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Fantasy The Lost Book OOC

I don't see why you are surprised about me taking liberties. this is all the stuff you said about the book.
All characters will start with finding an antique book (how you find it is up to you). As your character examines it and begins to read they will be sucked inside the book itself bringing them into the kingdom of Ariael. (where you end up in the kingdom is entirely up to you). Your character will no nothing about this strange land they find themselves in.

I hit all of those check marks just fine.Here is another reference to the book that just repeats what is above.
The book has summoned all magic users from all dimensions good and evil alike. You do not know why you have been summoned to this place and since Calcifer rise to power magic users from Ariael has either been killed by his hand or have fled.

This was the last thing I found, and it also doesn't cause an issues.
The one major change I made to the play start is that instead of multiple books there is only one. The set up is that each player will have a page of the book and if they want to get back to their world (this will come into play later) then you have to put the book together.

Now that that is out of the way. Would you mind explaining that first paragraph, you lost me during the long ramble. Also would you mind sharing the main plot. I can't follow your grand design if I don't know what it is.

Ps. not angry. I just want to figure out what your wanting, and back my words up in the process.
Enolx Enolx

Desert Rose Desert Rose Has the proper wording but I don't think it's expanded upon enough for it to be easily understood. To put it properly, I'll make reference of a few sections of your post, as I'm sitting right next to her physically, were discussing things to make sure the story flows cohesively, Your post is excellent, but there's a point that might disrupt the latter half of it unfortunately for the rest of the plays cohesion.

Moments after Smooth left a woman who seemed out of her mind drunk sat where Smooth had been. "That was a crazy story you just said," She stated with a little slurring "You should hear my story, it's way better than that. I come from a family of archaeologists and my grandpa told me about a book that could take you to other worlds. My dad said he found it, but it got stolen from him. It has been my goal to find that book since I was six. If you really did all that you said you did, getting that book should be easy. Please can you help me."

In the above section you can see where she mentions the book. The problem with this is, how would ANYONE know that the book was taking people to other worlds when no one has returned from it and it's targeting spellcasters. The book itself activates upon being read, thus, anyone who reads even a single letter off of it's pages, would be drawn in, there wouldn't be any knowledge of how it works, what it does, or anyone who knows that it pulls people into another dimension or other worlds.

As Rose said, you can set up to where the book she's talking about is a different book possibly, or that she's brought the wrong book by mistake. But the details of this specific book, would be unknown to ANYONE who encounters it besides Calcifer so as to create a plot generating item rather than allow someone to simply say, "Hey, don't open that book, it'll take you to another world and you won't be able to escape blah blah blah."

Then there's this part.

After a few failed tries and a bunch of nonsense meditation Angelo finally heard the woman yip as the touched to book for the first time. "I did it," the woman said "You have to see this." Angelo raised his head from where it had been resting on his arms and looked up to see the book opened in front of his face. The words swirled on the page creating a black hole of letters and symbols. "In the land of disorder you are it's balance," the woman said "Return the scale to it's proper position."

The woman read that part. She would get sucked in as well. ANYTHING would, Human, Mage, Deity, anything that reads a single letter off of it's pages is pulled in. That's the way the spell works.

I honestly love your post, it's top tier quality, really, it's fantastic, but these holes here are gateways for abuse that need to be fixed.

My suggestion, is that you follow the path Rose laid out to you, where your female NPC is describing a different book, and perhaps your character pulled The Lost Book instead. That, or, with the notes were adding in now (To kind of prevent this in latter joining's) You can observe that the book is only able to be opened by those with high affinity for magic, and tailor your post in that she had the book, but is unable to open it, and then when he touches it, its able to then be opened. Not necessarily held shut by a lock, but simply that the pages will not open, as though they've been glued shut.

This is the last thing I need to touch on.
The words swirled on the page creating a black hole of letters and symbols. "In the land of disorder you are it's balance," the woman said "Return the scale to it's proper position."

