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As Kyou made the wishes, she had to admit that they were very useful wishes in the long run. For a while, it seemed like things here going smoothly but unfortunately, that was about to change. Really, she would’ve been surprised if this wasn’t going to have some sort of bump in the road.

And this bump came in the form of Ellie who wanted to kill Time Baby for making them fight against each other and the man that had become her protector allowed her to do it with a crossbow. Others tried to stop it, but it was too late. Or at least it seemed like that before a bright light made her cover her eyes and then a scream came through. When it died down, she looked to see a man with a sword and a shield dressed in green deflect the arrow.

Her eyes widened once she saw him, knowing who he was. “
Link…?” This was Link and yet not the same Link she knew from the Tesseract Incident. Mainly because this one was alive and the one she knew wasn’t alive. He was capable of defeating Ganondorf in which she was glad he was now with them for they had a very good chance at taking him down.

Turning to Ellie, she started yelling to be let go considering she was now on the ground, restrained. Sighing, she looked at her. “
I understand you're angry, Ellie, but we didn’t have a choice! If we tried to fight back, he probably would've done something far worse to either you or to us than getting shot with an arrow. You have a right to be angry, but attacking him is only going to make it worse for you and for us.

Before she could introduce herself to Link, they were sent back to the bridge. There, they met up with Midna again who knew Link and he knew them. This was then interrupted by the sounds of screams and smoke filling the area. Taking out Gambol Shroud with the sheath still on, she followed Jason as the screams got louder, followed by there being fire, an explosion, and the sounds of someone breathing.

Reaching the main room, there was fire everywhere and the screens were damaged. The worst part came when she saw what was on the floor which made her eyes widen. There laid the bodies of the passengers, unmoving and bloodied. The last of humanity in this universe… all dead.

Her attention turned towards the door, seeing a man dressed in all black with a red laser sword standing there. Shots were fired at him, but it did nothing as the ceiling then collapsed making it impossible to go after him. Leo then alerted them towards something, making Blake look over to see something getting ready to fire a green laser at them. Once it went towards them, everything exploded around them and then…


After what felt like forever, Blake began to feel what felt like heat followed by a chill. The second thing she felt was the floor as it felt damp and hard. Her vision began to return and looking around, she saw they were in some sort of cave. Getting up, she then saw the friendly talking bomb who asked if they were new here. “
Apparently. Where exactly are we?

The last thing she remembered was the ship exploding and then… no, they couldn’t be, right?

Celestial Speck Celestial Speck , Ellya Ellya , BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

In response to Time Baby, she shook her head no. “I don’t want to use the wish on that, it wouldn’t be a good use of the wish if I used it to send one person back home. You sent those others home so could you send him home the same way?” It was then that Kyou used the wish to wish for things that are very much helpful in the long run and about time too, it was taking them forever to decide on what to wish.

Then, she saw a man place a crossbow in the hands of a young girl who wanted to kill Time Baby and she chose to shoot it at Time Baby. Was she angry at him for making everyone fight each other? Probably as that was the only reason she could think of. Really, the move was stupid and thankfully Mimaki and Cereza stepped in to stop it.

Or at least, that would’ve been the case if it wasn’t too late.

Just then, a bright light appeared, filling the room which made her shield her eyes. As this happened, someone shouted and when the light died down, she looked to see a man dressed in green with a sword and a shield deflecting the arrow. So this was the Hero that had been shown to them in silhouette form by Time Baby. And he appeared to be an elf too judging by the ears, but while he looked like that to her, what he was could be called something else.

The girl then began to freak out, wanting Mimaki to let her go in which she stared at him. “
There was no way you could have killed him, I can guarantee you that. It was a stupid move for you to make, especially towards someone who can grant us wishes. You say this and yet do you understand that we didn’t have a choice? That none of us wanted to fight each other? Did you want to see what happens when you disobey him? I certainly don’t and I doubt the rest of us wanted to, so we had to comply. You have a right to be angry, any of us would be as well, but next time, think things through before it results in one or more of us getting injured or maybe even killed.

With that over, she looked at the warrior that was summoned. According to the very fast talking girl, his name was Link and clearly, he was a man of a few words. Or really, a man of no words as he seemed to let his actions do the talking and that was something she could understand. “
I see that you know your way around a sword as well. My name is Ciri. I believe I heard your name was Link?

Before she could get an answer, they were then sent back to where they all were right before they were put into the white prison. When they returned, it was clear that Midna knew Link from how the two interacted with one another. Unfortunately before they could do anything else, smoke began to fill the air followed by the sound of screams. Immediately, she took out her sword and looked around before following Jason towards where they came from.

Getting closer to the sounds of screaming, she heard something being fired followed by someone’s breathing and an explosion. Reaching the main room, there were destroyed screens and fire and when they looked at the floor, all they could see were… all the passengers, now unmoving and bloodied. These were innocent people... who could’ve done this? That was soon answered when they looked out of the door and saw a man in a black suit, cape, and armor standing there with a red sword.

Before they could go after him and attack, Leo started to speak and she looked to see a green beam coming their way and then…


Eventually, she woke up after what felt like forever and the first thing she could feel was heat and the floor felt damp and hard. When her vision came back, she saw that they were in a cave followed by a friendly sounding talking bomb. “
It would appear so. Excuse me for asking, but where are we?

Last thing she remembered was a laser being fired at the ship and then… darkness. Were they…?

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Celestial Speck Celestial Speck , BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 , Ellya Ellya , FoolsErin FoolsErin
Agent 3

The Time Baby would look to Kyou with a firm nod of his head. "THEN IT SHALL BE DONE." He said, as he rose his hands and his eyes began to glow a bright blue. A light began to fill the room, and as he did so, you all felt yourselves becoming stronger - both physically and mentally. It was a strange, unique feeling, but it almost felt like you'd been essentially powered up. With the orb containing the time wish nearly depleted, Time Baby continued to hold up his hands, power coursing through him and you all in general. As the wish was (presumably) fulfilled, Ellie rose her bow and fired an electric arrow right towards Time Baby. Jason, having noticed Ellie's plan, began to run towards her, his arm stretched outwards.


"KID, WAIT--!!"

But it was too late. Despite everyone's best efforts, the bow shot forward, zipping through the air, right towards Time Baby's head. Time itself seemed to slow down in that moment as you all were helpless to watch the bolt skyrocket towards him...

And then, a bright light filled the room, blinding you all.

And you all had heard a single shout fill your ears.



When the light had faded, and you could all see again, your vision was immediately pointed forwards. And as you gazed forward, a new figure clouded your view. One that resembled the silhouette Time Baby had shown you. The hero, clad in a green tunic, armed with the Blade of Hero's Bane and the shield of a hero.


A shield which had been promptly used to deflect the arrow from Time Baby, instead shooting it upwards, right towards the ceiling. As it exploded in the air above you, the Hero of Twilight himself gazed upon you, and sword and shield in hand. He dared not utter a word towards you all, instead letting the sword and shield speak for itself.


Link had joined the fight.​

Wish completed! An extra pair of hands, sounds pretty good! The Inkling just simply watched and didn't say a word, merely smiling to the sight. Never mind his entrance, which was impressive in its own right, but... for a moment prior to that, nothing could be seen in the bright light. "Huh, so that's his weakness." She muttered to herself and shrugged. "Well, heroes do come in all shapes and sizes..."
At Kyou's... Kagutsuchi's.... whoever this new being was! At their words about Mimaki being a hero, Link would glance back and forth between the two for a moment, his eyes darting between both Mimaki and Kyou, until ultimately, he gave Kyou a thumbs up and a smile.


