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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

What would happen if that’s the case:

Captain Falcon: Pit we’re bros now!!
Pit: Weren’t we always bros?
Falcon: Yeah, man! But now we’re bros!
Pit: 8O Bro!
Falcon: Bro!
Pit: BRO!
Falcon: BRO!
YES! (That or Falcon would just adopt Pit as his son and bares him from workung under Palutena for his well-being and self-worth. No sone of his is gonna be taken advantage of 😤 )
YES! (That or Falcon would just adopt Pit as his son and bares him from workung under Palutena for his well-being and self-worth. No sone of his is gonna be taken advantage of 😤 )
It all just turns into Ace Attorney as Samus and Captain Falcon try to get custody over the Pits from Palutena bshdbbwhdbh
Just flash his award winning menacing look sure it works! It did in a McDonald’s line. He was a disgruntled disdained man
Lmao as soon as anyone tries to call them out for cutting to the front, Sephiroth just levels them with a fierce stare!

Shdbhshdcbshgb now I'm just thinking about the "They asked for no pickles" meme
Everyone wanting to adopt Pit because he deserves a home and family where he is loved and treated well is incredibly wholesome (except when it’s Sephiroth trying to take him under his wing!)

The reason it’s not Sora everyone is trying to adopt is because he’s already got the best dad: Goofy!
A random non smash multiverse rp brain rot. I see Doffy’s one piece getting swimmingly with Cia and Seph. Doffy has blood on his hands, is a usurper, and is a broker in the black market. Oda got inspiration for him from DC’s Joker.. I like to think so
Everyone wanting to adopt Pit because he deserves a home and family where is is loved and treated well is incredibly wholesome (except when it’s Sephiroth trying to take him under his wing!)

The reason it’s not Sora everyone is trying to adopt is because he’s already got the best dad: Goofy!
Hehe 😂 Sephiroth just tries to mold the pits in his image they’re not having it!
Lmao as soon as anyone tries to call them out for cutting to the front, Sephiroth just levels them with a fierce stare!

Shdbhshdcbshgb now I'm just thinking about the "They asked for no pickles" meme
Post it?
Unrelated but i was screwing around in Photoshop and decided to use Generative Fill on the WoL map and extend it. Here's the (best) result I got
The reason it’s not Sora everyone is trying to adopt is because he’s already got the best dad: Goofy!
He's got 2 dad's but we don't talk about the other one maybe if a certain duck did his job he'd be cool LOL

Sora may not get adopted but Roxas certainly needs to be. He needs some good in his life
He's got 2 dad's but we don't talk about the other one maybe if a certain duck did his job he'd be cool LOL

Sora may not get adopted but Roxas certainly needs to be. He needs some good in his life
Donald Duck you only have one job
A random non smash multiverse rp brain rot. I see Doffy’s one piece getting swimmingly with Cia and Seph. Doffy has blood on his hands, is a usurper, and is a broker in the black market. Oda got inspiration for him from DC’s Joker.. I like to think so
I can see that working out!
Is the Smash Realm where Sora's mom has been all these years?????? LOL
Well, when Destiny Islands was consumed by the darkness, all the inhabitants got scattered across worlds. So perhaps she never made it back to the island once it was restored and as been gone ever since. 🤷‍♂️
It’s not Donald’s fault he’s a lousy healer; it’s everyone else’s fault for expecting a black mage to do the job of a white mage!
Well, when Destiny Islands was consumed by the darkness, all the inhabitants got scattered across worlds. So perhaps she never made it back to the island once it was restored and as been gone ever since. 🤷‍♂️
Sora could finally have that dinner he never got LOL

It’s not Donald’s fault he’s a lousy healer; it’s everyone else’s fault for expecting a black mage to do the job of a white mage!
Fair point or you know the player could do this:

I am said player who does not do this

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