• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
The bartender eyed the pair as they had their sudden staredown with a dull frown, because this particular patron getting into it with that particular patron was quite literally the last thing she needed, especially today. Her eyes flickered to the door, just waiting for their recent visitor to make their way inside again, but it seemed they were taking their sweet damn time this morning. Just like the bosses in the back were.

Tyrian rolled his eyes upon noticing the bartender. She'd served him up drinks and damn good ones at that. But her prices for information were just outrageous! He'd be better off just going back to beating up anybody who may have known the whos and whats about the Shadow Fang's business here. "Morning to you too..." He grumbled.

"I apologize Mr. Beige, what was your question again? Gifts for a lady friend? I s'ppose it depends on the girl sir. Some like boquets, some like bullets. I'd be happy to lend some advice if you could tell me bit more 'bout what she's like."

"Aw, bouquets sound like an absolutely beautiful idea!!" Aurora's face lit up as a giggle or two escaped his lips. "I don't think it's something this girl would really go for though...Well, if I'm being honest with you miss, I don't even know her name! I met her when I was making my rounds around town on the Boss's orders. She looked so...pitiable, y'know? Walking around in broad daylight sipping away on some booze. Her hair looked kinda messy and her clothes were kind of dirty looking. She just looked like someone who could use a hand and I have free time so why not do what I can to try and make somebody else's day better? She...uh...punched me a couple of times but I think everything's good! I don't wanna sound like a charity case but I hope she's just relaxing. It's so terrible to see people down on their luck, even now with all the stuff that's happening here in Mistral."

He slapped a hand on the counter.

"I came into town to try and buy some clothes I thought would look cool for her! But along the way I figured why not some gifts too? Try to make her feel like that the world's not all at the end of a bottle of your favorite beer..." He glanced at the glass he'd been taking sips out of. "No offense or anything! She's kind of-well, no, she IS tough. Looks like she'd beat up any guy I know in a fight. Just wish I'd gotten her name but I just hope she's doing okay!~"
She gave a long sigh and glowered at Tyrian as she jerked her head towards the door. "Mr. Callows. If you don't have business or if you ain't spendin lien here, I'mma have to ask you to skedaddle. This ain't freeloader country." She gave a pair of flicks with her fingers towards the same door before she turned towards Aurora with an excellent customer service smile materializing from the void on her face.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm goin but let me just say..."

He moved forward and slipped an arm over Aurora's shoulder something that caught the boy by surprise. "Um...E-Excuse me..." He started but Tyrian cut him off.

"Listen Pinky, if you're here to drink, this place has some of the finest booze this side of Mistral. I'll give this place that much."

A grin crept along the creases of his mouth.

"The service here absolutely blows!"

Aurora looked immensely uncomfortable with Tyrian's proximity and his personal space being invaded. "I...I guess so....I haven't' had a bad experience-"

"Hey. You and I were staring at eachother, right?"

"Oh! Uh, yeah, I'm really sorry about that-"

'No, no it's ok!"

Tyrian didn't know who this kid was or why he seemed so jumpy but he figured he'd have a bit of fun. It'd probably be the last amount of 'fun' he'd have for a while once Trifa found out he'd been out the whole night drinking. He pulled his fist back and threw it forward intending on stopping just inches away from Aurora's face.

It didn't exactly pan out that way.


Aurora fell right off his seat having been cold-cocked right in the face. Mostly on account of him seeming to accidentally lean 'into' the joke punch. Tyrian for his part stood there absolutely dumbfounded as he pulled his hand back, his knuckles covered with a smudge of blood. "I....I was thinking the kid would have had his aura up or something..." Anyone else who'd seen the display promptly looked away and pretended to occupy their time in some way other way than noticing what had just happened. Looking down at Aurora's prone form, Tyrian couldn't help but feel awful. He'd been so used to fighting folks that he hadn't even stopped to think this guy was just a run of the mill average joe.. "Hey, I'm sorry. Really! Are you-"


"Okay?? Is that what you were going to say?? No, no I'm not! Whhhhhhhyyyyyyyy?? Why did you punch me, Mister?!"


