• Once she got inside and helped Leo to the couch, she went over to the door once everyone came inside and closed it, the faunus turning around to look at all of them as she walked away from the door. “Apparently, we have more problems than just a man and his corporation. There’s more people around here, one of them having locked Luigi in the trunk of a car that came to life and tried to kill us.
    "Woah, cars can come alive?!" Megumin's eyes widened. "Good thing I stayed here, then."

    Sora would try to search more through and the scraps and junk heaps, but nothing showed. “I think this is all there was. Umbrella, Wesker, who or what are they?” Then a thought popped right into Sora’s head. “Wait a minute. I have this.” Sora would call Red Hood, hoping he would pick up. “Hello? Jason? Red Hood?” It was taking a little long to get a response from him. “Look, it’s Sora. I need to talk to you about a corporation called Umbrella and someone named Wesker. Call me back if you get this.” Sora hangs up. “Now what?” Then it hit him that Megumin said something about Umbrella and begin to call her. “Hello? Megumin? It’s Sora, look. You said something about Umbrella right? What can you tell me about them? I found these papers that said something about experimenting on bugs and they’re delivering it to some guy named, Wesker.”
    "Hey, Megumin, you said something about someone coming to get us. You sure this Wisker's not the guy? I don't know about him, but his main gig seems to be purifying us MPF folk."
    "Has anything occured since we separated? A few of us where able to kill off some masked... murder a few moments ago near by the cabins." He said "What is going on at your end Red Hood?"
    It felt good to be important! Megumin lifted the bag off her eyes as her chest swelled. Hopefully, her next call would reach everyone.

    "Everyone, listen. Firstly, Hiryu, it's not 'Wisker', it's 'Wesker'. He told me that he was showing me, showing us, the truth about the Foundation. He says that we've been of greater use to him than we could ever imagine. Apparently, he's been biding his time, learning all about us. He wants to 'free us from ourselves'."
    Once again, she thought of his little catchphrase. "INRI". His word choices did sound like some kind of religious cult...
In the middle of Rex’s call, Soma and Shanoa read a note that’s covered in blood, and this alone would catch Rex’s attention. “Who is ‘he’? What is Inari, and who wrote this?” Fortunately, Red Hood decided to call back at this time but it was to inform them that they’re being attacked right now. “Ah. You guys, go help the others, I need to make sure McGucket stays safe.” He tells Soma & Shanoa. “Lilith, I need you to help me find a place for McGucket"

Zamasu Zamasu ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Sora was still waiting on Megumin to answer after calling her moments ago. “Megumin, pick up!” Soon, she answers much to Sora’s relief and tells him what she knows. “What’s the foundation? ‘freeing ourselves’? What does any of what you just said means? Do you know what he meant, or how he looked like at least?”

P PopcornPie
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After Lilith overheard Soma and Shanoa reading the note she floats over to the both of them and looks over the note. "Great which nutcase is gonna come for us now?" She says facepalming and shaking her head, just then Rex comes over and asks if she could find a place for McGucket. "Alright fine." Lilith begrudgingly agrees as she floats to him. "Don't worry we'll find somewhere soon enough...maybe."


thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (McGucket)
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Rex)
Zamasu Zamasu (Soma and Shanoa)
Orbeck of Vinhiem
Status: doing a group wide call.
Condition: Normal, drinking the Depresso.​

So it looks as if Orbeck's attempt at a group call was successful. So far there was red hood...who appeared to be facing another masked freak of some sort.
Jason had been ducking over behind a tree whenever Orbeck made his call, having flanked and taken cover away from Michael for now. When Orbeck called, he pulled out his communicator and answered, his face staring back at the sorcerer through the camera.


"Well, we were trying to get to a generator, but now we're dealing with some knife-wielding psycho killer in a William Shatner mask..." Jason would grunt out, before looking back up. What sounded like an explosion of some sort could be heard in the background. "Shit... I've gotta go deal with this..." He looked back down at his communicator, staring at Orbeck once more. "Keep investigating and keep the group updated on what you find-" He was cut off by the sound of another explosion ringing out, this one closer to him than the last. He glanced up and cursed under his breath, before looking down at the camera one final time. "Or, ya know, come help us. Either one is preferable!"

With that, the feed was cut.

It's about time for him to intervene.

Besides that. There was also Rex and discovery of some old man, one that he couldn't help but have some memory of as that high pitched crackle came through. Those thoughts would be confirmed as he mentioned a name...McGucket.

