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Futuristic [DISCONTINUED] Dies Irae: Astral Fulcrum

Warhammer 1

The chance never came as the Warhammer squadron busied itself mowing down the clusters of Sorentine drones. Instead, Green Ogre delivered the final blow, an act of pseudo-vengeance against the nation that stole their friend.

It's what I get for listening to my teammates"
Odessa replied to Rel-Taren, before letting out a dramatic (but facetious) sigh.

Tetrax herself had proven herself a decent addition to the team, though she could have certainly done without the attitude. Even if had more experience than the rest of the soldiers, the "veteran marching in to lecture the newbies" bit wasn't going to endear her to anyone. Had she not been a healer, Odessa would have told her to shaz off, but Warhammer needed a healer and the empire needed every soldier they could muster.

Once the Grand Caster delivered his orders, she acknowledged his words and flew towards the ferry.

"Roger that, Warhammer squad heading south."
Dark matter sprouted from the orbs in Belial's wings and hurled themselves towards any fighters unfortunate enough to sneak past Atlas's line of fire. Where he was a sword, she was a scalpel, sterile and precise in her attacks. It wasn't anything personal of course, she was defending her empire in the same way that they were defending theirs. She didn't bathe in the same blood that Aeoun was so intent on shedding. She was far more concerned with clearing their objective and driving away the enemy. Battle was a means to an end, an excuse to wield her magic and perfect her aim at a higher level.


However, her weapons didn't play songs;they played an irreverent beat of explosions and gunshots, stopping every so often to avoid face-to-face contact. Gliding over buildings, narrowly avoiding residential buildings, and following Atlas' path of destruction brought about a lot of Sorentine death, but also found her the perfect spot to summon the Godslayer. Numbers advantage be damned, she was going to make the most of this fight.

"Deploying minefield."

Mana flared within Belial's core before explosive spheres scattered across the skies, latching onto every Sorentine soldier it could find. Those that were lucky enough to be outside of its range found themselves the shredded by mana-infused bullets.

One. Two. Ten. Fifteen. Soldiers both organic and artificial fell victim to the Godslayer. Though a few anti-matter rounds would have ended the fight, the risk of harming the cannons was far too great to use anything flashier than armor piercing rounds. Nonetheless, it was enough to take out the snipers positioned around the battery.

"Tetrax, Vow. Focus on restoring the battery now that the path's cleared out. Once we get that thing going again we can retake that cannon."

The Sanctified Mind

♡coded by uxie♡
Active Duty
Lunar Bay Airspace, Velika Prime, FABELIKA PRAETORI SYSTEM
Steve Jobs Steve Jobs
The battlefield, much like Greion said, was a storm of steel and chaos. Ugly. A Vranitran noble would take a look at the destruction and complain about the money they would be handing off for reconstruction. But every soul here… they would not be so lucky. A sobering thought.

War removed all that was base and left only the will to see themselves through. There was still cohesion, still order to the madness of war, but as the opening act of her new life unfolded before her eyes… Marian’s fingers gripped the controls of her machine tightly. Marian - the real one - would she have made it this far?

No, she told herself, now’s not the time to ruminate.

War was messy business.

The chaff had been cleared out, but that was merely the first step in the operation; now the anti-aircraft batteries were next. Saber had long charged ahead to deal with the Centurion. The other squads were tasked with restoring the batteries.

The maniac on comms was not helping, demanding his pound of flesh and taking glee in the charnelhouse of his own making. Marian doubted that Warhammer being sent to deal with the Centurion and drones would’ve made the man any more happy. The fact that people like this still existed was absolutely astounding. And putting one in a Mobius had certainly not helped in toning down that boisterous personality of his.

For her part, she’d do what she could to play her part. Let him handle all the bigger threats, charge in. Mournful Vow was not made for the same kind of work that Atlas was. The machine’s speed and focus on aerial combat was its strengths - strengths she gladly played do, weaponry lashing out at targets as both Belial and Atlas broke through the Sorentine defensive lines.

Soon there was nothing left, and Mournful Vow landed next to the anti-aircraft battery. Belial cut a fearsome figure, a black silhouette against the blue canvas of the Throneworld’s sky.

“Acknowledged,” Marian replied, “I’ll get to work on it now.”
Code by Nano
Active Duty
Century Square, Velika Prime
RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian koala koala Midrick Midrick @FiveElemental Steve Jobs Steve Jobs ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe LostHaven LostHaven TheRealAngeloftheStorm TheRealAngeloftheStorm ERode ERode Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
30mm Rotary // 40mm Grenade Launchers

The Canyon's canon ripped through the Sorentines' makeshift barricades and entrenched positions with ease, exposing a few targets as they attempted to deploy their rocket launchers. The first platoon of drone infantry were quickly shredded up, prompting the remainder of the defenders to retreat underground to fortify their secondary positions within. The second platoon opened fire with their machine guns and fired two missiles at the Canyon. The first fell short of the Mobius's shield and detonated externally, while the second was sliced in half by a lightning-fast silhouette of a bladed Mobius that followed suit with a clean series of consecutive cuts. Amalgamation of flesh and metal were thrown about, tainting the bullet-riddled environment with crimson marks of the Mobiuses' arrival.

Upon disembarkment, Sarina's infantry training would be put to work, as her short-lived achievement summoned the presence of six autonomous drones that began to form up down the corridor to complement their human officers. Banding together with their shields, they formed a phalanx formation while letting loose the embers of their rifles at the pilot. At least, she managed to prevent the enemy from putting the gun out of commission.

/// Copy your last, Scimitar 2. Everything on the ground seems accounted for. Proceed on foot with caution. Be advised, the Viridius control panel is within the underground center. I've temporarily matched all biometric scans for you and the rest to gain access and reboot the systems. Get that gun online, Scimitar. ///

"Well, I'll be damned. It's a Mobius! Come on, Shugherz! Let's round up the stragglers while they get the batteries online again!"

"On it! Two infantry, bearing two-five-zero. Range three-forty-two. Steady gale. Tangos painted - prepare to match." The spotter quickly relayed the stragglers' positions on his rangefinder, which updated and relayed the same information to their gunner's optics.

"Match. Round's out." The sniper announced, pulling back a triggered recoil as one of the outlined drone fell to the ground.

"Bearing two-five-nine. Same range. Match?"

"Matched. Firing." The repeated with great efficiency while the mechanized hoplite mopped up the rest of the external defenders.

"Good effect on target. What now?"

"Relocate to the thirty-fifth floor and watch their backs. It's the least we could do."

"The room with the nice shelf we passed right?"

"That's the one. Pack your shit, let's go!" The sniper then depressed their laser sight's taped trigger rapidly, while aiming at the Belial to grab their attention in infrared optics. Relaying a friendly hand-signal to the pilot within the mechanized suit that they had friendly infantry on overwatch, the sniper and their spotter began hiking the stairs, before setting up their new position much higher.

/// Warhammer 2, be advised, ARLA elements are en-route, but are encountering heavy resistance. Attempting to locate an alternate route for the convoy now. Proceed with your mission, and reactivate that gun, Warhammer. ///

"Copy your last, Cleaver Actual." Cyra replied, as she followed Rakh and the rest towards Century Square. The collapsed commercial buildings laid out before them, as remnants of ARLA and reservists were all but lifeless bodies with armaments scattered across the bullet-riddled plaza. At the edge of the coastal highway, overlooking the exit towards the square, was a deactivated Viridius cannon. The eerie silence seeped in, but not before being broken by a shower of high-explosive rounds dotting the sky to greet the approaching Mobiuses. The shaking and rumbling did not bother the feline pilot in the slightest, as she maintained her focus on their objective. On the other hand, she was not going to let her teammates down - especially when they have trained and grieved together for the last three long months.

"Touching down now." She announced, directing her Mobius's shield energy forward to mitigate most of the incoming fires. She held her strength in reserve, just as the infantry began to follow up with a volley of TOW missiles directed at her. Stemming itself into the pavement, the Ritterbruder braced itself against the incoming missiles that managed to scrape off a few panels of the reactor's shielding system. It was her turn, and she did not hesitate to roll up the forty-mike-mike from the back of the Ritterbruder's sleeve. A few metallic click followed, as a line of chained explosions followed. The grenade launcher did its job, leveling most of the defensive positions set up by the Sorentine.

Snapping her attention towards the holes in the nearby structures, Cyra propelled her surrogate armor forward, attaching the Ritterbruder against the side of the building like a spider. Setting her Mobius on sentry mode, the Ritterbruder spun up its thirty-mike cannon - pasting anything that was painted red. As the Ritterbruder continued to suppress the enemy position in the open plaza, she quickly unplugged herself from the titan's mana panel, and with a flick of her swift hand - the compartment beside her ejected a standard-issued Thuringen which was quickly seated within her grasps. Leaping out of the cockpit, the woman entered the hole in the building. Lining her sights up, she hugged the wall before her. Snapping the bolt-catch into place, Cyra pivoted herself out of cover and quickly squeezed her triggers in quick succession. With four drones eliminated, the woman launched herself forward and tackled the officer that was controlling the anti-tank drones. As they tried to snatch Cyra's rifle, she angled her leg and pulled him closer to reveal the manablade in her hand. One thrust, two thrust, the Sorentine soldier fell to their knee, but not before getting their collar slit by the agile pilot.

"Krega jectarni? (What is your mission?)" She inquired the soldier in New Arcadian. When the soldier refused to answer and tried to reach for their weapon, Cyra casted the wounded officer towards the ground and executed them on the spot. Releasing her magazine, the feline cast her gaze on the cyan-glint behind it - which quickly counted and relayed the remaining ammunition within to her HUD. Seating the magazine into one of her empty pouches, Cyra then loaded a fresh one, before navigating her way towards the exit.

With the landing zone secured, Cyra scanned the horizon, before making sense of the situation. Surmising the ongoings that surrounded them, as well as evidences of what transpired on the ground thus far, the lacking presence of Sorentine forces to easily overwhelm a planetary district beckoned her to question their enemy's objectives. She then turned towards the Schrani, before closing off her open-comms and establishing a secured direct line to Rakh alone. Lowering her rifle, she made her way towards the vacated square to greet the tall titan before her with a grim look on her face.

"Something's not right, Cleaver Actual. These guys are barely equipped with any of the newer infantry rifles, which means they're not frontliners - but a garrison unit. This isn't an invasion fleet. I don't think they expected us to be here - on Velika. But that's just a theory."

Shaking her head slightly, she focused on the entrance towards the gun's control center. The underground corridor meant ambushes, and she was not going to give it to chance. Raising her rifle, she covered the entry point, while the Ritterbruder continued to scan the surrounding area from above.

"In cover, ready to breach and enter, Cleaver Actual." She said, kneeling behind some rubble with clear sight on the sealed entrance.
Code by Nano
Active Duty
AICA, Velika Prime
Soviet Panda Soviet Panda

"Major Pakston." A tranquil voice tickled Pakston's ears, catching the idle Major off-guard by its isolated echoes.

"This is an encrypted communique. Officially, you did not hear this from me. OSIS (Office of Strategic Intelligence Support), in all their wisdom, have decided to keep us on defensive operations. I disagree. However, they're running out of time and you're the solution. Approximately ten minutes ago, three Albatrosses ferrying several OSIS officers were shot down in the Central District near Arkus Bridge. As you know, the Bridge has been changing hands for the past two hours. It's only a matter of time before they close the pocket to our south, and cut off our exit across the Arkus - which they will. Life support systems aboard those flights show no sign of active vitals. It is safe to assume those onboard are now considered KIA. There are three visually-confirmed crash sites scattered across the city. I need you to check all three Albatrosses and retrieve something for me."

