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Realistic or Modern School of Power | Out-of-Character

Deadwood Deer Deadwood Deer

This character is a tough one. The quantum shuffling is hard to pin down and quantify in terms of power. Even if the shuffling is "random," once she has the ability to control the shuffling, it is rather powerful.

As for the cat physiology and powers, I do understand the point of the power is that she is the embodiment of Schrödinger's Cat, but I feel that part of the power is too divorced from the quantum shuffling to work together. I think it may be best to say Edwina can only have one or the other. She could always still embody cats in terms of personality and (non-superpowered) physical traits.
Deadwood Deer Deadwood Deer

This character is a tough one. The quantum shuffling is hard to pin down and quantify in terms of power. Even if the shuffling is "random," once she has the ability to control the shuffling, it is rather powerful.

As for the cat physiology and powers, I do understand the point of the power is that she is the embodiment of Schrödinger's Cat, but I feel that part of the power is too divorced from the quantum shuffling to work together. I think it may be best to say Edwina can only have one or the other. She could always still embody cats in terms of personality and (non-superpowered) physical traits.
Figured I'd get that response, just wanted to see what the response would be
Alright, jokes aside, I'm gonna be serious this time, with Edwina I just wanted to see how you'd react, making sure you were paying attention
Waiting on the other person to reply for Sophie i guess, Vetr is likely done for the day unless something else pops up and ready for a skip.
True, and have whatever conversation there be a flashback if needed. Since waiting on GM now for next day i think?
Been meaning to post the past week. Guess I should post within the next 12 hours of the day so as to not begin my next delay.
i am not alright i've been DEAD

As Zenterfold said a while ago, work has been killing me with everything going on lately, on top of schoolwork, but hopefully I'll be more free to stick around next week when hopefully the semester is over!
Thats fine, made a quick post for Vetr since no idea which to go for, Mall or Lunchroom so thought id wait to see what others were up for. Ill hold off Sophie for now until more posts.
i am not alright i've been DEAD

As Zenterfold said a while ago, work has been killing me with everything going on lately, on top of schoolwork, but hopefully I'll be more free to stick around next week when hopefully the semester is over!
That sucks! Hope your situation improves!

Btw, is it Ayako's power that turns her eyes red or is that just her body's indicator that it's on?
That sucks! Hope your situation improves!

Btw, is it Ayako's power that turns her eyes red or is that just her body's indicator that it's on?
A bit of both I suppose? But moreso the first one

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