"Rex, take him back to the main cabin. Ask if he is from Gravity Falls. I have a feeling I have seen him some point in the past." If those who where still around would recall, Jason scanned the map in question to everyone's communicators.

There where also Sora and Soma, both finding documents of some sort relating to this umbrella corporation. With the Archwizard of all people leading the discussion... since everyone else was "preoccupied" at the time.

"Sora, Soma, see if you could...what's the word, scan those notes with your communicators...and to those of you who don't know. There have been an unknown number of insidents that the MPF has been keeping hidden to all but the highest members of the organization. Some of said insidents...where about as unpleasant, to say it lightly." He said "from what Megumin has told me, Wesker desires to bring us to our side, even though his own actions may as well be as devious as the MPF's. It's hard to say what he wants at this point... besides those numerals INRI."

"Fuck...I'm gonna go after him. Remind me which direction's the Generator." He asked of Orbeck and the others. "But first, I got something on my end. Found this Gingerbread guy who doesn't wanna kill us due to us being OP. He said the more obvious shit like this place being filled with serial killers and all. The only thing that stood out is that this place is owned by some asshat named Wisker."

Orbeck having no experience with game terms, has no idea what OP means. But as far as he knows, this gingerbread man is harmless for the time.

"So what is happening back at the cabin, megumin?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Zamasu Zamasu Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun @anyone_that I have missed.
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Leo had allowed Blake to take him over to the couch, hissing through distorted breaths as he slowly set down. Or at least, that's what would have happened, had Blake not been blocked by Sage."I-I'm fine... really..." He muttered, coughing a bit as blood continued to trickle down his eyes. "It's my own fault for overusing my powers...." It was then that Kyou had approached and sped up the healing process. Honestly, Leo had his mind too focused on... other things at the moment to particularly worry about the weird sensation said healing had given him. Though, as the eyes slowly transitioned from crimson red to their familiar shade of aqua blue, he looked back up at Kyou whenever he introduced himself.

"I'm Leo... Leonardo Watch..." He greeted Kyou, nodding slightly. With that, he was finally able to refocus his attention to Sage, now that he was able to fully stand on his own. "But thank you, regardless. I really do appreciate your help. You're a great friend, Sage. But..." He opened his eyes back up, revealing the blue orbs the young pyromancer was no doubt used to by now. "See? I'm fine now. Kyou's powers helped speed the healing process up." He then turned to Kyou, offering him a thumbs up. "Thanks for that, by the way..." Then, there was a pause, as Leo realized that he was probably still confused as to where exactly he was.

"Right! So, like Sage said, we're a part of this group called the Multiverse Protection Foundation," He cleared his throat. "Right now, the Multiverse is... kinda in shambles. Long story short, there's this guy named Ganondorf who wants to rule over everything by using this substance called Twilight. He's already taken out the MPF's head base, and from what we can gather, he's slowly asserting his dominance across several universes." There was another pause, as Leo rubbed at the back of his neck. "We're... basically aimlessly hopping from one universe to the next, trying to weaken Ganondorf's power by getting rid of his influence over the universes... which is how we ended up here..." He lifted his arms, slowly gesturing to the room around him. "In this... cabin..."

Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc quadraxis201 quadraxis201 QizPizza QizPizza FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla P PopcornPie

The cabin that Ciri had just broken into was dark, though luckily the moonlight and such from outside of the cabin allowed Ciri to see what exactly she was working with here. As the witcher began to take a look around, she would find that everything in the cabin had been... well, tossed and turned from head to toe! Couches and chairs were turned over, books and utensils had been thrown everywhere, the television set had been turned onto its front, and Ciri couldn't even go five feet without stepping on broken glass. Either there had been a pretty big struggle here, or someone had been looking for something important.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher jigglesworth jigglesworth StaidFoal StaidFoal FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Laix_Lake Laix_Lake bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64 Riven Riven marc122 marc122

"Dude's just a creepy fuck, man," The Gingerdead Man replied with a shrug. "Always goin' on about his next experiment 'n shit while talking about 'freeing' people... dude just gives off bad vibes in general." The homicidal cookie would shudder a bit at the thought. Then, he watched as Hiryu left the cabin, at which point the Gingerdead Man offered him a small wave as he took the call and left the cabin. The last thing he would have seen was him grabbing his bong once more, taking another hit, and coughing up a storm.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

"Alright!" McGucket exclaimed in response to Lilith as he swung his arm excitedly, and then hacked a wad of spit onto the ground... then started laughing again.