A series of digital images then displayed themselves via the Major's DNAI. The first was an Albatross hanging onto an office building on Viridiant Avenue with its fuselage still intact, but riddled with shrapnels. Upon closer inspection, the fuselage's hull curved outward in a flower-like pattern - as if it was blown up from the inside out. The second Albatross, located in Liberty Square, was centered dead in the middle of an active engagement zone between Sorentine and Farbanian ground forces. The vehicle have suffered great damage from incoming fire from both sides, barely recognizeable, aside from what remained of its propellers. It would become the rallying king-of-the-hill prize for the contest between the Sorentine and Farbanian forces. The third Albatross was geo-located atop a floating sky garden above Krasnykan Monument with minimal external damage, but its rotors were out of commission, severed from its body and set ablaze sporadically. While easy to spot on thermal-imaging, it can potentially mask any presence of hidden troops nearby. All three locations were within reach of the Arkus salient, where the final Farbanian line of evacuation point resided.

"You'll know what you're looking for when you see it. If you're lucky, you might find it on your first try." The Doctor concluded with an alluding tone.

As far as cryptic messages conveyed went, the Doctor handled herself carefully with her words. Though a few details were often omitted deliberately. It would not be long before the Major begins to question her motivations while en-route. Of course, it would not matter, so long as the Major was able to secure and retrieve her prized objective. The minor details such as who had shot down those Albatrosses, or why did they chose such a reckless method of egression across hostile-controlled zones would be irrelevant and none of anyone's concerns in due time. After all, mishaps and tragedies often befell those that donned the armor of war and hailed the edge of their swords.

"As much as I'd like for Major Muirse to accompany you, I need her here to organize and rearm the saplings when they return. You'll be alone on this one, Major Pakston. One more thing - as soon as you retrieve your objective, mark your location, and I will have someone pick you up. Whatever you do - Do not attempt to exfil across the bridge."

As the ground crew prepped the runway for the Major, the Doctor revealed herself atop the balcony of the flight control tower. Her stern visage, absent of light and brimming with solemn pride, greeted the mechanized colossus from afar. Her distant, calculating eyes were evident of her silent involvement - sold to the ex-SCAR as a responsibility that one must bear for their future.

"Fair gales, Durandel." She said, before ending the transmission.

Code by Nano
Status: Active Duty
Location: Lunar Bay Airspace, Velika Prime, FABELIKA PRAETORI SYSTEM
Interaction: ERode ERode @FiveElemental LostHaven LostHaven Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59
Mobius Armaments: 75mm Anti-Tank Rifle - 30mm Rotary Cannon

Great, just great.
Sarina thought to herself at the new arrivals. There were other entrances to the building, but Sarina had no idea if she were alone in here, or if more had entered from other sides, or just late to getting in now. The gun had to be taken intact, as her communicator chimed, she had a bullet bounce off of her helmet along the right side as she ducked around a corridor, peeking out briefly.

"Scimitar Two to Grand Caster, prevented a saboteur, likely to be other explosive devices on the other gun positions or here. One satchel is not enough to bring those guns down. I'm engaged with heavy enemy force, if you can, transmit me a map of the battery's interior design."

With that she paused long enough to switch her attention to Scimitar Actual. "Scimitar Two to Scimitar Flight. I really could use a hand here. Wait-"

With that Sarina leaves the Com open and the loud blast of a shotgun could be heard, followed by the racking of a new 10-gauge buck shot round into the chamber. They were getting a bit cocky and starting to advance. Fortunately for her, that was exactly what she wanted. Making full use of her gifts and fortified flight suit , Sarina quickly rolls out of the cover she had, aiming up and to the right side the Cenerithian had an angle now and there was just a little gap between the officers and the shield wall, between the shields themselves, between gunport gaps and lifting to expose the feet themselves. First shot was fired into the curvature of the hall itself, up and above the group, ricocheting off of it and bouncing down the hall and into the officer nearest the shot. Then she aimed low, unleashing two rapid fire shots of the pump shotgun attachment, pellets bouncing like rocks throw sideways at a lake. Going into the feet of a number of those behind the shield, catching some return fire that did not puncture her vest, the Cenerithian was left winded and in some bit of pain as she back peddled behind the cover Aiming another shot to the wall in front of her.

With at least three of the drones and one officer down or incapacitated, the rest began to back off, calling for reinforcements.

"Scimitar 2 to Scimitar Flight, I've hurt them, but they are hunkering down now, will need those maps then I'll act as Marksman for whoever comes in on point, took a few hits, so I won't be stopping more. I got one officer, a demolitions engineer, and three drones. Once support is in, we'll go straight for the command center if we can find any alternate paths, or if we must go directly." Catching her breath, she scooted out, being sure the path was clear, she was very disappointed that no allies came in as ordered to do so, but she shouldn't have went in assuming they would follow.

"Grand Caster, got those maps for me, or is this just a straight-forward hall?" If she must, then she would do it alone, making the best of her accuracy and ability to bank shots.
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Adric Pakston
The helmed visage of Durandel turned towards Dr. Loxley as she showed herself on the balcony overseeing the runway. She had cut comms before he could respond, but he did not need to. She knew he would do as she 'asked'. Giving a faint nod of it's gargantuan head, Durandel readied itself for the bone jarring rush of carrier takeoff. Thrusters ignited, Adric was pushed into his control harness, the intense force of it threatening to render him unconscious were it not for his training. Suddenly, he was weightless, then the boosters of Durandel activated, and he was away. Armed with a Sygnis Blade and 30mm rotary cannon, Durandel was well equipped to face most hostiles barring super heavies. But he would leave those to the 'saplings', as Dr. Loxley had called them.

He quickly plotted his route while in flight, deciding first to aid in the battle at Liberty Square. The appearance of a Mobius, let alone one as renowned as Durandel, appearing in the fight would surely turn the fight in their favor. After that was settled, he'd go to the one atop a floating sky garden above the Krasnykan Monument. The fires would possibly baffle his sensors so he'd have to dismount and investigate with care, but it was of no concern to him. He knew Durandel would have his back. And finally, was the one with the suspicious damage on Verdant Avenue. He wouldn't ask questions, that's not what he was trained to do. Not unless what he found warranted some questions being asked and some digging done. But, in the end, he just hoped that whatever he found would be worth it.
Active Duty
Lunar Bay Airspace, Velika Prime, Ystrina Ferry
At the words of Grand Caster, Aeoun frowns. Damn. He takes up a defensive position outside the gun, prepared to hold their ground- If the incoming ARLAs were being engaged, then that meant the enemy would probably also have forces on standby to counterattack. And if so, Aeoun would have to be ready to buy time to get the gun up and running, and for reinforcements to finally arrive. Thankfully, his mech wasn't too poorly suited for that sort of combat, finding a good spot and hunkering behind its massive energy shield.

"I'm not a tech-wizard! Someone else get the gun online!"

He wouldn't be useful at all in negotiating the complexities of Farbantian techno-sorcery.

Code by Nano
Liane D. Venhaus
Lunar Bay Airspace, Velika Prime

Whilst the absentminded pilot of Ein-Sof seemed to be in little hurry to storm the building, her comrade, Sarina, wasted no time in rushing in through the front entrance. "Hmm," she hums to herself as Sarina disembarks her M.O.B.I.U.S. and begins to storm the building, shotgun in hand. Her request for reinforcements was acknowledged, but Sarina would've had no way to know, given that Liane had not bothered to reply.

Making the decision to follow suit, Liane, too, dismounts her mech, a familiar weapon in hand. Very few could forget it, the enormous and battle-worn greatsword that she had lugged around and gotten confiscated on orientation day. And much like her performance on that day, Liane sported not even a speck of protective wear, nor a lick of urgency in her step. Leisurely strolling toward the entrance, she enters, greatsword hauled over her shoulder.

The Cenerithian would first be alerted to the presence of her eccentric squad-mate by the sudden shift in the air. Whereas it was once warm with fresh gunfire, the atmosphere suddenly turns suffocating with a unintelligible sense of wrongness, an inexplicable sense of existential dread, followed by a sharp whistling in the air as Liane's greatsword flies past her, spinning rapidly at an incredible velocity through the hallway and toward the fleeing officers. It finds its mark in a drone fleeing alongside its human officer. Following immediately after the greatsword was its owner, charging in with reckless abandon. Momentarily disoriented by the sudden choking dread, a Sorenti officer falls victim next to the homunculus' enormous blade, which comes horizontally from behind with blinding speed. Though the blade had long since dulled, it struck them from behind with enough force regardless, completely crushing their torso and throwing them to the side like a ragdoll. Following immediately, a downward slash, crashing into another officer's helmet with such blunt force that it crumples beneath the blade, allowing it to sink into its victims skull. With one motion, the blade is yanked out of the crushed cranium, splattering the ground with the fluids that had once been contained within.

The massacre is cut short by the sound of an explosion, followed by a bright flash of light that detonates right in Liane's face. Frantic footsteps echo down the hallway as Sorenti forces make a swift retreat with their temporary reprieve. By the time Liane had reoriented her vision, hostile forces had long since retreated deeper into the building. "Flashbang. Should have been expected," she mutters to herself as she turns back to examine her comrade.

One look at Sarina's condition showed she was still in condition to proceed with the mission, so Liane didn't even bother to ask whether or not Sarina was alright. "I will act as vanguard. Provide cover fire for me," she states, still unwavering in her emotionless demeanor, despite caked in a substantial amount of blood that somehow made her blank stare all the more strange to behold.

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun ERode ERode
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Active Duty
Lunar Bay Airspace, Velika Prime
ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe
Kariko let out a long irritated sigh, maintaining visual with Warhammer 2 the pilot not only didn't have his comm unit on but was making a damn good fire magnet meanwhile she'd keep further behind her own Mobius more suited to a fire support role picking off targets where and when she could with small movements of her mechs limbs nothing too elaborate simply efficient each shot being aimed and fired without much fanfare before acquiring new targets she'd still make attempt to contact the other Warhammers and yet still nothing, did everyone have the bloody comms off? whatever someone would either die or speak, wasn't her call to make. and Finally, Mr. Glory Hound deigned to SPEAK to them and DEMAND of them something typical, probably some nobleman's grandson then. "aaah mr swordman finally speaking alright.. this is Warhammer 4, ill be arriving at your location soon warhammer 2, oh and word of advice, don't go running around like that again" she'd reply over the comms her voice coated with a sense of deep irritation. her Mobious slowly walking its way over in its own ponderous manner so to speak, huge guns ready to back up the new guy for what it was worth, regardless they where a team for now, and her own irritation at this guys attitude didn't change the fact they had a job to get done.
Status: Active Duty
Location: Lunar Bay Airspace, Velika Prime, FABELIKA PRAETORI SYSTEM
Interaction: ERode ERode LostHaven LostHaven Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59
Mobius Armaments: 75mm Anti-Tank Rifle - 30mm Rotary Cannon

As time ticked on, Sarina bit her lower lip, beneath her enclosed helmet as the schematics were sent to her. the Anti-Air instillation was rather straight forward in its design, two entry ways, a staggard hall so you couldn't just kill everyone in a straight shot, rooms for power capacitors and ammunition magazines, a central command room, given the size of the battery and its purpose, the control room had a rather spacious interior that fortunately would be lacking in cover. Hoping Liane or Muris would turn up, Sarina partially wondered if they had entered from the other entrance. Either way, time was running out, pursuit was a bad idea, but if they dug in it would be all too late.

