Experiences BEST Roleplay Experiences?


"Confused and fungal"
Roleplay Type(s)
So here I am once more. Daisie, your local Demon Dragon. And I've seen a few threads about your worst RP experiences going around, coming around, doing their thing. But what about best RP experiences? Was there a scene that was just so awesome/emotional? Do you have a RP partner that you absolutely adore? Do you have a brilliant character? Maybe your character and somebody else's go together like bread and butter! Post your cool experiences here.

I'm sure I have some awesome experiences to share.... Buut none are coming to mind right now. Besides, I want to hear 'bout yours! :3
A current roleplay I have with Feyre Feyre is so good that I dropped another roleplay entirely (because I'm a bad person) and devoted all of my energy into it.

Detailed to my liking, great characters, and chemistry between them. The world is also just so open that world building is fairly easy and fun. I think we're near 50 replies with it. It was also so good that I wrote a side fiction about one of my characters' backstory.

It's just a really nice roleplay.
I have this long term RP partner that actually got me into it. We had these two characters that eventually became a couple, but it was just so meant to be. So much so that everyone in the group had been shipping it for over a month, pretty sure one cried when they finally made it official xD
Her character is this loud mouthed, hard headed, friends come first kind of girl, who sometimes gets in way over her head . My character acts as her quiet rock, grounding her and calming her down, only speaking when he feels it's necessary. He puts her above all else, even almost died during a war we created. Was epic. I still ship them <3
I pitched one of my serious roleplay ideas in a request thread that my best friend, didn't know him at the time, answered. It was fun because we threw plot twists at each other, our characters had great chemistry, and no matter if we got busy we could pick up the story.
I had a long term RP lasting for nearly eight years. It was a well fleshed out story with a large ensemble of characters and it ended like a good book.

A once in a life experience that I'll never have again and forever grateful for the journey. Rest in peace my friend.
I once genuinely had a very fun roleplay going in Arma it was a really weird Russian Invasion of Afghanistan type of thing, me and a few friends joined and in a span of an hour our starting platoon was down to me and two other guys, we ended up meeting at a rendezvous point and debriefing, but the five minutes of hopping over crops and fields started getting really creepy, I got it into my mind that some random ass Russian APC was going to rush us.

Later we got absolutely slaughtered on a search and destroy, heavy machine guns are scary af.
Currently have a Fallout one going on with YaraGF YaraGF . It's one of the longest multi-paragraphed RP's with each post ranging in from 600-1000 words with about 173 posts between each of us.

Best RP I've ever had and I couldn't ask for a better one.
Any major fantasy roleplay I GM, provided I feel determined enough to be a persistent dick and prod the players constantly to ensure their stay. These are good roleplay experiences. I don't wanna boast, but they're some of the better ones I've had and I think people would agree.

It usually goes like this:
>Roleplay starts out with 10-15 players who claim "interest"
>Some action and no character development gets done
>7-8 players leave
>The very few, usually 4-5 players left are actually good role players
>We share ideas in OOC and execute them as arcs and actually communicate
>Finally, character development. The cogs move slowly but surely
>We also ship characters and ask each other for fanservice (not joking on this, lol)
>We have numerous adventures and stories, each one bizarre and full of crazy, light-hearted (or tragic) bullshit in one way or another
>Sometimes we do comedy instead, depends on the mood at the moment
>I recruit 1-3 more players that are good friends of mine so we have a few more players over the course of the roleplay as to increase the party pool
>Our adventures grow progressively more epic and characters go from "mild person" to "famous badass warrior" over the course of the RP
>When we are finally full, we close the RP by ending it with one, fulfilling, but long arc (this happened many times and will happen many times)

Some moments

Tyranny of King Valerian (an old work I GMed)​
There was a Swamp Strider, who was basically a kind of pet of ours, called Sakaga. Well, she died, and everyone cried. Not joking. But then she returned and kicked for another 50 years before retiring calmly. Not joking. And in the sequel she rammed one of the villains in the nutsack, basically obliterating him and letting us get to the big bad.

Another thing that's kind of more funny and ironic is actually very recent.​
We had a very anti-social character by the name of Arya, who I shipped with Johnathan, the character of another one of the players. So, the thing with Arya is that she was a half-dragon and didn't trust humans because humans are assholes (who can blame her?) In order to get her to open up, I made a character that is roughly about as much hated as half-dragons. It worked. She actually liked the guy, (but she hides her emotions) and then, when Dante (said character) was accused of black magic and almost burnt at the stake, she and her friends went full rescue mode. Arya was pretty pissed.

Nonetheless, war broke out between the Inquisition and the Rescue party. And then Dante managed to use his "black" magic gifts to break off of the stake. Unfortunately, he didn't rescue his mother in time, who was burned under the suspicion of being a witch and mothering the son of a malevolent demon. The woman died in his arms and he cried silently. But this angered Arya even more than HIM, because she's actually capable of relating all too much. So she turned into the dragon and destroyed half the city.

