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Fandom Surīkirā - A "Death Note" RP

Chief Ohara rose from his desk to greet the new person who would be working on the case. "Hello,

Miss Saito," he said, greeting her bow with a nod. As he made his introduction, there was another knock on the door. 

Satoru walked in, quite surprised to see the young woman from earlier in the room. He'd suspected she would be working on the case with them, but it still came as a surprise. He bowed to chief Ohara. "Good Morning chief. I apologize for the delay." 

The chief nodded. 

"I'm glad to see everyone I've sent for has arrived safely. Even if one was a little late," he said with a slight smile. 

Satoru knew he was just joking, and trying to make an example of him. He'd known chief Ohara for several years. The man had a great sense of humor, but he also hated tardiness, and if you were late, he'd crack a joke at your expense.

"This is Athena Saito, JSS," Ohara informed Saturo. 

"I'm Yori Sato, forensic technician and crime scene investigator," Saturo introduced himself to her. 

"We've got a lot of work to do," Chief Ohara said, motioning to the chairs to indicate that they should sit down. 
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Roku snorted at Saturo's introduction. An alias just like Athena? This was definitely going to be fun. But, forensic technician and crime scene investigator... Does he investigate his own killings? Heh, probably. He bent down and whispered in Athena's ear, "By the way, Yori Sato's not him real name. You probably already know that but just in case~!", He stood with his hand on his hip and looked at the other Shinigami straight in the eyes. "Hi.", he simply said with a smile.

@FrostFire @Datbrony
Athena bowed to Sato as she was introduced. "It's nice to meet you!", she flashed the same warm smile at him that she had at everyone today, but her demeanour became more serious and professional as she sat down with a "Yes, Sir.". She was very interested that he was using an alias, which was confirmed by Roku. Well, seemed like this Kira had some brains. And by Roku's greeting, his shinigami was there too. Good thing she had the eyes, so she had no problem with his alias, but even if she didn't have them, his real name would be easy to find for someone like her.

Obviously, she thought all of this very deep down, and none of it showed on her perfect mask.

@Ash Ketchup @snowstormspawn @Gem
Now in the latest of world news, an American citizen, later revealed to be a spy acting the American government's orders, has shot and killed Russia's Prime Minister in what is believed to be a call to war. The shooter has been captured and detained, lucky no citizens were injured during the attack...."

Eiichi grasped his TV remote of his black desk. Quickly changing the Channel on screen.

"Local News: Yesterday, Two criminals, who were holding civilians hostage on live television, were kill-"

An abrupt and loud, SMACK could be heard echoing throughout Honda's barren apartment building. His breathing was at a manic speed, all the muscles and bones in his body were rapidly shaking and quivering out fear. Eiichi meekly grabbed at his, now partly broken, remote controller. Slow pressing down on the red "Power" button in the top right corner of remote. The TV swiftly shut off, leaving only the sound in room the muffled cries of 19-year-old dropout.

"S-so much......Death......"

If it's not apparent now, Eiichi had a huge phobia of death. He just rued the very thought of it since the day he was born, there wasn't a particular reason, no scarring back-story that explained this gripping phobia. In fact his childhood was rather great, he always was a popular kid in his classes, his parents loved Honda to pieces, his dreadful fear of the death never really made sense. 

"Oh, well" he often would muse, just writing it down to simple phobia.

Eiichi, starting to make it to his feet, slipped in to his tore up tennis shoe, not wanting to be forced to face the reality of the world in darkness. Decided to head out, and perhaps forget about he reports on TV.
She had blanked out, she had got caught  in her thoughts and wasn't paying attention to her surroundings, but then she shook her head vigorously and came back into reality. "H-huh? Am I working on the Kira case? Is that what they're saying?"
'I dyed my hair because I figured if I was going to stick out, I was going to stick out regardless of what I did. So I went all in with it.' he responded to the phone, before turning to the shinigami again. "Shinigami eyes, while tempting, aren't an option. I need to preserve as much as my time I have left. If you were willing to disclose my current remaining time, then I would perhaps take it into consideration, but without that information, I'm not about to blindly bargain my life away." A tab that he had open to a main new site flashed, prompting him to click on it. Apparently, someone had put out a video challenging Kira publicly. If what he said was true, however, then there were two other Death Note users Octavius needed to be wary about. If they had made the trade for shinigami eyes, he'd need a backup plan for if he ran into one of those people in public.

