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Fandom A World Reborn (Genshin AU) -- OOC

Nothingness Nothingness

I should probably get this out of the way first: my idea for my character was going to be a former mid-ranking Fatui field commander (NOT a Harbinger) currently on the run after the Tsaritsa got destroyed by the gods.

And she would be in possession of the machine gun she used during her service and currently hides as a backup weapon.

So I want to make sure that you think it's an appropriate idea for the setting,and if you don't,feel free to put your foot down and I'll adjust the character/weapon until it is suitable.
Nothingness Nothingness

I should probably get this out of the way first: my idea for my character was going to be a former mid-ranking Fatui field commander (NOT a Harbinger) currently on the run after the Tsaritsa got destroyed by the gods.

And she would be in possession of the machine gun she used during her service and currently hides as a backup weapon.

So I want to make sure that you think it's an appropriate idea for the setting,and if you don't,feel free to put your foot down and I'll adjust the character/weapon until it is suitable.
That's all fine with me!

Niicee! O: Go for it!

I personally stopped playing genshin a little bit ago. Just cause life got overly busy..x.x
That sucks!

Im trying to find some cool face claims, or cool armor.

I was thinking of him being a well known assassin across hyrule?
That sucks!

Im trying to find some cool face claims, or cool armor.

I was thinking of him being a well known assassin across hyrule?
Oohh!! That sounds cool!


Just a side note, whenever we get enough CS up, then i'll make the IC. XD Since I got finals for school coming up.
Nothingness Nothingness

Hey there,I got my character sheet up. Do tell me if it's suited and if there's anything I need to change. Especially since I mentioned some details about how the unknown gods attacked/how the Archons were destroyed.
Nothingness Nothingness

Hey there,I got my character sheet up. Do tell me if it's suited and if there's anything I need to change. Especially since I mentioned some details about how the unknown gods attacked/how the Archons were destroyed.
I will take a look as soon as I can! Working on some schooling stuff at the moment.
Thought it'd make sense for a (former) Fatui character to have a gun.

And well,you're not supposed to visualise it as an M16,just let your mind fill in whatever fantasy gun design suits your imagination.
I LOVE IT! My character (that I still have to make) will definitely lose her mind over it.
Nellancholy Nellancholy RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan . D O V E . D O V E Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum AI10100 AI10100 PanPanMondAay PanPanMondAay Aes_Dragon Aes_Dragon bambino bambino bubbletea bubbletea Knight boi Knight boi Ambiloquous Ambiloquous

Due to what the story is with the destruction that the Moon/Sun deities had caused, every nation does not look fully the same as it does in-game. Those that play inheritors, please send me a general idea of what you believe your nation(based on archon) looks and is like at the current time.

If your nation does not exist yet in-game, such as the nation for Hydro, Pyro, etc. Then you are free to go wild with what you believe things are like.
However, for those that have the nation of anything that already exist in-game, please be sure to realize that although the nation itself may be different in look and more dangerous here or there. The security/authorities still exist (Ex: The knights, the guards from Liyue, the samurai, etc.), it is your decision how they act or if their presence is still strong or how the people view them, etc.

This new information about these things should be PM'd to me directly for approval and discussion please. After which, once accepted it will be added into the lore thread (which will be created soon.)

Actually forget about the fact that I stated I shall post up the lore for each nation. If you are an inheritor, once you send me the PM about your nation's current state and it is approved. Please head to the lore thread --> HERE <-- and post the information of your nation there, this is in case anyone decides to use "google docs." or other forms of writing it and simply wish to paste their document.

Also, if you do not wish to come up with the lore for what/how the nation is at the moment...then that is okay too. All I ask is that you let me know you do not wish to work with doing that and I shall take it up and do it or we shall simply leave it how it is in-game currently.
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I'm not playing an inheritor,but mine is the only character from Snezhnaya so far.

I'll leave the exact details up to you,or if someone wanted to step in as the Cryo inheritor?

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