Arc 1 - Rescue

She sighed, "I'll show you the way. I may be able to hear what you're thinking, but it is for that reason that I shan't leave you alone in my house. And I don't see humans as pets, it may be hard for you to imagine, but I too am technically human. I just happen to have slightly different dietary needs, and I live longer.", rolling her eyes, she set off back the way they had come, at a brisk walk, making sure he could keep up with her. "You eat meat, so how is it any different? People are no more special than cows, and yet you abhor my drinking from people, for which I do not have to kill mind, yet you slaughter animals for consumption like there's no tomorrow.", she chuckled bitterly, "It is rather ironic, no?".
They arrived at the dining hall after a bit, and as she walked in, all of the servants who were in the kitchen, came into the dining hall and took their seats. Gen sat at the end of the table, and Jack had been seated right next to her, on the side. The end of the table had 2 seats, the one next to Gen was painfully empty.
Once she had sat down, everyone began eating, all chatting happily amongst each other. She was happy to see that Athena looked to be getting along well with Izuru-san, she knew the young Nekomata had a bit of a thing for him, even if she had never managed to speak to him before. This made Gen grin, her eyes sparkling as she looked over Athena, who was sat close by.
"I trust none of you waited too long? Johnny, you seem practically wasted away, please have as much as you want.", she chuckled to herself, as she snuggled down into her chair, sitting informally with her legs over one of the armrests.
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((Let's say that Jack and Gen walked in just after Athena spoke, so only a minute or so has passed since then! :D ))
Johnny sat back in his chair with a sly grin as all of the servants joined them at the table, soon joined by their master, Gen, and the hunter Jack. They seemed to be getting on well, especially for two people who by all accounts should be going for each other's throats. Seemed not everything was in such a pleasant mood, the empty chair beside Gen spoke to their actual purpose for coming here. Still, Johnny didn't want to be one to spoil the party as it were, plus he was really hungry. "Well, you know lass I haven't even laid eyes on any grub since I went on this crazy little journey with you," Johnny says as he starts grabbing various food items from various plates. FrostFire FrostFire CactusJuice CactusJuice Elowyn Elowyn
Lilly was walking through the streets of Faymarsh village. The moon was high in the sky and cast a ghostly light, down upon her. Generally, Lilly loved the moonlight, but tonight the usually majestic light cast by the moon cast creepy shadows among the buildings. She was scared, where was everyone? She tried to find her way back to the hotel that they were all staying at. As she started to walk she became aware of someone watching her from the shadows. She looked around, suddenly feeling terrified. She spotted a silhouette emerging from between two buildings. She started to back away slowly, as she stepped backwards the figure took a step forward, their face being revealed by the moonlight. Lilly sighed with relief. "Jack, it's you!" She said with a smile, she was very happy to see him, she was on the verge of tears. She'd been so scared and seeing him made her feel safe again. Jack, however, didn't return her smile and didn't seem happy to see her at all. Instead, he just raised a small pistol, pointing it directly at Lilly. Lilly froze. "J-jack?" She asked, obviously terrified. Jack, just stared at her coldly. A moment passed and he threw something on the floor, a small piece of singed fabric. Lilly rushed over to it, grabbed it and clutched it to her chest. "Mum..." she whispered, tears spilling down her cheeks. "That's all that's left of her." Jack announced "I kept her alive because I knew how much she meant to you. But, you didn't deserve it! You're evil!" Jack took a moment to adjust his aim before pulling the trigger. The gun lit up broefly and there was a loud bang.

Lilly sat up suddenly, the gunshot ringing in her ears. Her breaths were deep and erratic. She looked around worriedly, unsure of where she was. After a few moments she realised. She was lying on the floor outiside, facing Gen's home. This was the place that she referred to as her home too. she was excited to meet everyone again, it had been so long... her memories of the journey here were a little blurry, and her head was throbbing. Maybe she ran into something? She was clumsy enough to have done something like that. There was no one around, and the sound that she'd heard moments earlier hadn't been a gunshot, it was more metallic, more like... a gong... Lilly suddenly realised that she was late for dinner. She didn't have much of an appetite but she knew that there'd be discussions about their mission and she didn't want to let anyone down if they wanted her present. Though, she couldn't see why anyone would want her there. She wasn't exactly all that helpful, if anything, she was more the opposite of helpful.