Thinking quickly, he set his laptop aside, and ripped the used pages out of the Death Note. "What would happen if I burned these pages, Khaoul? I'm assuming it's impossible to bring people back from the dead..." Standing, he set the rest of the Death Note aside. "Would I die as well? Or would all record of me using this Death Note be erased?"

@Destructus Kloud @Ash Ketchup @Blitzer



Khaoul watched the video with mild interest along with Octavius as the masked man issued his crazy challenge before the feed cut out. It certainly was intriguing, the man apparently knew that the Kira's needed a name and a face. He turned his attention to Octavius again and simply shrugged, "I don't know, maybe? I haven't witnessed anyone trying to burn the pages of the death note. Of course, simply ripping the pages out will cause no harm to you. So long as you don't lose the pieces, that is." He eyed the torn pieces of paper with his usual dull expression before glancing out of the window. It was quite bright outside now, but the curtains were drawn to keep the room in darkness. Shinigami had no obligation to tell a human anything unless asked and even then that was simply a matter of whether they wanted to or not. Khaoul saw no reason to hide things from his human, but he also felt no need to inform him on everything he could know about the death note. It was all there in the Death Note rules anyway and he hadn't tampered with them in any way. Obviously, Khaoul would not tell him things he was not allowed to know because the Shinigami rules forbade it, "However, I cannot tell you how long you have yet to live. That is against our rules and now that you have used the death note, there is no way for you to find out unless you die. A user of the death note does not go to heaven nor hell when they die." He reiterated the last part effect, ensuring the human understood the gravity of his situation. Octavius had condemned himself to a life of death, crime and mystery and to a death of unknown conceptions, all because he had decided to use the death note. In some ways, it was the biggest sacrifice one could make for the sake of a 'new world'. It was also completely in vain if you died before realising your goal. And to Shinigami, it was a way of life. 

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Recognizing the face of one of the detectives involved with the case he is already acquainted with, the profiler nods his head politely once they happen to lock eyes, greeting him in silence. His eyes scan the room for the number of chairs, taking one the moment he discerns an even number between them and the individuals inside the room. It is a bit of habit to him, as taking the floor instead has never been an issue. Crossing his legs and placing his hands on his lap, Gabriel awaits for the meeting to start, not one to start off on his own but rather speaking up if it is demanded of him or if one’s argument goes against his own. He goes through his notes in the meantime, preparing his analysis and reservations regarding the unsub if it is to be brought up.


Satoru picked a seat not directly in front of the chief, but a little ways off to the side. He didn't want to be sitting right in front of him as he spoke about Kira, when he knew what was going on. It was difficult for Saturo not to say anything when he had an answer. But he showed no outward signs of this. His plan was more important to him than telling the truth. 

"As you all are surely aware," Chief Ohara began, "There was a hostage situation at a bank last night. Some of you may have seen it on live television as it occured. In fact, most of Japan viewed the newscast." 

He turned to the board behind him. It was playing silent footage of the event. "We have confirmation from professionals that the cause of death for both men was, indeed, a heart attack. Therefore we've attributed these two deaths to Kira." 

Satoru wondered why Kira hadn't come up with another way to off them. Shot by Police would have been a way. Oh, right. He wanted to be known to the public. That was why he killed in such a unique, universal way. Or the most basic way, as far as the death note was concerned. 

"We will search the bank for any evidence. A phone was found at the crime scene, which we assume belongs to one of the dead men. If we can, we will extract information from that. Otherwise, we will be questioning witnesses to the event who were there in person, as soon as they are open to speaking to us." He turned to Saturo specifically. "Sato- I don't know if there will be any tangible evidence to figure out how Kira killed those two men, but I want you to take your team and thoroughly search the crime scene. Gather fingerprints, hair samples, anything. Outline their paths through the building during the length of the crime. I expect a full report on that before tomorrow." 

Saturo nodded. "Yes sir."

Ohara turned to all the others. "Those of you who are new to the investigation. Did your departments reach any worthwile conclusions on Kira and his actions?" He wanted to know if there was new information they brought to the case. It might help them get somewhere to confirm things or rule them out. 
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Athena pondered while instructions were given to Sato, "If I may, I'd like to request the phone after you've finished with it. I can send it back to experts in my department, and see if they can discern anything from it.", she nodded, but first...