Just as she was readying the charge, help did come. It was Liane, and judging by the speed, blood and blade. No one else here used a sword minus their team leader, and he stood out too much to not notice. The fleeing men seemed to have been her target, droids and whatever else. The Cenerithian was pleased, relieved even. As she checked her custom rifle and slammed a few shotgun shells into the under, she nodded, taking up position behind Liane as she got ready. With her helmet and internal display, she used a forward illumination light to show the route and battery position, unfortunately the designers did not make airshafts big enough for a person to crawl through. Liane had more than a little blood on her, but the knife-eared pilot had a feeling none of it was her own, and she wasn't about to ask.

Along the way there were scattered strong points and even another engineer attempting to blow up one of the magazines for the gun position, While Sarina let Liane take the leading role, she fired over her shoulder, with deft accuracy, taking out the Engineer in the hallway before he could duck in and away. With the two plowing ahead, Sarina would check her shots, to ensure she didn't shoot the swordswoman in the back as they finally reached the central control room, a number of droid infantry stood on the second layer and overlook, while another officer and flesh and blood infantry held to the bottom levels, all in all what was left of the Platoon they had fought up till now was here, some 12 men and drones. There was also another satchel charge, while she could not say this was the case with all the batteries, the officer here apparently decided if he couldn't have the gun, no one cool.

"L- Ein Sof, we need them taken out now, I'll leave the bottom floor to you, I'm taking the ones on the upper level, we move when you say, try not to damage any of the FCS terminals."
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Active Duty
Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59
[30mm Rotary Cannon] & [AIMALS]

The Schrani's towering shadow stretched across the approach to Century Square, looming over the commercial buildings like a portent —a spectre of war. The mobius' cervical actuators thrummed with energy as the mech's head scanned the bullet-ridden plaza, strewn or chaotically decorated with the lifeless bodies of ARLA and the reservists. Rakh's breath was bated, as if almost sensing the wrongness of the scene before him. Just as the abnormal silence settled, it was broken by the feverish screams of high-explosive rounds barreling towards them, dotting the sky with their presence. The man exhaled relief as the anticipation ended. Swiftly responding by sliding Schrani's warframe out of their trajectory, only a few projectiles managed to find their mark, but efforts were frustrated by the mobius' shielding apparatus. The tremors forced Rakh to huff, but remained steadfast against their enfilade. The staccato retort of the Schrani's 30 millimeter pulped a dozen Sorenti infantrymen. One of the TOW missiles veered off course from the Ritterbruder, their intended target, directly towards the Schrani's chest. Spotting the rogue projectile, Rakh tilted the mech's chest to the left and lifted up his arm to allow the missile an impact to the building next to him. Concrete and shattered rebar bloomed outwards in a great cloud of dust, debris pelting the behemoth of engineering down to its thigh in a thin-coat of grey.

Ritterbruder responded in a rapid series of metal thumps as the grenades propelled out of the launcher's tubes. Washing the Sorentine infantry in explosions that ended as quickly as they came. Watching the devastation before him brought a silent satisfaction to the pilot, though he would not admit such affections. With the defensive positions leveled, Rakh circled the square to mop up the stragglers that were unfortunate enough to survive Cyra's bombing.

As Rakh concluded his task, he took note that the Ritterbruder had been put on sentry mode, gazing at the soft-glow of a panel in front of the pilot, detailing the squad's status. With machine efficiency, the Ritterbruder assisted Rakh in pasting the fleeing soldiers. The whirring propulsion of anti-tank drones was the only sound Rakh perceived before the hexagonal energy shielding flared to anticipate the drones' gunfire. Six of them swarmed towards him. He clawed at the drones with one mechanical gauntlet, splattering them on Schrani's black palm. Four flitted out of the way in time, twisting past him as Rakh turned around to fire. One. Two. They immediately fell, sparking all the way down before exploding as they hit the pavement at the foot of a building. The last two, however, juddered forward. He lowered the barrel of the rotary cannon, watching them flail about the sky as if their computerized brains had been lobotomized. They deactivated then dived to the streets below in a death-spiral.

Cyra must've taken out the drone command officer. He acknowledged the soundness of Cleaver Four's decisive action.

With the square now vacated of hostiles, the Schrani paced round further scanning the war-torn terrain. Rakh shifted his head in his cockpit, observing the various readouts that streaked across his eyes. Until he stopped suddenly. The HUD of his helm pinged with a direct-line request, instead of their squad-comm channel. He accepted the request, hearing feline pilots voice in his ear. Her theory surprised Rakh, who was not one to believe everything without seeing it for himself, but took her at her word.

"Copy that, Cleaver Four." Rakh responded. "Cleaver Two and Three, overwatch."

His titan's mana panel hissed as Rakh detached himself from the linkage. His fingers danced across the dashboard, setting Schrani into sentry-mode, but not before letting the mobius' knee plate scrape the concrete pavement. "Hold, Cleaver Four. I'll link up." Rakh ordered matter-of-factly, cracking his helmeted head side to side. He flicked down the standard-issue Thuringen from its alcove in the cockpit into his armoured hands, then disengaged the cockpit cover to disembark. Before he leapt out, he snatched his old picture that had been pinned to the interior, a metal click as the clip closed again. He stashed the pic in one of the armour's vacant pockets.

As Rakh hit the pavement, he rolled to his feet and swept the area with the barrel of his rifle before continuing onwards. The scuffle of his combat boots came up on Cyra, kneeling behind her with his weapon primed at the entryway.

"Breach." He gave the order.

185.ID/95th - Iris Company
Active Duty
Liberty Square, Velika Prime
Soviet Panda Soviet Panda

The troops at Liberty Square emerged from their cover, as the Durandel's emergence gave them an opening to retreat. Among the armored troopers and casters, was a young captain whose damaged helmet unveiled their right eye - brimming with hope. The HUD quickly relayed the Durandel's pilot rank, though the name of the pilot were blacked out.

"Major, sir!" She saluted the Mobius, before removing her helmet. Her DNAI details were relayed to the Durandel's panels. "Captain Yrix. 185th Infantry Division. 95th Regiment. Iris Company." She said, as the information panel on Pakston's HUD revealed that she was seventeen, and had only completed her officer school just the day before. Too young to drink, but old enough to bleed for her country. "Half of my company is killed or wounded. We managed break their recon forces. But they'll be back with heavier armor." She reported, drawing her sights on the destroyed Goliath Light Armor Walkers.

"Hard to believe you're our medivac. I don't think we'll fit." She smiled dryly, in an attempt to lighten the mood, as the wounded on stretchers made their way past their superiors.

"Told you I'll make it back to the rear before you, Cap'." One of the wounded men limped past Yrix with a joke.

"Wise ass." She remarked, before turning towards one of the sergeants. "Alister. Step on the gas and don't stop for anything."

"Yes, ma'am. What will you do, Cap?"

"Per our last orders, sergeant. Go on, git." She saw the sergeant driving the wounded off in a truck, before turning back towards Durandel. "Now. What can we do you for, Major, sir?"

"Captain. You might wanna see this." One of the troopers approached Yrix with a peculiar mana drive the size of a tablet, secured by a rough edges of axium laminations.

"I believe this belongs to you, sir?" Yrix snatched the mana drive from the trooper, and waved it before the Durandel. As she commented, two runners beckoned her attention, relaying handsigns that a sizeable amount of enemy forces were en route. Acknowledging their report, Yrix gave her non-commissioned officers the hand signal to dig in. Placing it upon Durandel's hand, the captain sighed softly at the implication.

Breaking radio silence, just as her monitor flashed, Loxley quickly got in touch with the Major. "Do you have the package, Major?" She inquired, as if the possession of the mana drive was made known to her the moment it fell into Durandel's hands.

"Whatever it is, I hope it's worth it, Major. Retrieval of friendly intel is a priority, you should get out of here. Don't you worry none, we'll give them a what-for. Go on, git. You're in my casters' defilade." Yrix then put on her helmet and slung her carbine into low-ready.

"This is it, everyone! Fix bayonets!" She said, attaching her manablade's hilt to the Thuringen's underbarrel lug, before erecting a sparking blade that extended beyond the barrel. Several troopers would form two distinctive lines of shoulder-pressed formation with their holoshields interlocking one another.

With the package in tow, the last thing for Pakston to do was to mark his position for extraction.

Code by Nano
Active Duty
Central District, Velika Prime
RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian koala koala Midrick Midrick @FiveElemental Steve Jobs Steve Jobs ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe LostHaven LostHaven TheRealAngeloftheStorm TheRealAngeloftheStorm ERode ERode Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
30mm Rotary & AAMs

With the guns terminal reactivated by the pilots on foot, they began to fire on the enemy cruiser that was closing in on the bay.

/// GRAND CASTER to all squadrons. All designated gun batteries are online. However, I'm afraid the celebration is gonna have to wait. LZ Epsilon has been overwhelmed by the enemy. LZ Grayback is about to be overrun, and will need all the help they can get. Proceed east and assist in the evacuation of the remaining transport ships. Saber Squadron, what's your ETA? ///

"Grand Caster, this is Saber Actual. Centurion is neutralized. We're overhead the coastal highway now- ... "

"What the hell?"

"Break right! Break right!" Saimos yelled with all his might, thrusting his MOBIUS forward to catch Saber 2, but it was too late.

"Saber 2! Status?!" Judyth relayed over the comms.

"I-I'm fine!"

A dark silhouette zoomed past them, cleaving Saber 2's shield in one fell swoop - forching them to reel back for a counter-attack. An explosion followed, clipping Saber 2's flight gear.

"They're too fast! I can't track them!"

Saimos maneuvered himself in to mitigate another attack, only to collide with the reflection of a silvery frame that emulated their designs. He found his giant blade brushing up against their assailant's own, with Saber 2 in dire need of support. Pushing his Mobius to its limit, the Herald engaged the second Titan in close-quarters.


"Grand Caster! We're being engaged by two enemy Titans - they're not appearing on our MADAR or SODAR! How the hell did they get through!?"

/// Standby, Saber. Rerouting all friendly Mobius elements to assist. Kaplan - get me eyes on that grid now! ///

The infrared optics on a nearby gun, of which was recaptured by Cleaver Squadron quickly zoomed in on Saber Squadron in the air and managed to snap a few close-up shots of the hostile Titans. Upon closer examination on screen, Grand Caster took a step back and froze up, as the familiar visuals of the unconventional frames and their distinctive markings beckoned the Colonel's undivided attention.

"Isn't that..."

"By the Stars..."

"That's the Oprichniks!"

"Calm yourselves. You're officers for crying out loud! Kerzul, eyes on the ground, now! Goddamn it..." Grand Caster grit his teeth, tearing away at his nails as their situation just got worse.

"Sir. We just lost contact with LZ Grayback. MADAR shows no sign of active beacon. Major Hertuis from the 46th is on the line."

"Major Hertuis. This is Grand Caster. Sitrep on Grayback."

"The transports are away, Grand Caster. They just knocked out the control tower. You can court-martial my ass at a later time, but we're not staying a second longer. I'm pulling back towards the bridge!"