When she turned BACK into her human form, she didn't have clothes. Because guess what, human-sized clothing doesn't fit onto a dragon. It gets ripped up. So Dante thanks her promptly by offering a previously stolen jacket to cover her, then hands her a charm from her mother that she dropped when she shifted...

And she developed a distant crush for the guy. And that's the story of how I unintentionally destroyed my favorite ship in the RP.

Later, in the OOC, I wrote a "romantic" poem about the two of them. Sung from Arya's POV.
(No matter what you might think - the lyrics fit in. Trust me.)
@Rin Nyx

"Calm me Maybe" by Arya Tinuviel

I threw a man in the well
Don't ask me I'll never tell
I looked at you as he fell
And now you're in my way

I trade my soul for a wish
Pennies and dimes for a kick (to the pancreas)
I wasn't looking for this
But now you're in my way

Your stare was holding
Ripped shirt
Scars were showing (on his back)
Hot night (stake?)
Wind was blowing
Where you think you're going baby?

Hey I just met you
And I went crazy
But I'm a dragon
So take cover maybe
It's hard to look right at you baby
But here's the carnage
So join me maybe

Hey I just met you
And hunters are crazy
But here's my necklace
And all the other boys (as in: hunters)
Try to chase me
But here's Sapphira
So calm me maybe

You took your time to calm [me down]
I took no time with the fall
You gave me nothing at all [except for the jacket and necklace, thanks!]
But still you're in my way...... (and so on)

Grandpa Birdsie would be happy to tell more stories, but I don't feel like it right now.
There was a RP I did where we were exchanging long replies- greater than 4-5 times a day. We really were into the story. There wasn't anything spectacular about it but they were a really good writer and our characters just clicked. There is something awesome about being so connected to a RP like that. We had a really good story going up until they broke it off.
Shit, most of my good Rp experience came from rping with some great friends I made here on the site! Most from my early dark days when I was a complete noob at rping. Some of my great memories are from my own Rps, sadly they all died badly. My favorite Rp I made was this Pokemon Rp set in a setting kind of similar to Pokemon Conquest except it was more like the origins of the Pokemon world with Knights and stuff. The best memories was just making the Rp with my fellow mods and the ideas were flowing. Sadly after an update the Rp died but it will always be my favorite one because it was the most detailed I ever had.

I just wish I could get into an Rp with all my friends and we'd really have a blast! :D also hi Birdsie Birdsie
Shit, most of my good Rp experience came from rping with some great friends I made here on the site! Most from my early dark days when I was a complete noob at rping. Some of my great memories are from my own Rps, sadly they all died badly. My favorite Rp I made was this Pokemon Rp set in a setting kind of similar to Pokemon Conquest except it was more like the origins of the Pokemon world with Knights and stuff. The best memories was just making the Rp with my fellow mods and the ideas were flowing. Sadly after an update the Rp died but it will always be my favorite one because it was the most detailed I ever had.

I just wish I could get into an Rp with all my friends and we'd really have a blast! :D also hi Birdsie Birdsie
one of my favorite roleplays would have to be with YaraGF YaraGF as well, Borkus Lazorus Borkus Lazorus . Even though she might not have been happy with her initial post length, she put so much effort and time into improving it, and honestly she's one of the only roleplayers i've seen that has truly put forth that much effort, and it was really touching on my part to see how much she cared about it. at the moment, we are currently at about 263 posts, each being multi-paragraphs.

beyond that, she's also pushed me further as a writer in both technical skills as well as stamina, with a good period of our posts ranging between 2000 and 3000 words. she's also an adorably sweet person to talk to ^-^

honestly, i love our characters and this roleplay is probably going to live in my inbox forever aha. this is the most fun i've had in a long time in roleplaying, and thank you for it ^-^ also: congrats, you're also the longest roleplay i've had in terms of post number aha.. my interest has never ever lasted this long for me to sustain a roleplay XD
So this one time I had an RP where my current main (a street rat) met a runaway princess, was unaware that she was a princess (but had a pretty good idea something was kinda weird and that she was too posh, he figured maybe some sort of abusive family), took her under his wing -- so far, very cliche but a very fun one for both me and my RP partner, yes?

Then they found her. And arrested my char for kidnapping. and i'm like WOAH REALISTIC CONSEQUENCES. And he's convinced he's going to hang. And she's trying to pull strings so that he won't. And even after he was freed and became a ward of the kindgom it became this really interesting THING because he has no experience with posh life and genuinely doesn't understand, say, "why is that plate covered in this weird silvery half-globe thing with a handle? how is there so much GLASS in this place? WHAT THE HELL ARE BATH SALTS" -- let alone more major things, and there was this delightful subplot where she had an arranged marriage to a villain I was also playing, and it was just

(it got ruined with the introduction of romance)
(but i often try to recapture the magic of this RP)
My first roleplay I got introduced to with 3 friends. It lasted 8 months and we did it over docs. It was a steampunk roleplay with so much crazy I can't begin to describe all that happened. All I can say is that it ended in a weird note.
-steps up to podium, taps hesitantly on mic-

I hope this is like one of those things where you can brag on all the amazing RPs and partners you have? Cause man I've hit the jackpot here.

