Soma Cruz & Shanoa

It was awkward at it first, but the two decided to ignore what happened and went off exploring more of the lakeside. Be serious right now.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mr. Righteous

After the arrival of The Mathematician's Math gun, Kanon sprints for the pod & carefully walks around it in case of anything suspicious & so that he could find a way to open it. He ended up finding a keypad attached to it & he began typing his Security PIN to retrieve, but it wasn't enough. It turned out to start asking a few personal questions that Kanon was not happy with but he need this baby & submits his info anyways. Finally, they start to question what he knows & loves best in his livelihood: Mathematics. However, these problems were too much of a competition for it to be Addition & Subtraction, matter fact, it seemed as if the system was playing those games ! ! !

"Geezzz, guess I gotta do most of these Math problems on paper." Kanon pulls out a pen & a notepad & starts solving the 3 Math questions on the screen, but he has to hurry before the Hockey masked man continues to cause more madness & end up taking another life! As Kanon is solving these problems, here is what's shown on the pod's screen & on his notepad to help figure out the right answer, with no choices to pick from which makes the challenge jump on a whole 'nother level:

On the pod's screen:

After the arrival of The Mathematician's Math gun, Kanon sprints for the pod & carefully walks around it in case of anything suspicious & so that he could find a way to open it. He ended up finding a keypad attached to it & he began typing his Security PIN to retrieve, but it wasn't enough. It turned out to start asking a few personal questions that Kanon was not happy with but he need this baby & submits his info anyways. Finally, they start to question what he knows & loves best in his livelihood: Mathematics. However, these problems were too much of a competition for it to be Addition & Subtraction, matter fact, it seemed as if the system was playing those games ! ! !

"Geezzz, guess I gotta do most of these Math problems on paper." Kanon pulls out a pen & a notepad & starts solving the 3 Math questions on the screen, but he has to hurry before the Hockey masked man continues to cause more madness & end up taking another life! As Kanon is solving these problems, here is what's shown on the pod's screen & on his notepad to help figure out the right answer, with no choices to pick from which makes the challenge jump on a whole 'nother level:

On the pod's screen:

After the arrival of The Mathematician's Math gun, Kanon sprints for the pod & carefully walks around it in case of anything suspicious & so that he could find a way to open it. He ended up finding a keypad attached to it & he began typing his Security PIN to retrieve, but it wasn't enough. It turned out to start asking a few personal questions that Kanon was not happy with but he need this baby & submits his info anyways. Finally, they start to question what he knows & loves best in his livelihood: Mathematics. However, these problems were too much of a competition for it to be Addition & Subtraction, matter fact, it seemed as if the system was playing those games ! ! !

"Geezzz, guess I gotta do most of these Math problems on paper." Kanon pulls out a pen & a notepad & starts solving the 3 Math questions on the screen, but he has to hurry before the Hockey masked man continues to cause more madness & end up taking another life! As Kanon is solving these problems, here is what's shown on the pod's screen & on his notepad to help figure out the right answer, with no choices to pick from which makes the challenge jump on a whole 'nother level:

On the pod's screen:




On his notepad:




Final Results:




But the real question is, did Kanon managed to figure out these Math problems fast enough to activate the pod's door & retrieve his weapon? Only time could tell, but Kanon does have faith in himself to knock these out on his own as he is not The Mathematician for nothing!

Meanwhile fighting against the big monster, Dennis was very close to getting attacked, but Jason was distracted in time & Corvo managed to kick him outta the way before Jason's next move after his machete was raising. As Dennis gets kicked back, he recovers from the shot & hops right back up & turned his head to Corvo and nodded as in "Thank You". Dennis stops and think to himself ("This plan could do it, but I'm gonna need Kanon for this part") and gets up to dust himself off. With all of those injuries from the slashes, punches & kicks, arrow shots that Jason has taken so far, Dennis figured he could capitalize & runs toward him with a few shots AGAIN!

