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Fandom Danganronpa: Amatory Bellicose (CLOSED)

Murder? Yamanaka tilts his head at this. He has to be joking. Right? Yeah, he is? He takes the handbook and read slightly through it and says "I've never met a talking owl...Hehe." The maid looks frighted at this revolution "Quelle créature intéressante ... qu'est-ce que c'est. Je sais que ce n'est pas un jeu de meurtre et je ne le crois jamais" She take the handbook and follows the owl.
[COLOR= #D6AD74]ryo asato[/COLOR]

ryo asato
shsl astronomer
ryo frowned again, the clarification feeling like a swift punch in the gut. especially the comment towards ren. what was even going on? he thought he had an okay grasp on people, but this bird was indecipherable. he was saying such unsavory stuff with a cheery smile. it made a chill run down his spine, the thought evoking a fragment of a very bad memory. he held yukiu a little tighter in his arms, swallowing hard as he suddenly was hit with a cold wave of instinctive fear. thinking about it, he didn't care as much about himself, but nobody here really deserved to go through something like this. he wanted to say something to try and lighten things, to try and make everyone less afraid, but he knew that he didn't know anything that could help. he didn't know if anyone could say anything to make this okay.

all he could think to do was step back closer to jirou when the monofu mentions the punishment for hurting it. he didn't want jirou to be insulted, so he doesn't get too close, but he can't help but want to want to make sure nothing happened to him. there had almost been some violence earlier, but ryo couldn't hold that against him. it was a tense situation, apparently, and people reacted to things differently, he'd learned. above all else, he just wanted to try and keep everyone safe. but... could he do that, going against everyone else? he shook his head at the thought. when monofu comes over with cards and a handbook, he delicately moves to put the card in his pocket with his free fingers and delicately maneuvers the handbook over to his bag. he was curious about what all was in it, from monofu's description of the two items, but he held off for the moment, knowing that holding yukiu took priority. once he was done, though, he tried to process all of what had been said.

"they have information on me..." ryo mutters distressfully, eyes shutting in heavy thought. for a moment, it almost looks like he's shaking, his face going pale and his grip on yukiu noticeably tightening to compensate. it isn't too hard, but once yukiu begins to squirm a little, he suddenly takes a sharp breath, his eyes flying open and his stance stabilizing again. whatever! whatever whatever whatever. something else. he turns to rest of the group behind and beside him and smiles wide.

"hahahaha!" he starts to laugh and push his hair back. it was hard to tell what it was prompted by, or what he meant by it, but it was certainly very loud. his face didn't really say much; it was a normal smile. he takes a moment just to laugh, just to get it all out of him, before wiping the forming tears away from his eyes by nuzzling his jacket with his face. "oh man! that was some spooky stuff." he says, his voice returning to it's normal volume. at first, it's just to ren at his side, then he looks expectantly to the group, before looking back over to what's ren's reading in his handbook. as the owl directs them on their path, ryo just merrily seems to go on his way, no longer seeming as perturbed by the situation.

[COLOR= #D6AD74]notes[/COLOR]

character sheet: here

location: the camp

notes: none

mentions: JelloPikachu25 JelloPikachu25


ryo asato

ryo asato
shsl astronomer
ryo frowned again, the clarification feeling like a swift punch in the gut. especially the comment towards ren. what was even going on? he thought he had an okay grasp on people, but this bird was indecipherable. he was saying such unsavory stuff with a cheery smile. it made a chill run down his spine, the thought evoking a fragment of a very bad memory. he held yukiu a little tighter in his arms, swallowing hard as he suddenly was hit with a cold wave of instinctive fear. thinking about it, he didn't care as much about himself, but nobody here really deserved to go through something like this. he wanted to say something to try and lighten things, to try and make everyone less afraid, but he knew that he didn't know anything that could help. he didn't know if anyone could say anything to make this okay.

all he could think to do was step back closer to jirou when the monofu mentions the punishment for hurting it. he didn't want jirou to be insulted, so he doesn't get too close, but he can't help but want to want to make sure nothing happened to him. there had almost been some violence earlier, but ryo couldn't hold that against him. it was a tense situation, apparently, and people reacted to things differently, he'd learned. above all else, he just wanted to try and keep everyone safe. but... could he do that, going against everyone else? he shook his head at the thought. when monofu comes over with cards and a handbook, he delicately moves to put the card in his pocket with his free fingers and delicately maneuvers the handbook over to his bag. he was curious about what all was in it, from monofu's description of the two items, but he held off for the moment, knowing that holding yukiu took priority. once he was done, though, he tried to process all of what had been said.