At the sight, Jason would sigh and approach Link, nodding slightly. "Yeah... we're the good guys." He said in correspondence with Mimaki's own words. When the latter asked if he had any questions, though, Link merely shook his head. It seemed that despite not knowing where he was, this new Hero wasn't one for many words at all.​
Well, he seems to be silent to a point... Not a bad thing, but at the same time, this could prove something of a hurdle in communication? Who knows? "Well, as long as nothing bad comes from this, we should be fine." She said simply. "Only one way to find out."
Link had replied to Akari with nothing more than a smile and a nod, acknowledging his words. It was then that Orbeck approached and told Link the situation. The mention of Ganondorf made him furrow his brows quite a bit, clearly registering the name and recognizing it. His eyes gazed down to the ground for a long moment as he took in everything that the magic wielder had to say. Within a short frame of time, though, Link looked up and gave Orbeck a firm nod in response, as well as a small grunt of approval. It seemed that Link was in this for the long haul now, with the mention of Ganondrof and his constantly growing power. He would nod towards Thorne as well, offering her a thumbs up.

"WELL, I SUPPOSE THAT IF THIS IS EVERYTHING, THEN I SHALL SEND YOU ALL BACK FROM WHERE YOU CAME." Time Baby declared as he rose a palm, causing the same white room from earlier to open up. As you all began to leave one by one, Time Baby called out in one final word, "I WISH YOU LUCK IN YOUR QUEST, VALIANT HEROES."

And with that, Jason led you all into the white cage you'd been in earlier, with everyone else falling behind.

As soon as you all came out on the other side of the white cage, you'd found yourselves back in the Axiom. The Guardians of the Galaxy's ship was gone, and you were all met by Midna, who was smirking as usual as she floated on her back.


"Took you all long enough!" She snickered as she floated over to you all, flicking Jason on the top of his helmet with two of her fingers as she did so. "I've been waiting here for hours! Those Guardians guys already left hours ago!" Midna exclaimed, while Jason merely sighed and rolled his eyes. He probably would have said something, had Midna not subsequently shoved her palm in his face and pushed him away when her eyes fell upon Link. "Woah! The heck are you doing here, Link?" She asked as she floated on over to him and leaned against him.


Link seemed to smile in response to her as she leaned on him, indicating that the two definitely knew each other. As the Hero Chosen by the Gods had presented so far, though, Link didn't reply to Midna, instead only offering her a slight smile. Midna, on the other hand, found herself glancing up to all of you, snickering slightly. "Guess you're not all screwed after all, huh?" She asked as she floated away from Link.

And then, the smell of smoke began to fill the air, as well as the sound of screams.

"...shit!" Jason shouted as he immediately began to sprint towards the sounds, immediately readying his weapons. A blazing inferno that rivaled that of Sage's own fires filled the room as you all drew closer, the sound of an explosion ringing out nearby. The screams only got louder as what sounded like some sort of blasters were being fired nearby. As you all sprinted into the nearby room, doing your best to find the source of the carnage, a distinct... breathing sound began to invade your eardrums.

Jason broke out into a sprint, rushing to the source. Link and Leo followed close behind, with Link's sword gripped firmly in his hand and Leo... well, he didn't have any weapons, but he had those eyes! Micah, Midna, and Kendall followed close behind, though none of them really seemed to be in any kind of a hurry to get to the carnage. However, as you made your way to the main room of what had been once been the proud Axiom, you found a much different sight behind a jammed open door. The entire ship was on fire. The once holographic screens that had littered the place with advertisements were nothing more than either static or cracked screens by now. Some of them had just given in and collapsed entirely, though. But that wasn't the worst part.

No, the worst part was what lined the floor.


Hundreds - if not thousands - of them.

And in the center of it all, as you stared out of the useless door, stood a singular figure.


"Your day of rebellion ends here." The masked figure said in a deep, imposing voice as he held some kind of red beam sword high in the air. He walked through the raging fires like they were nothing to him. Jason had since aimed his gun and began shooting at the man, but his bullets were easily deflected by his saber. Jason took a step back and held his arm out, as if he was about to tell you all to fall back.

And then, the ceiling collapsed in front of him, separating the path between the group and the man behind the slaughter. You could no longer see or even hear the latter. It was as if when the ceiling collapsed, he'd merely disappeared. But before you could even try to dwell on what you had just seen, Leo shakily held up a hand and pointed out in front him. Right towards a massive, star shaped space station.

"U-uh... guys..."


The last thing you saw was a giant green laser beam of pure light headed your way, and then for a split second, an explosion...

And then, everything went dark.​

One moment, she might have been looking at death itself head-to-head. An imposing man in black, and blade in red, marching through flames towards them all. "W-What the hell is this?!" She muttered in fear under her breath, and then she heard Leo speak up - only to turn around and see what he was pointing at... Agent 3 froze on the spot, her jaw dropping as she hadn't really seen anything like this before. Death had sent its omen in the form of a laser and the void that followed, after the impact and the explosion that followed.
Chapter Six
"Ain't No Rest for the Wicked"

When you all woke up after what felt like a long, sudden nap, the first thing you felt was heat. Yet, accompanied with the heat was an almost ominous chill. It was a strange feeling... like someone had taken your senses, numbed them, and then tried to mesh them all together. The ground you laid on was wet, too. Wet and hard. Well, more so damp. It wasn't enough to soak you, but you definitely felt some form of condensation. Regardless, when your vision finally came back to you, you saw two things.


First of all, one of the first things you realized was that you were in a dark cave. One which seemed to be only illuminated by some kind of raging blaze in the distance - one that was far enough out that it was impossible to tell if you'd ever even reach it.

The second thing you saw, though, was a much... well, a slightly more welcoming sight.


It was a paper-thin wind-up bomb! One that lacked a fuse, for some reason.

"Yo. You guys new here?" The inconspicuous talking bomb would ask in a friendly enough sounding tone.​

"You could say that." Agent 3 said shakily as she rose to her feet after waking up, and then she shook herself while trying to get a general grip on herself. "It all escalated so quickly - the heck happened and what is going on...? I don't even know if I can word my confusion..." She admitted in a somewhat fearful tone, sighing heavily and then looking to what she was talking to... a sentient bomb.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Confused/Scared​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: "What's going on?"​
RP Information
Location: Hell
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: @YoureInHellNow​
"Uhhh...." The talking bomb would mutter when asked where they were. "This is the afterlife... I think..." He said, before looking up at Hiryu. "I dunno. I just got here myself, honestly."

"Well, the afterlife makes sense..." Jason said with a sigh as he began to brush himself off. "We were just in a giant explosion..."

"Woah! That's crazy!" The bomb exclaimed in response to Jason. "So was I!" He exclaimed, only for Leo to tilt his head slightly in response.

"But... you don't have a--"

"Fuse?" The bomb cut in, before chuckling a bit. "Yeah, I know. I lost it when I exploded." He explained in a joyful, upbeat sounding tone. He then looked over to Killua when he approached, and said, "Well, I'm not ticking, exactly. But anyways," He looked away from Killua and towards those who asked him for his name in general. "My name's Bob-Omb. But you all can just call be Bobby."

"Bobby the Bomb, you say?" Kendall chimed in, as he stood near a pillar of molten rock. "I guess that you could say that you're quite... the bomb~"

"Ah haaah.... funny..." Bobby replied to the Pokemon in a bit of a weak, sarcastic tone, before turning his attention to Lilith. He turned to face the light that she was talking about for a moment, before slowly turning back to face her again. "I... don't know, honestly." He said, only to then look at Fuma. "Like I said, I just got here, Miss," He added on. It was then that Yoshi spoke up, at which point the Bob-Omb's eyes would widen as he approached him out of everyone else there. "Woah... you're a Yoshi, right? I've heard a lot about you guys! Never seen one in person, though..." His voice trailed off a bit. "You're a lot more... three-dimensional than I thought you'd be, though. Come to think of it..." The paper thin bomb turned around to face the group at that point, hopping up and down a bit as he did so. "You ALL look pretty weird."

At the mention of a certain Italian plumber, though, Bobby turned back to face Yoshi once more, his eyes widened again. "Wait... you know Big M?" He asked, before letting out a small laugh. "That's great news! How's he doing? A-a-and Olivia? Have they defeated King Olly yet?" He practically bombarded Yoshi with questions at this point, suddenly seeming extremely interested in the talking green dinosaur. Jason, however, only snickered when Frank asked what the people in the group had done to get here.