He starts to hit him with another Right hook, a Left hook, & ends the punching combo with an uppercut. Not being finished but just getting started, Dennis snatches his Green tie off of his collared shirt & tries to hold Jason down with it by choking him as hard as he could to get one of the heroes with long-ranged attacks to blast Jason while he got him for a short time, but one of them need to be fast! "All of my fellow Long-Ranged heroes, take the shot, NOW!" But how long can Jason be held down before he could break free from the hold. If not successful of Jason breaking free, Dennis hit him with a few shots to the gut & says "HURRY ! ! !"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore StaidFoal StaidFoal marc122 marc122 Laix_Lake Laix_Lake FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Riven Riven Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
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As Lilith tried to unlock the door so the old guy could safely escape Rex had the not so bright idea to punch the garage, causing the whole thing to collapse in on itself. Thankfully the old guy was okay and introduces himself as Fiddleford McGucket before spitting into his hand and offering a handshake, meanwhile Lilith would come out of the pile of wood and metal looking kind of peeved. "Need I remind you to never have an idea like that ever again."


thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Fiddleford McGucket)
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Rex)
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"I guess I can see that, but what the fuck!" He shined his light at the bizarre gingerbread man, groaning as Hiryu walked inside. "So, you know what's up with this camp?" He asks the gingerbread man as he looks around again, checking if he missed anything.

--Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

So it turns out that the man in the bush was none other than their doll comrade Chuckie, whos been sneaking around for some reason. It was then that Orbeck asked if she could launch an attack from one of the trees. serving as a form of distraction.

"Roger." Whisper nodded, soon glancing at the nearest tree in the area and Hovering her way onto its branches. concealing herself by the leaves.

  • "Um..." Megumin moved her bag a little further down her face. "...I wouldn't know what language it is, let alone if I can speak it." Her numeral theory still made sense to her, and she put the numbers together. "If they are numerals, then 'INRI' translates to '1981'. Maybe it's the year all these experiments started." She looked towards the laptop and the files, wondering if there was something in either of them she'd skipped the last time.

Mood: Focused, Helpful, Crafty
Tags: (Leo, GM)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Annnnd nothing, even if he typed the combinations down and gave it a little time to process, it really seemed like the panel wasn't reacting to anything else after the door of the cabin had been opened. Oh well, it had been worth a shot, the pyromancer hoped Megumin had more luck, --unable to realize the keypad was gone and he had sent her on a wild goose chase--, but given the lack of results, probably not. At least he had managed to get the Array more or less settled in the meanwhile.
With a notable of ideas and very simple-minded ways, this would have been as far as Sage went when it came to these kinds of puzzling situations. That is, until Leo had made a new suggestion, wondering if the inscription could be in another language.

"Oh!", he had blinked in complete surprise, "It could be? That's something I'd never have thought of, really...", and then, of course, the other asked if any of them were bilingual which, was always a complicated spot, "Weeell, teeeechnically?", he had glanced down at the incomplete Array, flipped over the page a bit and then reconsidered, "Wait, Bh̀-liwê (hiliwee) doesn't count, does it?", nope, it never does!

Knowing that he wouldn't be much help for that mystery, the Descendant had instead re-focused on drawing the Runes, the next and always last one being the untranslatable Magic catalyst 'Era-loo'. Differently than in the train, he did not leave the top blank, instead actually writing down the symbol safe for a final stroke. Like that, the effect was one curve short from being active.

"Okay, I've turned this thing into a safe light source for when we finally decide to explore.", Sage had announced with hints of pride. Safe because it demanded no forest fires, "Well unless, this world doesn't have the Concept of Sun...", spooky horror movie setting? Check, Night time? Check. Thinking again, "You know what? I'm taking no risks."

And thus he drew the exact same thing in the front again, except replacing the Sun Rune with Moon instead.

"There we go, softer moonlight variation as plan B~", then he pocketed both the paper and marker, watching Megumin do her thing in the bedroom which was... a huge mess for some reason. What the heck even happened here??
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The tiny Leprechaun replied by swiping at Benedict's gold bag with his claws, cutting it open. Smiling, he shook his finger and said, "Ah! But it's not me gold!" The Leprechaun soon disappeared once Benrey came charging at him, in yet another burst of green dust. He had rematerialized right behind Benrey, going in for a swipe at the back of his leg with his claw once again. It was then that Ben did his magical shout, which caused the Leprechaun creature to kneel over in pain, covering his ears with his disgusting gremlin hands. At Ben's proposal, the small creature looked back up, smiling wickedly. "Is it about where me gold is?" Then, he looked over at Agent 3 when she denied knowing about his gold. Smiling, showing his sharp teeth up at Agent 3, he said, "You know, it's awfully rude to lie to a Leprechaun!"