"they have information on me..." ryo mutters distressfully, eyes shutting in heavy thought. for a moment, it almost looks like he's shaking, his face going pale and his grip on yukiu noticeably tightening to compensate. it isn't too hard, but once yukiu begins to squirm a little, he suddenly takes a sharp breath, his eyes flying open and his stance stabilizing again. whatever! whatever whatever whatever. something else. he turns to rest of the group behind and beside him and smiles wide.

"hahahaha!" he starts to laugh and push his hair back. it was hard to tell what it was prompted by, or what he meant by it, but it was certainly very loud. his face didn't really say much; it was a normal smile. he takes a moment just to laugh, just to get it all out of him, before wiping the forming tears away from his eyes by nuzzling his jacket with his face. "oh man! that was some spooky stuff." he says, his voice returning to it's normal volume. at first, it's just to ren at his side, then he looks expectantly to the group, before looking back over to what's ren's reading in his handbook. as the owl directs them on their path, ryo just merrily seems to go on his way, no longer seeming as perturbed by the situation.


character sheet: here

location: the camp

notes: none

mentions: JelloPikachu25 JelloPikachu25


Ren looked over at Ryo as he laughed, a bit uneasy "..." he tried to smile, ultimately failing "...Y...Yeah" he said softly, looking concerned at he remembered Yukiu's slight squirming. He didn't think Ryo would even unintentionally hurt Yukiu, but even so... "Y-you know...Ryo...I-I think I should...hold Y-Yukiu again..." his voice so soft in was barely audible, though that wasn't to far form his regular voice "I m-mean since we're going to our 'cabins' and...stuff" he was even more scared now, he didn;t want to hurt their newly found friendship so fast. Would he hate him for this?! He didn't want to be hated by Ryo...but...he did want to hold Yukiu again "Not...Not that y-you're doing a bad job, b-but please...I need...need to hold Y-Yukiu again" he started shaking, his walking speed becoming troubled.
Yui walked with the others fear plastered onto her face as they walked "no one here would murder ....right?" She whispered to yamanaka

Hannah gollowed the owl terrifife her eyes filling with tears.
[COLOR= #D6AD74]ryo asato[/COLOR]

ryo asato
shsl astronomer
"hmm?" in a bit of a daze and not catching ren at first, ryo slows down and looks over at him. oh! right. "well...yeah! of course," he assures ren, still looking carefree, but maybe a little sheepish. he hadn't noticed ren ask him first, so he could only hope he hadn't been asking for too long. he stops walking for a moment and takes a little time to lift yukiu softly back into ren's arms. in a way he wouldn't like to admit, it was sort of relieving to give him back over. though he didn't think it of himself, he'd been called by 'flighty' and 'light-headed' a lot in his life. the idea of accidentally hurting something, especially something so obviously dear to ren, was enough to make him cringe a little. and while he didn't think he'd ever be dumb enough to somehow hurt yukiu, he was glad it wasn't something he had to worry about anymore.

he stands back up to his full height and immediately looks in his bag for the handbook he had stashed away. once he's gotten it in front of him, it's easy to see he's already busy at work doing something with it. he starts humming away purposefully, occasionally stopping to counting or to mumble something questioning to himself, but he's mostly just focused in on whatever he's doing.

[COLOR= #D6AD74]notes[/COLOR]

character sheet: here

location: the camp

notes: probably my last for the night! it was fun!

mentions: none


After the appearance of a deep-voiced owl who wouldn't look out of place in one of her comic strips left, Hoshi found herself sweating bullets and shaking a bit more than she wanted to or expected.

What was that stupid stuffed bird going on about? Killing games, symbols of hope, tragedies. Sounds like the rambles of a kid or villain in a TV show. If it wasn't for the reactions of the others she could of convinced herself that her imagination has finally ran away with her but the others seemed distressed at the words from the owl toy too.That meant that this was definitely happening.

She turned her head to look at Ryo immediately when he started laughing like a mad scientist, eyes slightly widened.