"Thought what?? That I'd duck out of the way or something??? You're not very nice!! Not at all!!!"

Oof, man, that...that was a lot of blood. Reaching out to try and help Aurora up, the boy swatted Tyrian's hands away. "N-No! I'll...I'll be fine..." He whimpered as he pulled himself up to his feet while keeping a fair distance between himself and Tyrian. "I really can't fathom why you punched me but...I'll let it go if you answer something for me..."


Aurora's expression seemed to grow darker.

"Same question I asked this fine lady here. What kind of gifts would you get for a girl?"

Tyrian blinked. He'd never really been one for getting gifts of any kind. Wasn't really something he grew up expecting. A paycheck was all he tended to look forward to every two weeks. The spending money for going around and buying trinkets just wasn't something he could do. As he got older the idea of going out and spluring/shopping just hadn't really appealed to him. When their leads turned out to be dead ends and Trifa didn't want the day to go to waste, she'd go out and buy a couple of things. Tyrian just couldn't understand how that'd be 'fun' for anyone.

"I...I really don't know. I know that's probably not a good answer but listen, sorry I punched you. It was a-"

Aurora held up his hand to stop Tyrian.


"It's alright. I said if you answered my question, I'd let this go. You did so consider this let go."

He picked himself up and brushed his sweater off before sitting down upon his seat. "Sorry for the commotion, Miss. I try not to get too worked up when I'm out and about. The Boss says it'll lead to people taking advantage of me." Pulling out his wallet, he pulled out enough lien to total around to $1200. "I know it's not much but between me bothering that one gentleman by taking my call and this scene, I feel I've caused a disturbance and wanna rectify it anyway possible."

Tyrian had been heading for the door, wanting to get out of here before the cops were possibly called. Pinky had said he'd let it go but Tyrian had established himself as something of a hothead around these parts. The last thing he needed was Trifa needing to bail him out of jail.

"Hold on, Mister."

"Huh...?" Tyrian froze in the doorway.

'What's your name?"

"Um...Tyrian Callows, sir..."

This kid didn't seem much older than Tyrian, hell, the faunus wagered he was probably around 16-17. But somehow the atmosphere had entirely changed from when he'd been crying like a newborn baby to talking calmly as if blood wasn't running down his nose.

"I see." He smiled warmly. "Aurora Beige. I hope to see you around."

"Y-Yeah..." Tyrian finally excused himself. Geez, what a odd kid. Well, at least the police hadn't been called so that was a plus? Still, what was he going home to? He'd gotten absolutely plastered and had nothing to show for it but a headache. ...Ugh, Trifa was gonna be so pissed!!

As he heard what he no doubt presumed to be Tyrian racing off, Aurora smiled. "Again, really sorry about that!! Haha!~"
Last edited:
She didn't. Yet.


Maybe a smile would smooth things over!~

Just ignore the blood and all.

She knew she was both those things.

C'mon Weiss...
Her lips said nothing, but her eyes were perfectly forthcoming as to who the one asking the questions here was.

The smile was gonna do it...watch...
Why exactly was that her problem? What was she now, a charity for the disabled?

This....Wasn't working....

: (
The glyphs all vanished, and Weiss turned away to look back over the sandwich makings with a prim air about her.
What the Masque would have loved is to have landed gracefully on the floor like the Right Hand of evil that she was.

That didn't happen and instead she landed right on her ass.

"Ow..." She whimpered before looking as Weiss turned her attention away from the Masque for the time being.

That...That had been absolutely terrifying. At any point Weiss wanted, the glyphs could have closed in and crushed the Masque's limbs, broke her neck, maybe even decapitated her if Weiss didn't mind a mess. The power she held within her had been enough to do away with Maria and the Masuqe knew that she'd been one of her best buddy's strongest enforcers! Her entire body was trembling and she'd nearly broken out into a cold sweat. She'd come here suspecting that one of Weiss's bodyguards would have caught her and she'd have to fight. But to be made so defenseless so quickly....

It both scared and excited her....

Rising to her feet, the Masque walked after Weiss.

