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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

I like how Palutena and Futaba both reference SSB as “Super Bash Bros./Sisters.”

I’ve got a question for Super Smash parents HCs: what are birthdays like?

I’m at work so I don’t have the time to put my own answers down, but I will when I’m free.
For seph is gonna be like any day but a trip to the gold saucer specifically the arena for Seraphina.

Well Cyan goes quiet he drops off toys to keep his kid’s memory alive.
I like how Palutena and Futaba both reference SSB as “Super Bash Bros./Sisters.”

I’ve got a question for Super Smash parents HCs: what are birthdays like?

I’m at work so I don’t have the time to put my own answers down, but I will when I’m free.
Lol yeah it is funny how they both do that!

I will think on that and write mine up in a bit! I have some work I gotta get done first plus I need to actually think LMAO
I like how Palutena and Futaba both reference SSB as “Super Bash Bros./Sisters.”

I’ve got a question for Super Smash parents HCs: what are birthdays like?

I’m at work so I don’t have the time to put my own answers down, but I will when I’m free.

Fhskfif my brain is currently too mush to write so instead I shall describe my characters birthday planning abilites solely through the art of birthday cakes

Botw Link suggested the recipe and Zelda wanted to try and bake it herself. While the cake might not be as extravagant as the royal chef’s would have made it, she’s still quite proud of herself ✨✨✨ Even if she had to ask peach for help halfway through making it

Better than last year 🤷‍♀️


that’s not written in frosting 🙂
Fhskfif my brain is currently too mush to write so instead I shall describe my characters birthday planning abilites solely through the art of birthday cakes

View attachment 1117737
Botw Link suggested the recipe and Zelda wanted to try and bake it herself. While the cake might not be as extravagant as the royal chef’s would have made it, she’s still quite proud of herself ✨✨✨ Even if she had to ask peach for help halfway through making it

View attachment 1117740
Better than last year 🤷‍♀️

View attachment 1117734
that’s not written in frosting 🙂
I was working on writing out stuff, but I had to stop to reply to this and ask, is that a cake made from literal cheese for Inkling? I actually can't rn LMAO
Fhskfif my brain is currently too mush to write so instead I shall describe my characters birthday planning abilites solely through the art of birthday cakes

View attachment 1117737
Botw Link suggested the recipe and Zelda wanted to try and bake it herself. While the cake might not be as extravagant as the royal chef’s would have made it, she’s still quite proud of herself ✨✨✨ Even if she had to ask peach for help halfway through making it

View attachment 1117740
Better than last year 🤷‍♀️

View attachment 1117734
that’s not written in frosting 🙂
Dance Lol GIF

Mika wanted a cheesecake for their birthday. Inkling clearly misunderstood!

Harkinian gets such a pretty birthday cake! Too bad Minako is no longer here; Peach and Mario's kid would definitely have the most grand birthday cake!
I was working on writing out stuff, but I had to stop to reply to this and ask, is that a cake made from literal cheese for Inkling? I actually can't rn LMAO
I think a better question is where she got the cheese. After all they’re aren’t any cows anymore so the milk had to have come from somewhere 🤔 on second thought maybe that’s a question that for our own good should remain unanswered

Dance Lol GIF

Mika wanted a cheesecake for their birthday. Inkling clearly misunderstood!

Harkinian gets such a pretty birthday cake! Too bad Minako is no longer here; Peach and Mario's kid would definitely have the most grand birthday cake!
Um actually the cake’s for Aster smh/j

Lmao kidding kidding, but ong Peach would 110% bake something on the scale of the Birthday Cake level in mario party and by gosh it would be glorious 🎂
I think a better question is where she got the cheese. After all they’re aren’t any cows anymore so the milk had to have come from somewhere 🤔 on second thought maybe that’s a question that for our own good should remain unanswered

Um actually the cake’s for Aster smh/j

Lmao kidding kidding, but ong Peach would 110% bake something on the scale of the Birthday Cake level in mario party and by gosh it would be glorious 🎂
Shame on me for forgetting about Aster, the poor girl!

Mika must've tried cheesecake while visiting Joker, or the Smash Realm, or just any other place that would have it and fell in love!

