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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

He handed her a lightsaber.
She stood up and took it. By now her demons had woken up. "Sage...this isn't you." Quill said. "Wake up." Skor said taking a step towards her. Sage turned her eyes glowed. "Silence." The two demons eyes glowed and obeyed. Mudd was the only one immune to it. "Sage..."
She stood up and took it. By now her demons had woken up. "Sage...this isn't you." Quill said. "Wake up." Skor said taking a step towards her. Sage turned her eyes glowed. "Silence." The two demons eyes glowed and obeyed. Mudd was the only one immune to it. "Sage..."
Vader stepped out. "Get her an inqusitor's outfit and send her to the city."
"Right away." Wolfe said. Mudd ran over to her. "Sage snap out of it. Please!" Sage just gave a cold glare. Mudd looked at Vader. "You monster! " She ran towards him.
He held out his hand and stopped mudd in the air. She was suddenly unable to breath.
He was also im a cell with him was Wendy and Gajeel. "How do you think?'

He dodged the saber. "Sage stop!"
"I guess Vader frees you from the crystals." She said. "I'm surprised Vader hadn't tried to turn you three yet "

"No you left me.." she said and used the force to push him back. She summoned Quill and Skor. Their eyes glowed as they were under her control. "Attack him." Quill sent spikes at peter.
"I guess Vader frees you from the crystals." She said. "I'm surprised Vader hadn't tried to turn you three yet "

"No you left me.." she said and used the force to push him back. She summoned Quill and Skor. Their eyes glowed as they were under her control. "Attack him." Quill sent spikes at peter.
"He tried to turn Natus. But he couldn't break him." Wendy said

"What? Sage I was coming to save you-" He jumped over the spikes. "Quill!? I thought we were friends!"
"He tried to turn Natus. But he couldn't break him." Wendy said

"What? Sage I was coming to save you-" He jumped over the spikes. "Quill!? I thought we were friends!"
She nods. "I see."

Quill didn't respond and kept firing the spikes. Sage frowned. "So you say"
"We need to get out of here. I'm suppose to protect her." She said.

"I don't care if it's you." She uses the force to lift him into the air
Natsu sighed. "We've tried.'

"Sage..." He said. "Don't do this..." He couldn't do anything against something like the force.
Natsu sighed. "We've tried.'

"Sage..." He said. "Don't do this..." He couldn't do anything against something like the force.
"We can keep trying." She said going over to the bars of the cell.

She starts to choke him. They hear a familiar voice. "Sage!" Prym shouted. "I thought I sensed another force user."

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