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Crow Crow BoltBeam BoltBeam

"Just outside of the camp," Tommy replied, arms crossed. "There'll be a small building to your left right as you exit passed the sign." The biker explained, before smirking in response to B.J.'s words. "Y'all got spirit, though. I like that."

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp StaidFoal StaidFoal P PopcornPie

Luigi seemed to beam a bit at Akari's words. "R-really? You-a really want to see m-m-me in action?" He asked, gesturing towards himself in disbelief. He couldn't help but smile a bit at the thought, though, despite his surprise.

quadraxis201 quadraxis201 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc

"Hey, I fuckin' found this spot first, tough guy!" Chucky growled in response as Orbeck basically told him to leave, thumbing towards his chest. "So why don't you make like a fuckin' car and vacate yourself!?" With that, Chucky grabbed the bushed and pulled them back together, shrouding himself in the shrubbery once more.

Meanwhile, the hockey-masked zombie took those punches to the face pretty well-- as in he really didn't even react to them at all! His head turned with each punch, to be sure, but lack of any sort of pain receptors really did wonders when it came to fights like this! Choking Jason with a tie wasn't really the best idea, either, since it's pretty debatable on whether or not he even has to breathe-- or if he even has lungs to begin with! So, as Dennis came in with an attempt to choke him, Jason would merely return with his own breath constricting attack, grabbing Dennis by the throat and lifting him into the air!

As he held the so-called superhero in the air, the machete wielding maniac brought up his machete in question, before attempting to shove it right through Dennis' chest, thereby aiming to impale him!

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64 marc122 marc122 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Riven Riven StaidFoal StaidFoal FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

As Shanoa and Sora further explored the lakeside, it would take them quite a while to find anything else of note. It took a bit of walking beside the relaxing, calm waters of Camp Crystal Lake, until eventually, Soma's foot bumped into something. If he were to look down to see what exactly that something was, he would find a bottle with a note inside of it!

Zamasu Zamasu

The Gingerdead Man, as he called himself, took a seat on the nearby couch and lit up a bong that he had sitting next to him. As the liquids inside of it began to bubble and he inhaled the fumes, he coughed as he blew out rings of smoke, contaminating the air with cookie-scented marijuana. "Shit's haunted, man..." He said through tear eyes and a constricted voice. "Some... Multiversal bullshit apparently..." He tilted the bong upwards towards Hiryu, offering him a hit.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Megumin would find that there was nothing else on the laptop of note. There was, however, Google and a working internet connection. Maybe she could try just searching it up? Assuming she even knew how to work a search engine, that is.

P PopcornPie Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun QizPizza QizPizza
Agent 3

Then, he looked over at Agent 3 when she denied knowing about his gold. Smiling, showing his sharp teeth up at Agent 3, he said, "You know, it's awfully rude to lie to a Leprechaun!"
"Lying? Pssh. If none of us ever knew you existed in the first place, how in the hell would we know where this gold of yours is?" She snapped bluntly, narrowing her glance to the Leprechaun - and with it, her patience narrowed down, too - something she was going to quickly run out of.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Scared/Serious​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: The Leprechaun!​
RP Information
Location: Camp Crystal Lake​
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: @SailboatExploringTeam​
Mr. Righteous

It seems as Dennis failed to hold down Jason, which was very obvious as Jason is no Ordinary human being. However, with Jason choking Dennis and attempting to slice him up, there is a sudden sound that makes an echo and it shouted "3 + 3!"

Dennis squints his eyes to see who was shouting out those numbers, but then when thought about that one man, only that one person who would most likely scream out a number like that, he thought to himself. "Finally...."

Before Jason could swing his machete to chop Dennis's head off, Dennis double kicks Jason off which makes him turn his body around for a shot to hit him & Dennis began to cough from loss of oxygen. "Damn, this zombie is no joke!"

Then all of a sudden, the Laser gun fires at the right time, drawing the number "6" as it's blasted because 3 + 3 = 6. When the blast draws the Number 6, it finally hits Jason........but is it enough.......?

Finally, Jason notices a man with a Scientist coat and a Laser beam gun, and that man of course was Kanon Marshall.

