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Fantasy Light-Hearted Adventure in which a group of bizzare, colorful characters make their way on an advent

Uh...I forgot what this is about.

If you have started the roleplay section, can I get the link?
I'd GM this but...
What this RP (hopefully,) will look like in practice:

Archdemon Archdemon
As our first move, my liege, I suggest that we call down and tag all those who presented interest previously and ask them to represent their bloodlines.
The King of Memes I may be, but I bow before the Emperor of Corruption.
What this RP (hopefully,) will look like in practice:

Archdemon Archdemon
As our first move, my liege, I suggest that we call down and tag all those who presented interest previously and ask them to represent their bloodlines.
The King of Memes I may be, but I bow before the Emperor of Corruption.

Yes! In the name of KEK!!!!
Your call to arms, m'lord.

Well first we must wait for our troops to gather! Or gather new ones if the old don't show!

Necromantic Necromantic CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Totorokoro Totorokoro guul66 guul66 Ranix Aurus Ranix Aurus Alteras Alteras Gizaira Gizaira TheSwimminglyVaporeon TheSwimminglyVaporeon
Alright everyone who's still apart of this thing, name your names, positions, and whom you serve!

I am your BadGuy! The Empress of Grimvoir!

and your companion on behalf of the Elven people!

If we must repost our Character Sheets then we shall!
Yes! In the name of KEK!!!!

Well first we must wait for our troops to gather! Or gather new ones if the old don't show!

Necromantic Necromantic CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Totorokoro Totorokoro guul66 guul66 Ranix Aurus Ranix Aurus Alteras Alteras Gizaira Gizaira TheSwimminglyVaporeon TheSwimminglyVaporeon
Alright everyone who's still apart of this thing, name your names, positions, and whom you serve!

I am your BadGuy! The Empress of Grimvoir!

and your companion on behalf of the Elven people!

If we must repost our Character Sheets then we shall!
Hero/Saviour/Sarcastic-Jerkass Genre Savvy with a Golden Heart present!

Name: Dante Lupercal
  • Knight
  • Hero
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Hero
Sexuality: Heterosexual
High Concept: A good guy, can be kind, or can be sarcastic.
Character Alignment: Neutral Good
Relatives: Unknown
Kingdom of Albion - A Knight!
Personality: Dante can be pretty chill most of the time. He's somewhat laid-back and cool, but without treating real threats as perceived ones and vice versa. He likes making bad puns and jokes. When something uncanny or weird happens, he is likely to make a sarcastic remark about it. Other than that, he is in possession of ardent determination and perseverance. He is a pretty pleasant person to be around... unless you're an evil douchebag, that is! Compassionate and friendly most of the time. Has a quirk of playing with his hair when thinking.
Backstory: Born to the prestigious aristocratic family of Lupercals, he was the new shining gem of the bloodline. It has been quite a while since the Lupercal family had a talented child. By the age of 6, Dante displayed capability in writing, reading and mathematics. At the age of 7, his parents sent him to become a page at a knight's side. Some unconfirmed rumors state that Dante had a sibling.

William Black, one of the knights of Albion accepted Dante as his apprentice and servant - and the two went on many adventures together. William, known as a veteran of fencing, archery, horse riding and combat magic passed on all he knew to young Dante, and by the age of 15, Dante was a squire.

Obtaining latent abilities in all the arts of war and monster-slaying, William was amazed by his new apprentice. Fast forward six years and Dante's Knighting Ceremony took place. No more than a week after, Character B (to be changed when Character B is made) was kidnapped! Dante was among the few people who are now on the quest to save them.
Weapons & Armor:
  • Shield : Dante has a shield that doubles as a shoulder guard.
  • Sword: Dante has an iron sword that can cut through things... obviously.
  • Armor: Dante has protective steel boots and a chainmail tunic below his normal clothing.
  • Bow & Arrow: A quiver full of arrows and an ordinary bow for long range attacks.
Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Magic for Dummies: A magical encyclopedia of sorts. Contains information on alchemical ingredients, magical plants and creatures and other phenomena of this type. A few free spells for the buyer's leisure contained inside.
  • Backpack: Leathery backpack for carrying things around. Seems to have infinite space somehow.
Skills & Abilities:
  • Adept Combatant: Dante has extensive experience in fighting. He can handle several opponents with a sword easily, assuming they are other humanoids with swords and are not excessively powerful. He is also pretty good at archery and horse riding.
  • Peak-Human Condition: Dante is stronger, faster and overall more enduring than most other humans.
  • Resourceful: Good at working with any items available to him.
Spells & Magic:

  • Arcane Jump: Allows for a superhuman jump, up to 20 meters into the air. There are no repercussions from landing, therefore this can technically be abused to fall off of mountains, cliffs and tall buildings without any damage.
    • No Fall Damage: As described above. Pushing him off of a cliff isn't going to do you any good.
  • Divine Guidance: Divine energies flow into Dante's eyes, allowing him to see in the dark, but it also lets him discern secret passages, and even find the best way towards his current goal.
  • Force Punch: A punch enchanted with arcane energies. This punch can destroy walls and bring down huge creatures in one go. Huge cost in mana, so it cannot be used repetitively.
  • Bubble of Protection: Creates a bubble of blue energy that protects everyone inside. It does not let anyone on the outside pass unless Dante allows it. It also protects from arrows, swords, and magic, however, the bigger a bubble is - the faster it will break.
  • Morally Dilemmatic: No, he is okay with raiding a goblin nest and killing said goblins for a hefty money reward. It's the moment when he sees a goblin child before him, begging for mercy is when he will get soft and start having second thoughts about raiding a goblin nest and some goblin assassin pushes a poisoned blade in his back.
  • Magical Dummy: Sure, he might know 4 basic spells that let him perform rather helpful things. But he's not going to know how to protect himself from a magical ritual, or other stuff like that. He is not a mage, he's a swordsman that knows how to cast.
  • Fear of Spiders: He hates the damned things.
  • Instinctual Fighter: Although he is very good at fighting, he tends to be instinctual rather than tactical - relying on intuition and what he's used to, rather than adaptation and tactics. This can obviously change once he understands that the opponent he's fighting will take more than simple sword attacks to beat.
FLUFF (Optional)
  • Completing side quests.
  • Playing games in taverns.
  • Looting the bodies of defeated enemies for spoils of battle!
"That's reasonable." (In a sarcastic tone) - Upon seeing a man claim he will spend all his money on beer.
"For an ice wizard, you need to chill!" - To an angered ice wizard.
"Mmm, seems delightful." (In a sarcastic tone) - Upon seeing a sign that says: 'Nice experience ahead' that leads to a pit full of spikes.
"How can I help?" - Being given a quest.
"On the job." - Shortly afterwards.
"Really? What the hell is wrong with these wolves? Why do they eat expensive metals?" - Upon looting several wolf corpses and seeing golden coins inside.


Additional Notes:
Character A
Name: Vulus Talron

Aliases: Fen'Mi, a nickname the eleven people gave him that translates to "Wolf Blade".

Age: Since Elves live for a very long time You could say ... Is about 1,270 years old and looks like he's in his early to mid twenties.

Gender: Male

Race: Elviris

The Elviris, or the Elves as some people like to say, is an ancient race said to have existed since the dawn of the world itself though whether this is true or not is unknown since such history has been lost. Compared to humans they stand a little shorter but are the most knowledgeable, they are also highly skilled in many things but their combative abilities are amazing mainly at the bow. They are not capable of tremendous strength that humans possess but it is not impossible either, the Elves typically resort to more skill based weapons as their agility makes up for the loss of strength.

Elves came in all sorts of color distinction but to each other they are Elviris.

They are known to have the most sophisticated and most technologically advanced Cities and kingdoms, sadly nowadays there are so few left of them and most other races hate the Elves because of some beef on the past.

Class: The Samurai/Sword Master


Sexuality: Bisexual

High Concept: The most calm, Philosophical, and poetic life ending warrior elf who has a great singing voice.

Character Alignment: Neutral Good


Mother: Meiris Talron

Father: Ostron Talron

Organizations\Affiliations: "The Sentinels" Basically a group of highly Elite warrior Elves tasked with protecting important Elvish people, buildings, or artifacts. One of the best warrior groups the elves employed.

Personality: Vulus is typically described as Calm and collected, not giving in to the temptation that is fury and anger. He calculates his foes and studies them, waiting for opportunities to strike and render them dead on the spot. He enjoys company like the next guy but is not open to starting a conversation like others are but he won't outright ignore you unless you committed a grave offense that cannot be forgiven in a traditional way. Because of his training with the sentinels he may seem cold and apathetic to people who try to warm up to him, sadly they misinterpret this as being cold and uncaring when it really isn't the case, it's just that when you've known something all your life and you must suddenly change because you must do something different is harder than most people can imagine. Give Vulus some time and he'll stop bottling up his emotions and be more open but this will hinder his ability to communicate with others and so that is why he keeps to himself so he can teach himself how to be more social than Apathetic. How he does this varies but it is a.... Work in progress to achieve this social barrier his organization created for him.