Grand Caster set his gaze on the nearby artillery piece and snapped his fingers towards the officer in charge.

"Understood. Take the Fairlane Exit. I'm throwing a couple of danger-close airburst rounds down the airfield to cover your retreat."

"Copy that. Thanks. 46 out! All right, boys and girls. Pack your shit and hook right towards Fairlane! We're getting the shaz outta here!"

The screen would flash and roar as the artillery landed close on the 46th Mage Division's tails, effectively closing LZ Grayback.

With Grayback no longer on the table of options for a chance to hold the west side of the river, Grand Caster's primary concern was now the emergence of hostile Titans in the area. To make matters worse, they were identified as the Oprichniks, the Sorentine's elite Titan unit. Led by the "Duke", they were responsible for much of the Farbanian's catastrophic defeats across the galaxy. To think that they were able to find a direct line to Velika with ease. That, in addition to the recent planetary sabotage led them to conclude that this was all planned. What Grand Caster did not take into account was the minimal activities on screen. Even the Sorentine Invasion of Lorisa II and Hastatia boasted three times the size of the current force. Something was off, but the current concern was to get Saber some help. It felt like a desperate measure, to pitch all of AICA's pilots against the Oprichniks, but should they fail to stop them here, they will not get a second chance. All those elements bottling up at the bridge for evacuation will be nothing but grounded meat and molten steel once the Duke set their sights on them. Taking a deep breath, Grand Caster made up his mind and put on his headset again.

/// Be advised LZ Grayback has fallen. New directives to follow. Saber is engaged by hostile Titans just north of Century Square. I want Scimitar, Cleaver, and Warhammer Squadrons to engage and assist Saber team ASAP! ///

Despite his best attempt to remain objective, the urgency in his voice betrayed him of his falsely-conveyed confidence and tranquility. In fact, it reeked of fear and desperation. Saber Squadron found themselves being engaged by a pair of hostile Titans. Colorful trails of thrusters ripping through the clouds were followed by sporadic tracers in the sky. As the magnificent colossi of the sky displayed their terrible powers, the troops on the ground hastened their retreat. The once beautiful district, a symbol of arcane innovations and traditions, was now scarred by the sinews of war.

As the fighting intensified, Saimos finally gave into his frustrations at the enemy before him and activated his BOA weapon. The urgent voices of his comrades faded out, as he furiously immersed himself in hatred in Lumi's memories. Channeling his mana with negative emotions, the Spear of Light manifested itself and escaped the Herald's hands. The high-velocity spear whistled past the charcoal Titan, with the Herald thrusting itself behind it.

"Saber 4's lost it! Cover me, Actual! I'mma keep him from getting us all killed! Damn it, why did I volunteered for babysitting him?!"

To Saimos's surprise, just as the Spear of Light shattered a few panels of the Titan's shield, it was then revealed that the enemy had caught it with its bare hands. His eyes widened, as the hostile Titan redirected the mana spear's velocity towards its owner. Dodging out of the way, the Herald barely managed to evade his own BOA weapon. His eyes widened, as he yelled over the comms. Finally snapped out of his battle-plagued tunnel vision, he realized only too late that the Titan had Durthai dead in its sight. The Abbess, being engaged with the silver Titan, found itself spiraling out of the sky as the Spear of Light penetrated her shields and shattered her flight thrusters.

"What in the name of... SNOWBALL!"


"Shazzing Noble...! Get your head out of your ass!"

As Saber 2 fell into the city below, the Green Ogre fired up its thrusters and threw itself in between the Herald and the charcoal Titan. Another explosion followed, as the charcoal Titan reduced much of the Herald and the Green Ogre's The Regina continued to pepper the silver Titan, and engaged them with all of her ammo. With Saber 2 knocked out of the air, Judyth, Amroi and Saimos were further motivated to break the enemy with all their might. When their turrets were empty, missiles and secondary arsenals followed. When the airburst detonations finally ceased, Saber Squadron turned to their BOA weapons and resonance. In the fighting, Saimos had only realized that his resonance connection had been damaged when he w

"I'm sorry I ..."

"Tell that to Snowball!"

"That's enough, both of you! Saber 3, base of fire. Saber 4, move in and find an opening!"

After turning and maneuvering, Saber's change of tactics finally forced the enemy Titans down to lower elevation while the other squadrons are enroute to assist. Taking on the initiative, Saber separated the charcoal Titan from the silver Titan, using the abandoned buildings below them as improvised cover and concealment.

"Saber 2! Can you hear me??! Saber 3! Get out of there! He's tracking you! Saber 3! Watch your ass! Missile!" Judyth relayed, as she exhausted her missiles to destroy the incoming missiles from the silver Titan.

"No shit, Saber Actual! Focus fire on him! I'm flanking right!"

"There's no time! We got to get to Saber 2!" Saimos grit his teeth, and followed the charcoal Titan.

"Saber 4! Wait! Shazbot!"

"Saber 2! Hang in there! I'm on my way!"

The aerial battle would grind down to a skirmish among hedgerows of infrastructures. Eventually, Saber team lost track of the charcoal Titan, as they became too focused on the silver Titan that were drawing their attention with the constant harassment of gunfire and indirect missiles. Setting his crazed sights down the street, Saimos leapt out of cover and made his way south to find Durthai, leaving Saber Actual and Saber 3 to deal with the silver Titan.

Code by Nano
AICA, Velika Prime
Out of Commission.

"Saber 2! Can you hear me??! Saber 3! Get out of there! He's tracking you! Saber 3! Watch your ass! Missile!"

"No shit, Saber Actual! Focus fire on him! I'm flanking right!"

"There's no time! We got to get to Saber 2!"

"Saber 4! Wait! Shazbot!"

"Saber 2! Hang in there! I'm coming!"

Durthai found herself looking at the hole in the ceiling from whence she made entry while falling from the sky. Silhouettes of Titans and Mobiuses zoomed past the open sky, while tracers followed them. Despite the implementation of the impact-mitigation seat, the lieutenant felt the full brunt of her assailant's strike as she fell from the sky. While she reeled back from the concussive injury she received, various panels appeared before her eyes that relayed the damage her Mobius had sustained. No matter what she tried, there was not enough to get her shield running back. For the first time in her life, she felt adrenaline coursing through her veins, while she attempted to get back on her feet. This time, she was not going to cower in the shadows of her fear and uncertainty. Dr. Loxley and her comrades were counting on her. Self-preservations be damned, she thought, as the Abbess crawled its way out of the building.

Perhaps she should have stayed put and trusted in her comrades instead. But she was not going to let them down. If only Felix was here, he would know exactly just how to handle the situation. It was Saimos, who was to be in their care. Yet here she was, waiting on him to back her up. She tried to shake off the uneasy feelings that overwhelmed her, but to no avail. Pulsating and trembling, the Abbess limped its way down the abandoned road, while gunfire dotted the background. Still holding onto the hope of upholding her memories of Felix and their nurturing ways with the others, she refused to back down. Before her, was the sight of the green oni that she sought. Her eyes were welling, as the contusion that she sustained no longer troubled her. She must live, she will live - the lieutenant convinced herself, as she dragged herself into the fray once again.

But Durthai eventually froze, as she spotted a certain figure materialized before her. Cladded in dark steel and netted flesh that was brimming with mana readings, the marking on their armor identified themselves as "XM1."

"No, please... Someone..." She whimpered, as her false will finally shattered.

"RUN SABER 2! RUN!" A familiar voice caught her attention, as Saimos landed before her, unleashing the might of his armaments against the foreboding figure.

"Pompous Bastard!" Saimos yelled, as he closed his distance with XM1. Drawing their blade at the last moment, the sheer force of the parried blow rocked the street, forcing the Abbess to take a step back, as Durthai snapped herself forward to assist Saber 4.

Upon closer inspection, she noticed XM1 and the Herald holding onto one another, as the shielding from both battle frames were sizzling non-stop. Saimos finally let out a heavy exhale, as the Herald took a step back and fell to its knees - unveiling a gaping hole that exposed much of its lower abdomen's sparking parts.

"Why didn't you run, Snowball?" He gave Durthai one last look, before looking up at the deliverer of his final judgment.

"Guess I'll see you soon, bro..." He uttered his last words, as XM1's hand relinquished its grips upon the Mobius's cockpit. The dark metallic paladin then cast Saber 4 aside, before the composite charge that was planted by them finally went off, marking the end of Saber 4 with a fiery explosion.

Durthai's voice broke over the open comms, as her mournful shriek beckoned Saber 1 and Saber 3's attention.

Frozen in fear and helplessness, the Abbess found XM1's silent presence beside them. Grappling the frozen Mobius by its apex from behind, XM1 constricted the Abbess gradually, denting the armor gently as if they were choking the life out of its surrogate controller. Instead, it hunkered down its feet and ripped the cockpit out of its frame, exposing the core generator.

Ripping the cockpit's canopy open, XM1 was met by a brief array of smallarms fire by the frantic pilot, as Durthai dumped her entire magazine against the Titan. Unfazed by her futile attempt to resist, the Titan instead gave into the prolonged silence as the strenuous clicking of Durthai's carbine finally announced her end. Its eerie silence paid its due as the master behind the Titan gave Durthai a pitiful look behind their faceless armor. Even now, the desperate look in her eyes, ladened with helplessness, made it clear what the war was about for both the Sorentines and Farbanians.

Emerging from their own cockpit, having neutralized the Abbess, the mastermind behind Saber 4's demise and adjudicator of Saber 2's fate now stood on the precipice of Durthai's ripped dwelling. As she continued to depress her empty trigger, she finally snapped back to reality when the armored pilot before her finally brushed her carbine aside and gently disarming her without much resistance. Their foreign armor and faceless helmet was no different from the drones that the AICA pilots had to engage for their training. Yet here they were, more human than they were portrayed.

Durthai's breath was cutting herself short, as the punctured helmet had diluted her oxygen reserve. With the enemy pilot's help, her helmet finally came off - unveiling a young woman barely out of school. Confused by the ordeal, Durthai locked eyes with the faceless murderer before her. Noticing a certain laminated picture of several students in uniforms and lined up for a festival, including the white-haired individual before them now, the silent pilot dwelled on it briefly. Having gotten what they needed, the tall individual leaned forward with purpose, as Durthai felt a stinging sensation brushing over her body. She began to gasp for air with the infantry blade firmly planted against her chest as the pilot climbed back into their Titan.

Confused and left to bleed out, Durthai eyed the open sky before her. Choking on her own blood, as her shallow breath tried to grasp onto life, the young lieutenant finally stopped, as she could no longer breath with all the blood engulfing her throat.

"I'm sorry, guys... I'm so sorry..."

With the last glimmer of light exiting her azure optics, the pilot gave in to the void. Upon her tight grip resided the picture that was taken during the Starfall Festival just a few days before their first flight.

Code by Nano
Last edited:
Active Duty
Central District, Velika Prime

"You could have done that sooner, you know."

"Any additional data on their personnel will benefit the Corps, lieutenant."