"Oh man! That was some spooky stuff!' he said after he got...whatever out of his system. For a moment she just stared at him before chuckling wearily, forcing a smile "Y-Yeah it sure was!" she said in a sort of weak happy tone. With her smile on she said enthusiastically "Well, ignoring that for now...These are pretty cool though, right? I can..barely wait to see what our cabins have in store for us!" she said, with as much positivity in her voice that she could muster at the moment. It was probably obvious that she was not actually happy at all about this.

Mentioned: Everyone ( Bennie Bennie , Blu3 Blu3 , Grizzlot Grizzlot , TheAnimeRabbit TheAnimeRabbit , JelloPikachu25 JelloPikachu25 , Ash Ketchup Ash Ketchup , Rustic Rustic , Fray Dracoheart Fray Dracoheart )
Ayame was silent, hearing the laugh of the Ryo was slightly unsettling, she felt a sharp spark against her spine, she got her handbook, she would read it if only everything would stop shaking around her, noticing Kyou not giving a carefree reaction, "Tch..." She said as she tilted her head and smirked a little "You seem quite settled with this situation,no? Awfully relaxed aren't you? Is there anything that changes your mood?" She said with the smirk, she soon took a look at the owl, Monoku, "It is quite simple to kill someone, is there by a chance, a catch?" She said raising a eyebrow, giving a look at Hoshi, "Admitted, you're terrified, no? Your voice is stuttering like the Rabbit Boy, giving a sign of weakness." Soon she took a look at Ren and Ryo, "That rabbit of your isn't gonna help you in any manner, wait, now that I think of it that rabbit can survive more than you!" She said towards Ren, she guesses the only way she could calm herself down was insulting and bringing down others in this kind of situation.
Ayame was silent, hearing the laugh of the Ryo was slightly unsettling, she felt a sharp spark against her spine, she got her handbook, she would read it if only everything would stop shaking around her, noticing Kyou not giving a carefree reaction, "Tch..." She said as she tilted her head and smirked a little "You seem quite settled with this situation,no? Awfully relaxed aren't you? Is there anything that changes your mood?" She said with the smirk, she soon took a look at the owl, Monoku, "It is quite simple to kill someone, is there by a chance, a catch?" She said raising a eyebrow, giving a look at Hoshi, "Admitted, you're terrified, no? Your voice is stuttering like the Rabbit Boy, giving a sign of weakness." Soon she took a look at Ren and Ryo, "That rabbit of your isn't gonna help you in any manner, wait, now that I think of it that rabbit can survive more than you!" She said towards Ren, she guesses the only way she could calm herself down was insulting and bringing down others in this kind of situation.
"You cant accutaly be considering murder thats horrible!" Yui said angryly to ayame "weak" she then muttered under her breath
~"Ohohohoho~! Someone's quite unsettled aren't they Ms. Ikeda! But I guess everyone is...", I said, taking note of her sudden behavior of insulting everyone. "And there is something that changes Mr. Mauchi's mood, but that something is now not the time. And you are right! There is a catch! Multiple catches! You can't kill more then two people and you are allowed to have an accomplice but only the person who murdered is the blackened.", I disappeared and reappeared next to the SHSL Cartoonist, Ms. Gensai. "I'm glad your excited to see the cabins! I hoped you would, I did! The cabins are even more awesome that you get to share them with another student!"
Wait... Did Jirou hear that correctly? They get to share their cabin with someone else? He looked over to Ryo sheepishly, his red face dying down a little. If they could choose who they would share it wi-... No, he would choose Ren. Jirou sadly sighed. But his sadness was overcome with anger taking into Ayame's harsh words. He decided to just ignore her for this. Ryo's got Ren anyway. He took out his handbook and flipped through it once again. He flipped to the last page to see a whole map of the camp. "Well then...", he mumbled and looked over it.
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~"Ohohohoho~! Someone's quite unsettled aren't they Ms. Ikeda! But I guess everyone is...", I said, taking note of her sudden behavior of insulting everyone. "And there is something that changes Mr. Mauchi's mood, but that something is now not the time. And you are right! There is a catch! Multiple catches! You can't kill more then two people and you are allowed to have an accomplice but only the person who murdered is the blackened.", I disappeared and reappeared next to the SHSL Cartoonist, Ms. Gensai. "I'm glad your excited to see the cabins! I hoped you would, I did! The cabins are even more awesome that you get to share them with another student!"
Wait... Did Jirou hear that correctly? They get to share their cabin with someone else? He looked over to Ryo sheepishly, his red face dying down a little. If they could choose who they would share it wi-... No, he would choose Ren. Jirou sadly sighed. But his sadness was overcome with anger taking into Ayame's harsh words. He decided to just ignore her for this. Ryo's got Ren anyway. He took out his handbook and flipped through it once again. He flipped to the last page to see a whole map of the camp. "Well then...", he mumbled and looked over it.

