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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Gerald smirks as he watches her cry. Then, he takes a step back. "Welp, time to send your boyfriend kill your brother and see if he'll actually do it. No matter which one dies, I'll kill the other. Have fun in your new home." He turns to leave.
Hunter frowned. She was still full of anger. She didn't know what to do. She sat down on the ground putting her head to her knees. She started to cry.
Jace appeared in front of Gerald glaring. "Okay. That's just wrong."
Gerald smirks as he watches her cry. Then, he takes a step back. "Welp, time to send your boyfriend kill your brother and see if he'll actually do it. No matter which one dies, I'll kill the other. Have fun in your new home." He turns to leave.
"No..please dont." She said
Jace appeared in front of Gerald glaring. "Okay. That's just wrong."
"No..please dont." She said
Ben looked around. "You were expecting me?" He asked.

Jace looked at her. "It'll be okay."
Gerald looks back at Hunter. "Hm? Did you say something? I couldn't hear you over the sound of this uninvited guest entering." He looks back at Jace. "You butting in again...THAT is what's 'just wrong'. Or maybe you had a request to put some words on Tyson's grave as well."
Gerald looks back at Hunter. "Hm? Did you say something? I couldn't hear you over the sound of this uninvited guest entering." He looks back at Jace. "You butting in again...THAT is what's 'just wrong'. Or maybe you had a request to put some words on Tyson's grave as well."
"Yeah. How about "Someone else died in his place." He said.
Jace appeared in front of Gerald glaring. "Okay. That's just wrong."
Gerald looks back at Hunter. "Hm? Did you say something? I couldn't hear you over the sound of this uninvited guest entering." He looks back at Jace. "You butting in again...THAT is what's 'just wrong'. Or maybe you had a request to put some words on Tyson's grave as well."
Hunter quickly wiped away her tears. "Jace why are you here?" She stood up
"Yeah. How about "Someone else died in his place." He said.
Hunter quickly wiped away her tears. "Jace why are you here?" She stood up
"well for one Tyson is my student. Second." He looked back at her with a smile. "Helping is what friends do."
"Yes, Jace. Why are you here? Can't you see I'm having a nice conversation with my apprentice?" Gerald asks. "As for your student, he's about to be expelled from existence."
"Yes, Jace. Why are you here? Can't you see I'm having a nice conversation with my apprentice?" Gerald asks. "As for your student, he's about to be expelled from existence."
"No he's not." Jace said. "I will stop this." He said. He pulled out a scroll. "I have a one time use spell. Designed to change the rules of any game." He said. (I'm gonna turn him into Tyson's target)
"No he's not." Jace said. "I will stop this." He said. He pulled out a scroll. "I have a one time use spell. Designed to change the rules of any game." He said. (I'm gonna turn him into Tyson's target)
Hunter was surprised to hear him call her that. "I am not your apprentice Gerald."
"Sure you are! You just haven't accepted it yet, but you will." Gerald said before focusing his attention on Jace. "Go ahead. It won't help as much as you think, and while you're at it, fetch yourself some popcorn so you can enjoy watching me psychologically dismantle this girl."
(You'd be wasting your time as Tyson has already won the game due to his third task requiring him to make sure Hunter finished her tasks, which she did right before she was captured. Technically, neither of them are in his game right now and his threat about changing Tyson's final task is a bluff. The only difference between them is that Tyson hasn't received his reward for winning yet.)
"Sure you are! You just haven't accepted it yet, but you will." Gerald said before focusing his attention on Jace. "Go ahead. It won't help as much as you think, and while you're at it, fetch yourself some popcorn so you can enjoy watching me psychologically dismantle this girl."
(You'd be wasting your time as Tyson has already won the game due to his third task requiring him to make sure Hunter finished her tasks, which she did right before she was captured. Technically, neither of them are in his game right now and his threat about changing Tyson's final task is a bluff. The only difference between them is that Tyson hasn't received his reward for winning yet.)
Jace glared at him. "I will protect both of them." He said. "I'll destroy you here and now if I have to." He said.
"Sure you are! You just haven't accepted it yet, but you will." Gerald said before focusing his attention on Jace. "Go ahead. It won't help as much as you think, and while you're at it, fetch yourself some popcorn so you can enjoy watching me psychologically dismantle this girl."
(You'd be wasting your time as Tyson has already won the game due to his third task requiring him to make sure Hunter finished her tasks, which she did right before she was captured. Technically, neither of them are in his game right now and his threat about changing Tyson's final task is a bluff. The only difference between them is that Tyson hasn't received his reward for winning yet.)
Hunter grabbed another cup that was in her cell and tossed it at Gerald.
Jace glared at him. "I will protect both of them." He said. "I'll destroy you here and now if I have to." He said.
Hunter grabbed another cup that was in her cell and tossed it at Gerald.
The cup bounces off of his face and he glares at Hunter. "You really need to stop doing that. That's bad table manners." He then watches the portal be made and doesn't even care to try and stop it. He just looks at Jace. "Portals are also bad table manners! Put it away this instant!"
The cup bounces off of his face and he glares at Hunter. "You really need to stop doing that. That's bad table manners." He then watches the portal be made and doesn't even care to try and stop it. He just looks at Jace. "Portals are also bad table manners! Put it away this instant!"
"Sorry guess I never learned to be polite to psychos." He said casting a lightning bolt spell on Gerald.
"First off. Get out of here." Jace created a magic portal.
(You know I kind of want Hunter to be Gerald's apprentice she is just too stubborn to say yes right away. She will once she is gives up)
The cup bounces off of his face and he glares at Hunter. "You really need to stop doing that. That's bad table manners." He then watches the portal be made and doesn't even care to try and stop it. He just looks at Jace. "Portals are also bad table manners! Put it away this instant!"
(Lol bad table manners) "well maybe I don't have good manners." Hunter said. She saw the portal. "Jace please tell me this will let me out of this cell so I can kill my so called master?" She said glaring at Gerald. Gerald heard a whisper from the shadows. "Need some assistance?" Nyx asked. She just wanted to help cause chaos.
(You know I kind of want Hunter to be Gerald's apprentice she is just too stubborn to say yes right away. She will once she is gives up)

