Other Weird Things You Do When No One's Around?


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So everyone does weird things when no one's around.
And if you haven't, then you're lying.

So let's separate this into two categories.
Normal Weird and REALLY Weird. :P
Normal weird is stuff we all do, and are still embarrassed about it anyway. Singing in the shower, dancing/singing to a song in the car/on the radio, staring yourself in the mirror, sliding around the kitchen in your socks, things like that.

REALLY Weird is stuff that you're pretty sure only YOU do.

For example...
When I'm in the bathroom, and the toilet paper is gone, and I'm throwing away the old roll, I take the telescoping thing that holds the roll and I pretend to stab myself, or bounce it on my leg like a pogo stick or something. XD It's just fun the play around with, with it's springy action.

I also tend to sneak around the bathroom and smell the shampoos. Just because I like the smell.

And at night, before I go to bed, I will very often sing. Or actually act out imaginary scenes from various TV shows.

So I'm here to ask you, what quirky things do you do when nobody's around? Normal Weird, or really weird?
Hm. I don't know if anyone else does this, but when I play a video game that requires quite a bit of skill I will often sweet talk my character while I am doing a precarious action. Sometimes the things I say can get really inappropriate and weird.
I often talk to myself, and not the daily "oh I forgot the milk" thing but actually going and having a conversation. Just today when I was walking home from school I was talking to myself about what it would be like to meet my internet friends, so I was just cracking jokes to myself, laughing, and imitating the others voices. I didn't realize there was jogger right behind me though and they had heard the whole things before they got past me :smilepuff: I thought I was alone though
Same with the talking to myself in full blown conversations, often involving other people, or other people's RP characters.
Same with the talking to myself in full blown conversations, often involving other people, or other people's RP characters.
Oh yeah, especially rp characters. If I really like an rp that I'm doing then I can think about and plan multiple roleplays with that character.
GiantSugarCake GiantSugarCake

I like to imagine more people do that than not. They just won't admit to it. I go through whole conversations with myself about possible scenarios all the time. It just seems like a logical thing for a human mind to do.
I often imagine conversations that might happen and then realize that I'm talking out loud. Once, I was imagining that I was describing talking-to-myself to a friend, then I realized that I was actually talking to myself out loud. So I imagined telling them about that experience instead, and then realized I was talking to myself. Again.
If no one else is in the dorm I strip down to a pair of boxers and watch let's-plays or listen to Last Podcast on the Last.

I am a girl.
If no one else is in the dorm I strip down to a pair of boxers and watch let's-plays or listen to Last Podcast on the Last.

I am a girl.
That's frickin awesome
But I'm never alone at home often enough to do that.
When i'm bored and on my own i find a high spot (usually the top of a tree, or anything i can get up to) and take a nap or read a book. I find it more amusing to try using one hand to climb or hang upside down while a couple stories up.
Tbh, I have conversations with myself. I will literally say something and answer back as myself and it goes on for like thirty minutes.
Also, I pick my nose instead of blowing when nobody's around or when I'm around my siblings. SHUT UP. DON'T JUDE. IT'S MORE EFFECTIVE THAN THE LATTER.
I never wear pants when I'm home alone. Old oversized shirts and underwear are the way to go. It's liberating tbh. But idk if it's weird or not??
I think about life and how reality works. Though I tend to do that whether people are around or not, it does happen more frequently when I am alone.
I never wear pants when I'm home alone. Old oversized shirts and underwear are the way to go. It's liberating tbh. But idk if it's weird or not??
Naw, I'm pretty sure it's not too weird. Though I don't do it personally, myself, I have heard that a lot of people do. :>

I think about life and how reality works. Though I tend to do that whether people are around or not, it does happen more frequently when I am alone.
I'm a total theater geek so when I'm alone I'll walk around my room making up ta do lines and stage directions like I'm in a play or movie. I'll even jump on this and dive behind my bed and stuff if I'm pretending it's like a fighting scene of something. I guess we all did that when we were little but it seems my imagination has failed to leave me even now.

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