"First, please explain to me what exactly you know? So I don't needlessly repeat what you already know.", some of the information that JSS had gathered was still... Classified. And it was best that she didn't explain anything about their lovely experiments. So, in actual fact she probably wouldn't have much to give to the table, from what she could tell them. From what she had seen of Sato, she was beginning to suspect he wasn't the actual Kira... So, that meant there was another, or maybe even a few. From what Roku had told her, only 6 could be on earth at a time, so for all she knew there could be another 4, and she would have to cull the herd, so to speak. Lucky for her, she certainly didn't need the death note to kill, she had killed plenty without it, after all.

@Gem @snowstormspawn @Ash Ketchup
Ichiko didn't know where to sit, so she just leaned against the wall outside of the Chief' office, wondering if she should be listening or not.
Cecil opens his eyes to find that his sister had already gone off to work. He looks to his side to find a note and lazily grabs it, 'There's breakfast on the table for you.', he yawned and throws the note in the trash near his door. He goes downstairs and sees his food on the table. He eats it then heads back upstairs to get ready for the day. 

He walks outside his house, locking the door, and head to the subway. He messes around with his pink hair as he steps on the almost empty train, waiting to be taken to his college. 

Koon had ran to her work after making Cecil breakfast. She huffed as the doors opened for her. "Koon!", she looked up at her co-worker, Hichiro. She smiled at him as she straighten herself up, "Hi! Is there anything to be doing? Has Kira killed again?", he shook his head, "No, as far as I'm aware. But I saw on t.v. that someone had actually challenged Kira and claims that there are two other Kira's!" "Woah really? Well, if that is all, then we need and to try and work that into our broadcast." "Agreed.", then the two got to work.
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Akemi Azami yawned and woke up from his deep exercise aided slumber. It was funny. Life was more enjoyable when dead. No more need to worry about nagging. He chuckled to himself. Akemi wondered how his parents had taken his falsified death. Oh wait today was his funeral. Hmm, showing up would be kind of funny, but he had work to do. Before he had 'died', he had received and accepted the job to hunt down Kira by the police and the mafia. Once he had gotten paid for the job, he erased himself from every database in the world. Only people who knew him would know his real name, and he had changed his face completely. Such was the power of a good hacker, he thought to himself. 

Room service delivered food to his room, and he graciously accepted it, thanking the lady with a falsified American accent. Akemi Azami no longer existed outside of his mind. This was his weapon to bring down Kira. Now it was time to start setting the traps. He knew at least the main Kira was in Japan because of who he killed and how his information was received. One of the other Kira's he believed was in Japan. So he was prepared to bait them. Let them come, Nemo the God Slayer would destroy them, uproot their fantasy, and remind the world humans were the greatest.  
"Baby baby, calm yo ass down. I told ya'll I don't know who dat bitch is."

"T-then why do you have her number, Takuma!?! You've been calling her all the time!"

The Musketeer groaned away from the phone before bringing it back and adopting his douchebag tone again "Ya just overreacting baby, just wait till' I come round' yo place later and I'll remind you how loyal I am."

Before Nurasi could assault his ears with more complaining, he closed the phone and slid it back in his pocket with an exasperated groan "You'd think dealing with clingy chicks would be easier after being a few, but nooooope."

He shrugged as he dragged the case out of the back of an unmarked van he'd picked up from an associate. He was in one of the upper levels of a car lot probably about the fourth floor. It was mainly used by the employees of a nearby office place, but due to its work hours only the first two levels ever saw traffic at this time. There were cameras sure, but a career criminal like him could recognize blind spots easily. There'd be some footage of the van with tinted windows he was driving, but he was planning on returning it as soon as he was done with this little excursion of his.

Before getting out, he made sure to dress head to toe, sweatpants and a hoodie complete with a ski mask and gloves.

The case he pulled from the back was a long one, not as heavy as it should be considering its size. He dragged it away from the van before unclasping it. Inside was a vintage musket rifle, complete with a recently sharpened and shined bayonet, a small pouch of musket balls and gunpowder among other things.

Sitting cross legged, the Musketeer took his time loading it up just like the people of old. He glanced up as he worked towards the chair he'd set up in an empty parking space, or more specifically the bound and gagged person he'd placed in it. He'd stapled a skull mask to them after dragging them out of his van, it greatly muffled the already gagged victims cries of protest. There was a small cardboard sign lying next to the chair face-down.