The brief exchange between the Titans was cut short by the sudden somersault that caused XM1 to leap back towards his wingman. Facing what remained of Saber squadron, the game of numbers dialed down to a disadvantage for the inexperienced AICA graduates. The Regina stood their ground, locked in a standoff, while the Green Ogre looked over towards the Abbess. His heart was torn apart, as the image of a lifeless Durthai was burnt perfectly into the back of his mind. Consumed by the heavy spell, his internal rage was no match for the horror that engulfed him whole. Both Mobiuses' armaments were fouled by prolonged fire, while their pilots were on the edge of exerting themselves. A truce of silent befell the Titans and Mobiuses, as Judyth bit her teeth at the sight of Saber 4's smoldering battle frame and Saber 2's silent grave.

Unsheathing her auxiliary blade, the Regina posed for battle, with its master's eyes fixed on XM1. The silver Titan, donning the marking of XM2, stepped forward, but was stopped by XM1's gestures.

/// Saber Squadron. Saber 2 and 4's transponders are offline. Status, over? ///

It was then, Judyth finally switched her imaging online, relaying back to Grand Caster.

"Grand Caster. Saber Actual. Saber 2 and 4 are gone. I need to know who the hell we are fighting."

/// Hostiles are identified as Oprichnik Squadron. An elite unit that utilizes experimental weaponry and specializes in Titan warfare. That charcoal Titan is their commander, dubbed as the Duke. They were responsible for the loss of four Mobius Squadrons on Hastatia. ///

"And you waited until now to tell us?! Snowball and Noble wouldn't have died if you ha-..."

/// And what would that have changed? This isn't your funhouse simulation, son. This is war! I suggest you learn to compartmentalize and start acting like a soldier, lieutenant! ///

"Bunch of shazzers!"

"That's enough, Saber 3. It won't matter. Seems like we're just gonna be another piece of flesh for the meatgrinder to buy time. After we're dead, I would take great pleasure in seeing the Oprichnik level your working space, Grand Caster."

/// Duly noted, Saber Actual. For the record, you are exactly that, lieutenant. Because you are all just fresh-faced greenhorns. But you're the only ones we have on call, so suck it up. There's plenty of dying to go around. ///

Frowning at such a remark, Judyth could not help but want to disprove their WACO. Of course, there were some truths to what he said. After all, she was among the few that sought to embark upon a great adventure. Yet here she was, forced to face the grim reality that even with their training, they were still not up to the task. She blamed herself, for Saimos and Durthai's demise. Had she been less concerned with trying to keep them alive and actually embrace the art of destruction, they would not have died.

Drawing their own blades, the Regina lept into action, crossing blades with the Duke, as the two turned and threw themselves at each other. Amroi on the other hand, was less than inclined to assist his squadron leader, knowing that her honor was at stake. On the other hand, he could not move, for Durthai's final expression of a sorrowful end only served to keep him chained to his seat. Guilt-ridden for falling short on his promise to Cyra, and the loss of opportunity to say what he needed to say, Amroi shut himself off from the ongoing duel, as Saimos's final words to him before they departed from AICA began to repeat itself in his head.

Life is short, make it sweet.

Spiraling forward, XM1 lunged at the Regina, only for the latter to tackle their shoulder and somersaulted upwards. Yelling with all her might, she came down with gravity as her foundation for a final, decisive blow, having achieved a riposte from her opponent. Much to her surprise, the Duke stemmed their feet firmly against the ground and bent their spine horizontally before sweeping right towards the Regina above them. The imminent impact broke both their blades, as Judyth forced her way through to get a shot at penetrating through their shields. Eventually, Judyth found herself feeling the full brunt of the Duke's left arm, which followed his blade's motion. Focused entirely on her gamble, she had not taken into account their ability to fully manipulate the Titan as if they were engaging one another in person. The Regina's shielding managed to mitigate much of the direct impact, but by the time Judyth realized her mistake, it was too late. With her shield fully directed towards his punch, the Duke's shattered blade embedded itself within the Regina's lower rib, barely lodging its tip against Judyth's thigh - thereby exposing the cockpit. Following up with a secondary movement, the Titan used the Regina's falling momentum to twist and throw the Mobius against the ground, before snapping their right arm.

The connection to the BOA reciprocated its external damage and relayed the proportionate damage to Judyth's arm, breaking her right arm. She recoiled and wailed in pain, as the Titan's blade further thrusted itself into the cockpit upon the Regina's descent - grazing the lieutenant's leg. Tossing the Mobius arm aside, the Duke drew its second blade, poised for a final strike. Recovering from her sustained injuries, Judyth gave Amroi one last look, as she finally succumbed to the pain threshold and blacked out.

The Oni's green eyes lit up, as the disarmament of the Regina beckoned him to take action. Adrenaline kicked in, as he abandoned his own thoughts for an instinctive response. Drawing his BOA weapon, Amroi channeled his emotions into the Bastion, materializing a powerful surge of energy that shattered the glasses of the nearby buildings. Crazed and furious, the Green Ogre sprang forward, only to be stopped by XM2. Throwing his punches, he made short works of their shield panels, before being forced back by the Duke's intervention. Blood fell from his forehead, as the counter-cut brought about a concussive force that reciprocated the damage sustained to that of the pilot's.

Even the newest generation of Mobius pilots had their shortcomings, but they were all as fanatic as they come - the Duke surmised as they cast their gaze upon the Regina beneath their feet. To think that even their enemy, millions of staretts away, was no different from those that resided behind legions of armored drones.
Code by Nano

Location: Lunar Bay Airspace, Velika Prime
Interactions: RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun LostHaven LostHaven ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe Steve Jobs Steve Jobs
“Different from the usual material, ain’t it?”
Winter storms howled outside, wind and snow battering the glass of the Olearius estate. Neither wolf nor lizard had any inclination of heading out for training in such weather, and had tacitly agreed to an entirely academic curriculum for the white nights of Revian II, but rather than lectures on the building blocks of matter or the processes of lightning through silver-thread, what laid before Rel-Taren was a simple folder. The Lizardman’s eyes slitted at the thin material, then turned towards his teacher once more.
The Hound of House Olearius, Yain Cynac’mel, growled. Or perhaps cleared her throat. “The Master’s orders. When the winter breaks, you’ll be off to Velika Prime. Before then, memorize this. Know who your enemies are.”
He dipped his head, tapping a nail against the folder. Three taps in and it broke through the hardened paper. He drew his finger down from there, tearing it open. Disembowlment. “I know who my enemies are, Yain.”
“But,” she leaned in, multi-hued eyes a spiral of displeasure and bemusement, “only their flesh. Not their steel.”
Documents spilled out. Records and photographs, of Titans renowned enough to earn their own name. if Farbanian Mobiuses were unique due to the sacrifices made to realize their forms, then Sorentine Titans were unique only through the reputation of their pilots. Shatterscape, the Charred Knight, Riot Squadron…
He heard her spit out those last words. “Plenty of monsters for a hero to hunt.”


A wonderful thing it was, that Rel-Taren’s expressions weren’t mapped upon his Mobius. The chaos on the comms, the cries of Saber Squadron, they were certainly tragic, but it was only now, only now, that the Xihu’tein felt as if the battle had begun. Saimos didn’t deserve his death; he ought to be grateful that it was at the hands of one of the Republic’s best. Durthai didn’t deserve her death either, but what can you do? She wasn’t tempered for this and her squad, above all else, was composed of children and zealots. Saber Squadron was designed to break from the get-go!

And now, the rest were to be tossed into the inferno too, to deal with the aces of the machine-fuckers? A wonderful thing indeed, at the furious grin Rel-Taren wore would never reach beyond Canyon’s chassis.

Three full squadrons left.

Atop the cliff, the arcane titans roared to life once more, the signal given to descend upon the Central District. Comms opened up, as did the flower blossom of Suppression Mode, but Scimitar 1’s first words were not for his own squadron. Rather, it was filled with a battle-lust, a warrior’s challenge, that only primitives could understand.


He was sending another to a certain demise, and that other would thank him for it.

The pretenses dropped just as easily as he dropped connections with Warhammer 2, a reptilian cool slipping back into his speech. “Scimitar 4, engage with the other Titan. Scimitar 2, check Saber Squadron’s vitals and assist in their retreat.” It hadn’t been very long at all since the sword had shattered into steel shrapnel. “Retrieve the bodies if they’re still mostly intact and the heads aren’t heavily damaged. We have a fucking slacker on the squad who should really be looking through resuscitation protocols right now.”

He licked his teeth, crimson eyes alight. But the dragon neither roared nor spat flame, did not deign to dive into to fray to meet the Oprichniks head-on.

“Ah, and Warhammer 1, apologies for the instigation, but we both know he was gonna do it anyways. After Saber Squadron gets out, I’ll force the Titans to open space. Can I trust you to clean things up from there?”
Status: Active Duty
Location: Lunar Bay Airspace, Velika Prime, FABELIKA PRAETORI SYSTEM
Interaction: ERode ERode LostHaven LostHaven Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59
Mobius Armaments: 75mm Anti-Tank Rifle - 30mm Rotary Cannon

With the gun cleared and taken back over, Sarina found no rest, nor peace. The enemy was merely inconvenienced by the retaking of the guns as another landing zone was declared off limits, shells falling hot on the tails of the 46th. The whole area on this side of the river would be lost for this time. She just hoped that most of the 46th survived. Having ran all the way back to her machine once things were cleared, Sarina fired the engines of the Myrmidon, boosting back into the sky as chaos quickly erupted over the comms. Saber Flight was losing it. No, they had lost it as the Oprichniks joined the fray, the infamous Duke and other aces in the Squadron were causing severe damage. Her father would have loved the change to take his Aerospace fighter up against the charcoal Titan, he was an enemy to not be taken lightly, aiming her 75mm towards a portion of the Titans, Sarina was tempted to take pot shots, try to snip them, as she got new orders over the comm.

What a waste, those other two were surely dead. It was like when people went to the surface, down into the fog on her home world. If someone came back in a team or hunting party with no losses, that was a cause for celebration. These men and women were the equals to predators on her world. One extra gun was one needed for this task. Still, it wasn't like Rel-Taren's orders were out of place or would totally take her out of the fight, nor was she one for insubordination. Still, she could help Grand Caster out, like before while doing this task.

"Scimitar 2, Roger that Scimitar Actual. Carrying out recovery and assisting Saber flight, good hunting, out." Keying up her communications it was of grave importance to get this madness under control. "Grand Caster, Scimitar 2 is operational and ready to offer my use again. Also, going to mark the Duke for you. He's more slippery than I would like."

As Scimitar 1 engaged the Titan's in the area, Sarina decided to make a bit of a gamble as she aimed her 75mm directly over and to the side of Canyon, just between the Duke and what was left of Saber 1, as Saber 4 went berserk, or damn near enough. One, then two, and three heavy anti-tank rounds fired at supersonic speeds, the first impacting directly above the nearest Titan, and the next two rounds corrected to land lower, this would drive them off she hoped as she didn't process if a kill happened or not, or if she simply made the Duke mad as her shells headed for him and the XM2 beside him, connecting comms to saber squadron, her tone was clipped, her voice loud and to the point.

"Scimitar 2, Myrmidon here to assist, Saber 1 get control of your man before he gets himself killed! You're in bad shape, back off unless you want me to throw you a gun!" With that, she switches her cameras to zoom in and peer at Saber 4, there was no point physically searching that burning wreck, a bomb was setoff, the chest was ripped apart, there wouldn't even be remains of poor Saimos left, and the Herald was likely a total wreck. It was curious how they already had weapons and a plan to deal with them, and Sarina was not a believer in coincidences.

