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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Good to know. Take care, Maddy!" Tyson says as he waves and then he retrieves his notebook and looks through it. He writes a few things and it looks like he is close to piecing something together.

There were a few people jogging nearby, but they were tending to their own business. Julian rolls down the window. "Need help with something?"
Maddy nods walking away.

"Yes I was heading to an archery competition and I set my bag down to tie my shoe and a guy grabbed my bag and just ran off. " she said trying to get him out of the car.
Maddy nods walking away.

"Yes I was heading to an archery competition and I set my bag down to tie my shoe and a guy grabbed my bag and just ran off. " she said trying to get him out of the car.
There's a folder in the passenger seat of his police car. Julian gets out of the car and pulls out his gun. "Which way did he go?"
"Fucking royalty." He said as he went through the portal. They all showed up in a run down shack with beds in the corners. There was some crates in the middle. On one end of the shack was a bathroom. "Ah... home sweet home." Makoto said "For the week." It was already night. Everyone except for Willy immediately started to get ready for bed. Sae walked off to the bathroom.

"Come Cerberus" Eclipse replied as her and her dog walked out the front door into the night
"Outside!" She shouted
He quickly ran up to her and covered her mouth before whispering "You fool. We are not supposed to be seen or heard. Our existence in Africa is not recorded in any sort of documents as is. If any of us go out that door without a disguise... wait." He removed his hand from her mouth "You... You can safely go out. But if anyone asks, you live in this shack alone. Is that understood?"
He quickly ran up to her and covered her mouth before whispering "You fool. We are not supposed to be seen or heard. Our existence in Africa is not recorded in any sort of documents as is. If any of us go out that door without a disguise... wait." He removed his hand from her mouth "You... You can safely go out. But if anyone asks, you live in this shack alone. Is that understood?"

She glared at him,before dropping her human Appearence and grabbing his arm, forcing it away from her mouth "dont touch me"
She glared at him,before dropping her human Appearence and grabbing his arm, forcing it away from her mouth "dont touch me"
"I will stop touching you when you don't risk our lives. This is a job. Treat it like one." He said

(Boy you really are ruining ANY chances of him liking Eclipse.)
"I will stop touching you when you don't risk our lives. This is a job. Treat it like one." He said

(Boy you really are ruining ANY chances of him liking Eclipse.)

(Well he did start it, lol, but give it time, I intend for them to end up together, the end of her story arc kind of depend on it)
(Well he did start it, lol, but give it time, I intend for them to end up together, the end of her story arc kind of depend on it)
The front door opened "What is going on in here?" A man said with a thick African accent "You are supposed to be quiet." Makoto sighed.
"That way." She pointed in a random direction. She saw the folder. She would look at it when she was done.
He rolls up the window and closes the door. He looks up and down at Hunter and smirks. "Alright. Stay here, pretty lady. I'll get your stuff back." He starts running in the direction she pointed in.
The front door opened "What is going on in here?" A man said with a thick African accent "You are supposed to be quiet." Makoto sighed.

Cerberus took on its 3 headed demon dog appearence and eclipse hopped on and they went for a walk
Cerberus took on its 3 headed demon dog appearence and eclipse hopped on and they went for a walk
It was 3 am. Most of the town was asleep. It was fairly run down. Suddenly a very feminine looking priest appeared from a corner "What in the name of all that is holy... are you?" He asked.
It was 3 am. Most of the town was asleep. It was fairly run down. Suddenly a very feminine looking priest appeared from a corner "What in the name of all that is holy... are you?" He asked.

The priest was temporarily blinded and all she saw was Eclipse and Cerberus in their normal forms "I'm terribly sorry, Cerberus and I or just out on a nightly walk, to clear our heads, I just got off the phone with my best friend, we had a bit of a fight" she lied very convincingly
The priest was temporarily blinded and all she saw was Eclipse and Cerberus in their normal forms "I'm terribly sorry, Cerberus and I or just out on a nightly walk, to clear our heads, I just got off the phone with my best friend, we had a bit of a fight" she lied very convincingly
"Well then... how about a blessing from me to you?" The priest said with a smile as he pulled out some holy water
"Well then... how about a blessing from me to you?" The priest said with a smile as he pulled out some holy water

Eclipse took his hand and patted it "no sir, please let me give you my blessing" she smiled heartfeltly, not wanting to hurt the priest
Eclipse took his hand and patted it "no sir, please let me give you my blessing" she smiled heartfeltly, not wanting to hurt the priest
"I see lying is a custom among demons." The priest said "My name is Paul... I am wondering, why is there a demon here in Tanzania? And no... your disguise does not fool me."
She went to the car and opened the door to get the folder.
Inside the folder were files on an unsolved case that matched the mystery Tyson had solved in his notebook except it had more details. It was about a series of killings that were seemingly unrelated except for that they were all looking for information on a man named Gerald McFadden. The strangest thing about the case is that despite Gerald having reportedly died in prison two years ago, the killings continue every time someone tried to look into the case.
"I see lying is a custom among demons." The priest said "My name is Paul... I am wondering, why is there a demon here in Tanzania? And no... your disguise does not fool me."

She chuckled "alright priest you caught me, but I am just out here clearong my mind" she replied truthfully

Dragunov Dragunov
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Inside the folder were files on an unsolved case that matched the mystery Tyson had solved in his notebook except it had more details. It was about a series of killings that were seemingly unrelated except for that they were all looking for information on a man named Gerald McFadden. The strangest thing about the case is that despite Gerald having reportedly died in prison two years ago, the killings continue every time someone tried to look into the case.
"Hmm" she said looking in the folder. She goes to the body and grabs it so she can take it to the game master.
"Hmm" she said looking in the folder. She goes to the body and grabs it so she can take it to the game master.
Luckily for Hunter, the joggers were long gone when she killed Julian, so no one witnessed the murder. The game master awaits her at the hidden club under the buffet.

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