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Zamasu Zamasu

Once Lucky bit down onto Michael's shoulder, the... man didn't seem to register the pain at all. In fact, not a single word had been spoken at all by him yet, and so far, Michael seemed pretty hellbent on maintaining that streak! So, as Lucky chomped down into his shoulder, Michael merely grabbed his knife and jabbed it down into Lucky's back, before slowly cutting on downwards. In the process, even more of Lucky's sweater was ripped, to the point where by the time the serial killer was finished slicing and dicing, he only had about a fourth of his muscle left!

P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp StaidFoal StaidFoal

  • "We have a new demon. His name is Kyou. Also, Leo has put himself into pain." She briefly looked back at Leo, then continued to explain. "We also have someone named Luigi coming in, and he seems scared out of his mind. Allegedly, he was in the trunk of a living car."
Welp, looks like they have to find the Leprechaun’s gold if they even have a chance of being left alone, but hey, might as well take that chance. Looking at Benedict, Benrey would day “Hey Benedict, do you have a gold detector or radar, or pretty much anything related to that. Because that would help us quite a bit....” as he waited for an response.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore BoltBeam BoltBeam Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Crow Crow

After a frightening couple of minutes against the machete wielding killer, they finally won agains the inhuman person, which revealed his disfigured face. He just said quietly to himself “May the gods bless your soul.....” as he followed the others to a nearby cabin. It looked like it was recently sacked, with things in disrepair and items thrown about on the floor. He just sighed as he decided to slowly head inside, looking around while holding the hammer in a position ready for a fight.... in case there was something here that wasn’t friendly.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @ To Whomst it may concern
Finally, things seemingly slowed down to a point in which he could properly understand things. While he wanted to say to Sage, the kid with a fiery, almost familiar aura to him that he didn't need to kick most people out of the cabin to let Leonardo heal himself up, he stopped himself from doing so. He didn't understand this kid's capabilities, and while it was...A bit weird with the way he was hugging Leo, he assumed to be how his powers work, given he talked about some stuff about energies and...Whatever.

"Ey! No problem, kid! I can't call myself a kind oni or a mayor if I ignore someone in pain now, can I? Kye-hehehe!" Once more, a laugh filled with life, boastful- although not in a bad way. It felt confident. Happy. He was still rather confused, but... It was the least he could do. Smile on, keep being Kyou Tana. "But, eh, you might wanna avoid looking into my soul for a bit. I have someone livin' there that ain't exactly as happy as I am..."

...His words weren't followed by something dramatic like a roar or a terrifying presence, nothing of the sorts, no. But they felt...Unnerving. Still, it was a wonder how he could live and be aware of whatever that was inside of him...

Then...Came the explanation, and while it was straightforward and simple, Kyou just blinked, and his head tilted to the side. The words flew around his head- MPD, Multiverse, Cannondwarf, or whatever the hell, universal conquest- he understood the meaning of them, and while he wanted to say it was ridiculous, which it absolutely was, he couldn't say something like this isn't...Uncommon. At least something like simple dimensional and universal travel, that is.

Mimaki was capable of slashing through dimensions with his Moon Blade. Travel through them, see realities close to their own. He never went too far, and Kyou indeed traveled with him before in some of these alternate realities, but none ere to crazy or completely different from his own, despite different concepts, magic types, and whatnot. The gods themselves like Amaterasu, as the queen of space, and Tsukuyomi, the god of time, were likely capable of doing so as well, if they combined their powers. But this? It felt so over the top he wanted to laugh. Say that he is simply a father wanting to go back to his wife and daughter, but...

He reminded himself who he was- Kyou Tana. Balance Breaker. Chosen by Amaterasu, and the man who fought Kotoamatsukami with his friends.

...He really shouldn't be surprised.

"Welp, say no more, I'm in." That was- really fast-? "You gotta punch a baddie, aye? I'm used to that. Probably got here either thanks to the Kami back home, or simply by coincidence...Either way, if y'all are truthful, then I have everything to lose if I don't fight, huh?"

His palm was opened- his fist slammed against it, as a large smile appeared on his face.