Lilly started to walk towards the dining hall. She she walked, she tried to sort her hair out at least a little, aware that she probably looked a state having been out cold on the floor outside for, who knows how long. She was already late so she walked quickly, but didn't quite run. She thought back to her dream. Jack wouldn't really do that, Lilly was sure of that. But maybe if he knew?... Lilly shook the thought from her head. She hoped Gen hadn't seen it. Not only would she worry, but Lilly was also aware that she'd called her 'Mum', that's exactly how Lilly felt towards her, like she was her mother, but she'd never had the courage to hall her that because she was worried that Gen wouldn't like it or that Gen still considered her as someone else's daughter.

Lilly approached the dining hall, clearing her mind. She could hear talking coming from inside as well as the sound of cutlery and plates. She takes a deep breath before she quietly enters the room, hoping no one notices her.

((Hey guys, I'm really really really really really really really really sorry for not being here for so long. I didn't get any notifications for some reason and wasn't aware that it was actually still going until earlier today. I'm sorry... really am... I feel awful... I'm aware that I changed my colour for Lilly talking to Pink from Yellow, that's because the Yellow I used to use isn't on here anymore and the Ines that are here are too light to see, I also didn't have the time for any code. Don't ask why I chose green for Jack... once again I'm so sorry, and I hope I can make it up to you all!))

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After thinking it over for a moment, Jack nodded. “In a way, it’s basically the same thing. Humans are the cows, and monsters are their slaughterers. It’s quite natural in fact. The world is an eat or be eaten place; I just don’t want to be eaten.” He walked into the dining hall, and a small, polite smile appeared on his face. But do you really believe what you say? If you had to chose between saving Lilly and a baby cow, would it truly be that hard? He looked at her, and he hesitated for moment as he remembered once again that she was a vampire. It was seeming easier and easier for him to forget that fact. ...actually, I’d prefer you not answer that question. Jack sat down where he was told and curiously glanced at the food around the table. He removed the small metal cross he always kept hooked to the inside of his suit jacket. As others began to eat, he put his hands together titled his head, closed his eyes, and prayed quietly to himself. “Strengthen us in the power of Your might, O God. Dress us in Your armor so that we can stand firm against the schemes of the devil. We know that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Amen.” Ephesians 6-10:12 He began collecting food onto his plate while avoiding any meat of questionable origins. He then noticed Lilly enter, and his small smile became earnest. She must have walked in while I was praying. He gave her a small wave before quietly returning to his meal. Surprisingly, Jack’s silence wasn’t due to a dislike of the others at the table; he just really didn’t have anything to say. He’d never been particularly skilled in small talk, so instead he just sat their quietly eating his food in a polite manner. While he wasn’t any good at small talk, he received quite the education about “proper manners” as a boy.
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Gen chuckled, and rolled her eyes, "Well, eat as much as your stomach can hold, maybe more. Because I doubt you'll see much food tomorrow...", she turned serious again, as Lilly walked in.
The elder vampire had in fact heard all of the girls thoughts, and had been a little worried when the girl became unconscious, hoping it was nothing too serious.
She stood, and bent down in between her and her husbands chairs, pulling a smaller one from under the table. "So, where have you been, little miss?", she grinned at Lilly, both knew that she knew exactly where the little girl had been, but she was obviously joking and trying to lighten the mood. But, behind the smile was a steely determination, Jack, Johnny and Izuru-san were unaware of something that, through hearing Lilly's thoughts, the elder vampire had decided she would show them. She sat down again, in a less relaxed position this time, and patted the seat next to her.
"Now then, daughter of mine, come and eat something.", she added that for Lilly's benefit, because of course Genevieve saw Lilly as her daughter, regardless of who her parents were.
She waited respectfully until Jack was finished praying, and she had summoned Lilly over, before she addressed him. "You may not wish for me to answer that, but I will. Truthfully, I would attempt to save both. Perhaps you see the world in that light, but I have different ideas. We do not have to blindly follow the paths that have been forced upon us...", she fell silent, and sombre.
"Very rarely will a vampire choose to be what they are, and it is a rather violent and unpleasant process, with an unpleasant future. But just as you do not wish to be eaten, I do not wish to die, nor do I wish to eat. But just as you have to eat, as do I. Now...", she turned to Lilly, once the girl had sat down.
"Jack, Johnny, Izuru-san... We should probably put everything out in the open...", she looked Lilly straight in the eyes.
You knew this would come, dear. It will be perfectly fine, I promise. Just as we discussed, yes?
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Following after Johnny at a more leisurely pace, the fox took a plate and filled it with several kinds of meats, tofu, and a fragrant type of rice. Over everything he drizzled some salty broth that had a very nice aroma. He felt almost uncomfortable at the large amount of food placed at the table. Surely they couldn't finish all of it!