Ayame head perked a little to Yui's remark, weak she said, she gave a little giggle as she looked at her, " You don't have any idea of what weak is, the owl made it clear killing is the only way out, so being able to kill means your willing to use all your strength to surpass others, if you know what Im saying, wait no you don't, you're simply too dull to know." Now for the other subject in hand, Monoku suggestion of sharing cabins, no mood suggestion, but an order, Ayame raised her finger and took a look at everyone, "I have a offer, I suggest we try making a chart base on difference of strength and intelligence, who ever is sharing the same cabin is rather have a less chance of killing their mate, so we split this up by weakest with strongest, no?" She said tilting her head onto her knuckles again, she didn't really know who to share the cabin with, Ren is awfully weak and easily manipulated, she might have a bit of fun with him, so for Jirou, finding ways to press his buttons, what about Maki? She seems to be knowledgeable, and easily broken by a single grasp, Ryo seems to be a little to carefree, along with Kyou, it will be quite interesting trying to find ways to break their spirit, but truthfully Kyou isn't a option she would like, too much of just his constant need to be sometime of- she can't really think of a word, with Yui hand, she seems a bit mysterious in her mind, Ayaka is much more quiet then the rest, keeping everything to herself, Kenjin seems a bit more abstract, she needs a bit more knowledge of him, so is Junichi, not saying his SHSL and such, Hoshi seems rather, gleeful? She does seem to be a easy target to try to break down as well, now for Nalini, she seems to be a bit more serious, interesting lady she is, but how strong is she? Hannah, she seems more of an easy target as well, but maybe she has a bit more in her, maybe... , now leaving to Yamanaka, a rather strange person, could it be possible a way to break his spirit is death? Seems to simple.
Ayaka was too busy thinking about what the owl had just said to respond. ' Kill people?! No way. There has to be another way.' she thought to herself , her face showing visable anger and disgust but quickly went pale... 'If the others do kill each other i will get justice for them if i survive this to the end'
Yui glared at ayame "weak is not being able to adapt if you can adapt you can survive we should live here together or atleast until.." She dident want to say until what infront of the owl so she faked coughing at the end.

"What if we live with who we trust?" Said hannah with a hopeful smile
Ayame was silent, hearing the laugh of the Ryo was slightly unsettling, she felt a sharp spark against her spine, she got her handbook, she would read it if only everything would stop shaking around her, noticing Kyou not giving a carefree reaction, "Tch..." She said as she tilted her head and smirked a little "You seem quite settled with this situation,no? Awfully relaxed aren't you? Is there anything that changes your mood?" She said with the smirk, she soon took a look at the owl, Monoku, "It is quite simple to kill someone, is there by a chance, a catch?" She said raising a eyebrow, giving a look at Hoshi, "Admitted, you're terrified, no? Your voice is stuttering like the Rabbit Boy, giving a sign of weakness." Soon she took a look at Ren and Ryo, "That rabbit of your isn't gonna help you in any manner, wait, now that I think of it that rabbit can survive more than you!" She said towards Ren, she guesses the only way she could calm herself down was insulting and bringing down others in this kind of situation.