"Oh, um...Another sandwich would be fine, I'm not picky! I could make it too! The food the prison in Vale gave me was awful. But I had plenty of time to think about how I could make a tasty sandwich with just one hand!" She thought of lots of things to do with one hand as a matter of fact!

Like how to tie up some of her bedding and tie some of it to the ceiling!~
"In that case, would you care for something to eat? I have... everything. And I don't 'think' anything of you. I've never had a reason to speak with you. Don't assume to know what's going on in my head, dear; very few people can."

Well, it wasn't perfect!

But at least Weiss didn't think she was scum!​

Tyrian rolled his eyes upon noticing the bartender. She'd served him up drinks and damn good ones at that. But her prices for information were just outrageous! He'd be better off just going back to beating up anybody who may have known the whos and whats about the Shadow Fang's business here. "Morning to you too..." He grumbled.


"Aw, bouquets sound like an absolutely beautiful idea!!" Aurora's face lit up as a giggle or two escaped his lips. "I don't think it's something this girl would really go for though...Well, if I'm being honest with you miss, I don't even know her name! I met her when I was making my rounds around town on the Boss's orders. She looked so...pitiable, y'know? Walking around in broad daylight sipping away on some booze. Her hair looked kinda messy and her clothes were kind of dirty looking. She just looked like someone who could use a hand and I have free time so why not do what I can to try and make somebody else's day better? She...uh...punched me a couple of times but I think everything's good! I don't wanna sound like a charity case but I hope she's just relaxing. It's so terrible to see people down on their luck, even now with all the stuff that's happening here in Mistral."

He slapped a hand on the counter.

"I came into town to try and buy some clothes I thought would look cool for her! But along the way I figured why not some gifts too? Try to make her feel like that the world's not all at the end of a bottle of your favorite beer..." He glanced at the glass he'd been taking sips out of. "No offense or anything! She's kind of-well, no, she IS tough. Looks like she'd beat up any guy I know in a fight. Just wish I'd gotten her name but I just hope she's doing okay!~"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm goin but let me just say..."

He moved forward and slipped an arm over Aurora's shoulder something that caught the boy by surprise. "Um...E-Excuse me..." He started but Tyrian cut him off.

"Listen Pinky, if you're here to drink, this place has some of the finest booze this side of Mistral. I'll give this place that much."

A grin crept along the creases of his mouth.

"The service here absolutely blows!"

Aurora looked immensely uncomfortable with Tyrian's proximity and his personal space being invaded. "I...I guess so....I haven't' had a bad experience-"

"Hey. You and I were staring at eachother, right?"

"Oh! Uh, yeah, I'm really sorry about that-"

'No, no it's ok!"

Tyrian didn't know who this kid was or why he seemed so jumpy but he figured he'd have a bit of fun. It'd probably be the last amount of 'fun' he'd have for a while once Trifa found out he'd been out the whole night drinking. He pulled his fist back and threw it forward intending on stopping just inches away from Aurora's face.

It didn't exactly pan out that way.


Aurora fell right off his seat having been cold-cocked right in the face. Mostly on account of him seeming to accidentally lean 'into' the joke punch. Tyrian for his part stood there absolutely dumbfounded as he pulled his hand back, his knuckles covered with a smudge of blood. "I....I was thinking the kid would have had his aura up or something..." Anyone else who'd seen the display promptly looked away and pretended to occupy their time in some way other way than noticing what had just happened. Looking down at Aurora's prone form, Tyrian couldn't help but feel awful. He'd been so used to fighting folks that he hadn't even stopped to think this guy was just a run of the mill average joe.. "Hey, I'm sorry. Really! Are you-"

The instant the punch landed Tyrian (for the second time in about ten hours) had every single gun in the bar pulled on him as the bartender quietly glared at him.

"Mr. Callows, I believe I told you to leave-"


"Okay?? Is that what you were going to say?? No, no I'm not! Whhhhhhhyyyyyyyy?? Why did you punch me, Mister?!"


"Thought what?? That I'd duck out of the way or something??? You're not very nice!! Not at all!!!"

