Effect , after Decius's late night bender, would you say it's reasonable to think your character will be snoring loudly in a room nearby Raimi's in the early morning? I want to have her note his loud snoring, but wanted to run that by you first.

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