"Only person that'll be choking his partner to death is The Mathematician!" Kanon says as he lowers his weapon and starts looking at all of the heroes. "Did I do a good job guys? I hope I'm not too late to the party like I was uninvited 😁 Naaaaaahh I'm just saying."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore StaidFoal StaidFoal marc122 marc122 Laix_Lake Laix_Lake FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Riven Riven
His charge was interrupted when the Leprechaun when to swipe his leg, to which he couldn’t dodge properly and got sliced in the process. While the wound didn’t appear on the back of his leg, it still drew some blood and Benrey took some damage in his health pool. Good thing Ben stopped it for now, as Benrey got a bit away from the Leprechaun, before going into a neutral position with his spear.

Hopefully, the fighting would stop for now, as a small conversation started about where his gold is located, and it being a stubborn little guy, to which he understands...... kinda........?
“Look, we don’t know where your pot of gold is, we don’t even know how to find it..... unless it’s something related to St. Pat’s day and it’s at the end of a rainbow, to which I don’t see any rainbows out here. And look, I am sorry for trying to kill ya, it’s that my horror movie instincts were telling me to GTFO out of there, and if you want, I can do something for you in return for not killing us. As long as it’s within reason, I will do it....” as he hope that the Leprechaun would accept his offer, because he doesn’t want to kill someone over a really bad mistake and misunderstanding.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore BoltBeam BoltBeam Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Crow Crow

After his hammer throwing, it returned to his hand as he grasped it, preparing to return back into battle. Charging it a war cry that was even louder than his screaming earlier, he attacked with a large overhead swing with his hammer, trying to hit him from the head and take down this menace once and for all.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @ Jason fight
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
With Arthur having shot the tires out. It was still capable of driving towards them but not as well. Grabbing Luigi, she moved out of the way again before looking at the two women. “
The questions can wait until after the car is dealt with!

Jett then asked if she should shoot the left tires and she nodded. “
Just do it!” Hearing Thorne, she looked at her and nodded to her as well. Fortunately, the car crashed into a tree and died, ending their brief encounter. “Everyone fine?” Then Jett brought her question up again, making Blake look at her. “It was both bad and good. Lets get to the cabin and I can explain more there.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc , quadraxis201 quadraxis201

Nodding in response to Kassandra, she readied her sword only to see the man grab Yang’s leg and tried to slam her into the tree. “
Yang!” Before they could stop him, she went through the tree but came out… just fine, really. However, the others began to deal out more attacks and Corvo had unfortunately been the target of his next attack involving a tree branch. And before she could have a chance to help him, Weiss and Yang came in and helped stop it.

The others continued to attack before the man lifted one of their allies into the air and attempted to stab him in the chest. Fortunately, someone else saved him, making her Blink right behind him and deliver a flurry of slashes to his back before Blinking backwards in case he tried to go for her next.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , marc122 marc122 , StaidFoal StaidFoal , bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64
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Orbeck of Vinhiem
Status: trying to put a plan in motion.
Condition: Normal, drinking the Depresso.​
It was then that Orbeck asked if she could launch an attack from one of the trees. serving as a form of distraction.

"Roger." Whisper nodded, soon glancing at the nearest tree in the area and Hovering her way onto its branches. concealing herself by the leaves.

So it is decided. If Jason takes the bait, He and whisper will try to keep his attention on the two of them. It should suffice as a means to have everyone recuperate, and hopefully land a finishing blow to this Masked man. Still, he can't help but wonder some odd chance this Masked maniac is somehow going to defile the rules of his sorceries. With Bill it made sense, Lobo? Kind of? But it seems as if this is spreading throughout. Even his own allies are somehow able to do such, with Hiryu grabbing the various projectiles and so on. So to relieve himself of this...predicament he reminded himself of one property of most projectile-based sorceries he uses.

- Once the damage has been done, the projectile dissipates.

Maybe this was mostly on his end. Maybe he had uncovered some hidden way to more effectively use his sorceries during his love struck state. Who is to say that it couldn't be done?

Hey, I fuckin' found this spot first, tough guy!" Chucky growled in response as Orbeck basically told him to leave, thumbing towards his chest. "So why don't you make like a fuckin' car and vacate yourself!?" With that, Chucky grabbed the bushed and pulled them back together, shrouding himself in the shrubbery once more.

The loudmouth doll was what snapped him out of his pondering thoughts. He could care less about him at this he continues to sneak by as the fighting continues.