"Everyone's got their demons." He replied with an all too casual shrug. Sure, it was weird that some people were here... like Yoshi or... well, he wasn't even going to begin to question how Lilith had ended up here. Despite that, though, Jason really didn't seem to mind that everyone was here. Besides, it was better for everyone to be here in one place, rather than spread throughout multiple universes or something. Jason took a quick glance around the room to do a head count. Leo was next to Sage, helping the boy up to see if he was okay. He didn't say anything, but Jason could tell by the look in his eyes that he cared enough. Micah was off to the side, staring off into the fiery abyss that awaited them in the depths of the afterlife. Midna was next to Link, who seemed to be observing the place silently, just like Micah was.

And Kendall... well, he was breathing, at least.

The end of Frank's second statement, however, had made Bobby perk up a bit. "Oh... so, you're like a dying expert, right?" Bobby would ask before letting out a subsequent sigh of relief. "That's a relief! Then you must know what to do from here, right?"

Then, Agent 3 began to ask questions in what one could only guess was some kind of panic attack. Micah sighed and lowered his head a bit, before looking back up and saying, "We died 'nd went to hell, squid kid." Without even looking in her direction.

AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 quadraxis201 quadraxis201 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher CutieBoop CutieBoop Ciscodog Ciscodog ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials BoltBeam BoltBeam Chungchangching Chungchangching Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Agent 3

"Uhhh...." The talking bomb would mutter when asked where they were. "This is the afterlife... I think..." He said, before looking up at Hiryu. "I dunno. I just got here myself, honestly."

"Well, the afterlife makes sense..." Jason said with a sigh as he began to brush himself off. "We were just in a giant explosion..."

"Woah! That's crazy!" The bomb exclaimed in response to Jason. "So was I!" He exclaimed, only for Leo to tilt his head slightly in response.

"But... you don't have a--"

"Fuse?" The bomb cut in, before chuckling a bit. "Yeah, I know. I lost it when I exploded." He explained in a joyful, upbeat sounding tone. He then looked over to Killua when he approached, and said, "Well, I'm not ticking, exactly. But anyways," He looked away from Killua and towards those who asked him for his name in general. "My name's Bob-Omb. But you all can just call me Bobby."
"A sentient bomb..." Agent 3 reiterated to herself. "Well, that's nothing new, but I'm honestly more surprised to find one that talks. No offence." She admitted before shrugging and making a mental note - Bobby, Bob-Omb. Yeah, sounds about right.
At the mention of a certain Italian plumber, though, Bobby turned back to face Yoshi once more, his eyes widened again. "Wait... you know Big M?"
"Well, he's not the only one. Though, I'd imagine he's got more a grip than I do." She commented. "I'm to assume you crossed paths with him as well, then? Or is that a bit too obvious?" The Inkling asked, though admittedly throwing her guesses into the wind that may not even be here.
Jason, however, only snickered when Frank asked what the people in the group had done to get here.

"Everyone's got their demons." He replied with an all too casual shrug.
Agent 3 listened to this and wordlessly nodded in agreement - no need to speak up to that! Just acknowledgement.
Then, Agent 3 began to ask questions in what one could only guess was some kind of panic attack. Micah sighed and lowered his head a bit, before looking back up and saying, "We died 'nd went to hell, squid kid." Without even looking in her direction.
"Oh. Wonderful." She responded bleakly and sarcastically, before she returned to not saying a word for the time being.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Confused/Scared​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: "What's going on?"​
RP Information
Location: Hell
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: @YoureInHellNow​
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
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According to the bomb, they were in the afterlife now which she had guessed but wish it wasn’t true. “Okay… what do we do now? We find a way out or do we just… stay here?” Looking around, she looked for Weiss and Yang and once she found them, she went over to the two. Kneeling down to the two, she began to shake them awake. “Weiss. Yang. Wake up.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , marc122 marc122


Hearing something about them being in the afterlife from what the bomb muttered, she was desperately hoping this wasn’t the case. It was then that she remembered that Space Kid didn’t end up going home, that he was still with them and she went quiet. Because he was with them, he ended up dying and that hurt her to know this. He got caught up in this and because of that… he died alongside all of them.

She looked at her leg to see if he was there and if he wasn’t, she’d look around for him. After she’d find him, she’d look for Geralt, Kassandra, Aloy, Cereza, the other members of their group. Eventually, she found Geralt first and went over to him, shaking him. “
Geralt, wake up!

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , darkred darkred , FoolsErin FoolsErin
“Well, all of us bob-ombs talk, ma’am,” Bobby replied to Agent 3, before seeming to light up a bit at her words concerning Mario. “Yeah! Big M helped me recover my memories after I lost them... and I made some new ones with him, as well. We went on an adventure together across the land... from Shogun Studios to the Great Sea. I ended up sacrificing myself to save our friend, Olivia, after her brother dropped a boulder on her.”

Bobby would pause and sniffle a bit, seeming to grow a tad melancholic the more he spoke. “I miss him... and I hope that he’s doing okay....” His tone shifted again, back to his normal, jovial one as he continued to speak to Agent 3. “But if you guys have met him, then that must mean he is!”

Meanwhile, as Ciri looked around for Space Kid, she would find him drawing space ships in a small pile of sand with the stick Lealan had given him.

BoltBeam BoltBeam TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

Feeling herself be dragged away by Frank so effortlessly, she just sulked. She felt blood running from her nose again, probably broken. Atreus followed the two of them along and watched Ellie with a worried expression. From the short time he'd known her, he could already very clearly see when she wasn't happy.

When Frank offered her a hand to help her up, Ellie very quickly slapped it away and got up by herself, glaring up at Frank. "Hey, way to have my back there" she gave a backhanded comment, her fingers moving up to feel her nose and wincing a bit when she got to the painful part. "Fuck..." she muttered, just as the Time Baby suddenly let them all go again.

Fine. Guess everyone's okay with this guy torturing people. She did realize that attacking the baby would have sparked an immense fight, but they had fucking gods on their side, right? They would've won. But no one even wanted to try.


As soon as Ellie had properly woken up, she just felt the sharp pain of her nose being set back in place. "Motherfucker!" she yelled out in pain, her arm immediately shooting forward and punching Frank's... whatever she could hit, then slapping his hand away entirely. She didn't even want this guy near her right now. It was then that she really took in her surroundings. After witnessing that guy dressed in black in the middle of his pile of corpses, what followed was basically just a flash. And now everything just felt uncomfortable.

"What the..." she gasped softly, moving onto her feet but not saying anything else. She didn't feel like talking to Frank, or a talking bomb, or anyone else for that matter. Until she found something to say. Something that she knew was just so, so petty, and would get everyone hating her even more, but she was gonna say it anyway, taking on the most sarcastic tone she could possibly muster. "Oh wow, guess we ended up dying anyway huh, what a fucking shocker. Guess that's what happens when everyone just blindly trusts a giant floating asshole baby."

Atreus moved to shut Ellie up.

He grabbed her arm with urgency. Strangely, the temperatures didn't seem to affect him, at all. He'd just been quietly following along, thinking about what happened with his "Father" and what people said about it. He pulled Ellie along a short distance away from the group, just out of earshot. Anyone who wanted to, could probably pretty easily get a little closer or focus their hearing.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ellie snarled, eventually pulling her arm away from his. She wasn't angry at Atreus, and couldn't be if she tried, but he seemed pretty unhappy. "You have to stop this, Ellie" he simply responded. "People are starting to think you're a danger to the group, and... You kinda are. Everyone will end up turning on you if you keep antagonizing them."

"I'm not antagonizing shit!" Ellie lied, throwing her arms to the side. "I just did what had to be done against that guy. He's a fucki--" "He's a GOD, Ellie!" Atreus interrupted, raising his voice now. "Maybe even beyond that. And trust me, you don't want to mess with gods. Ever. And even then, you have to talk about these things with the group first!"

"Yeah, the group that was happy to beat the shit out of each other."

"They had no choice, Ellie! No one did!"

"Fighting back was a choice! Just not doing anything in that Gladiator bullshit! I'd rather fucking die than fight you guys! They could have all turned on that baby, and I just started that fire hoping they'd see that he needed to die. All I did, was..."