Oof, man, that...that was a lot of blood. Reaching out to try and help Aurora up, the boy swatted Tyrian's hands away. "N-No! I'll...I'll be fine..." He whimpered as he pulled himself up to his feet while keeping a fair distance between himself and Tyrian. "I really can't fathom why you punched me but...I'll let it go if you answer something for me..."


Aurora's expression seemed to grow darker.

"Same question I asked this fine lady here. What kind of gifts would you get for a girl?"

Tyrian blinked. He'd never really been one for getting gifts of any kind. Wasn't really something he grew up expecting. A paycheck was all he tended to look forward to every two weeks. The spending money for going around and buying trinkets just wasn't something he could do. As he got older the idea of going out and spluring/shopping just hadn't really appealed to him. When their leads turned out to be dead ends and Trifa didn't want the day to go to waste, she'd go out and buy a couple of things. Tyrian just couldn't understand how that'd be 'fun' for anyone.

"I...I really don't know. I know that's probably not a good answer but listen, sorry I punched you. It was a-"

Aurora held up his hand to stop Tyrian.


"It's alright. I said if you answered my question, I'd let this go. You did so consider this let go."

He picked himself up and brushed his sweater off before sitting down upon his seat. "Sorry for the commotion, Miss. I try not to get too worked up when I'm out and about. The Boss says it'll lead to people taking advantage of me." Pulling out his wallet, he pulled out enough lien to total around to $1200. "I know it's not much but between me bothering that one gentleman by taking my call and this scene, I feel I've caused a disturbance and wanna rectify it anyway possible."

Tyrian had been heading for the door, wanting to get out of here before the cops were possibly called. Pinky had said he'd let it go but Tyrian had established himself as something of a hothead around these parts. The last thing he needed was Trifa needing to bail him out of jail.

"Hold on, Mister."

"Huh...?" Tyrian froze in the doorway.

'What's your name?"

"Um...Tyrian Callows, sir..."

This kid didn't seem much older than Tyrian, hell, the faunus wagered he was probably around 16-17. But somehow the atmosphere had entirely changed from when he'd been crying like a newborn baby to talking calmly as if blood wasn't running down his nose.

"I see." He smiled warmly. "Aurora Beige. I hope to see you around."

"Y-Yeah..." Tyrian finally excused himself. Geez, what a odd kid. Well, at least the police hadn't been called so that was a plus? Still, what was he going home to? He'd gotten absolutely plastered and had nothing to show for it but a headache. ...Ugh, Trifa was gonna be so pissed!!

As he heard what he no doubt presumed to be Tyrian racing off, Aurora smiled. "Again, really sorry about that!! Haha!~"

"...Well that ain't necessary sir, but we 'ppreciate your continued patronage as always Mr. Beige." The bartender answered, her voice switching right back to saccharine sweet on a dime once the money was on the bar. She gave the other employees (and a couple overly enthusiastic patrons who were just so, so excited to draw their guns) a curt nod, and the number of guns drawn in the building slowly went back to zero.

"If you're still lookin for gift advice, while there ain't a lady out there who'll say no to a bouquet, sounds like your down on her luck new friend a' yours could use somethin to help her get back on 'er feet more than somethin pretty. Cash, somethin to keep clean with, new clothes, somethin down that line a' thinkin. In fact I- O-oh, uh, b- I mean, young miss, I see you're up?"

Neopolitan had gently hopped into the stool a few seats away, far too impeccably dressed and put together for someone who just woke up and had to stretch her legs and arms forward as she flexed her fingers like a cat before she leaned on the bar and gave the bartender a weird look. She was boss last night, why couldnt' she be boss now? she gave her a dismissive wave before she pointed at the kitchen in askance.

"Course miss, I'll have em whip somethin up for ya right quick!" the bartender said with a nervous grin that Neo felt obliged to return with a confused one.
"That's all I can ask" Snake said with a nod, "Though in turn I cannot make any promises about Eve. The promise I can make is that so long as the resistance harbors no ill will towards us during the meeting, we will abide the same. Good luck, Ilia. Feel free to keep in touch."

She clicked her scroll off and stared out the window with a placid frown. Too many pieces had shifted around the board in strange and frightening ways in the last few weeks. It was certainly a risk to attempt to take a more direct hand in their upcoming moves, but at least she'd finally have a vague idea on the board state instead of the chaos she was dealing with now.