As he held the so-called superhero in the air, the machete wielding maniac brought up his machete in question, before attempting to shove it right through Dennis' chest, thereby aiming to impale him!

Now witnessing the incident at hand, Orbeck would once again cast hidden body on himself. He gets himself out of cover...

Then all of a sudden, the Laser gun fires at the right time, drawing the number "6" as it's blasted because 3 + 3 = 6. When the blast draws the Number 6, it finally hits Jason........but is it enough.......?

Finally, Jason notices a man with a Scientist coat and a Laser beam gun, and that man of course was Kanon Marshall.

"Only person that'll be choking his partner to death is The Mathematician!" Kanon says as he lowers his weapon and starts looking at all of the heroes. "Did I do a good job guys? I hope I'm not too late to the party like I was uninvited 😁 Naaaaaahh I'm just saying."

Before one of the newcomers shot some sort of...laser? By some man called the "Mathematician". He has seen things, but a man who is themed on a subject like math may as well be on the higher end on that list.
After his hammer throwing, it returned to his hand as he grasped it, preparing to return back into battle. Charging it a war cry that was even louder than his screaming earlier, he attacked with a large overhead swing with his hammer, trying to hit him from the head and take down this menace once and for all.
The others continued to attack before the man lifted one of their allies into the air and attempted to stab him in the chest. Fortunately, someone else saved him, making her Blink right behind him and deliver a flurry of slashes to his back before Blinking backwards in case he tried to go for her next.
Then came the Viking coming in with a war cry, and the witcheress. He holds off on his attack. To everyone else, it would have been impossible to tell that Orbeck was even here (Due to the Spell hidden body.).
Once Gretar and Ciri are able to finish off their attacks, he proceeded to cast a soul spear right at the Masked Murderer himself.


Once the spell was casted, Orbeck would once again become visible to everyone...Including Jason. Now will he take the bait? and Can Wisper even see what is going on from up above?

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64 marc122 marc122 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Riven Riven StaidFoal StaidFoal FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
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  • "Um...I've seen Mao Mao use a keyboard before." Megumin shakily assured herself, awkwardly adjusting the mouse. She continued to rotate it in her hand until it was in a "comfortable" upside-down position. "Right, there's a 'website' he was always showing me. It was called...Erm..."

    She pulled up YouTube.

    "Yep, this is the one! This website has everything we could want to look for!" She scooted the mouse up to YouTube's search bar and typed "INRI Wesker".
In his life, Jason had been stabbed, shot, punched, kicked, impaled, and even blown up by rockets at some point. But one thing he'd never had happen to him was being shot in the shoulder by a plasma laser. The laser, being... well, a laser, was more than enough to penetrate the rotten flesh and muscle that held Jason's upper appendage together, and with one fatal shot, his arm came flying off his body!


However, this was not enough to take the maniac down, for Gretar's follow up attack was merely met with Jason backhanding him away with his one good arm.

Before he could follow up, though, Ciri had went ahead and blinked behind him and delivered her series of slashes, which served as a good distraction as Jason quickly turned around after and tried to grab Ciri, only to fail. Then, since Orbeck was of course hidden, Jason had no way of even telling that a soul spell was coming his way until it was too late! The spell in question struck him head on, forcing him to stumble back and fall onto his behind. Slowly, Jason would stand back up, before hurling his machete right towards the now visible Orbeck!

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod marc122 marc122 Riven Riven FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla StaidFoal StaidFoal

The Leprechaun seemed to perk up a bit at Benrey's sudden offer, smiling devilishly. "Anything, you say...?" He asked in a curious tone.

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Crow Crow BoltBeam BoltBeam

The results just pulled up a bunch of videos in Spanish and some video of a monkey in sunglasses dancing.

P PopcornPie Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun QizPizza QizPizza

Tommy quirked a brow a bit as Lucky tried to tunnel into the ground, peering into it. Lucky would have found no issue with tunneling down into the dirt, however after a bit of tunneling forward, he would have hit what was essentially bedrock but in wall form! He could try to rip it apart with all of his might, but it would all be for naught.

"Yeah... probably should'a mentioned that we already tried tunneling down there, until we hit that there wall. Sorry 'bout that!" Tommy replied.

