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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Lol then I guess Cia better be careful not to offer Sephiroth any liquor!

Lmfao, Cia's used to a bunch of the same person being in the same place. After all, she had memories of watching over the same souls being re-incarnated over and over again!

Lol Cia's plans keep getting thwarted! She keeps sending the Links back with disdain; meanwhile Lana is fawning all over the Links and re-enforcing Pit's jealousy of them!
Lana: "Awww, look at them! They're so cute, so little and huggable!! 🥰"

Aaaand when Cia finally gets her hands on BotW Link, she's appalled to find out that he doesn't have a Triforce! All this time hunting him down for nothing 😵‍💫

XD Seph just asks if the links multiply like rabbits and demands a drink anyway he doesn’t want to think about that he’ll get a head ache.
Lol then I guess Cia better be careful not to offer Sephiroth any liquor!

Lmfao, Cia's used to a bunch of the same person being in the same place. After all, she had memories of watching over the same souls being re-incarnated over and over again!

Lol Cia's plans keep getting thwarted! She keeps sending the Links back with disdain; meanwhile Lana is fawning all over them and re-enforcing Pit's jealousy of them!
Lana: "Awww, look at them! They're so cute, so little and huggable!! 🥰"

Aaaand when Cia finally gets her hands on BotW Link, she's appalled to find out that he doesn't have a Triforce! All this time hunting him down for nothing 😵‍💫
Cia not only learns that BotW Link doesn't possess a fragment of the Triforce, but she sees his Korok torture devices and Moblin killing machines and decides to give him a hard PASS. She's not dealing with that maniac!

She gets another report of a successful Link capture. It's just Villager cosplaying Link.

Pit finds Viridi's crush on Link to be disturbing, and in the JAP version of SSBU he even tells Viridi to get that creepy shit outta here! Imagine how he might react to Lana's fan-girling! XD
Since we're talking about Lana and Cia so much rn I dug up some cute fanart of them! 😊
XD Seph just asks if the links multiply like rabbits and demands a drink anyway he doesn’t want to think about that he’ll get a head ache.
😂 Nothing washes away those thoughts like some good ol alcohol lmfao
Cia not only learns that BotW Link doesn't possess a fragment of the Triforce, but she sees his Korok torture devices and Moblin killing machines and decides to give him a hard PASS. She's not dealing with that maniac!

She gets another report of a successful Link capture. It's just Villager cosplaying Link.

Pit finds Viridi's crush on Link to be disturbing, and in the JAP version of SSBU he even tells Viridi to get that creepy shit outta here! Imagine how he might react to Lana's fan-girling! XD
Cia's a villain, but that's a whole nother level of insane in the membrane 😆

And then after Villager it's KIRBY dressed as Link! How many times will Cia have to chew out her minions for capturing the wrong Link?

Well, in Lana's defense, she had overseen the Hero of Courage's soul over eras of re-incarnation, it would be expected for her to be overly adoring of the Links after how long she had been watching their heroic adventures! Plus, she dialed down her fangirlish behavior, since now she feels mostly guilt about her feelings about Link and yeah 😅

I thought about a funny scenario where Lana explains to Pit why she finds Link so admirable:
Lana: "He's so courageous, unafraid to run into danger..."
Pit: "Well, I'm courageous...!"
Lana: "...And his blue eyes, so piercing that it feels like they look right through you..."
Pit: "I have blue eyes too, you know..."
Lana: "...And his expertise with a sword and bow, his combat ability is unrivaled..."
Pit: "Hello? I use a bow too, which can split into swords, by the way, he's not that amazing!"
Hmmm of course he can it’s just hilarious to see him drunk.. and a bit terrrifying.

Can you imagine? He meets the links then asks Cia what the heck.

Just my idea of Seph’s reaction meeting all the links 😆

Seph has no room to talk given he himself got split into three different dudes himself lol
Since we're talking about Lana and Cia so much rn I dug up some cute fanart of them! 😊

😂 Nothing washes away those thoughts like some good ol alcohol lmfao

Cia's a villain, but that's a whole nother level of insane in the membrane 😆

And then after Villager it's KIRBY dressed as Link! How many times will Cia have to chew out her minions for capturing the wrong Link?