Turning her attention to Saber 2, as she kept the AT rifle aimed in the direction of the Titans, Sarina seen the cockpit of Abbess ripped apart, torn open rather, using the mono eye of the Myrmidon, she sighed at what she seen, shaking her head side-to-side. Zooming her Camera in, she was not about to get out of her own machine to put a corpse into her own cockpit. She would join her if she were so foolish, it was a shame. Durthai was a good kid. Why they ever put a medic here was beyond her. Still, she was a comrade, and it wasn't like Sarina herself was much older. Her death however bared worth mentioning. The poor girl was clutching the picture of them all... Had the enemy seen it? Why kill her like this?

Though she felt older. Still, across all Comms for the flight and Grand Caster, she decided to announce her findings and really wanted whoever had done this dead. "Scimitar 2 to all flights and Grand Caster, Saber 4 is destroyed, Herald's cockpit unit and chest was pulverized by a directional explosive to the cockpit, no hope of recovery of pilot. Saber 2, Abbess, the cockpit was forced open, shell casings all over the place, but her helmet was removed, and she was stabbed, knife left in her, no life in her eyes, choked on her own blood. Body is intact..." In a rare sign that she was not so indifferent to it all, she continues.

"I want to know which one did this, so I can mark them, if anyone knows. I think we all can agree, that one doesn't leave here alive." With that Myrmidon turned to face the enemy, getting the body could wait, or it could be left to Saber 1, who was now an arm out of the fight.

Status: Active Duty
Location: Central District
Interactions: Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian koala koala
Mobius Armaments: [105mm Assault Gun] [AGM pods]

'This is nothing like the simulations.' was the thought that infected his mind all throughout the AICA graduates virgin deployment, Felix's death at the hands of a broken soldier had been the first thing to shake Nika's seemingly impervious confidence, the sudden and altogether completely unexpected nature of his death had shocked them all but what ate at Nika the most was the ignobility of his demise. There was no blaze of glory, no hero's death that all would remember, Felix's end would be known as a tragic fate for a young man with limitless potential and nothing more. The fact that death was potentially waiting behind every corner and turn was now painstakingly present to a not-quite-man who until that point, believed himself invincible. Perhaps sensing his brother's hesitation and growing indecision, Nika had been relegated to the backline in cleaver squad by Rakh, Zeus being equipped with longer range weapons to provide support from a distance. Hanging back and taking the odd potshot here and there on the stray drone that slipped past the cordon of automatic weapons fire, Nika didn't have any wisecrack remarks or bad puns to saturate the silence in between engagements, his mouth dry and eyes darting every which way as his bodily movements caused the hyper sensors of his mobius to respond in kind, keeping a constant vigil for threats.

The trek to the century square cannon itself was uneventful, no real challenge for the pilots Cyra and Rakh handling the ground work outside their mobius's, Fion and himself held a perimeter around the square scanning for possible reinforcements or stragglers who would relay information about the movements of cleaver, after sweeping the northern sector of the square for the 3rd time, the feeling of something bad in making was gnawing at Nika's stomach like hunger is to a starving man. The lack of sorentine response was concerning, the sickening stillness was the calm before the storm, so to speak. the silence was soon shattered by grand caster calling for all squadrons to prepare to regroup with the last of the transport ships after their remaining LZ's were either overrun or preparing to bug out themselves, before the radio chatter from saber squad broke through the comm net, frantic and fearful, hearing the battle play out over the comm was surreal in a nightmarish and morbid fashion. Nika could feel his pulse quicken and breathing become shallow as grand caster confirmed the two titans engaging saber as members of the Oprichniks, their leader among the two no less. Despite the rising bubble of fear in his chest, Nika nonetheless throttled Zeus' thrusters and broke off towards century square. even if they were Sorentese elites, 2 titans against 12 mobius's were odds that not even the craziest gamblers would take.

He was the first of his squad into the fray, he didn't know where the rest of them were but Nika had killed his thrusters a quarter of a mile out from century square to try and preserve some element of surprise. currently he was hunkered behind a ruined skyscraper, tall and wide enough to fully conceal the Zeus's whole body. Nika had arrived in time to see the Regina be near effortlessly, crouched behind his bastion within his mobius, Nika was descending into hysteria. This was it, all of them were going to die, he had squeezed his eyes shut and tried his damnedest to drown out the voices over the comm link, praying to whichever deity might be listening that this was all a dream and he would be woken up by Rakh any second now, with his brother chewing him out over sleeping in again and being late for school. Nika didn't want any of this, trying to convince himself that this was all some sort of mistake, a sick joke played by the forces of the universe in the grand tragedy that was his life. How he never wanted to be different or special but he knew he was lying, he had wanted and he erroneously disregarded one of the truest metaphors he knew. Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.

A wail of agony pierced his ears, causing his eyes to snap back open, like a clarion call it seemed to lift the fog over his mind. Only now did he truly comprehend the destruction before him, the hyper sensors sharpened and magnified the images before him into laser focus. He saw the supine form of the Regina and Judyth, wounded within. The burning wreck of Saber 4, Saimos undoubtedly within, Amroi in a losing situation having expended everything he had to no avail, and finally the open cockpit of Saber 2. Durthai's frozen expression, eyes wide, blood still warm.

It felt like an ember had landed in the back of his skull, which was rapidly expanding into a raging inferno. In a moment his fear was engulfed by the wildfire consuming his mind. it started with a twitch at the corner of his mouth, his breathing steadied before becoming uneven again, deep breaths exhaled with a growl growing in volume with every exhalation. Teeth bared and body trembling with a need to right the perceived wrong through bloodshed, Nika steadied his shaking hands as the Zeus remained in a crouched position, a peal of thunder sounding overhead from a stormcloud, as if in a prophetic prelude to the battle about to be enacted, Nika made a trianglesque shape with his left arm, the Zeus mirroring his movements, and resting its support arm against the rubble. Turning the Zeus's body to achieve the proper alignment, Nika placed the forearm of the 105mm assault gun on top of the support arm and centering the overlay sights onto the silver titan.

sometime during his mental awakening, his chosen H.Y.M.N. had begun to resound within the cockpit, Nika himself didn't believe in all the spiritual mumbo jumbo of the Velikan mages, but it felt right in the moment, and at the crescendo of the battle requiem, he eased the trigger of the gun backwards, feeling the BOA response of the cannons recoil slamming into his shoulder. the Zeus stood in one fluid motion, right hand working the enormous bolt of the weapon, spent 105mm shell being ejected away from the rifle and new round taking its place as the bolt was pushed forwards and down, locking it into the firing position. 4 AGM missiles fired from the pod on the back of the Zeus, rocketing skyward vertically, and Nika fired the Zeus's thrusters as he broke left, weaving in between the husks of buildings and industry. repositioning in concealment to take another shot at the bastards and give the missiles time to begin their descent right on top of the sorenteese titans.

Active Duty
He burns for the battle, pushing his mech harder than it'd ever burned before. The screams and sounds coming in over the comms were reason enough- And even Aeoun is not without fear. The sounds of Saber Squadron being slaughtered bring to mind old memories. When he was a much younger warrior, in a war decades ago now. Memories of a holding the blade of a broken spear in one hand, and a sword in the other, as his phalanx is broken by a single Katasteri in blue and white livery. The sounds of his shieldmates dying under their impossibly swift blade, as Aeoun tries to fight only to be nearly crippled in a single blow. He holds the memory up against the light of the present, and before Grand Caster reveals the name of their enemy, he already knows what kind of threat they face.

"By the stars- They're facing Σφαγέας!"

His normally excited, booming voice is just a quiet almost-whisper, as the horror of the realization seeps in. There were many words to express the concept he spoke of, in the Farbanti tongue- Heroes. Butchers. Aces. Monsters. But the closest that an automated translator could express the word is 'Demigod'- the Divine upon the earth, walking avatars of war and death. There had been many upon his home planet. He had faced one in battle... once. It was enough experience with one who had mastered war, who had burned a name in blood and fire into history, to know that to battle two? They might all well die today. There's no time to mourn the dead of Saber squadron, as Aeoun recollects himself, forcing himself to breath at a regular pace.

"Grand Caster, tell us everything you can about the 'Oprichniks'- If you want us to die, then we need to die well, not die in the dark. Give us something to work with."

Gone was the hunger for glory- If they survived today, that would be glory a-plenty already. What is left is a grim determination, battle-hardened, to fight. Even in the face of a foe they could surely not defeat. Even Rel-Taren's words weren't enough to shatter that chill. Aeoun's words crackle across the comms, as he approaches and takes stock of his opponents. Two- One with indirect fire weaponry, one with the blade. Yes... Yes, he would take on that one.

"Someone get Saber 1 and 4 out of there. I will try to hold the Duke, and give the rest of you openings. Watch my six and keep the Silver one off me. Warhammer 2 out."

He descends towards the Duke and its partner, moving in at an angle compared to the launched AGM missiles and Sarina's shots. No double the Duke would evade- The moment he does, Aeoun pushes his mech's systems and throws out a gravity field, pulling the Duke towards him, forcing the Duke out of their evasive movement and into the incoming firepower. Aeoun's blade is drawn as he closes for the clash- Of all the pilots here, Aeoun was the only one with over a century of experience with sword and shield. What Aeoun lacked in experience piloting, and with ranged weapons- He had trained and fought with 'primitive' melee weapons before Duke had probably been born. Not a single one of his comrades knew melee combat like he did.

If anyone had a chance against that Demigod with cold steel, Aeoun did.

His HYMN blares its trumpets. His blade is drawn- All there is left to close. The Duke turns, and Aeoun sends a message to him over open comms, even as his blade reaches out for the Duke's core. For some things are still observed, even in the face of certain death.

"I am Aeoun of House Orion- Face me, Duke."

Then their blades clash, and it becomes chaos. Aeoun activates his B.O.A. Resonance at full bore, powerful cuts radiating out from his mech with every slash to force the Duke to evade. Aeoun fights to drive the Duke away from his comrade, away from Saber 1 and 4, not truly aiming to strike them. Dipping in and out of engagements, keeping the Duke unable to commit to pursuing Aeoun's allies without the Atlas shadowing his every movement. He needed to hold the Duke's attention and force the Duke into good positions for his allies to pepper them from, with the Duke marked as he is. It takes everything he has, every drop of mana flowing through his mech, every ounce of skill from decades of practice just to try and keep up with the Oprichnik. Blocking and parrying the Duke's wicked attacks with shield and sword, surviving each exchange of blades, and threatening the Duke enough they could not simply ignore him. Gravity swells and ebbs and twists around the Atlas, pushing and pulling the Duke to give Aeoun the best possible positioning and his allies the clearest possible shots. In the art of the blade, distance was everything- and Aeoun's magic twisted the world around him.

Aeoun knows he can't survive this alone. He needs his fellows to distract the Duke, pepper them with missiles and shot, and to keep the Silver Titan from attacking Aeoun while his back is turned. To lend him all those little advantages so that the Duke cannot simply crush Aeoun off-handedly. He can only hope they follow through... Just as he can only hope his skills are up to the test of facing the Duke like this.

Judyth... Saimos...

Aeoun roars as his body burns with the amount of mana he channels. Flesh rippling with starry light, like his form was boiling.