(Lol bad table manners) "well maybe I don't have good manners." Hunter said. She saw the portal. "Jace please tell me this will let me out of this cell so I can kill my so called master?" She said glaring at Gerald. Gerald heard a whisper from the shadows. "Need some assistance?" Nyx asked. She just wanted to help cause chaos.
"No it will send you home." He said. "Go find Tyson." (Sorry? For butting in?)
Fate just smiled watching.
Azmuth walked up to them. "I see you handed off my creation to someone else." He said. He looked at Ben's wrist. "You created your own version. Let me see." He jumped up and inspected It. "Ultimate feature. And a DNA feature. Overkill but the overall design works." He said. "Well I can't stop you from building your own at this point. Nor can I stop you from giving away the old one."
(It's ok no worries. I liked that he wanted to help.) "Yeah but I kind of want to kill him. He really is pissing me off."
"Hunter prioritize. Tyson's more important." He said. "Besides as good as you are if you try to get in this fight." He sighed. "You'll just be in my way." He glanced over at the shadows. "I know your there." He said. "Between you and Shadow demons you have a lot to learn about hiding. You're good but I've seen better."
"Sorry guess I never learned to be polite to psychos." He said casting a lightning bolt spell on Gerald.
(You know I kind of want Hunter to be Gerald's apprentice she is just too stubborn to say yes right away. She will once she is gives up)

(Lol bad table manners) "well maybe I don't have good manners." Hunter said. She saw the portal. "Jace please tell me this will let me out of this cell so I can kill my so called master?" She said glaring at Gerald. Gerald heard a whisper from the shadows. "Need some assistance?" Nyx asked. She just wanted to help cause chaos.
(Worry not lol I've factored Jace's arrival into Gerald's antics and adjusted accordingly. He has a plan b)
Gerald laughs. "Master eh? I like the sound of that. Master Gerald...Game Master Gerald...I honestly don't know which one I like more. Either way, it appears you have bested me this day thanks to your friend here. You are free to go." Meanwhile, he says 'bring me her brother' in sign language to Nyx behind his back.

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