"... close your heart to it"
Atreus now responded with a sadness in his face again, his voice lower and calmer. Disappointment could be heard in it as well as frustration. "Right? You've closed your heart to killing. Guess it comes pretty easy in your world, huh?"

"Hey, fuck y..."
Ellie raised her voice again, almost starting to yell at Atreus before really thinking about the situation here. She didn't want to go yelling at this kid. She just took a breath and calmed her voice down as well. "All I did... was what I thought was right. And I'm not gonna stop doing that, if that's what you're hoping for here."

Atreus nodded in acceptance, but wasn't happy about it. "You'll have to be ready to do it by yourself, then..." The boy turned away and walked back to Frank to continue paying attention to the conversation with the bomb and everything else that was happening, while Ellie stayed behind for a little while, sighing.

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 Celestial Speck Celestial Speck AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

Arrow effects
Nista | Pierce A normal arrow with enhanced piercing effect.
Ljósta | Light A bright streak of blue light. Can be blinding from nearby. Emits a small concussive (stunning) explosion on impact.
þruma | Thunder This arrow electrifies anything it hits, lightning may spread over to nearby enemies.
Chronology (1).jpg
Location: Afterlife
Expression: Almost Pissed Off
Interaction: Bobby The Bomber, Agent 3, Micah, Ellie, Aterus
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , BoltBeam BoltBeam , Ellya Ellya

"Uhhh...." The talking bomb would mutter when asked where they were. "This is the afterlife... I think..." He said, before looking up at Hiryu. "I dunno. I just got here myself, honestly."

"Well, the afterlife makes sense..." Jason said with a sigh as he began to brush himself off. "We were just in a giant explosion..."

"Woah! That's crazy!" The bomb exclaimed in response to Jason. "So was I!" He exclaimed, only for Leo to tilt his head slightly in response.

"But... you don't have a--"

"Fuse?" The bomb cut in, before chuckling a bit. "Yeah, I know. I lost it when I exploded." He explained in a joyful, upbeat sounding tone. He then looked over to Killua when he approached, and said, "Well, I'm not ticking, exactly. But anyways," He looked away from Killua and towards those who asked him for his name in general. "My name's Bob-Omb. But you all can just call be Bobby."

"Bobby the Bomb, you say?" Kendall chimed in, as he stood near a pillar of molten rock. "I guess that you could say that you're quite... the bomb~"

"Ah haaah.... funny..." Bobby replied to the Pokemon in a bit of a weak, sarcastic tone, before turning his attention to Lilith. He turned to face the light that she was talking about for a moment, before slowly turning back to face her again. "I... don't know, honestly." He said, only to then look at Fuma. "Like I said, I just got here, Miss," He added on. It was then that Yoshi spoke up, at which point the Bob-Omb's eyes would widen as he approached him out of everyone else there. "Woah... you're a Yoshi, right? I've heard a lot about you guys! Never seen one in person, though..." His voice trailed off a bit. "You're a lot more... three-dimensional than I thought you'd be, though. Come to think of it..." The paper thin bomb turned around to face the group at that point, hopping up and down a bit as he did so. "You ALL look pretty weird."

At the mention of a certain Italian plumber, though, Bobby turned back to face Yoshi once more, his eyes widened again. "Wait... you know Big M?" He asked, before letting out a small laugh. "That's great news! How's he doing? A-a-and Olivia? Have they defeated King Olly yet?" He practically bombarded Yoshi with questions at this point, suddenly seeming extremely interested in the talking green dinosaur. Jason, however, only snickered when Frank asked what the people in the group had done to get here.

"Everyone's got their demons." He replied with an all too casual shrug. Sure, it was weird that some people were here... like Yoshi or... well, he wasn't even going to begin to question how Lilith had ended up here. Despite that, though, Jason really didn't seem to mind that everyone was here. Besides, it was better for everyone to be here in one place, rather than spread throughout multiple universes or something. Jason took a quick glance around the room to do a head count. Leo was next to Sage, helping the boy up to see if he was okay. He didn't say anything, but Jason could tell by the look in his eyes that he cared enough. Micah was off to the side, staring off into the fiery abyss that awaited them in the depths of the afterlife. Midna was next to Link, who seemed to be observing the place silently, just like Micah was.

And Kendall... well, he was breathing, at least.

The end of Frank's second statement, however, had made Bobby perk up a bit. "Oh... so, you're like a dying expert, right?" Bobby would ask before letting out a subsequent sigh of relief. "That's a relief! Then you must know what to do from here, right?"

Then, Agent 3 began to ask questions in what one could only guess was some kind of panic attack. Micah sighed and lowered his head a bit, before looking back up and saying, "We died 'nd went to hell, squid kid." Without even looking in her direction.

AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 quadraxis201 quadraxis201 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher CutieBoop CutieBoop Ciscodog Ciscodog ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials BoltBeam BoltBeam Chungchangching Chungchangching Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Jett hears the reply from the wind-up bomb known as Bo-omb or Bobby The Bomb which Kendall said which that everyone is now in the afterlife which means that they are now officially dead right before she said to him with a questioning tone "So, you going to tell me. We're officially dead from a freaking giant green plasma beam in a large space station, this gives me some like when you are now dead and now I need to have an proper conversation with someone that has a power to resurrect people then signing a paper for verification to be alive vibes."
“Well, all of us bob-ombs talk, ma’am,” Bobby replied to Agent 3, before seeming to light up a bit at her words concerning Mario. “Yeah! Big M helped me recover my memories after I lost them... and I made some new ones with him, as well. We went on an adventure together across the land... from Shogun Studios to the Great Sea. I ended up sacrificing myself to save our friend, Olivia, after her brother dropped a boulder on her.”

Bobby would pause and sniffle a bit, seeming to grow a tad melancholic the more he spoke. “I miss him... and I hope that he’s doing okay....” His tone shifted again, back to his normal, jovial one as he continued to speak to Agent 3. “But if you guys have met him, then that must mean he is!”

Meanwhile, as Ciri looked around for Space Kid, she would find him drawing space ships in a small pile of sand with the stick Lealan had given him.

BoltBeam BoltBeam TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
She replies Bobby with an questioning look when she raised her eyebrow in confusion but she hears that how did Bobby come in the afterlife in the first place which is he sacrificed himself just to save his friend Olivia when his brother dropped a boulder on her but he actually saved her which it caused him to come in the afterlife by now, she actually doesn't think about anybody in her squad that does any crazy yet emotional sacrifices just to save one of it's members but she frowned a bit to Bobby as a worrying moment that she heard.

She then sighed with an purpose, she needs to be patient to find a way to escape the afterlife and still in the fight for the multiverse.. but decided to rest up her adventure and headed towards Agent 3 that was talking to Micah saying that everyone is actually went to Hell saying to the two "Alright, alright, alright. Calm down will you, we could just wait for someone that can know how to actually escape the afterlife.... just because we're actually died but we need to have some sort of pla-??"


Feeling herself be dragged away by Frank so effortlessly, she just sulked. She felt blood running from her nose again, probably broken. Atreus followed the two of them along and watched Ellie with a worried expression. From the short time he'd known her, he could already very clearly see when she wasn't happy.

When Frank offered her a hand to help her up, Ellie very quickly slapped it away and got up by herself, glaring up at Frank. "Hey, way to have my back there" she gave a backhanded comment, her fingers moving up to feel her nose and wincing a bit when she got to the painful part. "Fuck..." she muttered, just as the Time Baby suddenly let them all go again.

Fine. Guess everyone's okay with this guy torturing people. She did realize that attacking the baby would have sparked an immense fight, but they had fucking gods on their side, right? They would've won. But no one even wanted to try.


As soon as Ellie had properly woken up, she just felt the sharp pain of her nose being set back in place. "Motherfucker!" she yelled out in pain, her arm immediately shooting forward and punching Frank's... whatever she could hit, then slapping his hand away entirely. She didn't even want this guy near her right now. It was then that she really took in her surroundings. After witnessing that guy dressed in black in the middle of his pile of corpses, what followed was basically just a flash. And now everything just felt uncomfortable.