Speaking of cheesecake, I bought an oreo cheesecake from a food truck last night and it was so rich it made my teeth tingle! 😊
Took longer than I expected but here we go! Wasn't sure to do in general or based on the fan kiddos, so I just did the fan kiddos

For Mika's birthday's Joker always makes sure he has that day open to visit. He always makes sure to come bearing lots of presents from his own world that he thinks Mika will enjoy. He probably makes an effort to invites others Mika gets along with and make things meaningful. If Mika wants to go somewhere for their birthday (within reason of course), Joker is making an effort of fulfilling that, especially since he definitely spoils Gratia on her birthday once she's old enough. Maybe Joker gets daring and for one of their birthday's brings both kids to Destinyland! He'll come up with some way to make it happen for Mika. That'd be a one off thing though. Generally, I'd see him just spoiling his kids with gifts and whatever kind of little party they want. Ann has to make the cake though. Joker may be able to cook, but baking is more up Ann's alley than his own

Percy's getting spoiled af on his birthday from Sora. Sora does not take a birthday lightly, and Percy is a prince, the kingdom probably doesn't either. It's an important day. Biggest cake, biggest pile of presents, so many people (even if it means Sora has to deal with Corrin's family). Everyone important to Percy is invited, no one left out. It goes on almost all day too, though part way through Sora probably pulls him away and takes him off to give him either more personal gifts or just allow them to have father-son time (Sora definitely has managed to sneak him off to another world so he can experience something magical!)

Mythra isn't experienced with birthday's at all. She doesn't really know what they are given blades don't celebrate such things. It's a learning experience for her. She doesn't do anything too over the top, but she does eventually make handmade gifts that she thinks her kids will enjoy. She also bakes a cake... it's absolutely horrible and inedible, but it's okay cuz Pyra has the backup cake! Mythra had to at least give it a try!

Roxas also is inexperienced in the whole birthday thing since it's not really something he thinks much of for himself, but he wants Aster to feel like a normal kid (well, as normal as she's gonna be). Being a princess, it's probably a big thing around the castle, which confuses Roxas. He tries asking Axel, but Axel does not help him in the way he needs. He has to go to Sora. Sora's about to set Roxas up to give Aster the same kind of birthdays as Percy! Roxas probably finds that very overwhelming, but it definitely makes Aster happy to get so much attention

I would find cakes for these, but I am lazy and kept getting distracted while writing these lol
I love how Corrin's references the game, FE Fates. It fits her personality perfectly!
And Kaida's is too wholesome and just- aghgh <3 <3 <3
I like the flower references, due to Hyacinth and Harkinian comparing her to a beautiful flower.

"The true flower here is the sweet-smelling petals of love...you have no clue how long I've dreamed of telling you. And now, it's happening...nobody can stop this moment now. Not my mother, nor my father, nor the elders of my family...no one. Together, we can overcome anything that tries to stop us. Our fates are in the palms of our hands."
Lmao I find Corrin to be a very caring person, unabashed in places where tsunderes and other people like that might be.
If Hyacinth ever got a fraction of that out of Kaida, he would faint on the spot XD
I can imagine Kaida practicing a confession in the mirror, and Cinth just walked in at the wrong time and saw her blushing furiously and yelling at herself for 'being such a wuss' lmao

And that's so sweet! I love that little add-on aghghgh <3 <3
Lmao Marth decides to pull a ✨gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss✨ on ol’ zelda
Fanon Marth would gaslight to the end of his days
Canon Marth would let it slip even if nobody even noticed lmfao
I had a thought of Zelda and Dark Pit having a small argument over what type of cake to make for Harkinian.

"Carrot cake? No way! It's gotta be chocolate cake!"

"I just don't want him having too much sugar. You know Harkinian doesn't sleep well if he has too much. Carrot cake is healthier as well."

"Healthier? C'mon, Zelda! Since when did anyone care about eating healthy on their birthday?"

"Alright, but if Harkinian isn't sleeping tonight, you're dealing with it."


After the birthday celebration is done and night has come, Zelda, a wry smile on her face, gently presses a wide awake and giggly Harkinian into Pittoo's arms!

I think Dark Pit would likely let his partner do most of the birthday planning and he'll just help out in the background. If there's something in the preparations that he doesn't like, he'll change it behind their back. If he had to do everything himself, then his preparations are simple and straightforward, but there's clearly effort put into it. As far as gifts go, I can see him passing down some of his old belongings to his kid. If he can't do that and there's no place where he can pick up a gift, he'll hand-make the present. Dark Pit carving a toy out of wood then painting it is a cute thought to me!

As far as a birthday party for Harkinian goes, I think Pittoo would be hanging in the background during the celebration, not really getting involved but keeping a sharp eye on things. As long as his boy is happy, he's content! I can see Zelda getting some entertainment in watching his expression change in response to the gifts Harkinian receives.

To me, Pit comes across as the type to put 100% of his body and soul into everything he does, and a birthday celebration for his child is no exception. He treats the whole thing like a mission! I can see him giving orders to the Centurions on how the celebration area should be decorated, where everything goes, what type of cake needs to be made, and so on. However, regardless of his best efforts, it always ends in a disaster, usually due to Palutena's meddling or the Centurions getting a detail or two wrong. They don't mean to; they just want to help! At least it's a fun and entertaining disaster!

