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Fandom Future of the Wizarding World (One on One)(Closed)

"Yeah. I'm going back the orphanage for the break so I can buy it for him. Getting hins a stnkin' Superman comic. Only the lamest character ever."
Emily chuckled to how much Earl disliked the character although she had no clue who these heros that him and Josh would always discuss.
"Your going back home on the holiday too?" Emily said now relising Earl will be going back on the train back home when she would as well.
Emily chuckled to how much Earl disliked the character although she had no clue who these heros that him and Josh would always discuss.
"Your going back home on the holiday too?" Emily said now relising Earl will be going back on the train back home when she would as well.
"Well yeah. All of my other friends are so there's no reason to stay."
"Well yeah. All of my other friends are so there's no reason to stay."
"True, I was sure Josh and Alyssa were going home, But I didn't know you were going as well" she said. Now knowing they would all be on the train together. "Um Earl...could I ask you for a favor when you go back home? Could you take Luna with you?" She asked
"True, I was sure Josh and Alyssa were going home, But I didn't know you were going as well" she said. Now knowing they would all be on the train together. "Um Earl...could I ask you for a favor when you go back home? Could you take Luna with you?" She asked
"Why?" He asked.
"well I can't leave her at Hogwarts on her own....and well I can't take her home as well, father wouldn't allow me to have her in the house....so I think she will be happier with you during our brake.." she replied
"Alright. I'll do it." He said
"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow."
Emily set her book down and stood up to take a look at him, he was horribly sunburned. " I dont know if any of my healing spells will work....ill go talk to Madam Pomfrey I know she will have burn paste...stay right here..." she said taking off running "don't move!" She yelled before disappearing into the school
Emily set her book down and stood up to take a look at him, he was horribly sunburned. " I dont know if any of my healing spells will work....ill go talk to Madam Pomfrey I know she will have burn paste...stay right here..." she said taking off running "don't move!" She yelled before disappearing into the school
He sat down in the shade.

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