"What the..." she gasped softly, moving onto her feet but not saying anything else. She didn't feel like talking to Frank, or a talking bomb, or anyone else for that matter. Until she found something to say. Something that she knew was just so, so petty, and would get everyone hating her even more, but she was gonna say it anyway, taking on the most sarcastic tone she could possibly muster. "Oh wow, guess we ended up dying anyway huh, what a fucking shocker. Guess that's what happens when everyone just blindly trusts a giant floating asshole baby."

Atreus moved to shut Ellie up.

He grabbed her arm with urgency. Strangely, the temperatures didn't seem to affect him, at all. He'd just been quietly following along, thinking about what happened with his "Father" and what people said about it. He pulled Ellie along a short distance away from the group, just out of earshot. Anyone who wanted to, could probably pretty easily get a little closer or focus their hearing.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ellie snarled, eventually pulling her arm away from his. She wasn't angry at Atreus, and couldn't be if she tried, but he seemed pretty unhappy. "You have to stop this, Ellie" he simply responded. "People are starting to think you're a danger to the group, and... You kinda are. Everyone will end up turning on you if you keep antagonizing them."

"I'm not antagonizing shit!" Ellie lied, throwing her arms to the side. "I just did what had to be done against that guy. He's a fucki--" "He's a GOD, Ellie!" Atreus interrupted, raising his voice now. "Maybe even beyond that. And trust me, you don't want to mess with gods. Ever. And even then, you have to talk about these things with the group first!"

"Yeah, the group that was happy to beat the shit out of each other."

"They had no choice, Ellie! No one did!"

"Fighting back was a choice! Just not doing anything in that Gladiator bullshit! I'd rather fucking die than fight you guys! They could have all turned on that baby, and I just started that fire hoping they'd see that he needed to die. All I did, was..."

"... close your heart to it"
Atreus now responded with a sadness in his face again, his voice lower and calmer. Disappointment could be heard in it as well as frustration. "Right? You've closed your heart to killing. Guess it comes pretty easy in your world, huh?"

"Hey, fuck y..."
Ellie raised her voice again, almost starting to yell at Atreus before really thinking about the situation here. She didn't want to go yelling at this kid. She just took a breath and calmed her voice down as well. "All I did... was what I thought was right. And I'm not gonna stop doing that, if that's what you're hoping for here."

Atreus nodded in acceptance, but wasn't happy about it. "You'll have to be ready to do it by yourself, then..." The boy turned away and walked back to Frank to continue paying attention to the conversation with the bomb and everything else that was happening, while Ellie stayed behind for a little while, sighing.

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 Celestial Speck Celestial Speck AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

Arrow effects
Nista | Pierce A normal arrow with enhanced piercing effect.
Ljósta | Light A bright streak of blue light. Can be blinding from nearby. Emits a small concussive (stunning) explosion on impact.
þruma | Thunder This arrow electrifies anything it hits, lightning may spread over to nearby enemies.
As when she could continue trying to talk with Micah and Agent 3, she hears the arguing going on between Ellie and Aterus right before heading towards the two while saying to them with a calm down voice "Kids, calm down will you?? We need to keep things important, I know that Ellie is being pissed off but we just have to straight up stick together as an team. You two hear me??"
Jason would sigh as he heard Ellie again. He knew it probably wasn’t his place to do this - hell, was it really anyone’s place? No one here were her parents... and to be quite honest, she reminded him a lot of himself, when he was her age. Slum kid in the Gotham streets... stealing wheels off of the Batmobile.

Those were the days

But now wasn’t the time to reminisce. With a heavy sigh, Jason moved over to Ellie and moved down to one knee. Get down on their level. It’s what Bruce had taught him... and it was about time he started putting the old man’s lessons onto practice.

“Look, kid...” Jason began to speak... not in a soft tone, but definitely a more... understanding one than normal. He looked up as Jett approached and held up a hand, signaling for her to back off the kid for now. “Shit’s fucked right now, if that wasn’t obvious enough. I mean...” Jason would gesture to the literal hellish landscape around them. “This ain’t the first time I’ve died... or Frank... or hell, I’m sure half of these people here. But that doesn’t make it any easier. But you’ve gotta keep a level head, ‘specially through all this.”

Ellya Ellya AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc
View attachment 774890
Location: Afterlife
Expression: Almost Pissed Off
Interaction: Bobby The Bomber, Agent 3, Micah, Ellie, Aterus
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , BoltBeam BoltBeam , Ellya Ellya

Jett hears the reply from the wind-up bomb known as Bo-omb or Bobby The Bomb which Kendall said which that everyone is now in the afterlife which means that they are now officially dead right before she said to him with a questioning tone "So, you going to tell me. We're officially dead from a freaking giant green plasma beam in a large space station, this gives me some like when you are now dead and now I need to have an proper conversation with someone that has a power to resurrect people then signing a paper for verification to be alive vibes."

She replies Bobby with an questioning look when she raised her eyebrow in confusion but she hears that how did Bobby come in the afterlife in the first place which is he sacrificed himself just to save his friend Olivia when his brother dropped a boulder on her but he actually saved her which it caused him to come in the afterlife by now, she actually doesn't think about anybody in her squad that does any crazy yet emotional sacrifices just to save one of it's members but she frowned a bit to Bobby as a worrying moment that she heard.

She then sighed with an purpose, she needs to be patient to find a way to escape the afterlife and still in the fight for the multiverse.. but decided to rest up her adventure and headed towards Agent 3 that was talking to Micah saying that everyone is actually went to Hell saying to the two "Alright, alright, alright. Calm down will you, we could just wait for someone that can know how to actually escape the afterlife.... just because we're actually died but we need to have some sort of pla-??"

As when she could continue trying to talk with Micah and Agent 3, she hears the arguing going on between Ellie and Aterus right before heading towards the two while saying to them with a calm down voice "Kids, calm down will you?? We need to keep things important, I know that Ellie is being pissed off but we just have to straight up stick together as an team. You two hear me??"
Jason would sigh as he heard Ellie again. He knew it probably wasn’t his place to do this - hell, was it really anyone’s place? No one here were her parents... and to be quite honest, she reminded him a lot of himself, when he was her age. Slum kid in the Gotham streets... stealing wheels off of the Batmobile.

Those were the days

But now wasn’t the time to reminisce. With a heavy sigh, Jason moved over to Ellie and moved down to one knee. Get down on their level. It’s what Bruce had taught him... and it was about time he started putting the old man’s lessons onto practice.

“Look, kid...” Jason began to speak... not in a soft tone, but definitely a more... understanding one than normal. He looked up as Jett approached and held up a hand, signaling for her to back off the kid for now. “Shit’s fucked right now, if that wasn’t obvious enough. I mean...” Jason would gesture to the literal hellish landscape around them. “This ain’t the first time I’ve died... or Frank... or hell, I’m sure half of these people here. But that doesn’t make it any easier. But you’ve gotta keep a level head, ‘specially through all this.”

Ellya Ellya AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc


Atreus & Ellie
Ellie didn't really seem to want to think rationally. As soon as the two approached, she just turned her head and said "Back off, this has nothing to do with either of you." Atreus shook his head at that and still started to walk away toward Frank, past Jett and Jason. "She's just angry right now... She won't listen to anyone..." there was some contempt in his voice. He was disappointed to see the girl like this. Nevertheless, he did decide to stop for a while beside Jett, standing and watching Jason & Ellie.

As the man got on one knee in front of Ellie, she just looked at him with a furrowed brow and listened. "I... I fucking know, okay?" Her tone wasn't exactly friendly toward the guy that had beaten up Frank so roughly. "But all of these people seem to be just be going along with everything. Like sheep. And shitty stuff keeps happening, probably because we don't do anything about it. I just..." the girl sighed. "I was trying to make some kind of difference. And if it worked, and everyone still hated me for it, I guess it'd be worth it." She looked about the crowd. Most people definitely weren't happy with her actions, and she felt like Mimaki's method of restraining was something most people wanted to do right now.