It was just some random homeless dude he'd lured out here with promises of a job, but despite the low profile he'd do nicely for what the Killer had in mind.

"Ya know you should thank me." he commented as he worked "When I found you, you were practically rotting to death in a filthy alley. No marketable skills, no loved ones and enough diseases to wipe out a small continent. I'd wonder how you got to where you are, but honestly it really doesn't matter considering what's coming up."

The only reply was more muffled screams.

The Musketeer rolled his eyes as he put the small trinkets back in their case "So whiny, no wonder nobody cares that you're about to die. Whatever, I can't cramp your style with judgment dude, its not the bro way."

He stood, trained his musket on the shaking person and closed an eye "Don't worry pal, I got somewhere to be after this so I'll make it quick."

A quick crack of sound accompanied the musket ball which punctured the restrained man's head and made it jerk backwards before exiting out the back and embedding itself in the parking space's guardrail. The body twitched for a second before going completely slack. 

The Musketeer walked over whilst leaning his namesake against his shoulder, he picked up the small sign which had the single name of Kira scrawled on it and place it in the dead man's lap. He paused to admire it for a moment before noticing the musket ball still wedged in the guard rail, not believing his luck he walked over and pulled it out and looked it over.

Dropping it and the musket back in its case, he slid the whole thing back into the van before closing its doors. Doing one last sweep for any unwanted evidence, besides the stuff he wanted there of course, he shrugged and hopped back in. He gave a low whistle as he drove out of he garage leaving his handiwork behind. Corpses always get found eventually if not disposed of properly, by the time the workers or maintenance come around he should already have jumped into a different persona and returned the van. Because seriously, Musketeer just did not like driving around these things. Sure they're necessary, but good lord did they annoy him.
Athena pondered while instructions were given to Sato, "If I may, I'd like to request the phone after you've finished with it. I can send it back to experts in my department, and see if they can discern anything from it.", she nodded, but first...

"First, please explain to me what exactly you know? So I don't needlessly repeat what you already know.", some of the information that JSS had gathered was still... Classified. And it was best that she didn't explain anything about their lovely experiments. So, in actual fact she probably wouldn't have much to give to the table, from what she could tell them. From what she had seen of Sato, she was beginning to suspect he wasn't the actual Kira... So, that meant there was another, or maybe even a few. From what Roku had told her, only 6 could be on earth at a time, so for all she knew there could be another 4, and she would have to cull the herd, so to speak. Lucky for her, she certainly didn't need the death note to kill, she had killed plenty without it, after all.

@Gem @snowstormspawn @Ash Ketchup

"Yes. What we know," Chief Ohara began. "It was obvious to us that the criminals Kira kills are those whose information is readily available to the public. As soon as their information is released, they drop dead from a heart attack." He looked to Saturo. "Investigator Sato can verify my statement- there were no shared DNA samples between the sites of the heart attacks." 

Sato nodded. "That is correct, sir." 

"Which either means we have a master criminal, or someone who need not be present at the crime scene to commit murder. If the first one were true, he should be someone already on our record. Practice makes perfect, after all. If he were on our record, it still could not explain how he commits murder unseen, when there are witnesses present. All witnesses have confirmed to us that they saw no one and nothing. While they may just be afraid of being targeted by Kira, I believe that their statements were correct." 

"As we saw during the broadcast last night, the two men died right in front of our eyes, and no one who could have killed them was caught on the footage. Finally, to refute this point further, no murder weapon seems to have been used. No physical damage to the victim's bodies, except for the heart attack, which cannot be attributed to drugs or poison. There are never signs of a struggle found on these victims. If they had been able to see their killer, we would have found otherwise." 

"That leaves us with the second possibility. Kira need not be present at the crime scene to commit the murders. You may ask yourself, how can that be? Well, that's where our department has been struggling to come to a reasonable explanation." 
'I dyed my hair because I figured if I was going to stick out, I was going to stick out regardless of what I did. So I went all in with it.' he responded to the phone, before turning to the shinigami again. "Shinigami eyes, while tempting, aren't an option. I need to preserve as much as my time I have left. If you were willing to disclose my current remaining time, then I would perhaps take it into consideration, but without that information, I'm not about to blindly bargain my life away." A tab that he had open to a main new site flashed, prompting him to click on it. Apparently, someone had put out a video challenging Kira publicly. If what he said was true, however, then there were two other Death Note users Octavius needed to be wary about. If they had made the trade for shinigami eyes, he'd need a backup plan for if he ran into one of those people in public.