"If it means goin' back home and helpin' people, and makin' sure my little girl grows up safe from this Cannondwarf and my friends as well, then I'll help ya kids out! ...If ya'll accept an old geezer like me, that is."

...He was accepting things and jumping into train...Really fast. He certainly is something else, huh? Whether if that something is bad or good, is up to who's currently here with him, of course. But he seemed genuine enough. Regardless, when Megumin called him a demon again-

"And I'm a HALF-ONI, DESU YO!"

This feels like the set-up for a really bad running gag.
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B.J. Blazkowicz

The initial plan was to make a straight dash towards the generator, kicking away whatever indestructible, knife-wielding loonies came after them and keep on darting towards the objective. And from the sound of it, Lucky was taking said monster head on. Just focus on the generator, the rabbit's got a lot of fight in 'im... When you get back, you can melt the knife guy to goop... Just focus on... Lucky's angry, undiscernable yells cut through the ambience. "Damn it..." Blazkowicz rolled his eyes as his desire to help got the better of him.

B.J. ran towards the source of the noise, slowing at a distance once they came into view. He activated his Battle Walkers, rising behind a tree and clicking his assault rifle to semi-auto and flicking the scope up. He took aim from between the tree branches, setting his crosshairs on Michael's head. Breathe in, count to four. He squeezed the trigger, aiming for a headshot. And if all that did was stumble Michael and bobble his head like the figurines, B.J. would keep up the relentless pestering as bullet shells flew from his gun.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Supergirl and Zwei were apparently doing their own thing while most of the group also did their thing. But alas they were at least together!

“I think we’re lost Zwei! I knew we shouldn’t have gone off on our own!”

“At least we are together, female Supes! Who knows what they have in godforsaken world!”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Since Lucky had taken the sweater off and he was now... well, a normal rabbit, it was actually quite easy for Michael to catch his stabbing arm before the knife made contact with his eye, and then simply slamming Lucky against the ground with ease. It was then that Michael saw Lealan running for the generator, and at that point, he walked over to her, and just before she had a chance to exit the camp, he'd grabbed her by the back of her shirt and pulled her down to the ground, before attempting to jam his knife down into her chest!

Whether or not it hit her, Michael would soon feel the sensation of a bullet connecting with the side of his skull. Like the first few shots, this caused the serial killer to stumble to the side a bit, caught off guard by the sudden force. However, once B.J. would inevitably have to reload, Michael rose up again, not a single drop of blood having been visibly spilled. With his knife tightly gripped in his hand, he began to stalk his way over to B.J.

P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp StaidFoal StaidFoal

Leo's eyes widened in a small bit of surprise at Kyou's words, taken a bit back by how... well, easy that was. Though, he supposed that the entire Multiverse being at stake was a bit of a big deal, especially since that more than likely threatened Kyou's home as well... regardless, Leo smiled at him, offering him a nod. "Well, welcome to the Multiverse Protection Foundation, then." He said, before pausing for a moment and realizing something. "Oh! Right! I almost forgot!" He said, before reaching into the pocket of his jacket. After a bit of shuffling around, he produced what looked like a watch and a small tablet-like device. The latter of which could best be described as looking a lot like a Nintendo Switch, only without all the buttons and only the joysticks.

"The watch is for Multiversal travel - when we hop universes and all that. It doesn't work unless it's synced with everyone else's, though... I think it's so no one gets stuck between universes or something..." His voice trailed off before he let out a small, nervous chuckle, cleared his throat, and continued. "The tablet's a communicator. It's already linked to everyone else's, so you can contact any of us at any time. Uhh... just make sure to put your name in so people know to contact you."

Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun QizPizza QizPizza TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher quadraxis201 quadraxis201 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc P PopcornPie
Lilith agreed to find McGucket a temporarily new home. “Thanks. I owe you one.” Before he goes anywhere with the others, Orbeck tells Rex to ask Gucket about Gravity Falls and take him to the main cabin. “No! Didn’t you say there was someone after you? What if another psycho shows up there?” He runs over to Lilith & Gucket on their way to find another cabin. “Hey, Gucket. Have you ever heard of a place called Gravity Falls?”

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Laix_Lake Laix_Lake


But Orbeck’s not done yet, as he was in a group chat with Megumin, who Sora called in the middle of this, thus chatting with all people in the group as well and tells Sora to scan the notes he and someone else found, and some context about an unknown member. “Okay. But, how has he been watching us all this time. Do you guys know where he is?” He said as he scanned the papers he obtained.