As he was returning to his seat, the kitsune spotted Lilly who timidly walked in. He took a whiff of the air around her and surmised that she had had a particularly upsetting dream. The remnants of the dream sat around her like a mouldering cloak. That happened sometimes, that a dream would linger and affect one's waking life. Perhaps it was a particularly good dream that put oneself in a buoyant and serene mood, or it could be a frightening one full of terror that made one anxious, restless and worried. This was definitely the second sort. Lady Genevieve invited her to sit with them and then mentioned something that perked his interest. What could she mean by that?

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As he wolfed down food at the rate of a starved man, Lily walked back in. He didn't know what, but I didn't take a genius to see that something was bothering the young lass. As she sat down, he could see that Gen and her daughter were discussing something. Perhaps important, perhaps just small talk. Still, Johnny knew that piracy of the family was something that most people were grateful for. As he sat there he thoughts couldn't help but wonder to Jess, his wanting to see her again had been creeping up on him for a while. Those thoughts were blasted out of his head when Gen address them. "What is it, lass?" Johnny asks his humour filled voice turned to a more serious side. FrostFire FrostFire Elowyn Elowyn CactusJuice CactusJuice Geozaki Geozaki
Lilly awkwardly walked over to sit next to Gen. When she sat down she looked down at her hands feeling a bit guilty and a little nervous. She looked up at Gen as she spoke, she didn't really understand what she meant as she'd missed the first part of the conversation, but she had a feeling it had something to do with Jack's beliefs of her. Then Gen addressed everyone individually before mentioning getting everything out in the open. Lilly was suddenly scared, she knew what Gen was referring to and knew it would have to happen sooner or later, but now? Lilly looked back up at Gen as the vampire looked her in the eyes. Lilly nodded slowly to what she had said, though because Gen didn't actually speak any words she just looked like she was nodding for no reason.

Lilly looked at the floor for a moment before closing her eyes. She thought for a moment. She knew that it was probably better to tell them now than them find out accidentally. She looked up at everyone then looked at Jack apologetically for a moment, there was a moment's pause, then what appeared to be blue hued flames appeared around her. Moment's later, Lilly appeared to have disappeared.

Moment's later a small, fluffy, white face appeared as a small fox leapt onto Gen's lap. The fox was rather small and really fluffy, it had aqua blue eyes and its thick, soft fur was pure white. She glanced at each person at the table individually before reaching Jack. When it looked at Jack it glanced away nervously.

((Some pics that are close-ish.))
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Gen patted Lilly reassuringly, "So you see, Lilly is a kitsune. I've placed strong wards around her and so forth to help conceal her, as it's imperative she stay hidden. Thanks to her size and mannerisms, it's possible for us to pass her off as a human child. Well, in many ways she is very much a child, only 30 years of age. But she is fully grown. I apologise for not being completely honest with you all, but Lilly's life is unfortunately at risk thanks to her past.".
You can change back if you wish, Lilly. Or stay as you are, whichever you are more comfortable with. But please eat something.
Gen was sure that Johnny and Izuru would be fine with it, it was Jack she was more worried about.

