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Fandom Dragon Ball Omega- Chat

I'm fine with the altereds. I just didn't get a notification so I wasn't updated. To be honest, I like the new matchups more.
Ok cool, I'll get working on a CS then

I don't know when it'll be up. I'd like to say sometime late tonight, but I'm not 100% on that.
So about Saiyans, are they ok or not? While I was reading over the other CS's I noticed you said no Saiyans, but then while I was reading posts on the RP I saw the Saiyan in question. And to make matters more confusing for me I never saw you actually mention why this one was allowed (perhaps I'm just being blind though).

In hopes I would one day find a DBZ RP I created a Saiyan, and with small tweaks, he could probably fit right in with this alternate timeline of yours.
Insect Insect
So about Saiyans, are they ok or not? While I was reading over the other CS's I noticed you said no Saiyans, but then while I was reading posts on the RP I saw the Saiyan in question. And to make matters more confusing for me I never saw you actually mention why this one was allowed (perhaps I'm just being blind though).

In hopes I would one day find a DBZ RP I created a Saiyan, and with small tweaks, he could probably fit right in with this alternate timeline of yours.
Insect Insect
The Saiyans are serving as villans for this arc. Saiyans aren't going to be in the main RP squad and the ones that are currently here will likely die by the end of this arc.
Ok, I guess I'll have to get more creative with it then. lol

I'm going to extend my (most likely false) ETA of getting it up to tomorrow night.
Please God tell me this isn't already dead

I hope not.

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