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Realistic or Modern Get Out Alive OOC (Closed)

Maybe upperclassmen can have the white blazers with navy trim, although I feel that'll be too much white. I say this as if I'm actually gonna make and wear these lmao. But yeah, if you guys want that, that works.

And speaking of characters, I should put up my CS. I do wanna wait a bit though to see if any more folks are interested.
Dang bro that's what's up tho, loosing weight :'3 I gotta start a diet too. Lately I've just been gaming and chilling with my family I got some new glasses today and they're clean but I do like my old pair too. These ones are pink and less round but their nice :3
Just curious, would it be possible for little hamster to be kidnapped alongside a character if it stays unnoticed? Just a thought?🤔
Maybe upperclassmen can have the white blazers with navy trim, although I feel that'll be too much white. I say this as if I'm actually gonna make and wear these lmao. But yeah, if you guys want that, that works.

And speaking of characters, I should put up my CS. I do wanna wait a bit though to see if any more folks are interested.
Maybe a navy blue button-up shirt, to even out the whites?
Kana.M. Kana.M. Button up and button down are synonymous lol. I personally feel that navy blue may be too dark for a shirt, but hey, if that's what y'all want, go for it! We can have that be the upperclassmen option.
Kana.M. Kana.M. OHHHHH, that’s why you seemed so familiar. I almost tacked you down for someone else, but you were my boss in the gang RP! Vermillion gang for the win!
Me like always: Do I make my character a 200% fuckboy or doting "practically engaged" pre-existing relationship

I can never do things halfway

Either way Santiago is gonna be fun to play

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