Athena listened in, of course she knew that Lilly was a kitsune, they were good friends, after all. She had been one of the greatest helps to her over the years.
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Johnny didn't really have any feelings towards Lily's secret. "You could have told me anytime lass, vampire kitsune, don't matter to me she seems like a nice cute kid as long as she's alright," Johnny says in an honest tone as he grabs some more food. As he wolfs it down he says "Still why did yo have to keep her kitsune nature a secret?" Johnny asks with curiosity in his voice. He normally would leave well enough alone, but a part of him couldn't let go why Gen kept it quiet. Kitsune seemed to be accepted in this land. Elowyn Elowyn FrostFire FrostFire Geozaki Geozaki CactusJuice CactusJuice
Jack sighed. To him, Gen seemed quite naive for someone who lived so long. He had given her two options, and she’d chosen both. He knew from personal experience that sometimes a choice had to be made. Sometimes there was no winning a situation, and one must pick the lesser of two evils. Jack made this decision every time he chose to hunt a werewolf. The poor beasts couldn’t control their actions in monster form, so they were a danger to society. Even though they were often as innocent as the people they killed, it was choice between the few and the many. It's impossible to save everyone. This wasn't directed at Gen. It was just a fact he'd reluctantly come to accept. Gen mentioned that vampires often didn't choose to be vampires, and Jack knew that to be true. However, he'd found that every vampire eventually succumbed to the evil of their curse, and when they did, Jack would slay them whether they want to live or not. In his eyes, they were already dead. I suppose that does make me a monster. But Jack had come to accept this as well. After all, the best hunters become what they hunt.

He turned his attention toward Lilly. Jack had suspected she may not be what she appeared. While he'd initially believed she was a human, it wouldn't make sense to take a human child to such a dangerous mission. I'm a trained monster hunter, and I'm basically just cannon fodder. When Lilly revealed her true form, Jack did his best not to react, but he did tense a bit. His initial reaction had been to reach out and pet this adorable, fluffy looking fox. As someone who lived with a pet dog for most of his life, it was the natural thing to do, but he doubted she would appreciate that. Besides, Kitsune are tricky and manipulative creatures. I should probably keep my distance. He reminded himself. In the end, he simply responded with "...I see.", and then continued eating quietly.
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Lilly leapt back onto her chair. She was still in fox form, so it would be hard to see her unless you were sitting where Gen was. She slipped off the chair, hoping that no one would notice, though she knew that Gen would. She made her way to the door, using how small she was to an advantage, ducking under any furnature between her and the door to lower the risk of being spotted. She slipped out of the finding room and made her way a little way away from the dining hall before returning to her human form. She wasn't all that hungry, she hadn't had much of an appetite before, but now, she'd lost it completely.

She sat on the floor, her back against the floor before burying her heat in her knees, and wrapping her arms around her legs. She'd always been quick to pick up on what others were feeling, and her emotions often overwhealmed her for no reason. She knew that Johnny, and Izuru would be ok about it, but Jack she'd been worried about. She hadn't known him long, but he'd grown on her, despite his apparent hatred of Gen. He'd always been nice to her and accepted her, but the look in his eyes when she had revealed herself. He didn't trust her now, and it hurt a lot more than Lilly was expecting it to.

Lilly tried to clear her mind. She didn't want to bring the mood down, and she knew that she was just being pathetic right now. After a moment she took on her fox form again and made her way back to the dining hall. She climbed up into her chair and returned to her human form. Her cheeks and eyes were wet and slightly damp, but other than that, she was hoping that no one save Gen noticed her leave. She sniffed, she felt embarrassed and very self conscious, and was finding it extremely difficult to look anyone in the eye, so she just stared at the floor instead. As she looked down, her long red hair partially covered her face, she hoped that it would at least help her conceal her current emotions.

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(I'm zo sorry, I've been keeping ya'll waiting'!-- life, y'know?)
At Lilly's startling transformation and the Lady's subsequent explanation, the masked fox simply inclined his head to indicate that he understood the need for secrecy. He didn't turn to face the Hunter, only hearing his reserved and lukewarm reply. After Lilly made a quick departure-- not coming as a surprise to Shuugo from Jack's response and Lilly's nature -- and returned, he spoke softly to her.

"It is an honor for your secret to be made known to me, Lilly. There's no shame in it. For all your troubles to hide your nature, let who you are shines brightly no matter what form you take." There was a knowing glimmer in his eyes. Perhaps if she looked, truly looked, she would be able to see his empathy. He did not bank on that.