Thinking quickly, he set his laptop aside, and ripped the used pages out of the Death Note. "What would happen if I burned these pages, Khaoul? I'm assuming it's impossible to bring people back from the dead..." Standing, he set the rest of the Death Note aside. "Would I die as well? Or would all record of me using this Death Note be erased?"

@Destructus Kloud @Ash Ketchup @Blitzer

Etsuko laughed, 'Well, I'm glad you did. You look great with white hair :).' She stared at her screen for 6 seconds before looking at her clock and typing again, 'I have to go to school. If you're feeling better at 3:45, do you wanna meet up? It be great if I could see you instead of texting you like this.'
Athena took in what he said, and though for a few seconds before she began. "Thank you for your explanation, it helps me explain quite a bit.", she paused for a few seconds more, "Now, I know you won't like this, but some information is still classified, but I shall explain as much as I am permitted.", she let them sink that in before she continued. "Um... There are some people... Not on any official records, that is. And... You would be surprised, I have dealt with similar cases, long before the Kira incidents that were similar... The culprit was caught eventually... Ah, sorry I'm going off topic.", she cleared her throat. "But yes, we are still looking into possible methods, and I shall keep you posted if we find anything. And the same goes for the drugs and poison methods, there are some that still aren't tested for, and do not show up on any current tests. We are also looking into these, and I believe a paper on these new drugs will be available in... A few weeks? But sadly we have already tested all of the ones in the paper... So it isn't of much use. But they are continuously... Testing.", she hesitated again, and moved on quickly. "And we are looking into how a perpetrator could kill so many without being seen, well, that is less of a stretch than a single person seeming to be in more place than one.", she took a deep breath, "So, currently the JSS is focusing it's efforts on an organised group, perhaps made up of trained assassins, highly skilled individual and that sort of thing. We're working with some scientists in the Amazon, as many unknown poisons are still being discovered there, but also around the world. If a new species is discovered, then it has the potential to be what we are looking for. So, even if this is still in the works, we are considering the possibility of an organised group using a currently undetectable and unknown poison... Er... This is a bit much to take in, I know. Um... I- there isn't much else, I guess... Unless I'm forgetting something, um.. I don't think I am? I hope I'm not... Er, anyway. I can explain a bit more about what I've said if you'd like, and I'll try and ask any questions if I'm able.", she was a little worried sounding by the end. She hoped she wasn't missing anything, her boss would kill her if she had. And she didn't like not being able to tell them everything, and her tone and expression was apologetic to convey that.

Obviously, the real Athena felt none of this, but she was nowhere to be seen. She was perfect at putting on a mask, she had been doing it since infancy.

@snowstormspawn @Gem @Ash Ketchup
"Yes. What we know," Chief Ohara began. "It was obvious to us that the criminals Kira kills are those whose information is readily available to the public. As soon as their information is released, they drop dead from a heart attack." He looked to Saturo. "Investigator Sato can verify my statement- there were no shared DNA samples between the sites of the heart attacks." 

Sato nodded. "That is correct, sir." 

"Which either means we have a master criminal, or someone who need not be present at the crime scene to commit murder. If the first one were true, he should be someone already on our record. Practice makes perfect, after all. If he were on our record, it still could not explain how he commits murder unseen, when there are witnesses present. All witnesses have confirmed to us that they saw no one and nothing. While they may just be afraid of being targeted by Kira, I believe that their statements were correct." 

"As we saw during the broadcast last night, the two men died right in front of our eyes, and no one who could have killed them was caught on the footage. Finally, to refute this point further, no murder weapon seems to have been used. No physical damage to the victim's bodies, except for the heart attack, which cannot be attributed to drugs or poison. There are never signs of a struggle found on these victims. If they had been able to see their killer, we would have found otherwise." 

"That leaves us with the second possibility. Kira need not be present at the crime scene to commit the murders. You may ask yourself, how can that be? Well, that's where our department has been struggling to come to a reasonable explanation." 