~"Ohohohoho~! Someone's quite unsettled aren't they Ms. Ikeda! But I guess everyone is...", I said, taking note of her sudden behavior of insulting everyone. "And there is something that changes Mr. Mauchi's mood, but that something is now not the time. And you are right! There is a catch! Multiple catches! You can't kill more then two people and you are allowed to have an accomplice but only the person who murdered is the blackened.", I disappeared and reappeared next to the SHSL Cartoonist, Ms. Gensai. "I'm glad your excited to see the cabins! I hoped you would, I did! The cabins are even more awesome that you get to share them with another student!"
Ayame head perked a little to Yui's remark, weak she said, she gave a little giggle as she looked at her, " You don't have any idea of what weak is, the owl made it clear killing is the only way out, so being able to kill means your willing to use all your strength to surpass others, if you know what Im saying, wait no you don't, you're simply too dull to know." Now for the other subject in hand, Monoku suggestion of sharing cabins, no mood suggestion, but an order, Ayame raised her finger and took a look at everyone, "I have a offer, I suggest we try making a chart base on difference of strength and intelligence, who ever is sharing the same cabin is rather have a less chance of killing their mate, so we split this up by weakest with strongest, no?" She said tilting her head onto her knuckles again, she didn't really know who to share the cabin with, Ren is awfully weak and easily manipulated, she might have a bit of fun with him, so for Jirou, finding ways to press his buttons, what about Maki? She seems to be knowledgeable, and easily broken by a single grasp, Ryo seems to be a little to carefree, along with Kyou, it will be quite interesting trying to find ways to break their spirit, but truthfully Kyou isn't a option she would like, too much of just his constant need to be sometime of- she can't really think of a word, with Yui hand, she seems a bit mysterious in her mind, Ayaka is much more quiet then the rest, keeping everything to herself, Kenjin seems a bit more abstract, she needs a bit more knowledge of him, so is Junichi, not saying his SHSL and such, Hoshi seems rather, gleeful? She does seem to be a easy target to try to break down as well, now for Nalini, she seems to be a bit more serious, interesting lady she is, but how strong is she? Hannah, she seems more of an easy target as well, but maybe she has a bit more in her, maybe... , now leaving to Yamanaka, a rather strange person, could it be possible a way to break his spirit is death? Seems to simple.

Ren felt relieved to have Yukiu back in his arms, smiling at her as she calmed his spirits a little. He was also very glad that Ryo hadn't minded the suggestion, and his worries for that faded away. Then his ears were attacked by Ayame's words, her words striking him once more with fear...
"That rabbit of your isn't gonna help you in any manner, wait, now that I think of it that rabbit can survive more than you!" She said towards Ren
Ren laughed hollowly "I-I wouldn't m-mind that..." he said, shaking in fear "I-If...If one of us must live...I'd rather it be Yukiu a...anyway" he didn't like to think about dying, but it was true. He would rather Yukiu live than himself, she did have Ryo now who could protect her despite his carelessness...and...Ren had promised her that he would never let anyone hurt her again "Although I...don't ever w-want to leave Yukiu's side..." the thought of being separated from Yukiu one day shook him to the core, especially now that he had Ryo as his friend, but her well being was more important than his own.


Kyou smiled brightly at Ayame's acknowledgement, brushing through his her calmly "Yes, indeed I am~ Nice of you to notice" he replied, in a carefree tone. He tilted his head slightly as she asked...
"Is there anything that changes your mood?"
He grinned, and only grinned, not saying a word in reply as he dug through a few memories with closed eyes. Only speaking when Monofu mentioned something about knowing what would break him of his carefree mood, but only to himself "Intresting..." how much did this owl thing know...? He felt his smirk grow again, this just kept getting more and more interesting by the second! He laughed to himself lightly, deciding to consider who he would share a cabin with. He highly doubted Ayame would share a cabin with him, as nice as that might be. And thinking of her; he was intrigued by Ayame's take on the situation, she seemed somewhat at ease with the killing part, he took note of that. As she suggested her take on the cabins, Kyou nodded "Ah, I agree~ It does seem like an efficient plan, I must say...Though I don't really mind who I end up with~" truthfully, he didn't, he didn't even mind bunking with the petite ballerina boy. For now, he was just enjoying the ride.
Ayaka turned to the others " Heres an idea instead of 2 people in one have 3 in each , one on the floor 2 in beds. Less risk of being targeted. And have someone on watch outside the cabins " She said thinking out loud, planning wasnt her thing but if she could stop one of these people dying it was okay in her books. She smiled slightly to try serm nicer and friendlier then before on the beach " even if we dont agree on that ill takr night watch tonight "
~I stayed silent as my students talked of sharing cabins. Oho! To think they have a choice of who they would bunk with... That's priceless! And even three people. Oho!I can only laugh! I finally spoke up when Mr. Mauchi thought of Mr. Ukemi, "Ah, Mr. Umeki is not a ballerina Mr. Mauchi. He's the SHSL Acrobat!", then Mr. Umeki spoke. Of course he would! "Wait. What are you on about ow- Monofu?", great. My student already knows to call me by my name! "And since you don't mind a cabin with Mr. Umeki! You guys can share one!" Mr. Umeki's face filled with despair as he yelled, "Huh? I can't share a room with this psycho!" "And precisely why you should! My students need to know how to get along! So while I am assigning cabins..."

