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Fandom Superheros and Villains

She shook off the feeling continuing to the grave yard. "Hmm so far these tasks are related to the mystery in Tyson's note book..well except for the first one"
The mysterious figure continues to follow her. It keeps its distance while reaching for something in its coat pocket.
"Eesh. Breakups are hard, aren't they?" She smarted awkwardly, thinking of the a**hole in the green suit and bowler hat, always grinning and second-guessing and laughing like maniac. "But it's always something you can move past, even if you have to move away. Just think of the good rather than the bad, right?" Every cloud..." she trailed off glancing at the pollution-clouded sky. "I can't really see any sparkles up there tonight."
"Move away would be the last option for me..." She said. "Edgewood is special, it's full of chaos but I met some great people here". She looked up at the sky. "The stars will come out soon."
"Move away would be the last option for me..." She said. "Edgewood is special, it's full of chaos but I met some great people here". She looked up at the sky. "The stars will come out soon."
"I sure hope so. The stars aren't as clear in the city. Me and my brother used to go out of town without telling mum just to watch the stars through the night. She caught him sneaking out once and gave him a proper shaking down, he didn't tell her about me, not once."

Absentmindedly kicking a stone out of her path, she stuck a finger out towards Maddy's tail, causing the butterfly to sit on her head, rifling her hair. "Honestly, this damn thing doesn't listen anymore."
"I sure hope so. The stars aren't as clear in the city. Me and my brother used to go out of town without telling mum just to watch the stars through the night. She caught him sneaking out once and gave him a proper shaking down, he didn't tell her about me, not once."

Absentmindedly kicking a stone out of her path, she stuck a finger out towards Maddy's tail, causing the butterfly to sit on her head, rifling her hair. "Honestly, this damn thing doesn't listen anymore."
"That's nice. " Maddy said and turned to look at her and the butterfly. "So is that your pet?"
"That's nice. " Maddy said and turned to look at her and the butterfly. "So is that your pet?"

Allison looked at the ground for a moment, mulling over the question. "I suppose so. We've been together for a while, it's a bit like an extension of myself." she laughed slightly at her own anonymity. Her shoulders shifted whilst she stuffed her hands into her pocket, to protect her fingers from the ever-sgarpening cold. "Shouldve brought gloves..." she mumbled whilst her hand bumped into her phone awkwardly.
Hunter picked up the note and read it.
The third light on her bracelet comes on and it detaches itself before harmlessly falling to the ground. The note says 'here lies Gerald McFadden' with a picture of the game master under it. As she's reading, the figure tosses out a capsule that releases a large cloud of sleeping gas.
Allison looked at the ground for a moment, mulling over the question. "I suppose so. We've been together for a while, it's a bit like an extension of myself." she laughed slightly at her own anonymity. Her shoulders shifted whilst she stuffed her hands into her pocket, to protect her fingers from the ever-sgarpening cold. "Shouldve brought gloves..." she mumbled whilst her hand bumped into her phone awkwardly.
"Ah ok." She nods, she ran her hand through her blonde hair.
"Ah ok." She nods, she ran her hand through her blonde hair.
"Excuse me for prying but..." she looked back down to the puffy tail, one that her creature had proven to be completely natural. "What's with the, um, extra limb?" She tried to keep her face even, in spite of her having extra limbs of her own.
The third light on her bracelet comes on and it detaches itself before harmlessly falling to the ground. The note says 'here lies Gerald McFadden' with a picture of the game master under it. As she's reading, the figure tosses out a capsule that releases a large cloud of sleeping gas.
"It's off." She said seeing it fall. She saw the picture. "I had a feeling it was him." She noticed the gas come out of the capsule. "What the.." her eyes got heavy and she knew what the gas was. "Got to..stay awake.." she takes out her phone before dropping it as she falls to the ground.
"Excuse me for prying but..." she looked back down to the puffy tail, one that her creature had proven to be completely natural. "What's with the, um, extra limb?" She tried to keep her face even, in spite of her having extra limbs of her own.
"Oh well.. I'm a werewolf." She said honestly. "I got attacked by a werewolf at my work and he turned me into one. I hated it at first but now it's just a part of who I am. "
She stilled her movements for a moment before resuming her walking. "Out of all the things... I've seen scarecrows and fireflies and even a woman that can grow plants with her hands, but never a werewolf."

Allison stopped her staring and looked at the towering buildings to their either side. "Suppose that proves anything is possible."
She stilled her movements for a moment before resuming her walking. "Out of all the things... I've seen scarecrows and fireflies and even a woman that can grow plants with her hands, but never a werewolf."

Allison stopped her staring and looked at the towering buildings to their either side. "Suppose that proves anything is possible."
"Yeah..just wait there's a vampire in this city too. Oh and skeletons and aliens And a cyborg. This place is wierd but it's home. Do you want to see my werewolf form?" She asked.
"It's off." She said seeing it fall. She saw the picture. "I had a feeling it was him." She noticed the gas come out of the capsule. "What the.." her eyes got heavy and she knew what the gas was. "Got to..stay awake.." she takes out her phone before dropping it as she falls to the ground.
When she wakes up, she's in the VIP area of the buffet club. However, this room is different as it resembles more of a holding cell in a dungeon, just elegantly designed. Outside the cell is the game master looking at her. "Congratulations. You have successfully conquered all three tasks. I was right to add you to my game."
When she wakes up, she's in the VIP area of the buffet club. However, this room is different as it resembles more of a holding cell in a dungeon, just elegantly designed. Outside the cell is the game master looking at her. "Congratulations. You have successfully conquered all three tasks. I was right to add you to my game."
Hunter wakes up and franticly looks for her weapons, her bow and arrows and the knife she keeps on her. "Let me out!"
"Yeah..just wait there's a vampire in this city too. Oh and skeletons and aliens And a cyborg. This place is wierd but it's home. Do you want to see my werewolf form?" She asked.

She laughed at the abruptness of the request. "Sure. I've never seen anyone so willing to do something like that. This is a city full of merry old freaks."

Alice blanched when she realised how offensive that could potentially sound, and raised a hand to her face in slight embarrassment, despite the numbing cold. "In a good way, I mean."
She laughed at the abruptness of the request. "Sure. I've never seen anyone so willing to do something like that. This is a city full of merry old freaks."

Alice blanched when she realised how offensive that could potentially sound, and raised a hand to her face in slight embarrassment, despite the numbing cold. "In a good way, I mean."
Maddy shrugs. "It's ok. " She smiled. She stopped walking and started her transformation, turning into a large grey wolf.
Maddy shrugs. "It's ok. " She smiled. She stopped walking and started her transformation, turning into a large grey wolf.

Her eyes suddenly widened at the paranormal experience and, forgetting herself, reached down to touch the wolf tentatively on the pointed ear. It shouldn't surprise her that there were creatures like these in the world, yet the possibility that Strange wasn't the first to meddle in these affairs never crossed her mind.

"Fascinating..." she murmured, before retracting her hand like she touched burning iron. "S-Sorry. I've just nev-- um, it's been a long time since I've seen anything other than normal."
Hunter wakes up and franticly looks for her weapons, her bow and arrows and the knife she keeps on her. "Let me out!"
She would notice that her weapons had been taken while she was unconscious. Gerald laughs. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't do that. You know the truth about me. Maybe not the whole truth, but more than I can risk getting out."
She would notice that her weapons had been taken while she was unconscious. Gerald laughs. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't do that. You know the truth about me. Maybe not the whole truth, but more than I can risk getting out."
"I'll get out of here and I'm going to beat you to a pulp." She said going to the door of the cell and trying to ran into it to force it to open.

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