He wouldn't let any more names join the lists of the dead! Especially his own!
Code by Nano

Active Duty
Lunar Bay Airspace, Velika Prime
interaction: Warhammer squadron
weapons: [105mm Assault Gun], AIMALS
well Warhammer squad had at least head together they'd managed to get their gun objective online, and it was firing, of course, a good clean fight like this meant something would go wrong Kariko knew that all too well, there was never such a thing as, and well the Pilot was proven correct shit had hit the fan so hard said fan was currently lodged in the fucking roof. they'd already lost one, Saber 2 was down.. it was the way of things couldn't be told if they were dead or not but judging by the comms chatter and the wreckage it didn't look good.

. "understood moving into assist" she'd say over the comms her voice fairly flat and formal, from her Mobius it wasn't hard to see the situation. At least the glory hound noble was doing something useful it did make her smirk a bit "Got it Warhammer 2 I'll try to run covering fire" she'd say following Warhammer 2 from a distance Kariko AIMALS weapons charging as the racks for the assault guns locked into place ammo reading itself to fire, weapons held ready to unleash a full force barrage when one of the enemies Mobius's left itself exposed, the Assault gun occasionally firing a few shells to make a decent distraction all she needed now was the others to join in her Mobius wasn't exactly built for close melee fights and these looked like they rather enjoyed getting in ones face and slicing you to bits today was gonna be a hell of a time hey?

Warhammer 1

That's what she got for listening to her teammates.

It wasn't the wrong call to hang back and shift focus to getting the battery online, but hearing Saber 2 and 4 fall one after another left her banging her fist against the control board of her MOBIUS unit. What the fuck was she doing, hanging around the back? Odessa was a soldier, as much as she was a sniper. Allowing more suitable pilots to be on the front lines might have been enough to complete their task, but she'd underestimated the Republic.

Just another sign I was a big fish in a little pond, she thought, biting back tears. All that passivity and for what? A squadron splayed around the battlefield without a plan beyond "do your job and hope you don't march to your death?"

It was fucking pathetic.

Her heart pounded in her ears as the Grand Caster spoke, barely registering any of the information he passed forward (much less anyone else's). The Duke, Oprichnik, Titan...all noise compared to Saimos and Duruthai's final words. The simulated deaths hadn't meant shit. None of it mattered in the face of so many pilots dying by Sorrenti hands.


"I am Aeoun of House Orion- Face me, Duke."

Again with the battle cry bullshit? Odessa turned her microphone off for a moment, cockpit erupting in laughter as Atlas-no Aeoun of House Orion-descended upon the Duke. This shazzin' guy. Even before they fought together she knew was a freak, an anomaly given a human-adjacent form but he wasn't wrong in his sentiment. Sucking in a breath, she flicked her comms back on in time for Rel-Taren to apologize for taking the lead.

"Don't be sorry,"
Odessa she responded, before turning her attention to Marian.
"Vow, think you can support Scimitar 4 and perform some of that metal magic?"

"Because moment I've got a clear shot, we're wiping these shazzers off the face of this planet."

The Sanctified Mind

♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:
Active Duty
Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Midrick Midrick
[30mm Rotary Cannon] & [AIMALS]

As Rakh breached the gun-emplacement with Cyra to his side, he found the AA weapon weakly defended. His shadow - like that of a dark cloud - snaked across the floor, joining Cyra's as the two legionaries made their way to the control bank. All the while his mind raged with the puzzling conundrum. Feet moving slowly through steel-alloy corridors, a hundred thoughts whorling behind the Thuringen's sights, behind his eyes. Only silence followed them, interspersed with the howl of the wind outside. Sweat filtered through the pores of his hands, pressing against the combat gloves of his legionary suit. There was an inexplicable stillness in the air as they came up to the door of the control unit. He forced it open with a swift kick, hinges whining in protest as Rakh stood in the frame. Cloaked in darkness, the barrel of his rifle jutting into the dim room, the white-beads of his helm's lenses softly glowing. Entering the circular chamber, the pilot began to work to reactivate the battery and fire upon the cruiser as were his orders.

As Rakh typed away, the sound of the clicking keys connected pathways in his mind. His breath was caught, heart quieting with fear, he shot a hand up to his internal earpiece to hail. "Gran—" Only for his words to be cut short as the dreadful reality settled with a loud staccato of combat. He smashed a fist on desk, emotions flaring briefly before turning sharply. He ran as fast as he could. Practically barreling through the emptied halls, slicing through the dust-filled air like a blade. The death of Felix still played on his mind. He hated that reminder, that portent to their fragility, it would hollow out a soldier from mind to heart to soul. Deep within, he knew that. Understood that they were as ephemeral as the smoke that geysered towards the metal sky now. And loathed it.

The sound of boots stomping against the concrete stopped as Rakh came before the Schrani. His head angled up. The crimson lenses of Schrani seemed to glare down at him accusingly, though it had just been a soulless machine. He thought perhaps he should not think of it as simply a machine. He set aside the philosophical for another time, scrambling to board his mech. Rapping a fist against the chassis, uttering a silent prayer in Dazoretian. An emotion began stirring in the Mobius Pilot, deep below, hidden by layers of iron, rarely seen, but present nonetheless - anger. As if the immense mech sensed its owner's fury, it whirred to life in a cacophony of grinding servos and blazing thrusters like that of massive braziers. Rakh pushed a bar forward, gunning his Mobius through the air behind Nika and Fion. Morbidly, he wondered if they would all perish on their first deployment, a kind of cruel joke the universe would pull on them. Crueler still, would be a sole survivor to emerge, the last standard bearer of their generation; Rakh concluded then that it would mean one of them would have to be ready, to realize that you are the last and to accept that. A tall order, he snapped bitterly.

Then the carnage came into view and Rakh shivered with unease in the confines of his cockpit. A hand swam up to the pocket which housed the picture of his departed fiancée and their pet, he squeezed it. Now he recoiled, blood running cold as the sights set in his mind. Saber 2 and 4 were utterly destroyed. They shouldn't be dead. They couldn't be. Hypersenses kept pinging him the truth. In the whirlpool that became of emotion and thoughts, he focused on Nikadim. He didn't know how his brother is reacting, for the first time in a long time, he felt a gaping void between himself and his brother. He hammered his chest with a fist, shuffling away the tragedy to assault him later. He caught his brother preparing to fire the 105 milimetre gun, thunder streaking overhead, an omen from his brother of things to come.

Through the radio-channels, he heard his fellow pilots warcries, goading each other and the enemy to a fight. Finding himself within his element, so close to his preferred mode of operation.

For now, he selected a vantage point and the AIMALS cannon on the Schrani's shoulder swung down into alignment. The railgun's battery purred alive, targeting arrays focused on the Duke, the leader of this Oprichniks, this squadron which decimated Farbanian forces and handed them defeat after defeat. Scimitar, the rest of Cleaver, and Warhammer moved to engage the Oprichniks. The interior of his cockpit vibrated softly before being quelled by the stabilisation gyros accounted for the tremors of that battle. He knelt, knee plate grating against the debris-filled street. One shot, centre mass. It did not need to kill him immediately, although the older Xirilenkia preferred that, it would still surprise him.

He trusted himself now, his skills, and a dash of luck to his fate.

Major Adric Pakston
Durandel landed heavily at the first point of interest, straightening up as the commander approached him. If this was not the site of the intel, he would be away, giving only light support. He would leave them to die for the mission. That fact weighed on him heavily, but there was little he could do but bear it. He pointedly ignored the wounded extracting from their position, as if by doing so would keep anymore blood off of his hands.

Lucky for Captain Yrix, she had indeed recovered that intel he was searching for. Massive hands daintily took the proffered mana drive, moving it towards the cockpit which opened to revealed the helmed head of it's pilot who took the mana drive into the protection of it's armored core. Wordlessly Durandel observed what forces remained, ignoring for the time being the inquisitive voice of the good Doctor. Half, Captain Yrix had said, less than if he had to guess. They would die without his support. Luckily for them, they did.

"Package secured, Ma'am. Marking current location for extraction. Enemy forces have me locked down, prepare for a hot evac." He radioed with internal comms, keeping his words away from ears not meant to know about the covert operation.

"Captain Yrix, fall back to secondary positions. I give you new orders. Live, learn, and lead. I will hold this square." As he spoke, Durandel raised an empty hand skyward, grasping at nothing. Slowly, with the grace given to it by the Palantine Gift, the Banner of Saint Isern formed. Once it was fully given form, it was planted firmly into the ground, it's etheric point cracking the concrete beneath. "Unless, of course, you wish to die here, leaving your duties for another young sole to carry out. But, you do not seem like the kind of soul to lay that burden down at other's feet."

With the light of the banner illuminating him, he prepares for the oncoming assault. Whether the Captain and her forces fell back as he had ordered was irrelevant now. Now, it was just he, and the enemy. With his scanners at full output, he would not be snuck up on, and the first Sorenti to appear would be met by a hail of 30mm rounds followed swiftly by Durandel itself, driving deep into a shocked enemy to wreak as much havoc as possible and hopefully finishing the fight before it is even started.
185.ID/95th - Iris Company
Active Duty
Arkus Bridge, Velika Prime
Soviet Panda Soviet Panda

"Understood, Major. An airship is inbound - callsign Swordfish. ETA twenty minutes."

The Captain stood frozen, as if broken by the Major's voice over her helmet's comms. Despite her noble attempt to make a last stand beside her comrades, she will not be the last to be buried here. He was right in his assumption. She was not exactly fond of passing on her responsibilities to another, of whom would likely fall into the same cycle. With barely the time to consider her options, she was inclined to heed the Major's words, having taken a closer look at her battered company. As far as chain of command was concerned, he outranked her, and she would have to proceed as told, whether she liked it or not. At least, this alternate decision will let them fight on for another day.

"As it stands, I can't disobey a direct order from a superior officer. Very well, we'll be on our way." Clenching her fists, as if she was being forcifully relieved of her post, the woman could do naught but abide by their predicament. It was time for her to place her faith in the Mobius and its pilot.

"Iris Company! Fall back to secondary positions and regroup! Fall back! Heavy weapons team, set those turrets on auto and get out of there, now!"

As she relayed her orders, the troopers hurriedly withdrew - fireteam by fireteam. The orderly retreat saw the saving grace of their faceless savior. When the automatic sentry turrets were set, the Captain followed suit.

"Fair gales, Major." She said to Pakston, acknowledging his valiant effort with one last look over her shoulder at the steadfast Mobius and the glorious banner it bore, before catching up with the rest of her armored soldiers on foot. She would never forget this moment, for she was given an objective worthy of their sacrifices. As she jogged her way down the abandoned street beside her comrades, she would mumble to herself over and over again. Until the inevitable end, untouched by the vanity of man, is made clear to her, she would abide by the Major's words. She will live, she will learn, and she will lead. It was not just a mission, but an initiative.

With the banner fully invoked, columns of Sorentine drones began to swarm the streets, converging upon the lone Mobius with great speed. Accompanied by heavily-armored walkers and self-propelled anti-tank pieces, the confident legion saturated the Durandel with smallarms fire, with volleys of anti-tank shells whistling past them. As the dust settled, bound metals quickly shattered, grounded into fine mist. The Durandel's guns quickly peppered the vanguard elements inside out with its auto-cannon roaring with pride, shaping the armored walkers into beehives with its unrelenting rate of fire. Before the column could react, the Mobius quickly closed their distance, rendering the artillery pieces in the back useless. Among the sea of automatons, the Major's abilities were made known to his opponents. Failing to account for a such a mechanized variable, the Sorentine forces suffered heavy casualties within the first ten minutes of combat. With forty-percent of their legion considered combat-ineffective, the artillery pieces finally fired upon the Durandel and their own forces. Smoke screens were quickly deployed to conceal themselves and temporarily made a withdrawal to regroup. As they did, a voice reached out to the Durandel.

