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Fandom OOC Lounge

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel would it be okay if I just edit her ability to make it less powerful?

Physical flying is still a little...not really Noragami lol. Hiyori Ikki's abilities are the highest I'm willing to allow for players starting off. I'd be willing to allow soul-body separation so her spirit can fly around, but not actual flight.

Wwll if she gets in i guess Kani_x will get a new follower

Haha, that'd be amusing but the school is just a place Kami_X is staying and not all the students/teachers are his followers^^ Thats why he's willing to let Mrs. Kiyomi die.

Wasn't there a stay of execution?

Post #119 ended it.
Haha, that'd be amusing but the school is just a place Kami_X is staying and not all the students/teachers are his followers^^ Thats why he's willing to let Mrs. Kiyomi die.

Well having a pc around there means she is more likely to end up meeting him. But hey she could always etart following Azani.
Well having a pc around there means she is more likely to end up meeting him. But hey she could always etart following Azani.

lol, that optimistic girl? A worshipper of grudges? 🤣

Kami_X would be highly amused. Wait. Actually he wouldn't. Zani should find her own school and stop tricking the kids of his =P
Thankfully, he has no way of knowing what happened, since it occurred at the teacher's home. He already has his hands full.

He'll find out when he gets to class the next day and rumors start flying around. Though the choice of looking into it is up to him ^_^ Could just be another ordinary death~
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It'll take forever to flesh out Ayame's NPC sheet now. I've brought myself into the lands of complicated research.

Gonna have to take a break and get some sleep, work tonight after all.

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