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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones!


Ragnar was approached by a young and beautiful woman. She seemed well-mannered and polite. Ragnar was glad about this and realized that him and her will get along just fine. He then motioned one of the servants to approach her and lead her to her dorm room.

"Nice to meet you Melanie. I think your roommate is Lusitania."

((Go ahead and control the servant who'll lead you to your room. Make sure your character gets the keys to the room and her closet.))

Ragnar finally took notice of the lively girl. He looked at her and thought Oh my, this girl looks so young. I wonder how old she is? She looks like an elementary school student...

"Hi there. What's your name," he asked

"So. What's your thing? How'd you end up here?" Hunter asked, eyeing the snake closely. She didn't look deadly enough, at least not from here. He then noted Mikhail's name and accent, figuring he was Russian. His mind sidetracked to the thought of freezing winters, mild summers. He mentally shuddered at those thoughts before snapping himself back to reality.
@Idea @Zombocalypse

Her face shifting into one of surprise, Melanie could only watch as a strange girl got in between them and yelled at the tall man, then at her. She also realized that she hadn't gotten the man's name, but she felt that now wasn't a very good time to ask. Melanie wasn't the type to get angered very quickly, but right now she was kind of annoyed. So she simply bowed once more towards the man and left without a word following the servant to the school, making sure to get her keys to her new room and her closet. 
@Idea @Zombocalypse

Her face shifting into one of surprise, Melanie could only watch as a strange girl got in between them and yelled at the tall man, then at her. She also realized that she hadn't gotten the man's name, but she felt that now wasn't a very good time to ask. Melanie wasn't the type to get angered very quickly, but right now she was kind of annoyed. So she simply bowed once more towards the man and left without a word following the servant to the school, making sure to get her keys to her new room and her closet. 


Ragnar finally took notice of the lively girl. He looked at her and thought Oh my, this girl looks so young. I wonder how old she is? She looks like an elementary school student...

"Hi there. What's your name," he asked

(Lusitania´s POV)

"Poopy head!" I blobbed out, pulling out my tong at the girl as she left. Who was she to not even reply? Just a big baby, yeah! I giggled at my own thoughts, then faced the man who asked me for my name. "I´m Lusitania. Nice to meet you. I was told to come here by someone, they said I could make lots of friends and have lots of fun. Is that true?"

@Zombocalypse @Nyannno
@Nyannno @Idea

Ragnar smiled at the girl. "Yes, that's true. And so you're Lusitania, huh? It turns out, Poopyhead is your roommate."

He motioned one of the servants to come closer. "Hey Bobby, can you lead this girl to her room? She's Lusitania, Melanie's roommate. Room 201"

((Go ahead and control Bobby to lead you to room 201. You and Melanie are roommates.))
"I speak with snakes and some other reptiles," he answered bluntly, as though he was asked the question often. "And how about you?" He sat on the bed, shuffling over to the corner and crossing his legs. Ana slithered over to him when he was situated, lying across his leg.

@Luxury Hotline
Once to her room, Melanie thanked the servant that lead her there. Shutting the door, she walked over to the bed and plopped onto it, letting out a deep sigh. She wasn't exactly tired, but she wasn't looking forward to rooming with someone who called her a poopy head. With another sigh, she started unpacking using her telekinesis, and even summoned a few little minions to help her out. She wondered how her new roommate will take it once they find out she's literally a manifestation of Death. She showed no indication of being anything other then human, but that's only because on earth she couldn't show her true form, and she had no intention to show it here either. 

"I can shapeshift. But the critters I change into... Well, let's just say that Ana would mistake me for a meal." Hunter chuckled nervously at that thought, rubbing the nape of his neck. "I also got some good eyes. Can see better than most. Buuut that means my other senses are shit." He gave a shrug, slowly slumping back down onto his bed. "And they say I got a bit of fairy blood from my father's side of the family. Just enough for me to be considered one."
"Mm, you'll be able to see her coming then," he smiled a bit more, waving his hand ever so slightly to dismiss that thought. "I kid, I kid. She wouldn't eat something unless she knew exactly what she was eating," he reassured. He patted Ana's head as he spoke, placing a pillow against the wall and setting his head against it. "She only eats a few times a month, anyway."

@Luxury Hotline

"Well I never got to know much about snakes myself. If you get close to one where I come from, it's a death wish. So I just gotta assume a big one like Ana here is at least a tiny bit dangerous." Hunter spoke with a slight smirk, only then realizing he was laying down in a rather uncomfortable position. "Buuut, if you insist that she's all good then lemme show you what I'm about." He spoke before standing a bit too quickly, staggering and managing to get his balance by catching onto a side table. "Y'know they call people from New Zealand kiwis, but I find it kinda fucked that I'm actually one." He gave a soft laugh at his own joke, one he had told many times, before rather abruptly shifting into a rather small, vaguely pinkish bird. While he could not talk, the look he gave to Mikhail seemed to say, 'You know this is cool, don't deny it'.
Whitley nodded and smiled, thanking him in her thick accent. She uncoiled her form and slid into the large castle, her eyes wandering among all the shiny walls and colorful paintings. The smooth marble floor sent shivers up and down her tail as she continued advancing, following the servant in front of her. The servant stopped, and the heavy snake bumped right into her. Whitley leaned over, apologizing over a thousand times, and helped her up. With ease, the naga lifted the woman, and the servant smiled. "It's quite alright sweetie." She took a key out of her pocket and placed it into Whit's hands. Whitley smiled, showing her fangs. The woman smiled back and said goodbye, walking away. 