"... If it turns out you gotta knock me out or cuff me or something, just don't hit me in the fucking nose again. It's getting really annoying."
Jason found himself sighing again after Ellie responded. “Kid.. I know what you mean.” He said, honestly. “Trying to make a difference? Wanting to know why everyone is doing things one way, when they could easily do things the other?” He turned his head a bit, now looking directly into her eyes. And even though his own eyes were obscured by his helmet, Ellie could probably feel the gesture all the same. “Not knowing why certain people leave the terrible people alive, when it would save everyone else a lot of heartache to just put a bullet in their heads and be done with it.”

He looked up at Frank as he spoke those words. He didn’t know the man... but just how he carried himself, he knew that Frank reminded him a lot of how he once was... not too long ago. But still, he looked back at Ellie. “I’ve been in all the places you’ve been in, kid. I know how you feel, and believe me, I know how much it fucking sucks to feel like no one listens to you - because it does. It sucks like... royally.” Hesitatingly, Jason rose a hand. He wasn’t the best with kids... but he hoped that this gesture would work on Ellie, like it had on him, back when he was Robin.

So, if she allowed it, Jason would rest his hand on her shoulder, like a big brother would to a younger sibling. “But you can still make a difference, kid. You’ve just gotta learn how to go about it.” At her final comment, though, Jason found himself snickering slightly and shaking his head. “And no one’s gonna tackle you or pin you down again. I promise.”

Ellya Ellya
Location: The Afterlife
Lilith was a little shocked to hear that everyone was in the afterlife out of all places, but she didn't really react outside of looking slightly surprised. "I won't lie I'm a little less worried then I should be but then again we did get shot by a giant laser so I probably should've been expecting this." She says as she looks around the cave.
Bobby then started to talk about a someone who sounded somewhat familiar so Lilith chimed in. "Wait..,oh you mean Mario right, last time I saw him he was goofing off in this city we visited, he seems to be doing fine overall."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Bobby the Bomb-omb)
“Ah, that’s great to hear!” Bobby exclaimed in a cheerful tone one Lilith had told him about Mario’s current whereabouts. “That certainly does sound like Big M... laughing and jumping around wherever he goes.” The talking bomb said, laughing a bit.

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
Somewhere, farther away from where the group was, the God of Fire traded blows against air.

The hot wind across him blew and moved under his series of movements and punches, the Dharma Wheel floating behind his back, albeit occasionally shooting forwards, cutting through more air, almost as if acting as a battle disc of sorts. The fiery fires of hell were constantly being consumed by his essence, the flames, and hot air entering his soul, extending the duration of something which only should last a limited time. This form, these memories, they all should be temporary, albeit either be it via a misunderstanding when it came to the higher figures behind the scenes that are greater than even him or simply his 'demon' self coming naturally to this place, he was now... here. They should have known better than to place a Fire God in a place with this much fire.



A high kick was made in the air-- the wind and fire blew to where it aimed towards. The pressure and strength coming from him were exuberant, something that should only be temporary, yet the fires of Yomi constantly reignited and refueled his soul, keeping him in this state. It was...Surprising, to say the least. It was certainly something put a smile on his face when he first discovered it, but...It wasn't enough to hide the emotions burning inside of him.

Anger. Grief. Regret. Determination.

Innocents died by the thousand, all due to a man who had no mercy. Had children suffered the same fate, too? Those people, they had the sin of sloth and gluttony to their side, yet none of them deserved to die. He could have stopped him. If he had felt their fires being snuffed out earlier, or sensed the malicious intent from beyond the realm, even if impossible, he could have stopped it.

...Perhaps that was his sin. Why he ended up here, where his mother is.

His feet soon moved down, as his fighting stance finished.

Where once there was a wall, only a large crater and hole stood around him, and where he hit.

There was no sound, but the damage was simply there. Quietly, the Dharma Wheel returned to his back, the divine weapon, a copy of the greater wheel, humming quietly, simply awaiting the next time its user needed it to fight once more. Kagutsuchi didn't say a word, his shoulders felt heavy despite having strength beyond bounds, as he simply walked back towards the group.

"...O' mother. Are you watching...? I'll try it...Try and save us from this fate."

It wasn't long before the unmistakable and divine presence of Kagutsuchi Mikoto/Kyou Tana returned to the group. Mostly because of the aura and energy he gave off in this form was massive, bigger than anything he had before, and mostly because...Fire seemed to be consumed when he walked. The heat seemed to drop only the slightest bit, as the unbearable hot air was absorbed by both his skin and soul. Mimaki seemed to be the first to note such a strange event, but soon stood quiet, seemingly realizing what was going on by proxy of being close friends to Kyou, yet he didn't say anything, simply helping others.

The 'deity' didn't have a smile on his face, however. There was only a frown present there. It was clear that the death of the Axiom ship members hit him hard, there was no doubt about it. Even gods can feel grief, after all. And he didn't seem to be pushing those emotions away. There weren't any tears, but the look on his face was...It was depressing to look at, principally compared to Kyou's constantly upbeat and happy personality. Compared to Kagutsuchi's hopeful and strong flames.

"I return." He spoke simply, looking at the rest of the group with a frown. "...I apologize. I had to get my mind off ireful thoughts. But...!" His attention soon turned to the Bomb-omb, Bobby, and a gentle smile appeared on his face. "I see that you have made yourselves a new companion! Good, if we wish to get out of hell and forcefully return to the world of the living, then we need allies, ahaha!" A forced laugh, yet there was a bit of genuineness in it, despite the...Negative emotions plaguing his mind. Kagutsuchi gave Bobby a large smile with respect, giving the bomb a small nod. "A pleasure to meet you, o' exploding one! Fear not, my fires will not light you up! Ahahahaha!"

The creator of fire and death was nodding to a small bomb...This almost felt symbolic in some comedic way.

Regardless, the question of what to do next was answered by the god. Although...He...He probably should realize it wasn't going to be this easy. Yet he seemed determined! That was a good thing...Right?

...Don't forget to ask they are okay, Kagutsuchi. The trip to the Underworld, where I was born, is not...A pleasant one.

The new essence of the being inside of him chirped in with his own thoughts. It felt different from its demonic and terrifying presence- it felt serene, peaceful, divine, yet with all the previous personality of the one that came before. Regardless, the Fire God nodded. "Now, is everyone in need of immediate assistance? We may be dead, but it doesn't mean you can refuse free care to yourself! Survival isn't a sin, principally when we are In the Land of Shadows, Home of my Mother!"

...This probably wasn't Yomi, but it sure felt like it for him.
Agent 3

“Well, all of us bob-ombs talk, ma’am,” Bobby replied to Agent 3, before seeming to light up a bit at her words concerning Mario. “Yeah! Big M helped me recover my memories after I lost them... and I made some new ones with him, as well. We went on an adventure together across the land... from Shogun Studios to the Great Sea. I ended up sacrificing myself to save our friend, Olivia, after her brother dropped a boulder on her.”

Bobby would pause and sniffle a bit, seeming to grow a tad melancholic the more he spoke. “I miss him... and I hope that he’s doing okay....” His tone shifted again, back to his normal, jovial one as he continued to speak to Agent 3. “But if you guys have met him, then that must mean he is!”
"I see. So that explains why you're here, then. I hope you have no regrets." She said simply when Bobby would explain how he got here - he sacrificed himself destroying a boulder to help Mario and his ally, Olivia, proceed. Bobby seems to miss the guy, but... "Well, I'm not sure it was the 'same' Mario, though it definitely sounds it and looked it..." Agent 3 mused aloud before shrugging it off entirely.
"Wait..,oh you mean Mario right, last time I saw him he was goofing off in this city we visited, he seems to be doing fine overall."
“Ah, that’s great to hear!” Bobby exclaimed in a cheerful tone one Lilith had told him about Mario’s current whereabouts. “That certainly does sound like Big M... laughing and jumping around wherever he goes.” The talking bomb said, laughing a bit.
"Can confirm. He was often doing that when I encountered him before now, too." The Inkling joked before laughing a bit. "Some things just never change, I guess - for better or worse." Agent 3 managed a smile as she would converse with Bobby, seeming pretty OK with this, actually.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Positive​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: "Oh, hell."​
RP Information
Location: Hell
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: @YoureInHellNow​
“Oh... well, I don’t have a fuse, so your fires wouldn’t do much to me anyways, Sir.” Bobby replied to Kyou matter-of-factly. When the entity then asked if anyone was in need of assistance, Jason, Leo, Micah, Midna, Kendall, and Bobby all pretty much remained silent. Oh, and Link did, too, but that was normal.