"Ren and Ms. Ikeda share a cabin! Ms. Kaslater and Ms. Gensai! Mr. Asato and Ms. Tadashi! Ms. Rio and Ms. Ariwara! Mr. Jioto and Mr. Okana! Ms. Griffen and Mr. Taneko!"~
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[COLOR= #D6AD74]ryo asato[/COLOR]

ryo asato
shsl astronomer
at first, ryo seems completely unreachable, lost in whatever little task he had set his mind to. when the owl finishes his spiel though, his head tilts up curiously, an unreadable expression on his face. there was a lot of interest going on, but his head turns back to where ayame his, his eyes staring absently at her. his look didn't say a lot - just that he was taking notice of her interactions. he doesn't seem like he's about to intercede in any of what's going on, but once monofu finishes with arrangement, he gives a thoughtful nod, and strides over towards ayame.

"hey..." he says in a quiet tone, looking at her with a surprisingly serious look on his face. for a moment, he just stares, his eyes meeting hers in uncomfortably direct way. "treat ren well, okay?" he smiles, but his eyes don't reflect a change in mood. "you have enough bad karma already... you know?" he gives a light laugh, and suddenly, his face returns to form, just as goofy and untroubled as it usually seemed. without really waiting for her response, he turns in place to find ayaka in the crowd and makes a peace sign to her with his fingers. "heeey, we're roomies!"

[COLOR= #D6AD74]notes[/COLOR]

character sheet: here

location: the camp

notes: ohohoh!

mentions: Fray Dracoheart Fray Dracoheart Grizzlot Grizzlot


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Yamanaka looked around. He didn't want to kill or get killed. Then came up the cabins. He was stuck with Ms. Griffen. He knew the name but couldn't put it to a face. He looked over to Yui, "Um... Who is Ms. Griffen? I don't know who many people are." He laughed a little and just looked around. Kenjin didn't care too much for the ventriloquist but eh... Nalini looked around and stopped Hoshi. She was different. "Elle ressemble à un cône de circulation." She then laughed to herself and walked over to her. "You're the cartoonist right?"

TheAnimeRabbit TheAnimeRabbit Gizaira Gizaira
Yamanaka looked around. He didn't want to kill or get killed. Then came up the cabins. He was stuck with Ms. Griffen. He knew the name but couldn't put it to a face. He looked over to Yui, "Um... Who is Ms. Griffen? I don't know who many people are." He laughed a little and just looked around. Kenjin didn't care too much for the ventriloquist but eh... Nalini looked around and stopped Hoshi. She was different. "Elle ressemble à un cône de circulation." She then laughed to herself and walked over to her. "You're the cartoonist right?"

TheAnimeRabbit TheAnimeRabbit Gizaira Gizaira
"She the forien one isent she?" Said yui pointing to hannah "thats her i think, know who ariwara is?"
Hannah walked over to the two "hiya your yamanaka right?"
"She the foreign one isn't she?" Said Yui pointing to Hannah "that's her I think, know who ariwara is?" Hannah walked over to the two "hiya your Yamanaka right?"

"Um... She's the one who doesn't like to be touched... Um." He looks around and spots Maki. "Here. That's the one!" He then looks over to Hannah. "Hi! I'm Yamanaka your Hannah right?"
~I stayed silent as my students talked of sharing cabins. Oho! To think they have a choice of who they would bunk with... That's priceless! And even three people. Oho!I can only laugh! I finally spoke up when Mr. Mauchi thought of Mr. Ukemi, "Ah, Mr. Umeki is not a ballerina Mr. Mauchi. He's the SHSL Acrobat!", then Mr. Umeki spoke. Of course he would! "Wait. What are you on about ow- Monofu?", great. My student already knows to call me by my name! "And since you don't mind a cabin with Mr. Umeki! You guys can share one!" Mr. Umeki's face filled with despair as he yelled, "Huh? I can't share a room with this psycho!" "And precisely why you should! My students need to know how to get along! So while I am assigning cabins..."

