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Fantasy Engranussian Younger Years (CLOSED)

Graham clapped once it was over before looking to Reaver. "Alright, buddy ol' pal. Grab the machete and slice this cake apart!"

Shaking the sticks to ensure the fire was completely out, Reaver then grinned before looking to Akumu and the others as he grabbed the knife. "Alright, you get first pick on what pieces you all want." He'd state while Adrian and Zuzana got the plates ready. Akumu would then cut the pieces desired of the three, setting them on the plates.
Shaking the sticks to ensure the fire was completely out, Reaver then grinned before looking to Akumu and the others as he grabbed the knife. "Alright, you get first pick on what pieces you all want." He'd state while Adrian and Zuzana got the plates ready. Akumu would then cut the pieces desired of the three, setting them on the plates.

Graham put the pieces on the plates and gave them plastic forks. He then set them all down at a smaller table next to the adult table and set their plates by them. "Welp, go on ahead, eat and get that crazy kid energy."
Graham put the pieces on the plates and gave them plastic forks. He then set them all down at a smaller table next to the adult table and set their plates by them. "Welp, go on ahead, eat and get that crazy kid energy."

Dei-Loki and Malvo nodded quickly before having begun to eat, Akumu sitting with them.

"They may need that bouncy castle again, after this." Reaver snickered.
Dei-Loki and Malvo nodded quickly before having begun to eat, Akumu sitting with them.

"They may need that bouncy castle again, after this." Reaver snickered.

Graham laughed, nodding. "Good thing we have a big backyard too so that they can be free."
Graham laughed, nodding. "Good thing we have a big backyard too so that they can be free."

"Yep! A big open yard where they can wreak all sorts of havoc without getting into too much trouble."
Graham sniffled, "i thought you would never ask!" He hugged Reaver to him as he remained seated.

Reaver blushed a tad bit from the hug, but grinned as he cut Graham a piece. "Anyone else? Zuzu? Adrian?"

"Ivan would." Ivan grinned, waiting patiently at the table.
Reaver blushed a tad bit from the hug, but grinned as he cut Graham a piece. "Anyone else? Zuzu? Adrian?"

"Ivan would." Ivan grinned, waiting patiently at the table.

Graham pulled Reaver onto his lap and plucked a piece of cake from his plate onto his fork and gently put it against his lips. "Sorry Ivan, you gotta get your own plate. I can't let go of this cutie~."
Graham pulled Reaver onto his lap and plucked a piece of cake from his plate onto his fork and gently put it against his lips. "Sorry Ivan, you gotta get your own plate. I can't let go of this cutie~."

Reaver widened his eyes a tad at that, blushing as he looked from Graham to Ivan with a smirk and a nod. "Yep. Sorry, Ivan."

Ivan quirked his brow, shrugging it off as he cut his own piece.
Reaver widened his eyes a tad at that, blushing as he looked from Graham to Ivan with a smirk and a nod. "Yep. Sorry, Ivan."

Ivan quirked his brow, shrugging it off as he cut his own piece.

He ate his piece before putting a bit of cake back on his force and putting it against Reaver's lips. "Eh? Want some, babe?"
He ate his piece before putting a bit of cake back on his force and putting it against Reaver's lips. "Eh? Want some, babe?"

Looking to the forkful, Reaver widened his eyes a tad more. 'Reaver. REAVER. FuCKING DO SOMETHING.' Reaver then took his bite from the fork, his ears perking a tad as the voice in his head, belonging to himself, had squealed towards the shared fork.
Looking to the forkful, Reaver widened his eyes a tad more. 'Reaver. REAVER. FuCKING DO SOMETHING.' Reaver then took his bite from the fork, his ears perking a tad as the voice in his head, belonging to himself, had squealed towards the shared fork.

Graham took the fork down and ate a piece of cake. He swallowed before looking towards Ivan. "So did you bring something for the kids?"
Graham took the fork down and ate a piece of cake. He swallowed before looking towards Ivan. "So did you bring something for the kids?"

Ivan turned his attention to Graham, smiling big. "Of course Ivan brought something for little ones! Ivan did not just come for cake, you know."
"What does it matter? When it comes to family of Ivan's, nothing is too pricey." Ivan's grin remained.

Graham gave a smile, nodding. Inside he was, "you son of a fucking bitch. I better have gotten them something better than your ass." He then looked back to the kids. "Are you all done with your cake?"
Graham gave a smile, nodding. Inside he was, "you son of a fucking bitch. I better have gotten them something better than your ass." He then looked back to the kids. "Are you all done with your cake?"

The twins looked up, cake covering their faces as they smiled and nodded quickly. Akumu also having nodded.
The twins looked up, cake covering their faces as they smiled and nodded quickly. Akumu also having nodded.

"Well then can you throw your trash away in that big trash bag right there and then we'll get the presents?" He pointed to a trash bag that was tied to post.
"Well then can you throw your trash away in that big trash bag right there and then we'll get the presents?" He pointed to a trash bag that was tied to post.

The three nodded, Akumu handing his sister and brother a couple of napkins. "You guys clean yer faces. I've got the trash." Akumu assured, gathering up the plates and forks and, eventually, the napkins once the twins wiped their faces. A smile on his face as he watched them run over before he brought the trash to the trash bag.
The three nodded, Akumu handing his sister and brother a couple of napkins. "You guys clean yer faces. I've got the trash." Akumu assured, gathering up the plates and forks and, eventually, the napkins once the twins wiped their faces. A smile on his face as he watched them run over before he brought the trash to the trash bag.

Graham smiled before ruffling Akumu's hair. "You're such a good brother. Let's go get these gifts open, eh?" He then looked to Reaver, patting his leg."I hate to say this, but can you get up, babe?"
Graham smiled before ruffling Akumu's hair. "You're such a good brother. Let's go get these gifts open, eh?" He then looked to Reaver, patting his leg."I hate to say this, but can you get up, babe?"

Akumu smiled at that, curling his tail as he nodded.

Reaver glanced to Graham's hand, inhaling, he spoke; "Yeah." He'd then scoot forward just a tad so his feet would touch the floor before he'd then manage to stand.
Akumu smiled at that, curling his tail as he nodded.

Reaver glanced to Graham's hand, inhaling, he spoke; "Yeah." He'd then scoot forward just a tad so his feet would touch the floor before he'd then manage to stand.

Graham stood up next, scooting behind Reaver before heading towards the gift table. "C'mon now! We're going to do one at a time so that way your parents can get the pictures okay?"
Graham stood up next, scooting behind Reaver before heading towards the gift table. "C'mon now! We're going to do one at a time so that way your parents can get the pictures okay?"

The three gave their excited 'okays!' before they'd quickly move to follow their uncle. Reaver having snickered as be made his way over to help.

"You got the camera?" Zuzana asked her husband as she'd gone over with him and the others.

"Riiiight here." Adrian grinned, lifting the camera into view as he followed his wife.

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