Bobby, on the other hand, soon turned back to face Agent 3. “Was he kinda short and wore red? Had a bushy mustache? Red hat?” He asked curiously.

BoltBeam BoltBeam Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
Agent 3

Bobby, on the other hand, soon turned back to face Agent 3. “Was he kinda short and wore red? Had a bushy mustache? Red hat?” He asked curiously.
"I mean, yeah, but I meant more like... Not two dimensional, like yourself." She said simply. "Other than that, yeah. That sounds about right." Agent 3 added on before backing off a little as if to provide the bomb some space. Besides, there wasn't much to say, why press on it more?
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Positive​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: "Oh, hell."​
RP Information
Location: Hell
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: @YoureInHellNow​
“Oh...” Bobby seemed to fall silent at her words, looking down a bit. “So... this Big M must be a different Big M from my Big M, then...” A moment of silence followed, before he eventually looked back up like nothing happened. “Oh, well! At least I know that one Big M is doing okay!” He cheerfully exclaimed.

BoltBeam BoltBeam
Frank Castle

Dying expert. Frank looked at the bomb quietly for a few seconds. In a sense, maybe he was. Hi, my name is Frank Castle, and I'm great at killing people, but also dying a lot. "No one afterlife I've been to has ever been the same. If there's a way out, we'll have to find it ourselves. No one busting us out this time." For now, he turned away from the bomb. A more immediate issue than the talking explosive's seeming lack of any information about their whereabouts was the fight between Ellie and Atreus. Understandably, yes, Ellie was angry. People had lashed out at her, called her stupid, physically assaulted her. He had stood by and watched. Jason stepped in and did his best to calm them down, though Ellie was still pretty upset.

It was Jason's pointed comment about killing people with a glance at Frank that spurred him onward. He wasn't entirely certain of this kid's deal, but there wasn't contempt there, or judgement. Frank hadn't even said this was what he did, necessarily. Maybe he just really didn't like Jared. No, Jason had read him like a book, more than just one or two instances of action would give away easily without someone knowing what they were talking about. As Atreus returned to him, Frank briefly ruffled his hair with a nod before moving in to help. "Alright, Ellie. You want to know why I didn't help you?" He didn't sound angry, or even disappointed. It was an honest question, though he didn't wait for an answer.

"Back home, I hunt criminals. I punish them. Way I figure, can't murder someone again if you've got bird shot where your brain used to be. Been doing it for about forty years. Longer than either you, or likely Jason here, have been alive." Even with the time loop. Better spare her that detail. Some things were probably better left forgotten. "Won't get into why I do it. Doesn't matter here. I think shooting time baby was stupid." He paused. "I also think it was the right thing to do." The old man was sure this would draw some ire from anyone listening, but he didn't really care. "I told you to take the shot if you felt, without even a moment's hesitation, he deserved to die. That's enough for me to trust that he did." Now for the ugly part. The part that made his job far more challenging, and the point of why he didn't move in to her aid.

"See, back home, the supes are always fighting about something. The law versus what's right, fuckin' nonsense. They really got into it once, though. A war. For once, I took a side. When a couple of the kinds of people I punish show up, naturally, I blow them away. It's obvious to me that I should. They've hurt and killed innocent people time and time again." He tapped his new gun with one finger. The corners of his mouth twitched. Talking about the memory was almost making him nostalgic. "The guy in charge beat the shit out of me and threw me out, half-dead and pretty confused. Surely they knew what they were getting into letting me sign up, and surely the world wouldn't miss either of them." Frank's hand came up to his face. It was a tapestry of long-faded scars, but his finger found the one he was looking for, under his right eye. It was where he took a shield to the face. "Would I do it again? Without hesitation. That's why I took the crossbow after you got tackled, because I think if no one stopped you, you would have tried to shoot Time Baby again, too." Maybe this was getting through to her. Maybe not. Either way, he continued. "Because it was the right thing to do. Maybe not the way you did it, but it was. Some people deserve to be punished, no matter the risk to yourself. You've just got to learn not to risk others when you do it."

He glanced at Jason briefly, before making eye contact with Ellie once more. "We can talk about why you did what you did more later, if you want. Beyond just... whether or not he deserved it." Frank wasn't interested in turning out a mini-Punisher, but, as before, if she had a war inside, that needed to go somewhere before it got her and others killed. The possibility that she would still be pissed at him remained, but he had at least explained himself now. Maybe she would at least not be so pissed that she wouldn't talk to him.

Ellya Ellya thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc
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Mood: Disbelieving, Frightened, Panicking
Tags: (GM, Leo)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

There hadn't been much time to dwell on each other's changes as soon the group had been led back into the white prison from before. They had crossed through it as if a tunnel aaaand ended up back on the spaceship. It was weird, but given that Time Baby channelled the Concept of Time, it wasn't a stretch to think It could bend the Concept of Space as well. Or at least whichever technology they had over there. The hero that they had summoned with the wish didn't seem to be an individual of many words... Or maybe he was entirely mute. It was hard to tell, but he seemed to be an acquaintance of Midna's, the Moon Goddess-look alike.

Normally, Sage would have long internal sessions of musings over everything, but this time he, didn't feel like it. In fact, he had been strangely aside from everything. Quiet, distant. Even if the events were somewhat interesting and curious, he just didn't seem to truly connect to them at all. Not that it bothered him either. It was just weird, like a state of... stupor, very different from the straight-on forced numbness he was used to. It only seemed to change once everything had started going wrong. The very familiar smell of smoke, screams echoed in the background as a sign of trouble. Nearly immediately, there had been the usual surge of determination and selflessness, but also annoyance as he had followed behind Jason without a second thought on the matter.

Everything in the next room was on fire. There was no doubt that while they had been busy with Globnar and their accusation, someone had decided to attack the Axiom. Still, at the same that he felt... melancholy and outrage, they echoed unusually milder than usual. Sure, the feelings were there, but muffled. Where the pyromancer would be apprehensive, concerned and horrified to emotional depths, he was sure lacking reaction this time for some reason. Even as an explosion rang out, he had been oddly focused, trailing behind the others with an unreadable expression. It was a bit like watching a movie instead of living the happenings. There was a distance; Almost as if he didn't feel like he was currently standing in the middle of this mess at all. Rather surreal, honestly.

The sight of the massacre had been met with a respectful, silent Sign of the Soul. What a waste. Hopefully, they hadn't suffered too much on their parting, may their Lights receive a less brutal ending in their next life...

As the perpetrator had shown up, however, it was like breaking a trance. Suddenly the young man felt angry and it wasn't underlying anger either, it was something on the scale of HOW DARE YOU as without a second thought the wings were out. He had reacted about the same time as Jason, letting out a loud half-growl, half-shout of EXTREME RAGE, spamming barrage of spikes in the direction of the figure clad in black clearly aiming to kill. It didn't seem to have been doing much, however, as the projectiles were so unceremoniously broken before even properly reaching the target. Sage had clicked his tongue in irritation, he just wanted this person gone, one way or another!!

The ceiling crumbled, he could no longer reach the target. Actually, he could no longer hear him either. With the sudden surge of anger beginning to settle, he was confused and panicking a bit... Where had that even come from?? It was, a huge tragedy that the passengers of the ship had been so horribly murdered, but, did it really warrant such a reaction?! His reflecting moment had soon been interrupted by Leo though, pointing at something beyond the window.

Eyes widening at the massive spherical structure, as soon as the first laser beam had come to be, the instinct to protect had come forth in full force. Suddenly, the Descendant had hugged the other, bringing him closer for safety, the wings bursting to life behind him before standing in expanded forms like shields around them. Front and back. Still... this didn't feel like enough. There was a chance that they wouldn't survive what was about to come. With a glance up towards Leo a... whim mixed itself with the protectiveness, something entirely new. Even through the layer of emotional anesthesia, the young man's eyes watered up. The words didn't want to come out, there was something else blocking them, but if he didn't say it now, he might never have the chance to... It all hadn't been more than a minute in real-time, yet internally it had felt like a week-long battle, at the very least.