"Stream- Sorry, Panther." She said into the seemingly empty office, ensuring her reflection wasn't visible in the window as she looked out on it. "I'd like a word, if you're here"

"I'm always here." A throaty intonation that covered a minuscule distance, from the panther's maw into the ear of the snake in a whisper. It was a tone bereft of admonishment, a statement bluntly made with the brevity of words designed to emphasize the fact. The Talon reared back, ambivalent about his proximity relative to Snake's being tantamount to downright invasion of privacy, an abrupt intrusion that wasn't so much as rectified with a careful dislodging but more a brisk disengagement as Stream looked over the charge he was assigned to as bodyguard with an excising glance.

"You're calmer now. The good chameleon brings good tidings?"

The rationale behind his assignment as the Snake's bodyguard purely stemmed from his semblance though it was remiss to not highlight his capabilities that lied elsewhere. Stream didn't so much care about it at all, purely deigning only to respect the requests, and commands, of those he held in great esteem. One of whom happened to be the Right Hand of the Shadow Fang's leader, who issued the mandate that relocated himself to ensure Snake's safety as she orchestrated the actions of the faunus in the midst of all the ongoings that transpired since the destruction of the CCT in Haven. It was a bizarre affair, considering his quarry essentially departed without him... easily rectified, though.

He, unwittingly, did have the decency of broadening the expanse between them with yet another step, his arms drawn into a cross with his dominant hand splayed over his left biceps, fingers drumming in a cascade that spoke to some eagerness on his part though he reined himself in well enough. A simple glance informed anyone that this particular faunus was exceptionally fond of dressing in dark tones, in a segmented bodysuit befitting his lithe form with lightweight vambraces and greaves that looked a natural complement to his overall look. Particularly when it was designed to accentuate the motif of the Panther talon, a predatory design about it all, in conjunction with working fairly well for clandestine purposes.

To name it simply, the student took after the master.

"... I did eavesdrop." He commented shamelessly.
"Oh, um...Another sandwich would be fine, I'm not picky! I could make it too! The food the prison in Vale gave me was awful. But I had plenty of time to think about how I could make a tasty sandwich with just one hand!" She thought of lots of things to do with one hand as a matter of fact!

Like how to tie up some of her bedding and tie some of it to the ceiling!~


"No, I'm doing it. As you just said, you're infirm. Sit down."

Weiss's dismissal of such a preposterous notion was prompt and authoritative, the heiress having tired of watching someone with a single arm faffing around struggling to do things for themselves all of two hours into Yang's tenure here. It was far from her intent to condescend, but she had two hands and they had one. Allowing them to do things for themselves that she could take care of with half the effort was simply a pointless waste of time and energy. She flapped a hand dismissively in the direction of the kitchen's marble counter, lined with a row of stools her uninvited guest could use to seat herself. And would. Because she told her to.

She took a few moments to think as her eyes roved across the range of ingredients she'd pulled out for her own snack, never quite sure what she wanted until she was in the process of making it.

"Funny you should mention that. Did Ozpin ever tell you I was able to extract the Belladonna girl from Vale's custody on the same day you wound up in it? Literally. Hours before Eve Taurus dumped you at Salem's feet, I was there. It actually would've been a relatively simple matter for me to turn my ship around and do the same for you, had Ozpin requested it; He never did. I guess he must've been preoccupied."

Her tone was kept light and conversational as she set out a second plate next to her own, beginning the process of assembling Ruby's sandwich before she continued with her own. She had just the thing. While she worked, another glyph formed in the air behind her, and from its complex patterns emerged a faceless, glowing silhouette that immediately set to work sweeping up the shattered bits of glass Ruby had left in her wake with a dustpan.

The rest of the sandwich construction was spent in silence regardless of anything her guest may have uttered in response, Weiss recognizing the Masque as the sort of motormouth liable to run away with a conversation if she allowed her to. Instead it was a short time later that the councilwoman approached the counter herself, daintily sliding one of the two plates she held over to Ruby and looking immensely pleased with herself even as her own was set across the counter. She was no culinary expert, but she liked to think she had an eye for this sort of thing.