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake P PopcornPie
"You think that's all it takes, Laddie?" After recovering from dizziness, Lucky switched to his machine gun, smirking. Maybe the Paw o' Death was cursed by satanic magic, but it could produce its own ammo! Even though Michael couldn't seem to be harmed by bullets, he could at least be pushed back, right? Hopefully, Lucky's stream of bullets would keep Michael at bay while Lealan freed herself.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

"He was blonde, his hair was neatly combed into a square shape. I don't know where he is, he only said he'd be with us all shortly."

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Laix_Lake Laix_Lake
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━

Really, she didn’t mind getting pushed to the side by Sage, as long as Leo was going to be fine, that was all that mattered. She nodded in response to Megumin. “The sentient car isn’t the issue we have to deal with as it’s been taken care of. What I’m worried about is the man that put Luigi in the trunk of the car might still be somewhere out there. That car also had the same thing written all over it: INRI and it’s clear that it’s very important

She looked at the new person, who said his name was Kyou Tana, a half-oni. “
Blake.” After an explanation was given to him, he chose to join then which was a surprise. Usually, it wasn’t that easy, but she wasn’t going to complain as it meant more allies. Now, they just needed to consider their next move. “So, we either wait here for the others to return or we go look for them. I’m sure that the ones at the cabins can handle themselves, so we would need to go look for everyone else.

Blake then looked at Jett. “
But first, I owe you the answer to your question.” She went over and sat down next to her, looking at her and sighing. “Life back home was a mixed bag. Yes, I got to go to Beacon and made friends that would become like family to me, but it wasn’t all good. I was part of the White Fang, a group made up of Faunus who wanted equal rights for our people through peaceful means. But then, my dad stepped down as leader and a new leader took his place, one who believed violence was the answer. And eventually, I began to realize that this wasn’t the best way to achieve equality and the man that was my mentor and the one that I loved, he... he began to kill innocents and he began to love doing it, becoming a psychopath that only cared for the Faunus.

Her hands formed a fist as her hands began to shake a bit. Taking a deep breath, she continued. “
I... after the school I went to collapsed and my teammate, Yang, lost her arm, I ran. But then, a friend of mine went after me and convinced me to stop running from my problems. Eventually, both me and her were reunited, we stopped my ex while in the process, I got caught up in all of this, and when I got back, me, the rest of our team, and my friends were given our Huntress licenses. But then...

Blake stopped herself, looking away from Jett, and it was clear that what came next, she didn’t wish to talk about. While she seemed to have gotten over the events that happened on Remnant, the fact that she had to stop herself was clear to those that were there that she hadn’t really gotten over it.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Celestial Speck Celestial Speck , AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc , P PopcornPie , QizPizza QizPizza , quadraxis201 quadraxis201 , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

Thanks to the moonlight, she could see that the cabin wasn’t in the best shape. In fact, it was like the entire place had gone through a bad storm. There had to be something there that warranted this much destruction, so she began to look for a light source and once she turned it on, she would begin to look even closer at everything in the cabin.

And hopefully, there really was something important there.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"Sure am!" McGucket laughed in response to Rex. "That's where I'm from! Born, raised, and went mentally insane there!" He then brought his finger up to his chin, tapping it a bit as he narrowed his eyes. "In fact, I was takin' one of m'ordinary-like naps in the junkyard, when suddenly, I was done did transported to this here junkyard! Then, that's when I saw that crazy Leprechaun feller, so I decided to hide myself out in that there shack!" McGucket proceeded to point over at the remnants of the now totalled shack with his thumb as he continued staring at Rex, now scratching his head. "But why do ya ask such a strange, seemingly unrelated question?"

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Zamasu Zamasu Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

Michael was pushed back a bit by the bullets, to be sure. However, that sanctity didn't last too long, because soon enough, he'd raised his knife high up into the air, walking directly into the line of fire and towards Lucky. Before, the bullets had at least pushed him back, and while Michael was certainly taking slower steps due to the hailstorm in question, he was still walking towards Lucky and B.J. at a steady pace. Once he had inevitably reached the homicidal rabbit, the even more homicidal man plunged the knife downwards, trying to jam it into Lucky's skull!