Taking a bit of grilled chicken cooked with a zesty array of herbs, the fox's mask shifted as if made of smoke to a slightly smaller shape that let him eat without much hassle. As it was, only his lips and chin could be seen with his brow, eyes, cheeks, and nose still obscured. Chewing and swallowing, Izuru took a sip of his water glass and remarked, "Your cooks certainly have a knack for what they do, Lady Genevieve. My compliments for the food and our generous accomodations."

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Gen inclined her head in thanks to Johnny and Izuru for their understanding, and decided to just ignore Jack.
"Thank you for your understanding, Johnny. You should listen to Izuru-san's words, Lilly, he speaks the truth.", she patted the young girl on the head apologetically, and was decidedly furious with Jack, although none of it showed on her calm and collected face, apart from maybe that her eyes were colder than usual. She didn't
"Well, there is a certain vampire that I am currently trying to track down, who is... Less than pleasant. Myself and Hiro managed to save Lilly from her, but the deranged youngling is still a threat. Well, after this I intend to find her, and run a stake through her wicked heart.", her voice was ice cold, and deadly for a second, before she brightened up again.
"Thank you for your kind words, Izuru-san. I'm sure the chef who cooked that chicken will be happy to hear that...", with a sly smile, Gen looked over at Athena, who had turned beetroot red.
"Athena was in fact the chef of that particular chicken.", Athena was notably flustered, as she took a sidelong glance at Izuru-san, examining the part of his face that was now visible.
Gen met Athena's eyes, and Athena gasped "No! Don't...", her mouth opened and closed like a fish, before she went silent, her head hung in defeat. But her ears said otherwise, which were turned keenly towards Izuru-san and Gen as she listened in for his reaction to what she had seen in Gen's eyes in what she was about to say.
"In fact, Izuru-san, Athena has seen you around before, with Hirohashi, of course. And she has had a little bit of a crush on you for awhile. Which is nice to see. You have been a great help to her, even when you didn't know it, Izuru.", Gen lifted her head.
"Well, speaking of couples...", she gave Johnny a 'you'd better prepare' look, as the door to the dining room slammed open...

Jessalyn D’Aubigne stood in the doorway, the dining hall had gone silent. Her eyes honed in on Johnny, and she ran at vampire speed, until she was tree hugging him.
"Johnny!!! I-I missed you so much!!!", her voice was bubbly and elated, she was practically jumping for joy, a massive grin spread on her face as she didn't let go of him, and tears were running down her face.
After the initial silence, everyone went back to chatting and eating, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.
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Johnny sits back in his chair, nodding his head at Gen's thank you. Like he said he didn't care what Lily was, in the end, she still is a child despite her age. She still is a person, emotion and all. Seems that the hunter doesn't realise that. Johnny, thinking about what he would yell at the man probably a very bad word, has his attention drawn by Gen's explanation. "Well guess no matter what you are, nobody comes between a mother and a daughter, especially when the mother is a really powerful vampire," he says with a sly smile. As he sat down for a bit he says "wait, what" after Gen talks about couples. The looks see gives to him is all he needs to know instantly knowing who she is talking about. Before he could turn around to see her, Jess had wrapped her arms around Johnny, pulling him out his chair. "Y-Yeah lass I'm getting that idea... good to see you ain't changed much," he says with equal parts worry about the hug and his excitement, joy and all around happiness over seeing her again. Wiping a tear away from her eyes he says "Do you wanna but me down I won't run off promise".
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(Omg, shipping... can't stop! XD)

Izuru was shocked. First of all by Lady Genevieve's bluntness and secondly by the signs that he had badly mistaken for something other than what they were: attraction. Subconsciously, his body stiffened and the exposed skin on his neck had a faint carmine tinge. Before he could do or say anything in response the door burst open and another vampire appeared, the famed Jessalyn D'Aubigne. As their attention was on her boisterous greeting of Johnny, Izuru quickly and more adeptly regained his composure.

Once the interruption had died down...

"Is this true, Athena?" he asked, turning towards her. "I was unaware..."
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Gen smiled, she had managed to set in motion 2 meetings tonight. Happy with herself, she pulled Lilly's chair closer to hers, plonked a plate of food in front of her, and put a comforting arm around her. Even if it wasn't nice for Lilly at present, it would benefit them in the long run. She sat quietly, watching the scene unfold.