"I--", he trembled ever so slightly, "...I love you..."

The extreme heat of an explosion seemed to engulf the whole environment for a split-second, and then- there was nothing.

When Sage had woken up again, he had been greeted by an odd mix of cold and heat; Though as the connection to the Concept of Fire rekindled itself the heat was soon gone. All that had remained was a Light-chilling frost, as if hit by a breeze. He was still, himself, so he couldn't have... died, right? Despite everything, he was still Sage, still 21 and still with-

"L-Le-!", he had stood up suddenly, only to see exactly who he had been looking for and being washed over with relief. Suddenly Leo was being hugged, maybe even a bit too tightly, "Oh, thanked be the Gods that you're okay...!"

He would have stayed in the embrace a lot longer, but as the memories of events returned to him, so did the words he had said. They echoed softly a couple of times in his mind as he grew flustered, blushing a little and letting go of the other. Oh boy, had Leo heard that? The pyromancer had his gaze towards the ground for a moment, filled with apprehension and nervousness. He didn't quite understand it either, it was such a... spur of the moment kind of thing! Part of him was concerned on how the other would take it, even though, Leo had certainly kissed him first, which probably meant that he was fine with this- W-wait, first? ...Had he been planning something like that too? W-without somehow even knowing about it??

It was during that moment that the radical change in scenery would click. From the techy, illuminated flooring of the Axiom to a rocky ground... As he had raised his gaze again, --in the usual shade of orange--, he had caught sight of the empty-looking cave, like something out of a survival documentary. Man, what Lucy wouldn't give to be in this adventure right now. He was sure that the Biology major would have a bunch of interesting trivia to share. And also, she just liked these sort of extreme environment explorations a lot. The thrill of the unknown and potentially dangerous... Everything felt like a game to her, it was quite odd, but not inherently bad in any way.

As the Descendant had finally gotten back up, albeit slowly, he had realized the distinct lack of pain. It wasn't as if it was just lingering, but distant like before either, it was just, entirely missing! He had gone as far as to tap his body to check if it reacted. Nothing. Then tapped his pockets just to be sure, and his belongings were still there. Huh, very weird. At least the heat was welcome. For him, who couldn't feel it at all. This might be one of the few times where his Ability wasn't battling the environment, to be honest... The air was so dry! Dry enough that making a fire would be nearly effortless!
Maybe they'd even spawn themselves naturally, if that blaze in the background was any indication.

A little cartoonish walking bomb was talking to people. Sage's mind had instantly gone back to the train where everything seemed made of paper, noticing a resemblance between that space and the small guy. The mentions of afterlife and the unknown concept of 'hell' were already putting him on edge, but once it had turned into people chatting about dying and Kyou- Kagutsuchi, both, said something about returning to the world of the living, he had just... frozen in shock.

"Wait, WE'RE DEAD?!!", the young man's breathing rate had started to accelerate, he was definitely panicking. SHIT, HERSHEL HAD WATCHED HIM DIE?!, "But-But, I'm still me! And you're all still, you!", the notions conflicted with his beliefs and brought about denial. With each question he had recoiled back with suspicion, feeling unsafe, his own temperature going up though it made no difference right now, "How does that even work? Where are we? What's going on??!"

He had just been explaining about the Reincarnation Cycle to Fuma too! What in the world?!
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Lealan sits a little way's away from the group, slowly regrowing the pieces of flesh that were blown off when she died to that super laser, looking like some kind of terminator based nightmare from a kid with botanophobia. "Where the Hell did we fff-" She looks to the nearby Space Kid playing in the sand, her curse and question dying on her breath. "What shot us? Because I think it was a massive laser. But it was kind of hard to tell while my face was being blown off." She asks, not really expecting an answer from anybody.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @HellsNewResidents
Before death

“Supergirl...”. She replied to CN-Chan, smiling. It didn’t surprise her that she didn't know her.


After death

They were in Hell. Great! Supergirl thought. We are going to suffer aren’t we? She turned toward the others.

“Anyone the least bit concerned that we are now in Hell?!”

she wasn’t questioning why she was in Hell, she knew why - she was a selfish self-centered bitch. But there was one slight problem.

she could feel her heart beating and her body still felt very much alive and from the looks of it. Everyone’s powers were still intact.

They were hell but they weren’t dead, not yet anyway. And that might be a problem.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Chungchangching Chungchangching
Anyone Anyone who wants to interact

"Eeeeh, Yoshisaurus are cute dinosaurs! Yoshi know there's an appeal to us anyways." Yoshi shrugged with the comment on his own species looking weird. It's whatever honestly. The big question was... did MARIO beat Olly? Yoshi's known for Mario for a long, long time, ever since he was a kid plumber. If Yoshi knew that answer, he would answer it like he always would. Yoshi gave the smile, and said, "Yesh. If I knew Mario could beat any baddie, that'd mean he'd finish that adventure. Or, is Mario still on it? Yoshi wanna ask him that if Yoshi come back alive, even in eggy! Yoshi knew Mario went on so many quests to count, Yoshi sure Mario would save kingdom again..." ... Yoshi just has that hope he'll ask someday. Maybe, bring a message from Bobby to the plumber. Say Bobby missed him. It's what friends do. It may not be the same Mario, but Yoshi will remind him either way.


Tags: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Bobby)


It's silly considering they just got here, like Bobby said, so maybe the other teammates are unsure what type of hell is this. Fuma sighed in resignation, shook her head, and turned her eyes to normal. "No, this is fine. Fuma is merely frustrated, but this is fine. Fuma has been existing for centuries, maybe the concept of hell here is just... different, this time." It's a alight reference to Orbeck's question, about whether she moved by modernization of society. Maybe the modernization affects some afterlife.

To ease some of that, she would go check up on Sage. "Fuma knows we're in a type of hell, but are you alright, Sage? If... it's anything, Fuma is certain we'll understand this 'concept' of it, and return to the living somehow. That is, given the time to go exploring. Fuma thought this was something from the piece of literature, "Dante's Inferno," but I could be wrong. We'd need to breathe and process it all first." At least it's her normal voice, unlike demonspeak. Though they explained the concept of reincarnation, the concept of that and death would be different here.

The suggestion Fuma made is exactly what she'll do. Just look around the environment, try to figure out this version, breathe to not be too stressed out (obviously). Fuma should be fine on other aspects, if others were to check on her.

"... Though, this is reminding me of a fact that I did have a special guest inside the book to help on life and death, but I forgot to tell Mimaki or Kyou about it then... oops... I think I didn't know how to say it much then, but if the timing's right, Fuma can tell them."

The demoness mumbled to herself, a little quietly. Fuma, you're a goober.
She'll have to be reminded, or have herself be reminded later on. Fuma would explain more later.

Tags: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun , @ open for others to check in and want to interact
Mentions: Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
Killua Zoldyck

Mood: Neutral
Nen: 100%
Stamina: 100%
Health: Average
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Bobby)

He was still a bit caught off guard because a bomb without a mouth is somehow talking with everyone in the room. But, he returned to Bobby anyway. "Great to meet ya, Bobby. I'm Killua, and we also just got here." He took a second look around the cave. He seemed to be getting used to the overall darkness, but still just your average cave for all he could see. Well, except to what appeared to be an extreme light source waaaaay up ahead. "I am not entirely sure if this is the afterlife. It seems a bit calm for that. Why would they give the dead a break room before the afterlife exactly? Something just doesn't add up..."

Other Mentions: @ A group of people that is just looking at stuff​
Location: The afterlife
Everyone here has seemed to be calm about the whole situation (Or at least trying to). well almost everyone aside from Sage who was more distressed then everyone else so Lilith decided to try and calm him down. "Hey I know everything seems pretty bleak right now but we've got out of situations like this before, we've done so many times so I think we might be able to pull through here." She would then look behind herself and then back again "Or at least I hope so."

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun (Sage)

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