"Ren and Ms. Ikeda share a cabin! Ms. Kaslater and Ms. Gensai! Mr. Asato and Ms. Tadashi! Ms. Rio and Ms. Ariwara! Mr. Jioto and Mr. Okana! Ms. Griffen and Mr. Taneko!"~

"Aww~ What a poor opinion of me you have~" Kyou said, smirking as usual "I don't bite~ Though, don't be surprised if I summon an army of evil oranges to attack you in your sleep~" he joked, remembering his distaste of oranges from his profile "I'm just jesting of course~! ...Or am I?" he was having way to much fun here, in fact, he wouldn't mind staying he forever if it came down to it. Though, he was slightly off put by the prospect of this strange owl knowing...too much. He wouldn't dwell on it though, after all, it seemed like it could read minds—or perhaps it was just good intuition? Either way, he decided to just move on, making note of Ayame bunking with Ren "(Ufufu) That poor, poor rabbit boy~" he muttered to himself as he went closer to Jirou, patting his shoulder happily "I hope this is the start of a wonderful life together, Mr. Acrobat~"


Ren held Yukiu closer in fear "E-Eh...?" came out of his mouth in his usual soft tone, looking over at Ayame—horrified. Yukiu didn't seem pleased either, seeing as she was sending Ayame a very dark glare. Watching her, he saw Ryo walk over and say something to her "...?" he didn't hear a word of what was said, and he watched sadly as he went over to talk with Ayaka. He wished so badly that Ryo would've been his roommate, but he supposed there was nothing he could do about that now that Monofu had decided on it. He just sighed, trying to cease his shaking as he walked closer to Ayame.
"Um... She's the one who doesn't like to be touched... Um." He looks around and spots Maki. "Here. That's the one!" He then looks over to Hannah. "Hi! I'm Yamanaka your Hannah right?"
"Thanks" yui saud with a smile walking ocer to maki "ill meetcha later kay?" She called back to yamanaka "hiya roomie" she said to maki as she reached her

Hannah smiled "yeah i am nice to meet you wanna go find our cabin?" She asked looking around.
[You don't have to read anything above the line Blu3 Blu3 ]

Hoshi Gensai

Was she that easy to figure out? Here she was hoping that her false excitement would be enough to lighten the mood a little bit but it turns out her enthusiasm had little to no effect on the situation.

"Admitted, you're terrified, no? Your voice is stuttering like the rabbit boy, giving a sign of weakness." Ayame had said to her. Hoshi wondered what her problem could possibly be, she was mighty rude to the lot of them. Nobody could really stop themselves from being a bit weary and nervous after the strange stuffed owl had said what he said.

Hoshi was tempted to say something to her but another sudden appearance by the owl made her forget about it. Her reaction was delayed and when she finally comprehended he had disappeared and reappeared without seeming to move she backed away slowly. They were kidnapped by a overly cheery, more than likely psychotic, stuffed owl, who could teleport.

She was attempting to comprehend this but soon Monofu had called out the pairings for each room and she was approached by her roommate.

Luck was on her side apparently because from what she could tell Nalini was a relatively nice person. She shot a small but happy grin in her direction, which was supposed to communicate to her that she was glad that she got stuck with her instead of someone else. "That's me. You're the SHSL Cleaner Nalini? Nice to meet you...Properly I mean." her grin widened slightly. The quick introductions from before didn't count in Hoshi's mind so this was actually their first proper meeting.

Junichi Okana

Which one was ''Mr.Jioto'' again? He couldn't really recall the names of any of them off the top of his head. Maybe he should of paid more attention to when they introduced themselves...Well that wouldn't change much, this handbook could actually be pretty handy for things like this. He decided to open up the tablet and check out the profiles inside it.

He shuttered a bit as he went through the information in the small piece of technology. Honestly he found it all to be more than a little unsettling.

How did this creature full of nothing but stuffing manage to get any of this? Even a decent picture should of been hard to get a hold of.

He sighed internally, feeling himself getting more anxious by the minute.

Still, he continued until he found his roommates profile. He gave it a quick look over before shutting the tablet down for the time being. He's the SHSL Designer, huh? he thought to himself with a uncertain expression.

He wasn't sure how he felt about him yet. Time would tell though neither one of them seemed to be up for a conversation right now given that neither one had made a move to approach each other.