Gah how do I start? D:

Whatever here I go. Leyara Leyara and I have this amazing RP with this vast, complex world with a vibrant and diverse cast of characters. World-building has never been so fun, y'all. While it's slowed down a bit, we have built ourselves a world in which we could RP for ages: writing past our characters' stories, playing events that happened in their histories. Plus sometimes she does lovely art for it, solidifying my love for these bbs. <3 it's a winner.

SplendaWeReGoingDown SplendaWeReGoingDown has one of the most intriguing, mysterious characters I've ever seen! My character and I both just scratch our heads like "what" and it's the best thing ever. Sometimes I'll just stare out the window and wonder what that character is up to. Plus my partner has these amazing playlists she shares with me! So imaginative, so fun.

Then Sia Sia and I have somehow created the cutest OTP ever. Seriously, haven't shipped two characters this hard in a while. Like they'd definitely earn the Cutest Couple spot in the senior yearbook. Additionally, this RP has definitely made me a better writer, due to my partner's amazing writing skillz. I always grab a snack when I read this RP, cause I get so many feels. I've cried more than once, and I'll have you know I watched The Notebook without a tear. It even has the potential to be a tragedy, in more ways than one. Love it. <3

Faraine Faraine hasnt been on in a while, but hot damn I love the RP we have going. We only have a few posts, and it might be dead, but damn it was good while it lasted. Very immersive, with gorgeous writing and interesting character interactions. Plz come back <.<

Then we have Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum who took my insane pirate obsession and made it wayyyyy worse. This RP has it all: amazing magic systems, intense drama, fighting, dancing, f l i r t i n g, tempests, shade-throwing contests, mermaids, rum, and y'all, we haven't even gotten that far. For this being fantasy, her characters are so damn realistic. I'm over here like "yeah, you right, that's exactly how mermaids are." Her masterful writing style really makes me feel like I'm there. I've never wanted to be on a pirate crew so badly. Or watch an RP as a major-motion picture.

Those are just a few. I've had so many amazing, rewarding experiences here, and I'm so so grateful. :D

elusivethought elusivethought has been the best find on here e v e r. Crazy talented writer with such well-written sibling characters sometimes I'm sitting here thinking - yes, my brother and I have done that before. She didn't even know about my weakness for Grumpy Men and now I get to write someone flirting with the grumpy man? YES. THANK.

Not to mention someone as excited and interested in geeking out about building magical structure as myself - there are so many things to love about this RP and i feel absolutely #blessed to have it up and part of my day to day.

I haven't had a chance to RP much in the last year, and finding new ones has been a major part in me sort of 'remembering to focus on myself' and to have found one that's so awesome has just been the literal dream.

I have other rp's i'm too shy to mention just because I don't post publicly like this too often but like - this site has been pretty sweet and it makes it so easy to find and connect w people on similar wavelengths <3
Honestly, it's gotta be the BNHA server my bestie and I made together. Everyone on there is just so nice and the RP is enjoyable and I have absolutely nothing bad to say about it. It continues to give me a lot of muse and it came just in a time when I started to feel shitty about roleplay.
My very first roleplay experience, at 13, took place over on fictionpress.com in what I realize now was a group of people who had roleplayed together before. "New Sovereignty", it was called. We were to colonize a virgin with our nations; not only was this roleplay very tight knit, both in the sense that everyone knew one another and stuck together for 8 months, but I met a really brilliant writer who came up with a unique, very interesting nation called Sesaba and very deep, three dimensional characters. I always love it when I meet another creative person online; this "Del Vento" really inspired me an taught me how to write.

To sum it up briefly, DV created the "Confederacy of Sesaba", a small nation so industrialized and polluted that its people had adapted to its artificial environment. There was no grass, no spot of uncovered ground - everything was covered in stone and plants were reduced to something of myth and legend. The sky was blotted out by black smoke, so they evolved infrared vision and had paper white skin. They could breathe air heavy with co and co2 with no problem, but high levels of oxygen would kill them. Like drafthorses, they evolved thick, heavy bones and strong joints for industrial labor. Here is a link to it.

Reading about Sesaba really got me into worldbuilding, which is a huge passion of mine. Sadly, I ended up killing the RP. I've always had issues with anxiety and I worried that RPing with the group might really upset my mother; I was a kid, it didn't occur to me that when she and other adults warned me not to don things on the internet behind their backs, they were not talking about roleplay. They were talking about meeting strange men online or ending up on adult websites, but I didn't know that. So I left the RP and killed it; I really wish I hadn't. To this day I suppose I've wanted to recreate it; hasn't worked out so far, but that was mostly because of issues in my life distracting me from it. I still read DV's old posts on fictionpress... and I gag at my bad writing XD

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