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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

They got back to the ship. The doctor took sage and took her to a room in the TARDIS.
"Let's take Peter to the infirmary" Prym said and watched the Doctor take Sage. "Do you think Vader could do something to her and the alternative Erza while they are here since they are connected to the force."

Sage just looked down not saying a word.
"Let's take Peter to the infirmary" Prym said and watched the Doctor take Sage. "Do you think Vader could do something to her and the alternative Erza while they are here since they are connected to the force."

Sage just looked down not saying a word.
"I don't know." He said. "He hasn't been able to anything to us and our connection is natural." (aight it's starting)
"I don't know." He said. "He hasn't been able to anything to us and our connection is natural." (aight it's starting)
"I suppose you're right" Prym said. "I guess I'm just worried, Sage may not be fighting it now but it doesn't mean she might try to again.".(ok)

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