Whitley turned to face the door, and inserted the key. With a subtle click, the door opened, revealing her roommate. A man. The light in Whitley's eyes faded. Men were not her favorite things, but it would do. She moved into the room, gracefully placing down her bag and waving to the man.
"I'd allow her to demonstrate, but I'm afraid killing someone isn't on my to-do list," he said with a somewhat-kidding smirk, a gleam in his eyes. He patted her head again as he turned into the kiwi, telling her through the gesture that she shouldn't eat him. She snarkily told him that she didn't plan on it in the first place - apparently birds didn't taste good to her. Mikhail didn't laugh at the joke, but he did chuckle at the look he gave him. "Indeed, very interesting."

@Luxury Hotline

Hunter quickly changed back into his humanoid form, taking a deep breath. "I don't like being small all that much, though. And I'd show you my octopus form, but I don't wanna run the risk of leaving toxins anywhere." He gave a shrug like 'what can you do?' before collapsing back onto his bed. "So I'm guessing you're from Russia?" He asked once settled.
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"Wouldn't you need water for that anyway? Mm, octupi are cool, however." He wondered why the creatures he could turn into varied so much - one a land creature and the other a sea creature but didn't ask about it. He nodded when he mentioned Russia. "Moscow, yeah."

@Luxury Hotline

Rodney was standing in a corner of his room when the door opened. He saw a beautiful naga. It was his first time seeing such a thing and was delighted and fascinated. There was something creepy, yet fascinating about them. He liked what he saw and determined then that he will put forth effort in befriending his roommate.

"What's up," he asked. "You must be Whitley. Am I right?"

"Sounds cool. What's it like there, I've never been." Hunter asked, looking over at Mikhail. He didn't seem to mind this guy, given the fact that he didn't look to be like the one who'd try to pry in his personal life. And that's all he needed right now.
All her things were packed and put into its proper places, and her roommate was nowhere to be seen. So Melanie wandered out of her room, curious about this old castle and where everything is located, mainly the kitchen. There was nothing she loved more then eating earth snacks, since she never had the chance to up where she lived. Her footsteps were soft against the stone floors as she walked, and walked until...she had gotten herself lost. "...Welp...this is not good. Not good at all" Melanie muttered, annoyed once more. Leaning against a wall and sliding against it to the floor, she could only wait until a servant or another student passed by. She was just glad she didn't need to eat as often as a real human would, but that didn't change the fact that she was hungry at that moment. 
@Nyannno @Idea

Ragnar smiled at the girl. "Yes, that's true. And so you're Lusitania, huh? It turns out, Poopyhead is your roommate."

He motioned one of the servants to come closer. "Hey Bobby, can you lead this girl to her room? She's Lusitania, Melanie's roommate. Room 201"

((Go ahead and control Bobby to lead you to room 201. You and Melanie are roommates.))

(Lusitania's POV) 

"Yay! I want friends! When will I start making them? Can I meet them now, can I? Can I?" I smiled happily, wondering as a bit of drool slided down my chin about who I would meet first. Until , that was, I was told poopyhead was my roommate. 

"Is that s...WHAAAAAAAA?! Why? I don't wanna be with poopyhead! She was a meanie! I wanted to talk too!" I crossed my arms and stomped my foot again. Why did I have to be with that baby? I didn't want to! I poutted, but gave in with a sigh. 

"Okay... I guess I was a meanie too... maybe we can share?" Besides, had my own little home...and if I wanted to, I could just paint her face one day! Hehe. 

I took flight, turning to the "Bobby" that was called. 

"Okay Bobby take me there!"

All her things were packed and put into its proper places, and her roommate was nowhere to be seen. So Melanie wandered out of her room, curious about this old castle and where everything is located, mainly the kitchen. There was nothing she loved more then eating earth snacks, since she never had the chance to up where she lived. Her footsteps were soft against the stone floors as she walked, and walked until...she had gotten herself lost. "...Welp...this is not good. Not good at all" Melanie muttered, annoyed once more. Leaning against a wall and sliding against it to the floor, she could only wait until a servant or another student passed by. She was just glad she didn't need to eat as often as a real human would, but that didn't change the fact that she was hungry at that moment. 

I closed my eyes as I hummed a little melody, guided by the man. We passed through some halls and stairs and other stuff for people that don't fly .

"ah, miss Melanie, weren't you in your room?"

Melanie? What was so familiar about that? Was it...

My eyes widened. So soon? Poopy head? Wasn't she in the room?
"Moscow is very expensive, very crowded and the winters are very cold. It was nice, though. It's a beautiful city." He sighed, recalling the city with a smile. "It's a very artistic city, really. How about New Zealand? You said you were from New Zealand, right?"

@Luxury Hotline

"Was born there. Lived most my life in Australia though." Hunter replied simply, thinking about what details he should delve into. "Always thought I liked New Zealand better, though. I'd visit my grandma there as much as I could."
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"That's about how I felt when I moved to America. America is great and all, but there's just something about Russia that makes me wish I were there again." He lifted a brow when Hunter mentioned a grandmother. "I don't have any family in Russia. That I know of, anyway. Family is what brought me to America in the first place."

@Luxury Hotline
"Hm. That must suck." Hunter commented nonchalantly, getting out his phone and focusing on whatever was on there. "I dunno what I'd do without my family. And now that I'm here, I probably gotta figure that out."

Melanie turned her head towards the voice, her eyes settling on the girl that called her names. Just when she thought she was going to have the room all to herself.. Standing up slowly, she merely gave a small nod of the head. "Yes, but I finished packing. I wanted to know where the kitchen was." she stated simply. "But I got lost." 
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"It's alright," he shrugged. "I like my family most of the time, and in the end, I guess that's all that matters." He stirred, uncomfortable in his clothing still. He grabbed the clothes he set aside earlier, standing up from his spot on his bed, Ana hissing angrily from being awoken. "I'm going to go change." He slid into the bathroom and quickly changed, back out again in seconds.

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