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Fandom Superheros and Villains

“Looks like they left recently, their equipments still here.” Eddie said as he searched the security cameras “Records where wiped an hour ago.”
"That's no good..who ever did this is covering thier tracks. Maybe we can get security footage of the outside from another store" she said
"That's no good..who ever did this is covering thier tracks. Maybe we can get security footage of the outside from another store" she said
“No good, cameras are wiped within a five block radius, police scanners don’t indicate any break ins, had to have been an enhanced with technopathy, or a cyberlinguist.” Eddie said
"Oh.. darn. Think its Smiler?" She asked
“He’s been mostly quiet since the last incident, other than a few minor crimes; at least by his standards.” Eddie said “Must be either someone I don’t know or someone new.”
"And leave Cinder here. No way. I dont trust you. Everything I've heard about you is that your an evil sorceress " Fate said. "For all I know you could be lying to get my trust."

“I guess that means I lost against my father and Merlin, that’s rather disappointing” she sighed and conjured fates clothes and passed them to her
"Good point." Diana nods. "But I swear if Wolfe gets near Ryder.." Dana put a hand on her shoulder. "If you want he can stay with Marcus and I. " Diana shrugged. "I dont know.. I'll have to talk with Jeremy about this. Still we dont even know which Wolfe is the real one. He has a whole bunch of clones of himself now. Jeremy has already killed him once and we dont know if that was a real one or a clone."
"doesn't matter." Fell said. "just kill all of them. only good wolfe's a deaf wolfe.'
“He’s been mostly quiet since the last incident, other than a few minor crimes; at least by his standards.” Eddie said “Must be either someone I don’t know or someone new.”
"Hmm Hopefully they are ok" stella said as she looked around.
“I guess that means I lost against my father and Merlin, that’s rather disappointing” she sighed and conjured fates clothes and passed them to her
She took them. "Why are you guys fighting anyway. You said you sent Cinder to protect your brother. So why not just talk to him and avoid this?"
She took them. "Why are you guys fighting anyway. You said you sent Cinder to protect your brother. So why not just talk to him and avoid this?"

“Because of my father” she sighed and headed towards the door, still holding her side
"Hmm Hopefully they are ok" stella said as she looked around.
Eddie pulled out a black lite, searching for blood, until he found a large amount, symbols drawn into the hastily cleaned surface. “These are gateway runes, made for making a small portal, I used to use these when my teleportation didn’t work.” Eddie said “I might be able to figure out how far the portal went, and maybe find a building that matches the distance.”
Eddie pulled out a black lite, searching for blood, until he found a large amount, symbols drawn into the hastily cleaned surface. “These are gateway runes, made for making a small portal, I used to use these when my teleportation didn’t work.” Eddie said “I might be able to figure out how far the portal went, and maybe find a building that matches the distance.”
"Hmm portals. Do alot people use those?" She asked
She chuckled with a groan of pain “that is one of the very few things I can’t do with my magic” she replied

Ben retired to his room and tapped his Omnitrix. Fate's started to beep. Musicnotes Musicnotes
"Well you helped me so I'll repay the favor. It's not like your magic but it should help a little." Fate reached into her pouch and pulled out a small wishbone charm. She broke it, her hands glowing softly and it changed into a small first aid kit. She handed it to her. "It'll vanish after a half hour so use it before then" she noticed her Omnitrix beep. She walked off to an empty area. She checked around making sure no human or demon was around and tapped it. "Ben?"
"Yeah I'm no mage. No idea how to do those." Stella shrugged.
“Most don’t.” Eddie said as he finished translating “The portal went around five miles, most likely east.”
"Well you helped me so I'll repay the favor. It's not like your magic but it should help a little." Fate reached into her pouch and pulled out a small wishbone charm. She broke it, her hands glowing softly and it changed into a small first aid kit. She handed it to her. "It'll vanish after a half hour so use it before then" she noticed her Omnitrix beep. She walked off to an empty area. She checked around making sure no human or demon was around and tapped it. "Ben?"
"Hey. You okay?" Ben's voice came through her Omnitrix.

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