P PopcornPie StaidFoal StaidFoal DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

Although the cabin wasn't utterly littered with dead bodies like the other one was, Ciri and Gretar would no doubt notice the body that Michael Myers had left in the cabin from his carnage before. It was pinned up on the wall by nothing but a kitchen knife, the head rolled slightly as the body remained slumped over in its eternal slumber. So far, this was the only real thing of note either of them found.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
Indeed, it was very easy. Maybe a bit suspicious even, but even so, Kyou simply grinned on, letting out a small chuckle, before pulling his fist in a motion that seemed to just say 'victory.' "Aye aye, capn'! Hehehe, Hibiki is gonna have one hell of a story when I'm back home...!" ...Even if he was separated from his family by what was likely several hundred universes to his own, he acted calm- like they were just right there in this universe. Like they were close- he knew that wasn't the case, but even, he had to go on for their sake, and to find them as well.

Arguably, he still didn't understand a lot of things and missed context for a whole lot more- but he was no stranger to action. To him, it was simple. Some asshole was trying to pull a divine conquest on all words, and likely his home as well- and he needed to be humbled up. He may be an adult now, but even then...!

"To-do-do-dooo~! Kyou Tana joins the party!"

...He was still his old self at heart.

With a grin and a couple more laughs, Kyou's eyes moved to what he held out to him. A pretty looking watch, and...His eyes essentially widened, as he held the tablet, like it was some sort of very, very fragile baby that if he dropped would shatter in a million pieces. This was...Expensive!! Oh man, it looks s much better than his old phone, as well?! Waaah, is this what his family uses?! Well, maybe not, but even then!!

"G-got it! Woooah, this is expensive! Wawawawa, I hope I don't break it..."

Soon, a new contacted appeared on the tablet as Kyou wrote his name- 'Kyou Tana!'
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Lealan was caught off guard by tue mans grapple, but thankfully her armor kept him from driving the knife into her chest, and then the bastard turned his back to the Floran and began to march on Lucky. Lealan leaps to her feet, wraps an arm around the mans waist to keep him from dodging and discharges the fully charged Dragon Head Pistol into the back of his head, the fireball larger than the mans head blooming forth in an instant. If it connects, the blast would blow Lealan off of him, letting Lealan roll back to her feet.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie StaidFoal StaidFoal

Mood: Concerned, Observant, Thoughtful
Tags: (Leo, GM)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Sage had been already starting to reconsider the idea of talking Leo outside for fresh air. Surely, everyone had now gathered by the door of the bedroom outside and made passage increasingly difficult. Moving him too much was out of question, anyone with just a bit of first-aid knowledge knew that moving the injured often caused more problems than anything. He wasn't laying down so there wasn't a need to raise his head... Since he couldn't open the window, what if he circulated the air himself?

The pyromancer's frantic musing would then be interrupted by Leo himself, stating that he was fine. Sage didn't think he was fine, in fact, being told that while it was obvious the other was in pain had been, rather frustrating. And the acceptance of guilt didn't help it any. You know why? Because it sounded like himself.
At same time he heard Leo say those words it was as if the Descendant could hear his own voice say it too, like a chorus and, he was very bothered by it. Finally he was beginning to understand exactly what he kept putting other people through and- Man, did it feel terrible..! By trying not to make others worry about him, he, mistakenly, just prompted them to worry even more in a never-ending cycle.
Just as Leo was accidentally doing to him right now.

"W-well, if you say so...", he sounded slightly disgruntled, "I still stand by avoiding doing that again... Really, you almost scared me to death!", despite having laughed nervously trying to hide his fear, the tone had come with some pleading to it. Like a request more than a suggestion.

It didn't take too long for the other to be back up on his two feet, Sage following suit while still being watchful. Even as Leo kept doing introductions and explaining things, he couldn't help but look at him as if the other teen was made of glass and was about to collapse again any second. If his expression and erratic glances hadn't been enough to tell it, the fire that still burned in the bed, tall and chaotic, would give his true feelings away. Also the way he just stood quiet and observing more than anything.
Kyou was a rather pleasant guy. He carried a charisma just like Leo, though it wasn't as innocent. It was more brash and adventurous, like someone out of the Dragon Clan. Hopefully, he wouldn't be risking things as much... There was brave, and then there was just... reckless and impulsive. More often than not, one crossed that line really easy.

