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Fandom Superheros and Villains

about an hour later nyx walked over to Peater. She kissed his cheek. "How's the project going?"

They weren't home but Maddy texted him to let him know Venus was in the city because of Hunter's plan, she of course still didn't trust her mom.
"He's making progress." He said.

Peter swung over to Venus instead and lended next to her. "Hey planty." He said
"He's making progress." He said.

Peter swung over to Venus instead and lended next to her. "Hey planty." He said
"That's good. When he has a second of free time, can you send him into Adam'a cell and patch him up?

They were at some garden, vines covered one exit, Tyson was holding down one red wearing Ninja and Maddy had the other. Venus smiled. "Hello spider." LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix
"That's good. When he has a second of free time, can you send him into Adam'a cell and patch him up?

They were at some garden, vines covered one exit, Tyson was holding down one red wearing Ninja and Maddy had the other. Venus smiled. "Hello spider." LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix
"Medic. Go fix Adam." He ordered. "I'd need my medical equipment." Medic said.

He looked at them all. "Greetings fellow heroes. And Venus."
He sighed and went to see what he could do.

He gave her the smallest of nods. He was still a little ticked off with her.
Adam was laying on the ground of his cell. He had shadow vines coming out of several wounds of his body, it was like a attack Venus use to do. Normally this wouldn't have harmed him much if not for the power dampening cell.
Adam was laying on the ground of his cell. He had shadow vines coming out of several wounds of his body, it was like a attack Venus use to do. Normally this wouldn't have harmed him much if not for the power dampening cell.
Medic walked in started cutting the vibes away. Then cleaned the wounds. "I'm sorry for this Adam. Truely." There German Doctor said. "I'd normally be elated to experiment with a symbiote sample but they want to use it for... I fear for all of us." He said. "This is going to hurt. They don't carry anything for pain." He started stitching up Adam's wounds.
Medic walked in started cutting the vibes away. Then cleaned the wounds. "I'm sorry for this Adam. Truely." There German Doctor said. "I'd normally be elated to experiment with a symbiote sample but they want to use it for... I fear for all of us." He said. "This is going to hurt. They don't carry anything for pain." He started stitching up Adam's wounds.
"Ah...we have to stop them.." he said. "I just need..to get ah out of this cell.."
"we at least got two" Maddy said.

We sent ourselves" he said.

"That's good. When he has a second of free time, can you send him into Adam'a cell and patch him up?

They were at some garden, vines covered one exit, Tyson was holding down one red wearing Ninja and Maddy had the other. Venus smiled. "Hello spider." LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix
"LIAR!" Tyson yelled. "Someone's tipping you guys off about where these people are going. Who is it?"
Tyson grabs the top of the guy's head. "Maybe I should cook this one and feed him to his friends. Perhaps they'll be more cooperative then."
Maddy decided to take the mask off the guy she had. She tilted her head. "You look familiar. " the guy shouted. "You took my brother! "
Tyson takes the mask off of the guy he was holding.
It was someone he never saw before. Hunter looked at him. " you look familiar too.. wait..the ones that took me were asking about shipments.. " Maddy moved the injuried ninja over to the one by Tyson. "You guys are after us because of the past shipments.." "your family destroyed many families! You deserve to die." One of them said. Maddy took out her phone and started calling someone.

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