The twins are pretty lucky as they get two birthday parties: one on Angel Land and one on Alrest! They aren't disappointed in their Angel Land party because they got to watch Pit and Mythra battle a giant mutant birthday cake that Palutena accidentally created!

Toon Link is definitely cooking for his kid's birthday party! There will be Elixir Soup (his grandmother's own recipe!) and the cake! Like Dark Pit, I think T'ink would likely let his spouse do most of the planning while he does the heavy lifting. He is definitely involved, however. From games, to gift opening, to food, he is among the action! It's very important to him to spend such time with his child and build everlasting happy memories. Toon Link seems like the type to hand-make his gifts and they're usually pretty humble, but thoughtful.
Dgsjfhahfj for the proper birthday hc’s I’ll go the general route instead of focusing solely on the kiddos

Zelda: Omg she is ABSOLUTELY in her element when placed into a planning position. She’s a mastermind at filling as many fun activities into a time frame as humanly possible. Not to mention with her having plenty of money to cover the funds she’s absolutely only going to get the best of the best decorations, presents, and treats for the birthday boy/girl. However the only downside is by the time the actual birthday comes around Zelda’s going to be so exhausted from all the planning that she’ll be passed out on the nearest couch while everyone else enjoys the festivities.

Isabelle: While Isabelle shares the same penchant for planning, she’s not the sort of girl to go as grand or opulent as Zelda (mostly because she has to do it all in a secretary’s budget). But what she does have is she’d be much more willing to let others get in on the party planning. She’ll set up a group chat and happily split up the costs and duties amongst her fellow planners. With her at the top she’ll make sure the party planners work like a well oiled machine! In the end the party probably won’t be exceedingly grand but by gosh you’ll certainly feel the collective love put behind it.

Inkling: The chillest when it comes to birthdays. She’ll normally just buy them a cake (because if she’s put into a situation where she has to make one then expect cheesecake 2.0) and buy a present that they mentioned wanting at some point. Then if she has extra money she’ll buy two tickets to Wahoo world.
Are Roxas and Pittoo going to have to put together a plan for whenever Zelda goes overboard in her work? XD

Though with the two of them, I think their plan would be simply to pick her up and remove her from the work area!
I imagined Joker and Ann doing this 😆

Apologies for not replying sooner! Been so out of it today thanks to a major shift in weather absolutely murdering me and putting me in bed most of the day so far fuck the weather going from 80s to 40s-50s in a single day. Actually criminal behavior

ANYWAYS, while I'm alert for more than 2 minutes, they can only accomplish this when 2 conditions are met: 1. no children and 2. they send Morgana with the child so he ain't 3rd wheeling their adult time!
Lol despite his size, Kaida is able to dip Harkinian! Their wedding day is the first time they've ever kissed, and Kaida is putting all her heart and soul (and years of repressed emotions) into it, dammit! XD

Harkinian calls Kaida "Flower" because he overheard Link calling her "Wildflower," and he was just learning how to talk. Link has been keeping a hard eye on them since their childhood, yet he had a big part in forging their bond to begin with! X3c It'd be funny if he bugs them about grandchildren immediately after their marriage. First, he's been diligent in making sure the two don't even hold hands, now he's annoying them about grandkids! XD Maybe he just likes to mess with them.

I enjoy the thought of Kaida doing all the talking while Hawk just nods and listens intently while they hang out. It's a big deal when he responds with more than just a word! Maybe folks in Hyrule were concerned Lil' Hawk may be mute, and Zelda has to reassure them that their young prince can talk, but he'll do so when he's good and ready. Hawk's quiet personality definitely doesn't help with the perception that he is soft and weak.
Lol she'd probably go a little bit overboard. It's her first kiss, she's only practiced on statues and pictures! XD

Link 1 minute before they were married: "No kids!"
Link 1 minute after they were married: "When are you gonna have kids?!"
Kaida would be so embarrassed, for once she'd be at a loss for words!

I feel like Kaida would be more inclined to trust Hark with her more deep thoughts, since he doesn't talk much anyway, therefore he wouldn't be as inclined to spill any beans! For some reason these two remind me of Child Ellie and Carl from Disney's Up

This is really cute!

The candies might be sour, but the person giving them out is oh-so-sweet!
I like how Palutena and Futaba both reference SSB as “Super Bash Bros./Sisters.”

I’ve got a question for Super Smash parents HCs: what are birthdays like?