Jess kept a hold of Johnny, perhaps a little too tight for comfort. "No!! You did run off, and you will run off again...", she sniffed, still crying, and moping. After she had sniffed, she went still as a statue, not even breathing or making a noise. It really was as if she had turned to stone. She turned her head, and pushed her nose into the crook of his neck, smelling him.
"I knew it!", her voice was shrill now, and it rang around the dining room. All the servants ignored it, they were used to Jess' antics by now. She dropped Johnny like a stone.
"Y-you've been smoking again, haven't you?!", she looked at him with a hurt expression, as if he had just staked her in the heart. Pouting, she sniffed again, this time in sadness rather than joy.
"If I can't change you, then you have to stop that! Y-you-you're just making what little time you have left shorter.", she turned her back on him, and furiously scrubbed her eyes. They hadn't spoken about her changing him into a vampire, but it had been playing on her mind almost constantly. She didn't want to lose him, but she had convinced herself that he wouldn't want to become a vampire. In his absence, there was no way he could agree or disagree with her.
Even if Jess had the mental connection with Johnny, like the one Gen had with Jack, Lilly and Hiro, she couldn't reach him outside of the dark dimension.
Dejected, she slumped down into the chair next to Johnny's, which Gen had tactfully left empty, and fiddled with her silver lapis lazuli ring, which had been enchanted by a witch who was long dead now, and her mind went to a thought she had had in Johnny's absence. He needed to make her a ring or a pendant....
Staring up at the ceiling she grabbed a glass of what looked like wine, and chugged it back in one shot. It was black magic wine, a wine that could state a vampires thirst for a little while, made from magic grapes grown in the underground.

Athena was still bright red, and she took a few deep breaths, before managing to choke out a squeaky "Y-y-yes...", her eyes squeezed shut.
She anticipated rejection, she was unable to see how pretty she was, and felt as if a kitsune as regal as him wouldn't want to bother himself with a Nekomata like her. Especially one of humble French origins.
Even if she had told Gen not to confess for her, she was glad. She would never have been able to do it, and at least now she might get a clear answer.
Elowyn Elowyn SirGrey SirGrey CactusJuice CactusJuice Geozaki Geozaki
Johnny felt like his insides were about to become what a hedgehog looks like after it meets a steam roller. "Yeah well at this point I won't be going anywhere" Johnny mutters as she stayed still for far too long. Maybe Johnny had been a bit cruel- okay maybe Johnny had been a bastard but well that kind of is who he is. Still hurting people is never his intention, more that it just seems to happen. As soon as she started sniffing though he knew he was as Shakespear once said "I deep shit". He was grateful about being dropped though he could have done with a gentler method of landing. Standing back up, dusting off his trench coat and recreating his dark blond hair he says "I, I have I know its a bad thing" in a slightly regretful tone. "But you know what I'm like with dangerous habits," he says melancholic tone, thinking back to how he meet her. The most romantic way. Capture and set to executed cause he nicked something from a powerful vampire family back in the normal world. "Hey hang on I never said never to you biting me you seem to of just decided that, I... I will let you do it promise just give me a few years yet, I've got em left in my" he says in with his bedevilling smile spread across his face. Standing beside her chair he says "Besides if I have to be turned into a creature of the night, glad it's by you, oh speaking of you" John says as he takes off a silver pendant and ring, handing them to her. They were a plain silver with blood red diamonds in them. "Don't think I went and forget did ya"?
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Geneveive sure is a sly one, thought the Black Fox. Trying to pair two couples in one dinner. But he didn't voice these thoughts. Instead he said:

"Athena... I'm deeply honored by your feelings. As of yet, I know not how to respond. Truthfully, I have not considered this outcome, but if you will, meet me on the north terrace at midnight tonight if you desire my response. Surely this is not the setting to talk about such things," he gestured with a hand to the dining hall.