Leo would then give the other a very detailed version of the mission, in ways infinitely better than anything Sage could have ever said. Long explanations were not his forté, he was way too awkward to make himself sound coherent and serious. The other received the same devices he had been given back in Wakanda, which prompted him to think how many extras they had. ...Also, shoot! Now there were 6 new people to tell about the Take-Over! The fire flickered at a higher pace for a moment, this time reacting to anxiety.
Maybe it had been just for distraction, maybe to ease up his own mood, but once Kyou commented over being afraid to break the communicator, the pyromancer had chimed in.

"Look, mine has been put through the test of fire and high temperatures way too many times and honestly, it's surprisingly still intact. It's quite sturdy for something that looks so delicate.", he shrugged before muttering to himself, "Shame the same couldn't be said about my cellphone... Even if it barely got any actual use, I'm gonna miss it.", Sage sighed still upset about that.
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Zwei & Supergirl!

Would fly up above camp crystal lake and get a general lay of the land as well as use farsight to find the rest of the group.

She would spot the fight with Micheal Myers during this surveillance.

”Figured!” She muttered as she suddenly was in Micheal Myer’s face where she would punch him in a flurry of blows as hard as she can muster- hoping that her strength is still enough to at least stagger the creature.

There is suddenly a yellow blur but Zwei didn't immediately attack, instead hung back.

”Is there a reason he's attacking us?” She whispered to Lucky!

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
P PopcornPie
Chronology: Ultimate
LOCATION: Starting Cabin, Camp Crystal Lake
COLOR: #E1914F

INTERACTIONS: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Celestial Speck Celestial Speck thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
MENTIONS: P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla quadraxis201 quadraxis201 AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc

Alexis watched as Sage vented his frustrations with his situation before stepping back to reexamine himself. While it was still a little bit on the self-deprecating side, he did ultimately come to the conclusion that his Ability was just as much a part of him as any other part of his body. There were more nuances to it, but the kitsune smiled knowing that Sage was making progress towards understanding his situation in a healthy manner. The next step would be embracing his abilities in practice rather than treating it as a curse. For Alexis, such a shift in thinking had to happen before she could live life feeling like it was normal. To accept that you were now, by nature, a soul-consuming seductress that could only feed by being physically intimate with people was a hard pill to swallow, just as being the theoretical embodiment of the apocalypse was.

Soon afterwards, Sage set off trying to decrypt some kind of code he found on a piece of paper to discover the password to the tablet on the wall. Alexis let the boy attempt to figure it out with Megumin; puzzles were not the kitsune’s strong suit. Sure, her job was to decrypt the psyche of people and offer solutions to their problem, but people were relatable in a way that puzzles weren’t. Compassion, love, and trust were some of the cornerstones of what Alexis did, but none of that translated to a puzzle with a single exact answer. Ori, Rorcha, Gabrielle or Abaddon would be far more suited to such a task… though solving the puzzle would probably be the last thing they try, given that hacking it was a readily available shortcut.

It didn’t take long for Sage’s attempt to crack the code to result in a lock out, prompting Leo to wonder if the code meant something in another language. “I can do you several times better than bilingual but doesn’t look like any language I know, sorry.”

The difficulty in decoding the letters “INRI” had led Megumin to return to the bedroom. Upon entering the room, Alexis shuddered seeing all the empty vials haphazardly tossed onto the ground and remembering how those vials ended up there. Years of chemistry and lab sciences had pounded into her mind reactions to this kind of irresponsibility. That combined with the scorch marks and exploded rat did not persuade Alexis that the ragtag group assembled by the MPF was anything more than incompetent. The mom in the kitsune drove her to begin to pick up test tubes and pack them back into the box they originated from while the two children tried to use the laptop to assist them.

Megumin’s audible frustration with the internet almost prompted Alexis to help them… if it wasn’t for the sudden increase in Pressure behind them. Alexis could feel the presence of another being trying to push itself into this dimension with a familiar “heat”. The kitsune snapped around to see a massive oni adorned in oriental clothing surrounded by a flaming vortex. Immediately, Alexis was placed on alert as her instincts kicked in and a growl escaped her lips. While oni and kitsune were both yokai, the various species were hardly friendly to each other… even members within a species of yokai tended to be hostile towards one another! However, Alexis’s more human side came through as the oni took a chug from the gourd in his hands and expressed his confusion. The fight or flight response was suppressed for the time being, but she would readily lash out at this oni if he attacked them.