I’m at work so I don’t have the time to put my own answers down, but I will when I’m free.
  • Link is obviously making them candy, cakes, anything his kid asks for, really. The Taste Of The Wild cookbook is really coming in handy now!
  • Sheik would probably write them a happy birthday song, but like, extra special. Their child would mean everything to them.
  • Samus would probably take their kid for an out-of-this-world experience. They can make birthday wishes on as many stars as they like!
  • Daisy would definitely take their kid to a store and let them pick whatever they want, even if it's really expensive. That's the only day Daisy will spoil them!
  • Lucas would probably be the most normal birthday-giver ever. Like, the usual presents, cake, party, etc. Although, he might give them a starstorm to watch at the end.
Lmao I find Corrin to be a very caring person, unabashed in places where tsunderes and other people like that might be.
If Hyacinth ever got a fraction of that out of Kaida, he would faint on the spot XD
I can imagine Kaida practicing a confession in the mirror, and Cinth just walked in at the wrong time and saw her blushing furiously and yelling at herself for 'being such a wuss' lmao

And that's so sweet! I love that little add-on aghghgh <3 <3
Lmao she's just all cuddly and warm, meanwhile people like DP and Sheik are like, "All we did was say good morning like damn-"

Kaida: "I really like you a lot, Cinth. You're just as good at sword fighting as your dad...maybe you could give me a few pointers next time-"
Corrin: "KAIDA, come on, we're leaving!"
Kaida: "Gotta go now, heh...see you around, kid!"
Kaida winks and leaves a red-faced Hyacinth spluttering behind her XD

Lol she would definitely do that! She would buy a box of chocolates and everything with her allowance, trying to be as smooth and sincere as possible for her confession, but just end up quitting and eating the chocolates herself. That's probably the only circumstance where she gives up quite easily.
Posted for Min Min and Tetra, sorry for the long wait.
I love your posts so much!!
Last edited:
Apologies for not replying sooner! Been so out of it today thanks to a major shift in weather absolutely murdering me and putting me in bed most of the day so far fuck the weather going from 80s to 40s-50s in a single day. Actually criminal behavior

ANYWAYS, while I'm alert for more than 2 minutes, they can only accomplish this when 2 conditions are met: 1. no children and 2. they send Morgana with the child so he ain't 3rd wheeling their adult time!
I suffer migraines when the weather changes, so I totally understand!

Lol she'd probably go a little bit overboard. It's her first kiss, she's only practiced on statues and pictures! XD

Link 1 minute before they were married: "No kids!"
Link 1 minute after they were married: "When are you gonna have kids?!"
Kaida would be so embarrassed, for once she'd be at a loss for words!

I feel like Kaida would be more inclined to trust Hark with her more deep thoughts, since he doesn't talk much anyway, therefore he wouldn't be as inclined to spill any beans! For some reason these two remind me of Child Ellie and Carl from Disney's Up
XD Imagine the servants (or worse, relatives!) stumbling upon Kaida making out with a statue or a picture! That must've been awkward! I think Kaida and Hawk would want a couple of years to enjoy with each other before thinking about heirs now that they can actually be together without being watched or interrupted. Link will have to wait!

And that is so fitting!
"You know, you don't talk much. I like you!" 8D

Funny thing, today I was thinking about how Zelda and Dark Pit's friendship reminded me of another Disney pair, without the romance:

Can't say I like Kiara and Kovu too much as adults, but I do like this scene of them as cubs.
Ploegy Ploegy

It'd be funny if Milton joined the military, like Pit, but as a medic instead of a commanding officer, and ended up like this:

My father is a retired airborne medic, so I can confirm that they're like this lol
Ploegy Ploegy

It'd be funny if Milton joined the military, like Pit, but as a medic instead of a commanding officer, and ended up like this:

My father is a retired airborne medic, so I can confirm that they're like this lol

Lmao I can see this being him after he’s had a long day and 1 person decides to make a comment on how he rarely actually fights in combat. He will give ‘em a piece of his mind real quick
Lmao I can see this being him after he’s had a long day and 1 person decides to make a comment on how he rarely actually fights in combat. He will give ‘em a piece of his mind real quick

The other AFT Medic videos are great too, but I think the content may be a little too much for RPN, or this thread at least. I recommend checking them out if only to imagine Milton having to deal with the crap RL army medics do. He probably carries a flask full of whiskey just to help him cope with all the stupidity he deals with! He tells most folks with minor issues to take motrin and water, and to change their socks. It's actually quite an effective treatment!

Milton is elbow-deep into someone's guts trying to save their life. A Kid Icarus Reaper shows up and he tells it to fuck off! XD

No one fucks with Doc!
Off topic, but I wanna offer a silly P5 moment, so here you have Joker, Ann and Ryuji collectively sharing a singular brain cell at Morgana's expense lol
So hopefully tomorrow I actually have energy to work on writing Shulk’s post. I’m feeling better after spending almost all day in bed again so let’s hope that means I’ll be able to actually exist tomorrow lol!
I'm trying to work on T'ink/Pit, but I'm really struggling to come up with anything for a decent-sized post.

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