Backstory: Vulus comes from a family dedicated to the Sentinel order, with his own father being one of its high commanding officers. Vulus was trained to wield a sword from an early age and perfected it over the many years he's been alive. When he was at the ripe age he committed his body and soul to the Sentinels, hoping great glory awaited him, instead he soon face the horrors and the true dangers associated with being a Sentinel. He Participated in many wars against the humans during their uprising and he has seen the danger or corrupt and greedy human, most wars were about their intense greed for land and power and the prime target was Elvish lands. And so the elves began to dwindle in the ever increasing and lengthened combat against the humans without end in site until the elves gave up and gave a considerable amount of land to the humans. The wars drew out hatred against each other as both sides lost many friends and family members but the humans could make that number up quickly, the elves with so few didn't have such luxury.

Vulus never grew a hatred towards the humans like many of his brethren did, nobody truly knows why and he has yet to reveal why but some have speculated that he was once friends with a human or was even a secret lover of one, though none of this is confirmed and many think it's thanks to his apathetic nature or uncaring of conflicts is what gives him this ability. Well one day his fate shall change and a quest of great proportions will become available to him though there will be many official and unofficial reasons as to why he would do it. Along this journey he will make many friends and know what the world outside the forests would truly look like again after so many years.




Weapons & Armor:

Armor: In picture above

Weapon: Revas "Freedom"


Items & Personal Belongings: His Armor, Sword, and some casual wear clothes.

Casual clothes:


Skills & Abilities: Outside of Combat Vulus doesn't have much other than knowing how to speak Human and Elvish, and has a much easier time persuading other Elves should the need arise. But he has no real social skills and he is no their so he can't do that either. Really he's a warrior but I guess you could say he is quite knowledgable and can be a giant history book if you need one.

Spells & Magic: He has no magical capabilities.

Weaknesses: Vulus has many fears, such as falling in love and having that love be rejected might affect his combat abilities.

He has a hard time trying to be social with other people or making them feel comfortable which could affect combat as they might not trust him with his Cold attitude. He's a master of combat and has no real exploitable weakness there but his social weakness are nothing to scoff at, they can be a big hindrance when they come up and not knowing to communicate or responding correctly at something can really..... Effect the scenario badly.

FLUFF (Optional)

Hobbies: Well a currently hobby is that Vulus tries very hard to practice his social skills by using mirrors and he actually has Note cards to use when placed upon the spot, even some ones with pickup lines for the occasion. He also trains a lot too! To keep in shape and to not get rusty.

Quote\s: "Ummm....."

"There is no suitable response in these cards....."

"You wish to learn what I know? Then I shall tell you."

"I.... Um..... H-how's it going? G-good t-that's nice..... Argh! That would at all! I need to stop stammering...."

"Hold on let me look through my note cards a second here...."

"Yes? What requires my aid?"

"A question? Then I have an answer."

"That's a big enemy.... I think I shall liberate it's soul from its mortal coil.... That was too creepy... I should stop saying stuff like that."


Additional Notes: Nothing.


Bad Guy:

Name: Sandra Operix

Aliases: The Empress, The Black Mage

Age: She's about 35 but her appearance has long been since hidden from public eye the day she donned her royal gear.

Gender: Female

Race: Human? In the beginning she was known to be human but whether this has changed or not is unknown as nobody has looked upon her mortal body ever since she got covered up.

Class: The Black Mage, Warlock


Sexuality: Heterosexual

High Concept: Commanding her troops first, but when forced her magic spells the end for those who oppose her.

Character Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Relatives: The Operix Royal Bloodline

Organizations\Affiliations: The Kingdom of Grimoire

Personality: There are many things spread out about Sandra, that she's evil which she kinda is to other people, that she's a monster which is kinda true but also kinda not, and that she cares only about herself which is entirely false. Sandra while she may not act like it to other people as they are not citizens of Grimoire she is a great ruler to her people. She is just, kind when she wants to be, and not at all as monstrous as people claim. What she does she does it for her citizens because for many years the old empire fell to chaos and for many centuries her kingdom was targeted for slaughter for their past deeds. She grew hateful towards the outsiders and in turn her anger was picked up by her people and they too became hateful.