"Durandel. This is Swordfish. I see you've already taken care of the landing site." An airship then emerged from behind the twin highrise buildings, circling gradually, before halting right above the Mobius. A few flick of switches followed, as the pilot locked onto the Mobius's strobe and quickly displayed the pilot's secure ID over their control panel. "Gravity lift active. Welcome aboard, Major. Let's get outta here. Grand Director, package secured and bound for home." With the Mobius collected and firmly latched onto the airship's cargo bay, Swordfish began their ascension. Circling pass the abandoned square below, their grim eyes fixed upon the column of infantry jogging across the five-miles bridge. "The last company out..." Swordfish muttered to themselves with an elated look of hope in their worn eyes.

Standing firm on the bridge, the Captain of the battered Iris Company took a gander at the brilliant sky, where a lone airship was cast adrift the clouds. The reflection of the magnificent Major, astride their noble steed and soaring towards the Hall of Warriors, was cast upon her blemished visor. A melancholic smile was formed beneath Yrix's helmet, as she saluted the soaring metal bird.

"We will live..." A voice beckoned the silent march across the long stretch of metal and asphalt, as scattered soldiers abided by their endowed marathon to safety.

Fatigued soldiers carrying their wounded comrades to safety, as bullets began to fly past them. "We will learn..." Those that volunteered to stay behind would attempt to buy more time for the Captain and the rest of their company to get to the other side.

"And we will lead..." The last breath drawn, as the soldier with the broken helmet took into sight the eeriely magnificent display of firepower from behind them, finally severing the Arkus Bridge and keeping the Sorentines from crossing.

"Thank you, Major..." She whispered softly to herself, as the survivors began to flood past her.

Code by Nano
Active Duty
Central District, Velika Prime

A simultaneous attack, deservingly so when the scene had dictated such an approach to be the most reasonable. But for the Duke, it was a desperate attempt to salvage a disadvantageous situation. It did not take long for the loose cannons, literally-speaking, to open up on him. At least now, he could separate the inexperienced ones from the strategists. But it mattered little for the Oprichniks, as they have already completed their objectives, despite their own complications upon landing here. For the time being, the Duke would entertain their responses.

The first was the ranger that seemingly broke past their peripheral vigilance. Rather, it was perceived that they were aided by something other than their Mobius's designs - almost as if the warframe itself was composed of mana and not metal. The missiles were merely a distraction, and just as he had expected while remaining firm where he stood. Counting to the inevitable impact, the Duke's attention was focused entirely on another variable, of which was expected to be his opportunity for a counter-attack. And there it was - materialized in the form of a resounding fanatic, whose direct charge had benefitted the Duke greatly.

Shifting his gaze over his shoulder, he finally spoke. "He's all yours, Lieutenant."

XM-2 quickly displaced, and rammed itself against the nearby building, collapsing the entire structure over the nearby street, halting Zeus's displacement after their series of bombardment. As the missile homed in on the Duke, he quickly launched himself forward to meet Atlas's challenge, but only enough to graze the metallic blades, as the Titan slipped past the Mobius without the intention to fully bear the brunt of their attack. The AGM missiles would then descend upon the ground, having trailed the Duke's movement, and made its impact all around the Atlas.

At the same time, XM-2 emerged from the collapsed building and fired a round from its hand-cannon. In its path, the round scanned the entirety of the empty street, before a red profile appeared on their screen.

"Peek-a-boo! I've got you!" XM-2 announced on open-channel, before saturing the building that concealed Zeus with shoulder-mounted missiles. Its deafening shrieks began to cave the surrounding area in.

Having bore the brunt of Zeus's one-oh-five millimeter rounds with their shields, the Duke took little chance with Atlas's resonating ability. Instead of confronting his challenger head-on, he would parry and dodge, knowing that the man's seemingly berserk fit was only to guide him into a spot for the kill. Alas, it would be rude to quit now that they were in the middle of an entertaining waltz. Eventually, the warrior would tire himself out. Skilled or not, they were still bound by the finite limitations of their flesh.

A flashing strobe on their screen appeared, as XM-2 also relayed their concerns. "Active radeons. Over a thousand! Commander!"

Heeding his wingman's caution, the Duke reverted his controls and boosted his thrusters with haste. Leaping into the air where the shot would land, the Duke deployed their refractor shield like a baseball glove and received the full energy of the blast. Caught with perfection, the laser deflected off of his makeshift mirror, and with the aid of the booster, was redirected towards the Atlas below him - shattering much of their frontal shielding.

"Charge your longbow, Lieutenant." XM-1 relayed to XM-2, as they doubled back to meet the Green Ogre, of whom was recovering from the stray AGM splash.


Charging forward to assist Atlas, the Amroi threw his fists, while Atlas's resonance bridged the gaps in their unsynchronized attacks. Despite their masses, the ensuing melee engagement was done with great speed, as the Duke managed to parry and stagger both the Green Ogre and the Atlas. Each cut returned, and each thrusts redirected elsewhere. Gradually, but assuredly, the Mobiuses' shield panels eroded, with the Duke firmly tucked between them in close proximity that any external support or sniper work would be rendered useless. A gamble that was sure to succeed, the Duke thought to himself, especially having witnessed how prone Saber squadron was to preserving their own comrades.

With most of the Mobius pilots' combined efforts and concentrations set on the Duke, a secondary element finally unveiled themselves, having been given enough time to charge their longbow.

"Hello there!" XM-2 announced her presence in High Fabelika, leaping from the street and onto vantage point from where the AIMALS signature was detected. Following their materialization, the Schrani was quickly immobilized by the two SABOT rounds fired in quick succession. Having shattered both the Schrani's legs, XM-2 retracted their rifle. But instead of going directly for the kill, XM-2 hung back and folded their arms before springing their right hand forward and pointing at the immobilized warframe.

"How come you guys get your own customized designs and we're stuck with sad color-blind palettes? Dope color by the way!" XM-2 noted nonchalantly, as the fighting continued to ensue in the streets between XM-1 and the other Mobius.

Before long, a blinding streak of light plunged into the middle of the plaza, with the Green Ogre and Atlas tossed aside from its impact, as the Duke ejected his broken blade. From the dust emerged an immaculate Mobius, bearing a familiar insignia. They scanned their horizon, noticing the wreckage around them, as well as the open-casket Mobius behind them. The latter scene irked them the most, as they took to the Duke their grievances.

"I didn't know you had taken a liking to murdering children..." The angelic Mobius transmitted over open-comms, standing in between the Duke and the other Mobiuses.

"By the rules of war, if they bear arms - they're combatants. You, of all people, should know that, Aerys." The silent XM-1 finally unveiled their voice in retort.

Phasing out of their stances, the two warframes intertwined with one another in a whirlwind of metallic clashes. Moving faster than the naked eye could perceive, all that was registered were spent blades being flung around like a perpetual detonation of a fragmentation grenade. Blinding streaks of cyan and orange crossed each other, while buildings all around them began to crumble. Now, free of his shackles and given the opportunity to fully embrace his abilities, XM-1 spared little restraints in his engagement with the white Mobius. Alas, having his equipment worn out by the small fishes from earlier, the Duke knew that this would prove to be an indecisive effort. After all, he was up against the renowned Empress's Blade.

The two warframe finally broke out of their ethereal movements, prompting the Duke to reassess their situation with haste, while his opponent relinquished their armaments for a more cordial approach.

"I advise you, out of respect, to stand down, Major. My presence alone should be evident of Her will. Though I sense that you are not here by your own accord. We will find out how you did it. And rest assured, we will be ready to accommodate your kind accordingly."

The Duke paused, taking to heart his adversary's words, as he had anticipated their shortcomings long before they arrived on Velika. Oddly enough, their limited interactions on the field have gradually transformed into a strange game of diplomacy on behalf of their leaders. Having seen countless tragedies, and being one responsible for such atrocities himself, the Duke had obligated himself to lend words with his true adversary. Perhaps the only one that fathomed him enough to form the right words. Truly, a politician in the making.

"Very well, tend to your wounded. Though I cannot guarantee that the Navy will reconsider their strategies."

"Perhaps this is the perfect opportunity to escalate your cold case, Major..."

The Blade's tone shifted, prompting XM-1 to take a defensive posture. They then continued.

"You've seen what they can do, and possibly more to see it through... You and I both know what needs to be done... "

"That old story again?"

"If you've managed to make it here, then my fears are confirmed... But more importantly, I've been given specific instructions to eliminate you. We both knew that this day would come. Do not bereave me of this honor as you have for so many years."

The Sorentine pondered for a moment, examining the Blade's solemn tone. Truly, he had been bested again. While he would gladly disregard the Farbanian's words, their complex association gave cause to a degree of faith, despite their status as enemies. Finally picking up on their opponent's meaning, as he took note of the other Mobius pilots, the Duke reluctantly approved the notion. It seemed that this new variable would be the Blade's trump card for the conflict, and their final gift to the Duke.

Metallic hands fell upon their sheaves, as the two braced themselves for a final confrontation, where words have finally failed them. Silence befell them for a few minutes, as the Blade began to overcharge their reactor. At the same time, XM-1's engine began to vibrate violent at the behest of their overclocked core. Radiation bled the ground, as the Mobius and the Titan finally broke the confinement of space and time, fracturing the plaza and sending a shockwave across the city. The collect dust and debris eventually unveiled the duo at the zenith of the rising sun.

"Farewell, old friend..." The Blade finally spoke, as XM-1's frame began to collapse, with its shield panels evaporated by the Mobius's fine stroke of mana.

"I pray that you are right... Fair gales, Aerys." The Duke muttered, as the Blade stood flawlessly amidst the ruined plaza, before catching fire. Its core gave a faint glow of light, before engulfing the entirety of its frame - casting a radiant shower of glittered metal across the city.

"It was nice meeting you. But I gotta go. See ya!" XM-2 said to the Schrani, before leaping off to regroup with XM-1 at the behest of the glorious appearance of the Ninth Fleet entering the atmosphere.

"Hang in there, Commander. I gotchu." XM-2 maneuvered their way towards the disabled XM-1 and quickly strapped an explosive charge on it. Smoke dispensers went off, as she quickly yanked the cockpit from its frame before navigating through the city under the cover of the engaged naval forces above.

Badly wounded from their encounter with the Blade, the Duke took one final glance at the ruined city, as XM-2 began to climb into the air with their thrusters fully engaged.

Not long after, the Sorentine cruisers that lingered above Farbanian clouds would return fire against the emergence of the Farbanian fleet. Sporadic airburst explosions ensued, as the Sorentine engines propelled skyward, climbing with haste before making their immediate departure from the planet via slip-space jumps. Meanwhile on the ground, thousands of Sorentine troops and drones continued to mount resistance despite being cut-off from their main forces. It was only by dawn of the next day did they finally surrendered with the arrival of Farbanian reinforcements from other districts. More than ten thousand Sorentine troops and twice the amount of drones were taken prisoner - sparing them from the fate of the Farbanian casualties within the first day of battle across various districts on Velika.
Code by Nano
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