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Fantasy Game of Thrones: House Harper a tale of fate

I can respect that, though dead jaguar makes me sad. I actually knew a guy who was an expert with the atlatl.
That's pretty cool actually. In real life I went with a sling though because it is easier to make than an Atlatl
Bows are cool. That's why I like the Ranger's Apprentice series. At least until Royal Ranger. I like to think Roderick taught him some underhanded tricks, lol.
Bows are cool. That's why I like the Ranger's Apprentice series. At least until Royal Ranger. I like to think Roderick taught him some underhanded tricks, lol.
Look, it's better to pepper your opponent with arrows from a distance than bet up close and personal.

Your Dad also likes Archery because it means we won't have as many widows back home.
Exactly. I gotta say, the old man's smart as hell.
Of course Lord Harper is smart. He promoted on merit. If the Stark's motto is Winter is Coming, Roderick's is War is Coming. This is Westeros, after all.
Rylen might actually make a great military tactician some day, mainly because his focus is on ending the fight as soon as possible, and less on getting glory. So expect some underhanded shit.
The Jousts are tomorrow in the roleplay, not today. We can have the archery contests today, which Arren will participate as well.

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