Well, in Lana's defense, she had overseen the Hero of Courage's soul over eras of re-incarnation, it would be expected for her to be overly adoring of the Links after how long she had been watching their heroic adventures! Plus, she dialed down her fangirlish behavior, since now she feels mostly guilt about her feelings about Link and yeah 😅

I thought about a funny scenario where Lana explains to Pit why she finds Link so admirable:
Lana: "He's so courageous, unafraid to run into danger..."
Pit: "Well, I'm courageous...!"
Lana: "...And his blue eyes, so piercing that it feels like they look right through you..."
Pit: "I have blue eyes too, you know..."
Lana: "...And his expertise with a sword and bow, his combat ability is unrivaled..."
Pit: "Hello? I use a bow too, which can split into swords, by the way, he's not that amazing!"
You don't need to explain to us why Lana would crush on Link. I think ALL of us in here understand! XD

Lana: ...And the steely glare he has while in battle, it sends shudders down my spine! Oh, and that strong chin!
Pit: Ahem! (*holds up photo of Classic Pit*)
I like Pit's modern design, but still: #justiceforpitschin!

Folks in the fandom say that Pit and Sora would be BFFs immediately upon meeting, but I disagree: I think he'd be incredibly envious of Sora. If he would be jealous of the Links and Marth for their good looks and abilities, he'd definitely be jealous of Sora for not only having those, but also fame, numerous games, AND being able to fly! People comparing Pit to Sora just pours salt on the wounds!

Pit upon seeing Sora:

He might need a Falcon Pep Talk.

EDIT: Here is a link to the post in the RP detailing some backstory in regards to Lunaris.
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Since we're talking about Lana and Cia so much rn I dug up some cute fanart of them! 😊

😂 Nothing washes away those thoughts like some good ol alcohol lmfao

Cia's a villain, but that's a whole nother level of insane in the membrane 😆

And then after Villager it's KIRBY dressed as Link! How many times will Cia have to chew out her minions for capturing the wrong Link?

Well, in Lana's defense, she had overseen the Hero of Courage's soul over eras of re-incarnation, it would be expected for her to be overly adoring of the Links after how long she had been watching their heroic adventures! Plus, she dialed down her fangirlish behavior, since now she feels mostly guilt about her feelings about Link and yeah 😅

I thought about a funny scenario where Lana explains to Pit why she finds Link so admirable:
Lana: "He's so courageous, unafraid to run into danger..."
Pit: "Well, I'm courageous...!"
Lana: "...And his blue eyes, so piercing that it feels like they look right through you..."
Pit: "I have blue eyes too, you know..."
Lana: "...And his expertise with a sword and bow, his combat ability is unrivaled..."
Pit: "Hello? I use a bow too, which can split into swords, by the way, he's not that amazing!"

Seph just looks at Cia. “ Link really does pick up chicks.” XD Lana is too adorable.
Welp I got Pyra done. Too bad the Waddle Dee was there. She might have expressed herself more and given Pit a lil cheek kiss

Folks in the fandom say that Pit and Sora would be BFFs immediately upon meeting, but I disagree: I think he'd be incredibly envious of Sora. If he would be jealous of the Links and Marth for their good looks and abilities, he'd definitely be jealous of Sora for not only having those, but also fame, numerous games, AND being able to fly! People comparing Pit to Sora just pours salt on the wounds!
Sora may not be handsome like Link and Marth, but he's got that cuteness down that Pit talks about with T'ink! Poor Sora probably gets so confused why Pit seems to dislike him. He's completely oblivious to it all
Also handsome with fame and numerous games? Better keep Joker far away LOL
Welp I got Pyra done. Too bad the Waddle Dee was there. She might have expressed herself more and given Pit a lil cheek kiss

Sora may not be handsome like Link and Marth, but he's got that cuteness down that Pit talks about with T'ink! Poor Sora probably gets so confused why Pit seems to dislike him. He's completely oblivious to it all
Also handsome with fame and numerous games? Better keep Joker far away LOL
Pyra: (*gives Pit a lil' kiss on the cheek*)
Pit: 😳
PIT became confused! 💫❓❓❓
Pit: (*opens his wings and shoots into the sky, whooping with glee!*)
PIT is confused! 💫❓❓❓
Pit: (*crashes into a tree or wall*)
PIT hurt himself in his confusion! 💥
Will be making Oreo brownies I’ll post pics when it’s donr
I made mcgriddles for breakfast, and I even made a tiny pancake for my cockatiel. 🥰