P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp StaidFoal StaidFoal
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  • Megumin folded her arms, smirking proudly. She had this case wrapped up, thanks, Mao Mao!

    She was prepared to embrace the new information with open arms, but...most of the results were in that ineligible language Rex sometimes spoke, and one was just a monkey. This...was not good. YouTube was Mao Mao's most trusted site, it never failed him before! It always knew what he wanted to watch!

    "Oh, no...guys, YouTube is broken! Or maybe Wesker tampered with all the results regarding his projects!" Megumin hyperventilated. "Either way, damn you, Wesker!"
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Lealan stretches her legs as she double check the map on her communicator, for the route she is going to take. "Welp, if that's not an option, then let's just bolt! Shouldn't take too long with my Tech and you're new muscles!" Lealan shifts to her Synthesizer armor, the black and purple gear would not only help to hide her in the forest, but also augment her strength, defense, and energy, and absorb massive amounts of damage for the Floran. "I'll run ahead, you call the other and tell them what's up!" Lealan Dashes in a blur of blue, speeding out to the generator.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
After hearing the familiar cocking of a rocket launcher from the depths of the cave, Jason (who had been restocking on ammo in the corner until now) suddenly ran over to the hole, standing where Lucky could see him. He pushed his arms outwards and frantically waved his hands.


"JESUS CHRIST LUCKY, STOP! YOU'LL BLOW THIS WHOLE PLACE UP!!" Jason frantically shouted towards the buffed up rabbit.

Meanwhile, as Lealan sped off towards the generator, she actually went mostly unnoticed!

Keyword there, of course, being mostly. Because as she finally reached the gates to Camp Crystal Lake, and the generator was a mere few feet away, she suddenly bumped into someone, right into their chest.


The man, who was speechless as well as practically emotionless under his white mask, wasted no time in brandishing a long, shar knife, and trying to stab Lealan right through the back!

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp P PopcornPie StaidFoal StaidFoal
The tiny Leprechaun replied by swiping at Benedict's gold bag with his claws, cutting it open. Smiling, he shook his finger and said, "Ah! But it's not me gold!" The Leprechaun soon disappeared once Benrey came charging at him, in yet another burst of green dust. He had rematerialized right behind Benrey, going in for a swipe at the back of his leg with his claw once again. It was then that Ben did his magical shout, which caused the Leprechaun creature to kneel over in pain, covering his ears with his disgusting gremlin hands. At Ben's proposal, the small creature looked back up, smiling wickedly. "Is it about where me gold is?" Then, he looked over at Agent 3 when she denied knowing about his gold. Smiling, showing his sharp teeth up at Agent 3, he said, "You know, it's awfully rude to lie to a Leprechaun!"

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Crow Crow BoltBeam BoltBeam

"Looks like you're listening," Ben grins, "and willing to negotiate. Hmmm... seems you don't trust my friend here when she says she doesn't know about your gold, so you're bound to not believe me at some parts. Why not I turn into a fairy? Fairies don't lie, right? That way, you'll know that all the words I speak from my mouth have truth in them."

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Crow Crow BoltBeam BoltBeam thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Mood: Thoughtful, Helpful, Knowledgeable
Tags: (Leo, GM)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Having followed Megumin out of the secret panel-opened room, Sage had entered the bedroom for the very first time and, come to find a huge mess! It seemed to have already been ramsacked by the others on every corner, but also, it looked like a battle had occured in there too... Even the sheets were ripped! Yiikes, what kind of things had he missed by sticking to the living room all the time? And were the others unharmed from this?

Two little boxes sat on the ground with some tubes of colored liquid inside them, judging by the space, there used to be a lot more. The tubes scattered on the ground, --some intact, others broken--, and over the table suggested that people had been actually drinking these... For what reason? Maybe he'd never know! But it all just sounded awfully dangerous and by the mess that was left behind, he was probably right. One of the closets had been absolutely charred and it was, interesting that it hadn't been him to do it this time, except the sight of what was against the wall near the bed, had almost caused a second fire. With a 'yelp!' the pyromancer had flinched back and instantly averted his gaze, then taken a deep breath and very cautiously and slowly looked at the thing again. He was absolutely uncomfortable and a bit spooked by what seemed to have once been a rat, and uhhh... also have exploded somehow??