For a second he glanced at him before looking away just as fast. Maybe they would talk later but right now he would rather go to their cabin.
"Aww~ What a poor opinion of me you have~" Kyou said, smirking as usual "I don't bite~ Though, don't be surprised if I summon an army of evil oranges to attack you in your sleep~" he joked, remembering his distaste of oranges from his profile "I'm just jesting of course~! ...Or am I?" he was having way to much fun here, in fact, he wouldn't mind staying he forever if it came down to it. Though, he was slightly off put by the prospect of this strange owl knowing...too much. He wouldn't dwell on it though, after all, it seemed like it could read minds—or perhaps it was just good intuition? Either way, he decided to just move on, making note of Ayame bunking with Ren "(Ufufu) That poor, poor rabbit boy~" he muttered to himself as he went closer to Jirou, patting his shoulder happily "I hope this is the start of a wonderful life together, Mr. Acrobat~"
"Umm... I'm not terrified of oranges, I just don't like the taste.", he responded. When he was flipping through the handbook, he noticed that one of the rules were, "Don't upset the counselor.", now honestly to him, there was nothing that could anger this stuffed owl. But he didn't want to take any chances and decided it was best to just cooperate with everything, at least, for now. Jirou shivered when Kyou patted his shoulder. He turned to him, but not before gently grabbing Kyou's hand and pushing it away, "I hope that we don't have to spend the our lives here...", was all he commented. To be honest, Jirou wasn't even sure if he was going to kill or not. Not even sure if he was capable of it... But he bet Monofucker could find some way.

~"If you check the map in your handbook you can see that we are almost there students!"~
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"Aww~ What a poor opinion of me you have~" Kyou said, smirking as usual "I don't bite~ Though, don't be surprised if I summon an army of evil oranges to attack you in your sleep~" he joked, remembering his distaste of oranges from his profile "I'm just jesting of course~! ...Or am I?" he was having way to much fun here, in fact, he wouldn't mind staying he forever if it came down to it. Though, he was slightly off put by the prospect of this strange owl knowing...too much. He wouldn't dwell on it though, after all, it seemed like it could read minds—or perhaps it was just good intuition? Either way, he decided to just move on, making note of Ayame bunking with Ren "(Ufufu) That poor, poor rabbit boy~" he muttered to himself as he went closer to Jirou, patting his shoulder happily "I hope this is the start of a wonderful life together, Mr. Acrobat~"


Ren held Yukiu closer in fear "E-Eh...?" came out of his mouth in his usual soft tone, looking over at Ayame—horrified. Yukiu didn't seem pleased either, seeing as she was sending Ayame a very dark glare. Watching her, he saw Ryo walk over and say something to her "...?" he didn't hear a word of what was said, and he watched sadly as he went over to talk with Ayaka. He wished so badly that Ryo would've been his roommate, but he supposed there was nothing he could do about that now that Monofu had decided on it. He just sighed, trying to cease his shaking as he walked closer to Ayame.

Noting what Ryo said she gave a little smirk,"You can trust me the fullest, but if I break the trust, what are you gonna do about it?" She said to him, she soon notices Ren walking up to her, lifting her head up,"What is expect of you is already expected, do anything that would disturb me and you'll end up as soil for one of my plants, and if you cry at night I'll throw you outside our cabin, you hear?" She says in a rather threatening voice she took a look at the rabbit, giving her a rather distasteful look, truthfully she felt lucky and thankful for being partner up with Ren, this allows her to be a bit more flexible with the whole situation. She soon extended her arm and started to run Ren's head as if she was a mother, "Even if I'm so rude to you look at it in the bright side,yes? If anyone tries entering our cabin to kill you, you have a rather strong person to protect you, your the luckiest out of everyone!" She says giving a rather smile that she knew she faked, she felt a little calm now, giving her a quick chance to look at the handbook and review.
"Thanks" yui saud with a smile walking ocer to maki "ill meetcha later kay?" She called back to yamanaka "hiya roomie" she said to maki as she reached her
Maki snapped out of her thoughts as a girl called out to her. She was so trapped in her mind about the whole killing game and how the owl functioned! She had been walking mindlessly with the others. That is till now, she turned to her "roomie" and said, "Hello. You are Yui, correct? SHSL Haker. If we are bunking we are going to share half of the room. Please refrain from going on my side without asking."

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