I'm thinking of making a sourdough starter, then I can bake all kinds of things without having to stack up on yeast! The yeast can be used for my brewing.
I made mcgriddles for breakfast, and I even made a tiny pancake for my cockatiel. 🥰

I'm thinking of making a sourdough starter, then I can bake all kinds of things without having to stack up on yeast! The yeast can be used for my brewing.
Did he like his little pancake? Sounds so adorable 🥹
Did he like his little pancake? Sounds so adorable 🥹
He did, though he was far more interested in eating my pancakes than the one I made for him lol

That's typical for pet birds though: even if you give them a portion of the exact same food you're eating, they still want your portion!
He did, though he was far more interested in eating my pancakes than the one I made for him lol

That's typical for pet birds though: even if you give them a portion of the exact same food you're eating, they still want your portion!
Same with cats, lmao! We put them the same wet food they eat from each other’s bowls
I might write a intro post or two for some of my characters soon, because thanks to A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity (who let me recycle some of their old BBcode), I have a post format!! 🤩
You don't need to explain to us why Lana would crush on Link. I think ALL of us in here understand! XD

Lana: ...And the steely glare he has while in battle, it sends shudders down my spine! Oh, and that strong chin!
Pit: Ahem! (*holds up photo of Classic Pit*)
View attachment 1157248
I like Pit's modern design, but still: #justiceforpitschin!

Folks in the fandom say that Pit and Sora would be BFFs immediately upon meeting, but I disagree: I think he'd be incredibly envious of Sora. If he would be jealous of the Links and Marth for their good looks and abilities, he'd definitely be jealous of Sora for not only having those, but also fame, numerous games, AND being able to fly! People comparing Pit to Sora just pours salt on the wounds!

Pit upon seeing Sora:
View attachment 1157250

He might need a Falcon Pep Talk.

EDIT: Here is a link to the post in the RP detailing some backstory in regards to Lunaris.
Yeahhhhh lol, Link has that silent rizz 😂

Lmfao Lana would look at the picture then back at Pit, and trying not to giggle, she'd just reply "You have a point...that's quite the chin you had there, Pit."

Aw, poor Pit's constantly getting overshadowed by other guys. He'll get his day to outshine them all eventually...

I skimmed through your post and it was very detailed! Pretty unique when it comes to villain backstories, not gonna lie 👍
Seph just looks at Cia. “ Link really does pick up chicks.” XD Lana is too adorable.
Meanwhile Cia folds her arms and says angrily (totally not trying to cope), "Pff, he only likes goody-two-shoes like my annoying excuse of an other half! I don't know why I waste my time on him anyway!"

🥰 Yeah, I have to agree with you: Lana is a little sweetheart, but you also can't let her cuteness fool you!

Lana can kick some serious ass!
I might write a intro post or two for some of my characters soon, because thanks to A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity (who let me recycle some of their old BBcode), I have a post format!! 🤩

Yeahhhhh lol, Link has that silent rizz 😂

Lmfao Lana would look at the picture then back at Pit, and trying not to giggle, she'd just reply "You have a point...that's quite the chin you had there, Pit."

Aw, poor Pit's constantly getting overshadowed by other guys. He'll get his day to outshine them all eventually...

I skimmed through your post and it was very detailed! Pretty unique when it comes to villain backstories, not gonna lie 👍

Meanwhile Cia folds her arms and says angrily (totally not trying to cope), "Pff, he only likes goody-two-shoes like my annoying excuse of an other half! I don't know why I waste my time on him anyway!"

🥰 Yeah, I have to agree with you: Lana is a little sweetheart, but you also can't let her cuteness fool you!

Lana can kick some serious ass!

Seph would just say, “ I hate those,” in regards to Cia’s other half. He thinks of Aerith to be honest. Her meddling troubles him because of using holy materia to stop meteor. We knows what happens next.

Ahhh! I love Lana more! HJKjtx it’s no secret eh I simp for Samus 👀
I might write a intro post or two for some of my characters soon, because thanks to A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity (who let me recycle some of their old BBcode), I have a post format!! 🤩

Yeahhhhh lol, Link has that silent rizz 😂

Lmfao Lana would look at the picture then back at Pit, and trying not to giggle, she'd just reply "You have a point...that's quite the chin you had there, Pit."

Aw, poor Pit's constantly getting overshadowed by other guys. He'll get his day to outshine them all eventually...