He was almost certain the lady vampire was watching his reaction with rapt attention to this sudden revelation. He didn't want to be pressed to reply to something as serious as a female's confession of attraction to him, but time was short and getting shorter. After dinner, they would confer about their plans... dangerous plans that he might not live through. Still, this gave him a few hours to ponder what he would say to her.
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She sighed again. She did know what he was like with dangerous habits. He was in a relationship with a vampire princess, after all. Her eyes widened as he spoke, she was still looking at the wall, now in shock. He.. He didn't mind? Her mind began spinning out of control, thinking about everything.
Speaking of... Her..? She turned around, and let out a deep breath, sounding like she had just been punched in the gut, as she stared at the beautiful jewellery.
"W-where? How?", she was lost for words, as she stared at the diamonds. How he had afforded them was beyond her, but she wasn't complaining, even if she was a little guilty that he had spent that much money on her.
"I love them...", she whispered adoringly as she stood up from her chair slowly, and took them. She was now elated again, and she hugged him, being more careful this time, his mortality still playing on her mind.
"Y-you really don't mind me changing you?", her nose wrinkled a little at the strong scent of smoke on him, but she stayed hugging him. "Well, you won't have to worry about your powers as a witch, Gen is a testament to that!", she gestured over at the more mature vampire, who looked up. "Hm?", Gen had been having a mental conversation with Lilly, and would rather not intrude on the couple.
"You were the Supreme before you were changed, right?", Gen blinked a bit, but nodded anyway.
"Yes. Armina was my successor.", Gen would've preferred that Jess kept that more of a secret, she didn't like to use her powers much anymore, even if she could, she always felt like she was cheating.
"So you don't have to worry... I don't want you to get wrinkles...", she pouted, and nibbled softly at his neck, not breaking the skin.
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((If you guys are really observant, you might notice something wrong with Armina being Gen's successor... But me telling you why would be spoilers... XD))

Athena nodded eagerly, "Y-yes! I'll b-b-be there", she said hopefully. Well, at least he hadn't outright rejected her... The other servants were beginning to get up, clearing away all the leftovers as they went.
"I have to go... You might know this already, but Ms Gen has us give all the leftovers to the poor kitsune and humans... Some vampires don't feed their slaves...", she shook her head sadly, as she got up, clearing away what was in front of her and those around her.
"I-I'll see you... At midnight...", she blushed again, she had being doing that way too much, and she made her leave, glancing back at him one last time before she went through the door to the kitchen, the last to leave.
Now, it was only Gen, Lilly, Jack, Izuru, Johnny and Jess left in the room.
Gen had been discreetly listening in, but she had been a bit distracted by Jess, although she managed to catch what Izuru-san said, and she smiled softly. This would help Athena in 2 ways, and Gen was rather pleased with herself, and with Athena for being able to sort this out.
Elowyn Elowyn CactusJuice CactusJuice Geozaki Geozaki
Johnny keeps his bedeviling smile on as he speaks with his companion. Though he couldn't see Jess's face as he told her about nonchalant about being changed, he could tell it would be what happens when he normally tells something positive. Still, that seem to increase when he showed her the two jewels he had procured. "Yeah, I know a guy who makes these things over in Birmingham, owed me a favor thought you might like them, guess I thought right," he says with a smile, though this smile was more an honest from seeing Jess so happy. Seemed the ever cynical man wasn't oh so cynical. As she took the jewels and repaid him with a hug, Johnny winced for a second. He still had the marks from the last hug. "Gald you like them" he whispered back, hugging her back. "I didn't say that for fun, just give me some time to get me head around it and well yeah," he says in a fairly honest manner for Johnny. As Jess talked about Gen being a witch, Johnny looked over to her, though keeping in his hug. "You were supreme, that must of been before my time or at leats I hope it was, I mean Grimsbane hates my guts but you know there is that whole thing about tracking the old lass down but that ain't my job" Johnny says, the only reason he would really consider going after her is to get a favor out of her. "Oh just after me for my looks, I mean they are great looks to be fair," Johnny says with a sarcastic grin. He did worry about her going for his neck. He did trust her than most vampires. While she does so he gives her a peck on the neck as it were. FrostFire FrostFire Elowyn Elowyn Geozaki Geozaki CactusJuice CactusJuice
Lilly knew why it had to be done, and she wasn't angry with Gen at all. She just felt a little nervous that's all. Now, though, her nerves had pretty much vanished. Everyone seemed to be getting on with other things. She could tell that Gen was probably at least a little happy with her matchmaking skills. Though she wouldn't bring it up. The only thing that still bothered her was Jack. She was now scared of him, after that dream and the fact that he obviously wasn't impressed by the knowledge that she wasn't human, would he lash out? Would he try to kill them? But even more than her fear of him, Lilly felt guilty. She felt like she'd betrayed everyone around the table, maybe Jack was right to feel the way he did.

