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Fandom Out of Soul (OOC)

I was gonna do another post with Aiden following up after everyone broke up in their pairs to address Luka and Rio as the three are the only ones unpaired at the moment, but decided to just go ahead and wait for the rest of the crew. It would mostly just be small talk and a bit of a passage of time anyway including reacting to Lucien, so I don't think it's a terrible loss.

As for Cole, well my other half has yet to post.
I was gonna do another post with Aiden following up after everyone broke up in their pairs to address Luka and Rio as the three are the only ones unpaired at the moment, but decided to just go ahead and wait for the rest of the crew. It would mostly just be small talk and a bit of a passage of time anyway including reacting to Lucien, so I don't think it's a terrible loss.

As for Cole, well my other half has yet to post.
Solarknight Solarknight is preparing for final exams next week.
Given Cole is the more reserved one, I have no real qualms with the wait. Finals are pretty important. It would be Callah interacting with everyone anyway. lol
See I hear that and think "I hope I didn't damage the PC" because parts right now are God awful. Ugh. GPU prices be as bad as plywood.
All good! Its happened many times before, so I've stopped worrying about things like that (although I really should). This thing is a trooper, but I'm definitely gonna have to pay it back in upgrades pretty soon. A new processor and gpu and I'll be writing posts .03x faster 😂

My post has been saved! Praise to the almighty RPN higher powers 🙏
All good! Its happened many times before, so I've stopped worrying about things like that (although I really should). This thing is a trooper, but I'm definitely gonna have to pay it back in upgrades pretty soon. A new processor and gpu and I'll be writing posts .03x faster 😂

My post has been saved! Praise to the almighty RPN higher powers 🙏

It has saved me many times, no lie. On the other topic, I've wanted to upgrade my 1070 ti for a while now, but until the mainstream market goes down, used prices or even new models are just so... Well, it hurts my wallet, and thus my soul.
It has saved me many times, no lie. On the other topic, I've wanted to upgrade my 1070 ti for a while now, but until the mainstream market goes down, used prices or even new models are just so... Well, it hurts my wallet, and thus my soul.

Patience, my friend! I've got a 1060 myself, so we're on the same boat haha
Y'all be laughing but I'm on a 760 for about a year and before that I had a 540 for several years. I don't want to spend my life savings buying a new pc :,^)

Also, I'll be posting now, or tomorrow if I get too tired halfway through writing. It IS 03:16AM
I am working night shift tonight so I will be around for about the next 11 hours. Night shift tends to be slow enough to do some role play stuff.
good shit, hope my post will find you well

Patience, my friend! I've got a 1060 myself, so we're on the same boat haha
The quote means nothing I'm just too bent-brain to just tag you. So I think it's hilarious that we're paired, because Sion will have the biggest kind of problem with Dai, so if push comes to shoves you'll be writing against yourself very soon. Gosh I'm excited
The quote means nothing I'm just too bent-brain to just tag you. So I think it's hilarious that we're paired, because Sion will have the biggest kind of problem with Dai, so if push comes to shoves you'll be writing against yourself very soon. Gosh I'm excited

Lol, I don't mind that. In fact, I'm looking forward to it! 😂
*spies a Quirky Duck reading through OOC activities*


Ah, also, quick question!

I probably missed a conversation or something. Is it Yuan with Grace/Erica and Luka with Aiden and Rio, now?

I missed this as well, but it makes sense. Glad to see the the twins aren't separated.

RottenVale RottenVale
I'll be waiting for you before I post Lucien again so if you find yourself unable/not wanting to write, lemme know.

*begins preparing a post to stop fights from getting out of control*

4/5 Luce won't be fighting with anything but words and a probably a comment about apples given the line of conversation , though I can't guarantee the 1/5 doesn't pop up. I can't speak for Sion either.
Heads up everyone! The rp will be progressing forward before the end of tomorrow! I'm working on a post right now to get Luka, Aiden and Rio paired up and then hopefully tonight at work I'll be writing the start of Ezrah's first lesson.
Yeah my apologies. Weekends are always so hard for me because am not home until most nights of 6. Then I got finals this week so fun times..Yayyyyy. I can probably have a post up tonight then I might vanish again for a week depending on how busy I am.

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