Leo was the first to act, putting himself between Sage and the newcomer, and questioning the oni while using his All Seeing Eyes of the Gods. Things picked up when Megumin freaked out and attempted to jump the oni… only to be stopped by her target’s immense reaction speed and tossed away like a doll. It was no surprise that the oni was as fast and strong as he was, but it was curious that he called himself a half oni. Half yokai were far from impossible—Alexis’s own children were proof of this—but it was curious how powerful he was for being just half oni. The only explanation was if his other side was just as powerful if not moreso than an oni.

It was then that Blake, Jett, Akari, and Arthur walked into the cabin dragging… was that Luigi? It looked like that green plumber from the Mushroom Kingdom Galaxy Alexis rescued, but with all kinds of alternate universes, it was hard to tell if it was the same one. Speaking of alternate universes, it seems as if the oni was quite confused about this whole multiverse thing, but at least he wasn’t hostile.

Then, Leo’s eyes went red and he collapsed. Alexis’s eyes went wide as he attempted to stand back up, using Sage as support. The kitsune offered a tail to support the boy as he questioned what the half oni was. “Take it easy, Leo. How about you take a s-” Her senses were immediately alerted when the half oni started to blow something towards Leo. She was ready to burn that oni into ashes if he hurt Leo while he was down, but it seemed as if it was a healing wind. Alexis breathed a sigh of relief as the oni began to prove himself to just be a boisterous demon as he confidently introduced himself as Kyou Tana.

Even though Leo was healed, Sage understandably was frustrated that everyone was clutter in the bedroom, preventing him from bringing Leo to the living room. Alexis had to oblige and began to use her tails to gently nudge everyone out of the way of Sage and Leo. As she followed them out, she made sure to suppress the flame raging on the bed to make sure nothing burned down while she was away. When he finally calmed down about his friend, Sage made introductions, and Alexis followed, looking straight into Kyou’s eyes with a little bit of instinctual suspicion , even though he had proven himself to just be a bit of an overgrown child, “I am Dr. Alexis Kuroki, and I am sure you know what I am.” As she awaited the half oni’s response, her tails held themselves in the air and idly drifted in a manner reminiscent of flames… if flames were white and made of silky smooth fur.


Megumin told Sora a description of what Wesker looked like in case he were to ever run into him. “Okay, thanks. Stay safe.” Sora hangs up, and deforms out of Valor Form. He’s now settled on what he was going to do next. “There’s nothing I can do here now. I found everything I could, I’ll see if I can find more about Umbrella and Wesker. I’m gonna go to the docks next.”

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore


McGucket would answer Rex’s question about him hearing about Gravity Falls with a yes, moreover that it was his home at one point, but someday he was suddenly transported here. Gucket then wanted to know why Rex would ask a question like that out of nowhere. “No reason, I was just wondering, if we have the time we may be able to send you back home, safe and sound.”

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Zamasu Zamasu Laix_Lake Laix_Lake
They old guy explained how he wounded up in the garage Rex destroyed earlier when he said something about a leprechaun. Lilith raised an eyebrow and asked what he meant. "A leprechaun, I swear this journey just get's more ridiculous by the second." She says to herself. "What did he look like?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (McGucket)
Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long

The Cabins, Camp Crystal Lake
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(Freezer) (Burn)

Corvo and Price elected to search in the first cabin with all those bodies inside of them. Gretar decided to investigate the second cabin where they had spotted the man with a mask over his head. Ciri investigated the third cabin. As it stood right now, only the fourth cabin was left untended. However, Weiss and Yang were already starting to make their way towards the cabin that was yet to be searched.

"Yang and I will be over at the fourth cabin," Weiss said, as the two members of Team RWBY started to look for a way in.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM), TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Ciri), Laix_Lake Laix_Lake (Orbeck), Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 (Gretar), FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Kassandra), bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64 (Kanon, Dennis), Riven Riven (Umbra), StaidFoal StaidFoal (Corvo), jigglesworth jigglesworth (Price)
B.J. Blazkowicz

Christ, guess Tommy wasn't kiddin' when he said how these guys can take lead like a champ. Descending the Battle Walkers, B.J. swapped his gun for a hatchet as Michael approached. While his two teammates went on the assault, Blazkowicz took out the radio device, patching in to whoever could hear. "To whoever mentioned some creep in a white mask, we found 'im!" As Michael swiped the knife down at Lucky, B.J. slid in and slashed his hatchet upwards, aiming to literally disarm him from his knife.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

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