She Is tactical and militaristic but she values her people's happiness like they're her children. That is her passion, her goal, to achieve enlightenment for her own people so that no longer do they have to coward from the outsiders and their 'Barbaric' ways. And so she must trust in herself to live forever to give her people what they rightfully deserve, safety and respect from everyone around them!


Sandra is the heir and current Empress of the Kingdom of Grimoire, which in its own right should be called an Empire but Propaganda is such a powerful thing that if the people think that an empire could be revived then they're more willing to do it. Sandra Ascended the throne when the death of the last Empress, Her Mother, took the kingdom by surprise, and she only had one choice, to don the royal outfit that has since the beginning been passed to each and every empress in the history of Grimoire. Over the ten years she has reigned, many wars have been fought and won by her, she soon expanded the "Kingdom" by a large amount by taking land from the neighboring Human Kingdoms. But she is aging and knows that she will die in many years, so she did some research on how to obtain immortality to be the ever living Empress her people will desire!

That is how she devoted her entire being to an ancient God, one who had been forgotten and left cursed to be trapped in a prison long ago. Though his influence was weak, she was able to become his Champion and in so doing she gained powers of unimaginable might, and if she were to free him like he said then she would truly become immortal and all powerful! But to do so she required a blood rite and the royal blood that sealed him inside his prison wherever that may be ((It is only known to Sandra but let us not share that yet.)) must be spilled in such a rite. So War was once more declared on a new kingdom, This kingdom would contain the person Sandra was looking for and in doing so she would spill their blood on the alter of her God! Then nothing would stop her from conquering the world!!!!!!




Weapons & Armor: Whatever you see in the picture is what she has.

Items & Personal Belongings: Well she has many belongings but none that she carries on her person other than her clothing.

Skills & Abilities: She has the ability to make Tactical Decisions and to command people. She is also very persuasive as she is an Empress and so she must be persuasive.

Spells & Magic: Now we come to the thick of her Magical Might!


Because of her pact with an Ancient God, Sandra has the ability to sense other Magic users.

She can Look into the mind of single person and look around for a little while, if they resist then she has a limited amount of time to look for useful information.

She can control the body of a willing person for as long as long as she can strain herself to do so.

And she has the ability as a last resort to transform into a beast of great power but she has never used it and knows not of what it is.

Spells: Sandra knows many spells and so to list them all here would take a longtime and would be long in of itself so here are some examples.

Cursed Blade: This spell summons a dagger to use that if somebody is hit with it that person is then cursed to be in extreme torment unless the curse gets lifted.

Dark Force: This one is basically using The Force from the Star Wars franchise, like pulling people, stopping them, choking them, etc... Except no mind control.

Eldritch Blast: A beam of dark energy is created that hurts when hit with it.

Summoning: Basically she can summon dark minions to her side to fight for her.

Dark Influence: A spell that can be resisted but if it does gain control of someone they basically fight for Sandra unless knocked out, killed, or if someone helps them regain their senses.

Dark Magic Missile: You know what this is.

More can be added later.

Weaknesses: Sandra fears losing to others as that could cost her influence over her people. She fears dying as well as her kingdom would go into turmoil. She is also quite sure of herself and gets cocky when in a fight as she has amazing magical might.

FLUFF (Optional)

Hobbies: She likes playing Board games, well tactical board games like Chess. She also like practicing her eloquent speech for when she has to use it.

What does the dark lord do in his free time, when not vying for supremacy over the world?)


"How Cute, you think you can beat me? Sadly you are wrong and because of such incompetence you must die."

"Ugh.... I need a strong drink..."


"Why am I surrounded by morons?"


Additional Notes:
Yes! In the name of KEK!!!!

Well first we must wait for our troops to gather! Or gather new ones if the old don't show!

Necromantic Necromantic CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Totorokoro Totorokoro guul66 guul66 Ranix Aurus Ranix Aurus Alteras Alteras Gizaira Gizaira TheSwimminglyVaporeon TheSwimminglyVaporeon
Alright everyone who's still apart of this thing, name your names, positions, and whom you serve!

I am your BadGuy! The Empress of Grimvoir!

and your companion on behalf of the Elven people!

If we must repost our Character Sheets then we shall!

but can I get the cs? i seem to have lost it

I too have lost my character sheet

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