Worried over what kind of thing could have possibly brutally murdered this rodent like that, the young man had taken a step back, and taking a deep breath, raised up the Sign of the Soul to pay respects. That poor animal. He'd have stayed and done things even more proper but... to be honest, the scene was making him nauseous. If it wasn't for the concern with catching the cabin itself on fire, he'd have burned the corpse as was Phoenix Clan tradition to do. Turning around and hoping to get away from that, because let us be honest here Sage was absolutely weak for this kind of stuff, he'd be met with the archmage on a laptop and behind her a weirdly familiar website layout.

Megumin had found a laptop but... she didn't seem to know how to use it properly. For a moment he thought of Hershel, who was also from a fantasy and less modern world, wondering if that'd be the sight he should be expecting whenever he had to teach the other to use technology. Ooookay, we're playing informatics instructor now.

"Oh, Missy... You're uhhh checking in the wrong place... Of course, the results will be weird.", he sighed and gestured towards the mouse asking to take control over it, once she did let him take the object, he'd proceed to correct its positioning on top of the mouse pad, "Okay so, what you have here is a video platform. Sometimes you could get lucky and find actual educational videos but, it's... mostly for entertainment. They're mostly to spent your time with instead of being helpful."

The pyromancer brought the mouse pointer to whichever icon suggested a home screen, --a little house, conjunct of squares, the planet...-- and clicked it, hoping to find either a search page already or a bar for such attached to the most viewed, or favorites. The ideas were the same, but different browsers had different operating ways so it was always a bit tricky to use a computer one was not super familiar with. Eventually, he did find himself back on the google home page.

"Here, this is where you search stuff to learn more about them, and you'll also want to be very specific and straight with your searches. The machine doesn't like ambiguity. The same way you or me get confused, it kinda does too, trying to look for many similar concepts at once.", he clicked on the empty search bar to start typing, but a new idea then crossed his mind, "Oh, I know!", Sage scavenged his jacket's pocket and pulled out his communicator, offering it to her, "While I manage this, could you contact the others and ask them what they know about 'INRI'? The more information we have the better, right?"

With a little smile and a nod to Megumin, as if to say he was counting on her, the Descendant shifted his attention back to the laptop screen, typing down 'INRI+Encyclopedia+Definition' as a college student would have been taught to do and hitting enter to check the results.
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After her and Gretar’s attacks, Orbeck made his move which did affect the man momentarily, making him fall on his ass. He then had gotten back up and threw his weapon at Orbeck, which prompted her to Blink in front of Orbeck and slash in midair, deflecting the weapon and knocking it to the side. With that, she ran at the man and attempted to deliver two diagonal slices at his chest, one on the left and one on the right and then Blinked behind him, going to take out the back of his legs next with one semi-medium slash.

Again, in case he tried to grab her, she’d move out of the way, going backwards. But in case that didn’t work, she used Blink for good measure.

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch
Benedict would immediately put the bag of gold away as now everyone was dealing with the leprechaun, ah, a great move, threaten death so that others can make deals with you.....this was one smart gremlin hobo man.
Ah! I’ll give you....this shoe.
He would say as he suddenly pulled out a rather large golden shoe, that’s nice.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
BoltBeam BoltBeam
Crow Crow
After speaking out his offer, the Leprechaun looked at him and said anything, to which Benrey responded with “Anything within reason or is not too bad.... like cleaning your shoes, helping ya find your gold, making a new house for you... anything that it’s within my ability....” he said, waiting for an response by the little guy.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch BoltBeam BoltBeam Crow Crow

He was backhanded when trying to hit Jason, to which he kinda understood, but at least he didn’t continue to go after him..... but instead of someone else instead. He growled as he quickly got back up, seeing Jason going after Oobleck, to which he quickly got up and charged the man from behind, trying to swing his hammer onto his back, expecting not a lot to be done, but all least make him focus on the tank of the team instead of the weaker ones.
Laix_Lake Laix_Lake thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"Oh hi!" Lealan says as she bounces off a new person. She shifts to her spiked sphere, her smaller form rolling away from the new masked man and avoiding his knife swipe. She pops back to a standing position, Neo Magnum-ZZZ and Dragon Head Pistol pointed for the mans chest. "I speak for the Trees, they say GET FUCKED!" She opens fire, pouring rapid shots of Red Fire and Purple Plasma to his chest while backing up.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

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