I skimmed through your post and it was very detailed! Pretty unique when it comes to villain backstories, not gonna lie 👍

Meanwhile Cia folds her arms and says angrily (totally not trying to cope), "Pff, he only likes goody-two-shoes like my annoying excuse of an other half! I don't know why I waste my time on him anyway!"

🥰 Yeah, I have to agree with you: Lana is a little sweetheart, but you also can't let her cuteness fool you!

Lana can kick some serious ass!

Thanks! I want Lunaris to feel like he could exist as a Legend of Zelda villain. Here's another link to a post of the Great Deku Tree explaining the Pillars of Creation and Destruction to Samus, Peach, and Pikachu. Even though your PCs wouldn't know such things, I think it's important that you and other new players be made aware of these things with the RP being so far along as it is. I probably should make a post on the first page with links to those two posts to help new players have some context as to what is going on, now that I'm thinking on it. 🤔

Badass Adorable describes a lot of the Smash Brothers!

Toon Link: Adorable!
Also Toon Link: Master Sword, apply directly to the forehead!

Pit: Adorable!
Also Pit: Breaks out of Hell and commits deicide on numerous occasions!
Seph would just say, “ I hate those,” in regards to Cia’s other half. He thinks of Aerith to be honest. Her meddling troubles him because of using holy materia to stop meteor. We knows what happens next.

Ahhh! I love Lana more! HJKjtx it’s no secret eh I simp for Samus 👀
Cia and Sephiroth bonding over hating on those who rightfully try to stop them from committing heinous acts>>>>>

Honestly! She's so underrated and I wish people paid more attention to the lil white sorceress.
Djeisdbwosk Samus is based, I too am known to simp for her.
Those look so good! Don't make me hungry 🫠
Thanks! I want Lunaris to feel like he could exist as a Legend of Zelda villain. Here's another link to a post of the Great Deku Tree explaining the Pillars of Creation and Destruction to Samus, Peach, and Pikachu. Even though your PCs wouldn't know such things, I think it's important that you and other new players be made aware of these things with the RP being so far along as it is. I probably should make a post on the first page with links to those two posts to help new players have some context as to what is going on, now that I'm thinking on it. 🤔

Badass Adorable describes a lot of the Smash Brothers!

Toon Link: Adorable!
Also Toon Link: Master Sword, apply directly to the forehead!

Pit: Adorable!
Also Pit: Breaks out of Hell and commits deicide on numerous occasions!
Oh neat, thanks!! I agree, people should read up on the lore since Lunaris is a crucial part of this whole story and whatnot.

Lololol the badass + cute formula is a tried and true one!
Cia and Sephiroth bonding over hating on those who rightfully try to stop them from committing heinous acts>>>>>

Honestly! She's so underrated and I wish people paid more attention to the lil white sorceress.
Djeisdbwosk Samus is based, I too am known to simp for her.

Those look so good! Don't make me hungry 🫠
Hjjjj Sephiroth just casually brings up how he took control of a Jenova clone and shish kebabs Aerith in front of Cloud. 👀 two shish kebabed humans for the price of one. I’m looking at President Shinra who got the treatment first. Ironically, hated by his own son.

Oh? Good I was torn between chocolate chips and Oreos 😈
Lana trying to explain to Cia how absolutely adorable Toon Link is


Have you decided on where you want to put your PCs yet, or would you like more help?
Hjjjj Sephiroth just casually brings up how he took control of a Jenova clone and shish kebabs Aerith in front of Cloud. 👀 two shish kebabed humans for the price of one. I’m looking at President Shinra who got the treatment first. Ironically, hated by his own son.

Oh? Good I was torn between chocolate chips and Oreos 😈
Sephiroth reeeeeeally likes skewering people on his sword. Boy, I sure do hope that doesn't happen to anyone in the RP-

Lana trying to explain to Cia how absolutely adorable Toon Link is

View attachment 1157365

Have you decided on where you want to put your PCs yet, or would you like more help?
Accurate 😆
Lana: "B-b-but Cia!!! Look at his big eyes and adorable widdle face!"
Cia: "He's staring into the fragmented darkness that is my soul, hard pass."

So for Lana, I'm sticking with the original plan and having her accompany Pyra/Mythra and Pit. Same for Ice Climbers and having them merge with Min Min's group.
For Cia I have a general idea of what to do for her, but I'll hold off on posting for her. And as for Ike, I'm still torn between having him join Daisy's group or head to the Battlefield Fortress.

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