"Hey kid, what if they suspect you as Kira? If they think you're Kira how are you going to hide your death note if they try to investigate your room? You should plan ahead before leaving the house."
The train stopped for Cecil and he stepped off as other people got on. He made it to the front gates of his school and that's when he heard the talking, "Did you hear? Kira striked again! Two guys were robbing a bank or something and he gave the guys a heart attack!" "Hey, hey. You don't know Kira's a he. Could be a hot chick." "Pervert!", he almost barfed. The people at this collage acted like american high school students. He sighed and looked at the three buildings. Then he shrugged his shoulders and walked away from it. He plugged in his ear phones as soon as he heard people whispering about him again. He had no idea where he was going, probably to a shop or library to rest. He took out his phone and checked the news, the news people have gotta be happy since Kira blew up. Probably earn more money now. 'Russian President assassinated.' "The hell...?", he mumbled out. He pressed the link and read over the article. So now Russia and America were at war? Hmmp. He didn't really care about it. 

Suddenly, he bumped into somebody but was able to keep his ground, unfortunately he dropped his phone. He looked behind him at the person and said, "Watch were you're going.", it came out cold. But to Cecil it was meant to be a warning. Like, if they bumped into anyone else... Like a serial killer, they could've been killed. He looked to the ground to see his phone near the stranger. He looked at them again as if saying, 'Pick it up.'

@St. Elsewhere Hope you don't mind Cecil bumping into Eiichi do you?
That's stupid, Saturo thought to himself. He'd locked the cabinet- that should be good enough. They had no reason to suspect him for anything. He hadn't done anything suspicious at all. An idea came to mind. Hmm... I'll need to ask him what happens if I tear out and burn the pages I've written on. That way no evidence could point back to me. He made a mental note to himself about that. 

Chief Ohara looked down at the open binder on the table. "Yes, some of us agree that it may be a group we're dealing with here. But if that were so, they would not have much time to plan their killings. Between the events and the broadcasts... That's typically less than a day. If we've got an organized group on our hands, they must have many members, and be spread all throughout Japan..." he sighed. "I'm glad to hear that the JSS is working with scientists to discover ways that this may have been done. I think that is a good place to start." He looked to the others to see if they had anything to say. 

"With all due respect," Saturo spoke up. "Discovering a poison or a chemical that was previously untested for could take years." 

Chief Ohara blinked at him in surprise. "That is true, Sato." 

"At that rate, we may as well check luggage at the airports, and investigate the shipping centers to see if someone's been smuggling something into the country. I don't think we'll get far today, discussing the how of these crimes. I think we should discuss the motive behind them." Saturo's motive for killing was different from the other Kiras. He wasn't going to gloat about how many people he'd killed, and he wasn't going to talk himself up as some divine being come to Earth to pass judgement on the wicked. Rather, he had just one goal- to give people the power to control their own deaths. He thought that was a right people ought to have, especially if they were already dying and in pain. Several countries had agreed, and legalized it. And he wasn't going to stop until the whole world followed suit. Change was inevitable- he was simply accelerating it. By shifting the conversation to the motive, the detectives would need to consider a viewpoint that was incompatible with his own ideology. Why would he support a drop in crime? The force was overstaffed as it was. If there were no crime scenes to investigate, he would lose his job. 

"I agree... Perhaps it would be better to discuss a motive now." Chief Ohara looked to Athena. "Is there any information you can share with us about what the JSS believes is the motive behind all this? 



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Everything was set. The first of his games as on. Two, he was going to test something else. He had narrowed what he believed where Kira approximately lived in Japan based on news and how many criminals had been killed. His computer read that his hack had finished. This time he had pre-recorded his message. He didn't feel like ranting again. His demeanor had to stay cool and calm. Akemi got to excited when he got public attention. He sighed and hit the play as the station came off a commercial break.  

"Kira, the mass murderer, I know you will see this. I am not talking to the two lesser, or shall I say, superior careful Kiras. I'll be coming for you after... after I capture this murderer. Kira, I want to challenge you. No... not challenge you. I want to give you a killer off the books. Well, the police finally identified him three days ago, but they must have misplaced his information. At least, I misplaced it for them. You consider yourself a judge of the evil. I don't think you can let this serial killer go on living. However, this information, I'll give it to you, but you must come for it. No of course not to me. It will be in a ____ restaurant under table number four from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM. I'm sure Kira you won't even need to appear in person to collect this information. I simply want to observe. If you do ignore this, this serial killer will keep on killing. A 'justice seeker' you can't ignore this. 