Where did this quote come from? Is it intended to be something within the story that's being laid out? Because as far as I'm aware, the plot hasn't been discussed outside of verbal discussions between Rose and I face to face, so I'm unaware as to where this snippet of lore came from.

Again, Love the post, but we need to sew these holes shut before others slip through them and find themselves breaking reality.
Petroshka Petroshka Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow Kazanna Kazanna Enolx Enolx The Comet The Comet Prrrgadilly Prrrgadilly jole875 jole875 ProRPer ProRPer @Baku HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest ZevVeli ZevVeli

since it has come up I made some clarifications about the book itself and the spell on it. As well as an important detail you will need to know.

The Lost Book Spell: How this spell works- The book will inherently seek out its victims (mwahahahaha) Seek out all spellcasters. It was only suppose to go throughout the universe that Ariael is currently however due to unknown flaws it was sent through different dimensions. Only magic users can open the book. Although there isn't a physical lock on the book those who cannot wield magic will be unable to open the book. Your character will be able to open it no problem and read. Once the letters are read you will be sucked into the book and into Ariael's dimension.

You will then have a page of the book upon your person automatically whether you choose to make mention of it is up to you. However, you can do what you want with the page. Whether you choose to keep it or not is entirely up to your character.

That is all. Thank you.

You all are doing great! I love the posts so far and am glad for everyone's patience as the kinks get worked out.
Alright dope lets get this started. For the first quote, that was about the god of my world getting me to summon Calcifer's book. I set her up like a normal god who has omniscience, as most well believed gods in our world are said to be able too. That whole backstory was just a ploy to get Angelo to summon the book. So to answer your question of how she knows about the book, she is an omniscience god, she knows everything in my universe.

Second quote time. She never read the book. She just showed it to Angelo. Her goal the whole time was to get Angelo sucked into the book. It's the same as the trick with the old maze computer game. You heard that there was a jump scare at the end, so you get your friend to play it while you watch them get surprised. You didn't have to see the scare to get your friend to fall for it. Anyway, the take away for the second quote is that she didn't read the book since she already knew what it would do, she just opened it in front of Angelo.

As for the last quote. That is the ramblings of a god, about the purpose of sending him to the other world, and the job of the trickster. It is something I added to play with later if I felt like it. It gives my character purpose and a reason not to just up and leave the world at his first chance. Note, that it is actually really easy because of his power.

Now here are some things of my own. First, since the god of my universe will never probably appear in this new universe, I doubt that her super op abilities will cause any story issues. The character that is actually apart of the story still follows all your guidelines. Also I doubt that you would allow a player character to be omniscience, so there would be no player that can use that as a loop hole.

Second, it sounds like you are not wanting me to come up with random lore. If that is the case, please tell me all of your lore, so I have something to work with. If not, I will have little choice but to continue to shape the world around me off of the little information I have. I can't avoid a mine field if I don't know there are mines.

Thrid, and this is not to deflect or anything, just to bring it to your attention. You do know that one of the other characters literally read the book right? You said that the book would pull in gods. They read the book say that if you read it you will be sucked into the book, and said it was too lowly to work on them.

Last, my character can't accidentally pull the wrong book, he can only summon what his audience believes. That is one of the major limiters on his powers. So he would end up pulling exactly what the woman wanted him to, or nothing at all.

I think that covers everything. If I missed something let me know.
Petroshka Petroshka Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow Kazanna Kazanna Enolx Enolx The Comet The Comet Prrrgadilly Prrrgadilly jole875 jole875 ProRPer ProRPer @Baku HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest ZevVeli ZevVeli

since it has come up I made some clarifications about the book itself and the spell on it. As well as an important detail you will need to know.

That is all. Thank you.

You all are doing great! I love the posts so far and am glad for everyone's patience as the kinks get worked out.

I'ma use it for creating defensive runes against that sort of magic. Muwahahahaha!
Alright dope lets get this started. For the first quote, that was about the god of my world getting me to summon Calcifer's book. I set her up like a normal god who has omniscience, as most well believed gods in our world are said to be able too. That whole backstory was just a ploy to get Angelo to summon the book. So to answer your question of how she knows about the book, she is an omniscience god, she knows everything in my universe.

