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Fantasy The Zodiac Princess OOC

@Cheshire Grin I was thinking the flashback would be more along the lines before they started to fight each other. If you would like there could be a training session between the two back when Kairi only used one Katana   
@Buffasaur @ApfelSeine @Cheshire Grin

Okay, I'm actually home and I actually have time.

Here was my idea regarding the whole Scorpio-killed-Andromeda thing:

As humans progressed, Scorpio began to grow concerned. What the hell was going on with them? They were killing each other, ignoring others in need, and just plain doing all the wrong things. From his perspective, they were in a constant downwards spiral. The few people who were charitable and didn't harm others were the ones he identified with. 

He tried to tell the Princess that whatever they were doing wasn't working; humanity was becoming corrupt no matter how hard they tried. But, being the woman she was, she really only saw the good. This frustrated Scorpio, and so, a tiny bit of a grudge took root.

Like all people, Scorpio had a dark side, a part of him that wanted to punish all those who were doing wrong by their fellow man. Soon enough, that dark side of him took over, and he changed from the man (?) he used to be. He decided that if the Princess was going to sit back and do nothing about this, then he'd have to overthrow her and rule over humanity himself. This was when he began to gather allies, and managed to get Capricorn, Cancer, Leo, and Libra with him. He knew for a fact that if convinced the right way, Aries could be persuaded to join him, too. But, being the crap persuader he is, he asked Capricorn to do it for him, not knowing that his ally would resort to lying. (Allow, to be honest, in Scorpio's eyes, the other Zodiacs and the Princess might as well have been corrupt.)

A little part of him hated having to fight his former comrades, but he knew the only way for humanity to really change was if he did this. And yes, while Virgo attempted to escort Andromeda away, he followed them. At this point, he was driven by a senseless fury that told him he had to stop the two from escaping. Fighting Virgo was hard, as Scorpio at this point was starting to feel that tinge of regret that hits when you betray your friends. When he started to fight Andromeda, his inner darkness began to take over, and that grudge he'd been holding? Its full rage was unleashed. (God, that sounds a bit...weird.) He was careless with his movements, and before he knew it, he'd briefly lost his footing--

--and killed Andromeda.

Needless to say, he was shocked. He couldn't believe he'd actually killed her. He had a face like: 


Guilt began to appear in his subconscious, and he ran away, not knowing Pisces ( @Blackrose7 ) had seen. (Forgot if Virgo had passed out or if he'd seen too.) When the Zodiacs gathered again, he was numb with guilt and with grief. He hadn't meant for this to happen. Yes, he was still intent on ruling humanity and fixing it, but now, it didn't seem as important as the pain that he'd caused all of them. But the alliance he had built began to fall apart, and he hid himself away, almost ashamed that he'd let that tiny little part of him, that darkness, take over for so long.

And here we are now.

His face upon finding the Princess:


I hope that as clear....it was certainly long...
I actually really like that backstory, Anime. It kinda.makes it like Scorpio really wasn't trying to be all that bad of a guy, but really believed he was trying to do what he had to.
I actually really like that backstory, Anime. It kinda.makes it like Scorpio really wasn't trying to be all that bad of a guy, but really believed he was trying to do what he had to.

Thanks! It took a while to flesh it out, and now that I'm home, my ideas were able to come together.
I loves the idea ^^

I do have a question, so what did Scorpio say to Aries after the fighting? o3o
Great job Azura you spilled the beans about who killed Andromeda

Azura: *Crying* "I can't help it, since Adam was blaming Andromeda's death on me." <- Kyrin could have told Adam about that too, but since Adam was making her feel guilty about the princess's death. Azura ended up saying who killed Andromeda anyway. =3
Azura: *Crying* "I can't help it, since Adam was blaming Andromeda's death on me." <- Kyrin could have told Adam about that too, but since Adam was making her feel guilty about the princess's death. Azura ended up saying who killed Andromeda anyway. =3

If Noel ends up dying, it's gonna be Azura's fault


He'd rather die than deal with the guilt of causing Adam so much pain

Unfortunately, he can't die. That kinda puts a wrench in his plans. T3T
What does "raises you" mean in that context?

It's equivalent to "ups the ante" or "raise the stakes". It's a phrase derived from a poker term. If you've ever heard someone say "I'll see your ten and raise you twenty", or something to that effect, that's where the phrase comes from. (The original phrase was used when accepting a bet, but in modern context it often means to take on a challenge.)
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It's equivalent to "ups the ante" or "raise the stakes". It's a phrase derived from a poker term. If you've ever heard someone say "I'll see your ten and raise you twenty", or something to that effect, that's where the phrase comes from. (The original phrase was used when accepting a bet, but in modern context it often means to take on a challenge.)

Ohhhhhh okay

Normally, I would assume it's some sort of grammar mishap, but knowing you, I thought that couldn't be the case :D  
Ohhhhhh okay

Normally, I would assume it's some sort of grammar mishap, but knowing you, I thought that couldn't be the case :D  

I have a weird lexicon lol. I forget sometimes that the way I phrase things isn't universally understood. My grammar is far from perfect, but I don't often use phrases that I don't mean. :P
:V I am now working on characters and stuff for my novel because I only have a month and a week and a half to finish characters and story planning *flails* gahhhhhhh

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