Police, I warn you. Do not interfere in this, or you will find many things you need gone." Akemi clicked on a file that showed several confidential files from the police. "They will disappear. Call them insurance. Futhermore, anyone who attempt to take this information will suffer for it. Kira, I will be watching and waiting. Come, let the first game begin." 
Athena decided not to say this, it would make her sound argumentative, but JSS were already checking luggage... Sigh.

"Well, obviously some idiot thinks they can play god... Ahem, sorry. We believe, as I'm sure you do, that Kira, whether a group or individual, believes they are passing judgement on the guilty, I would guess in their mind, they think they're a hero... Although that's hardly a stretch. We're dealing with a highly deluded person or people, who will let no one get in their way. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you've probably already suspected that this would happen... But I'm here not just as an aid to the investigation, but as a warning.", she paused, steeling herself up for what she was about to say. "My boss, and many others along with them including myself, we... Ah, what I'm trying to say is that from what we've predicted, soon Kira will not only kill those they deem 'worthy', but those they consider a threat. The main threat to Kira would be the police, and investigation teams. We are all now targets for Kira. As this individuals mental state deteriorates, which we have already seen in the targeting of less and less serious crimes, they will begin to murder anyone who is a danger to them...", she looked a bit sad at this. "Which is why I would recommend not using your real names with the press or anywhere public. A delusional individual like this may crack at any time, hell, they might've already. Which would mean a high possibility of officers being targeted, especially when we get close to solving the case, and they panic... Ah! I'm going off topic, sorry.", she paused again. "Hmm... If we are considering a group here, the phone discovered with the criminals... It could be a substantial clue. We shall have to retrieve the last call as soon as possible.", she smiled at the chief, indicating she was done with her piece.

@snowstormspawn @Ash Ketchup @Gem
Satoru felt the change in atmosphere when Miss Saito brought up that Kira might target them eventually. Some of the other investigators in the room looked at each other, adjusted their ties, fidgeted in their chairs. He mirrored their reactions, to a lesser degree, because it was out of character for him to be that afraid. Besides, it was obvious that's what Kira would do if he began to feel cornered. Fortunately Saturo already had an alias. He'd taken it not because of Kira, but because the men who murdered his parents may still try to finish what they started. His grandparents knew about that, and they'd never reveal his actual name. So unless Kira had the eyes, he would not be able to kill him. The eyes... 

Chief Ohara nodded. "Yes. We agree. And that is a fair concern." He looked around at the investigators and sighed, realizing he might lose some of them to the fear. If that happened, he would understand. What they were doing was perhaps more dangerous than any case he'd previously worked on. "You are correct about the phone. It's quite suspicious that the criminals answered a call as they were committing their crime... If anything, it could lead us to another criminal."
Athena noticed the atmosphere change too, and sighed. "I'll admit, your fear isn't uncommon. I was the only one who would take this job, after all... Nobody else would show their face for fear of being targeted.", she looked up from the floor, her voice becoming stronger than it was before. "I just couldn't warrant saving myself over helping everyone. If I am killed, so be it. I will have died doing work that I love and believe in, and at least I will have tried.", she paused for a second, blinking. "Um, sorry... I guess I got a bit carried away... And I know for a fact it certainly isn't how everyone feels.", she chuckled a little, a sad undertone to it. She knew that many of the officers on the investigation would leave, it was inevitable.

"Yes, that is quite probable... Although if we work up the chain, you may hook a big fish, so to speak. Even if they aren't connected with the Kira case, it will still be a successful catch.", she crossed her legs, and her eyebrows furrowed slightly in a brooding expression.

@snowstormspawn @Ash Ketchup @Gem
Mason decided to call his friend Felix.Mason said to himself"do not make an  people skill mistake while talking to him".Mason said on the cellphone in an nervous tone"Hey Felix i need your help in the Kira case".Mason then said" I need your skill set to help catch Kira. Mason said" meet at my house i also have important info about the Kira case  then left this as a message on the machine.Mason then said to himself"almost panicked from stress of talking to him on the cellphone.Mason calmed down and started to play video games on his cell phone.Mason then thought to himself"game on Kira".

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