Second quote time. She never read the book. She just showed it to Angelo. Her goal the whole time was to get Angelo sucked into the book. It's the same as the trick with the old maze computer game. You heard that there was a jump scare at the end, so you get your friend to play it while you watch them get surprised. You didn't have to see the scare to get your friend to fall for it. Anyway, the take away for the second quote is that she didn't read the book since she already knew what it would do, she just opened it in front of Angelo.

As for the last quote. That is the ramblings of a god, about the purpose of sending him to the other world, and the job of the trickster. It is something I added to play with later if I felt like it. It gives my character purpose and a reason not to just up and leave the world at his first chance. Note, that it is actually really easy because of his power.

Now here are some things of my own. First, since the god of my universe will never probably appear in this new universe, I doubt that her super op abilities will cause any story issues. The character that is actually apart of the story still follows all your guidelines. Also I doubt that you would allow a player character to be omniscience, so there would be no player that can use that as a loop hole.

Second, it sounds like you are not wanting me to come up with random lore. If that is the case, please tell me all of your lore, so I have something to work with. If not, I will have little choice but to continue to shape the world around me off of the little information I have. I can't avoid a mine field if I don't know there are mines.

Thrid, and this is not to deflect or anything, just to bring it to your attention. You do know that one of the other characters literally read the book right? You said that the book would pull in gods. They read the book say that if you read it you will be sucked into the book, and said it was too lowly to work on them.

Last, my character can't accidentally pull the wrong book, he can only summon what his audience believes. That is one of the major limiters on his powers. So he would end up pulling exactly what the woman wanted him to, or nothing at all.

I think that covers everything. If I missed something let me know.

After such clarification, I now understand your post more accurately and I actually like it even more, I have no issues at this point.

As for the other character that read the book, we addressed that with her verbally as we were examining your post to try to make sure there wasn't a loophole. Your post actually helped clarify that the other characters post was truant, where's yours is just a teensy bit hard to understand entirely.

Either way, with that detail, I'm happy personally. Makes sense to me.

Just gonna put it out there, in case you didn't see it.

My second character IS a god.

oh trust me, I saw. I am ready to ignore the crap out of that wildfire.
its fine though, he's not gonna have ANY powers at all. Just massive physical ability. Least not for a while.
So if anyone is confused as to how my character is using his powers right out of the gate, I've discussed with Rose. He has his powers because his spells are carved into his bones and flesh, his equipment is on his body, it's part of him. Disabling his powers would require the removal of most of his bones. So I'm basically putting it in that his artifact is his dagger, which is still hidden inside his body.
Petroshka Petroshka Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow Kazanna Kazanna Enolx Enolx The Comet The Comet Prrrgadilly Prrrgadilly jole875 jole875 ProRPer ProRPer @Baku HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest ZevVeli ZevVeli Balfnaught1 Balfnaught1

Help me out friends.... If your character has an object they use for source of power please state it here. If you don't have one then just say you don't have one so I know who to work with regarding objects.
Ok I thought about it. This is my idea. Balfnaught can feel the power of the world but can't actually manipulate it until he has an object. He still has his physical strength though, as that is not reliant on any magic. You wrote that there are many beasts and creatures within the Ellwood Forest, so I'm thinking he'll eventually kill a strong one and take a trophy, and that will be his object.
Zekes' object is his bone knife mainly, but also his bones give him his spells.

Arachnos has no object as of yet. Probably wont get one.
Ok I thought about it. This is my idea. Balfnaught can feel the power of the world but can't actually manipulate it until he has an object. He still has his physical strength though, as that is not reliant on any magic. You wrote that there are many beasts and creatures within the Ellwood Forest, so I'm thinking he'll eventually kill a strong one and take a trophy, and that will be his object.

Perfect :)

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