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Realistic or Modern The Livid Ones {OOC}

In fact might try to go ahead and get a line in for James and Minnie!
Howdy, Howdy. Celebrating a birthday right now but when it's over I'll be sending over the next paragraph or two ^^
Not my best work! Running on 3 hours of sleep xD
Yeah trying to show everything is already a shitshow and it's just being kept on the DL at the moment. Once the Parade stuff happens however it's gonna be kind of hard for the Military / R.I to keep anything about what's going on secret.
Whenever Minnie hops on, we'll let ya get in another shot at Sloan's usual walmart day, though I may throw in some interesting details for ya to react to so don't worry too much!
That sounds perfect. I know we've already said this but I can't wait for it all to go down 😂
Don't worry it'll be a massive domino effect with an "explosive" finale for the parade
Not sure If Miaows on today or not .w., so if you'd like Eldritch we can continue with Sloan's POV and then just let Minnie catch up later on.
Just gonna let sloan get her turn in then We'll get to james finally approaching Louisville, oh and just for reference it should be just about 11:30 for them now.
Hi I saw this and thought it was interesting. Is this open or closed?
EldritchEntity EldritchEntity

Howdy! I've had a few people ask about it thus far, still getting used to the roles within a group roleplay as such I'm keeping it to just the three of us til the foreseeable future when the apocalyptic setting really starts to kick in.

So people can have their own stories within the Universe at different area's ^^

But feel free to stick around, shoot Idea's or even make some NPC's to see in the roleplay til We open it up!
Moment I get home from work we'll get more James POV today
Howdy! I've had a few people ask about it thus far, still getting used to the roles within a group roleplay as such I'm keeping it to just the three of us til the foreseeable future when the apocalyptic setting really starts to kick in.

So people can have their own stories within the Universe at different area's ^^

But feel free to stick around, shoot Idea's or even make some NPC's to see in the roleplay til We open it up!
Ah ok cool so I can contriubute :)
Would be interesting to see if patient 0(s) are a different type of infected entirely. Like maybe a hive nexus or something.

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