Lilly ate a little, then leant her head against Gen. Her guilt spread to Gen now as well. Gen and Hiro had saved her and raised her as their own, and she'd probably just been a nuisance to them this whole time. Lilly sat up straight again, shaking the thoughts. She knew that Gen would be listening and probably wouldn't like what she was thinking.

FrostFire FrostFire CactusJuice CactusJuice SirGrey SirGrey Elowyn Elowyn
(Gomenasai~ [translation: sorry] working on other roleplays I forgot about this one)

As Athena made her explanation about leaving to distribute the food to the human slaves, Izuru simply nodded and gave her a wan smile before passing a hand over his mask to have it transform back into a full mask. "'Til midnight," he said in farewell.

He returned to listen to the tail end of the conversation of turning Johnny into a vampire. Impressive that this witch would want to be turned to join a vampire lover, he thought to himself. That he would give up his humanity for such a thing. It seemed like Johnny trusted this lady deeply, not bothering him when she went to nibble at his neck. Then he noticed that Lilly seemed despondent still, probably about Jack's reaction. The black kitsune sighed. There was both light and shadow to this world, after all. He tended to get caught up in the shadow all too easily. This midnight meeting wasn't something that would be easy for him.

FrostFire FrostFire Geozaki Geozaki SirGrey SirGrey CactusJuice CactusJuice
Jess giggled at Johnny's remark, and when he kissed her on the neck. "I'm the one that does the biting, remember?", and patted him lightly on the chest. Well, it wasn't that light, it was rather hard in fact, and she went over to the table and stood next to Jack. "Hmm... You smell funny.", she leaned over innocently and took a sniff near his shoulder, scrunching up her nose as she sat down in the seat beside him. Looking over at Johnny, she patted the seat on her other side, and smiled sweetly over at Gen, waiting for the meeting to start.

Gen sighed, "It was long before you were alive, Johnny. Perhaps even before your parents were alive.", she smiled thinly, "Don't worry, you can pick her up when we break into the Shi no Shi. That is why you're here, after all...", she rolled her eyes.
Now that everyone was seated, she could begin the briefing.
"So, I think we all know the basics, yes? So, it is best we all stick together, that way we have a better chance if something goes... Wrong.", she cleared her throat a bit.
"Jack, I will be supplying you with equipment, which is only to be used under exceptional circumstances. Understand?", she looked at the man, who had been silent for awhile, seriously. "Many of the kitsune who work there, are being held too, and are by no means there by choice. We want as little blood shed as possible.", she sighed.
"Johnny, Jess, you two will be tasked with retrieving Armina. Thankfully, both her and Hiro are close to each other. Unfortunately, they are in the most secure and dangerous part of the complex.", she nodded at them, and Jess grinned, mock saluting back.
"Izuru-san and I will be retrieving Hirohashi, who will need more... Assistance...", a pained expression crossed her face, but quickly passed. "Lilly, you'll be probably the most important piece of the puzzle. I shall require you to keep watch, and warn us if anyone is coming. And of anything else that may be a problem. You are very small in your fox form, and I shall place a ward on you, just in case.", Gen patted her on the head. She planned on making the small kitsune practically invisible with strong magic, something that could only really be done with small things.
SirGrey SirGrey Elowyn Elowyn CactusJuice CactusJuice Geozaki Geozaki
Johnny simply smiles at the comment of neck biting, before stumbling back a little a the force of the 'pat'. It did help to remind the con man that while one day they may be the same, today there were different. As Jess went over to Jack, Johnny looked over to Lily giving a smile and thumbs up as went past muttering "Don't worry about hunter boy he won't be able to breathe at you before your mother shows him what for" before going to sit next to Jess. Replying to Gen by saying "Lucky you eh, I mean dealing with me can't be easy, don't mean I gonna be happy to see the old lass again still no one should be in that place" in a sarcastic tone at the start before turning to a more sombre tone. After she goes over the teams and objectives Johnny asks "So how we getting in I doubt we can use the front door".
Elowyn Elowyn CactusJuice CactusJuice Geozaki Geozaki FrostFire FrostFire

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