For her, a lemonzest chicken caesar salad rolled in gluten-free flatbread with low fat mayo and a drizzle of olive oil.

For the Masque, PB & J with the crusts cut off. Furthermore, a glass of milk was carried over by the servant summon and proffered to the girl like she was some form of royalty.


Weiss leaned forward, elbows demurely propped on the counter as she elegantly rested a cheek in one hand. "Your name's Ruby, isn't that right?"

"Just....a truck....." Ilia responded, having no clue why that really mattered to Yang. The chameleon's words were proven to be true once the doors had opened and Ilia led the way out all the way to said ride and revealed it to indeed be just a plain looking truck.

"So......shall we go?"

Yang came to a halt in front of the truck that was presumably parked inside the hotel garage, staring at it with her arms crossed and wearing an ambivalent frown.

"Its... its so... normal." She eventually managed to say, giving Ilia a wounded look. when that unsurprisingly did not make the faunus magically produce another vehicle, she gave a quiet, disappointed sigh and hopped into the cab of the truck. She caught the keys from the faunus, started the engine, moved her hands down to the gear, and froze with a puzzled frown that she slowly turned towards Ilia.

"So... serious question here, like for real this time; how did you get a truck up to atlas and how do I get it down from the flying city?"
Weiss's dismissal of such a notion was prompt and authoritative, the heiress having tired of watching someone with a single arm faffing around struggling to do things for themselves all of two hours into Yang's tenure here. It was far from her intent to condescend, but she had two hands and they had one. Allowing them to do things for themselves that she could take care of with half the effort was simply a pointless waste of time and energy. She flapped a hand dismissively in the direction of the kitchen's marble counter, lined with a row of stools her uninvited guest could use to seat herself. And would. Because she told her to.


The Masque quietly took a seat as she was told to do.

It just...It was all very dissonant.

She didn't have anybody to wait on her hand and foot growing up(unless you counted Yang but that was just plain meanness/cruelty than genuine servitude)or anyone to offer to make her sandwiches. Being the 'Bandit Princess' tended to just mean you had more of an image to keep up the longer you stayed with the family. If you fucked up then your dad looked like an idiot for helping to create an embarrassment like you. They didn't end to sit at tables and converse or make small talk. You cussed eachother out, shoved anyone who annoyed you and even threatened them if need be. Even after having lost her arm saving Yang and herself as kids, the Masque never faltered in her crusade to do anything to stand out from her image she'd been branded with at birth.

She wasn't just Qrow's daughter.

She was Ruby. Rose. Soon to be The Red Masque.

Getting treated to by someone in a house that the Masque could only dream of(robbing)was just very awkward for her.

"Funny you should mention that. Did Ozpin ever tell you I was able to extract the Belladonna girl from Vale's custody on the same day you wound up in it? Literally. Hours before Eve Taurus dumped you at Salem's feet, I was there. It actually would've been a relatively simple matter for me to turn my ship around and do the same for you, had Ozpin requested it; He never did. I guess he must've been preoccupied."
"I...I didn't know that..."

Getting captured by Taurus had been one of the worst moments in recent time for her. She'd been chained up like a feral animal and from how everyone viewed her, she seemed to act like one too. They just didn't understand, nobody really understood. She could be cute, funny, friendly, the Masque would gladly be your best friend. But the second she tries convincing anyone that Ozpin's plans weren't end all-be all-'evil', she was a brainwashed little girl, a pyscho, a cold-blooded killer.

Despite her upbringings and what she had to do to keep herself distinct (in her own eyes), she didn't like killing people. It was senseless unless your life was on the line. You defended yourself from those who'd wish you harm, it was as simple as that...

And yet...


She sat in that cell for so long...
For the Masque, PB & J with the crusts cut off. Furthermore, a glass of milk was carried over by the servant summon and proffered to the girl like she was some form of royalty.

The Masque nodded to the servant.

Sure it didn't have a face but she hoped it'd appreciate her gratefulness all the same.

"...Thank you, Weiss. Really."

She reached for the milk and took a long sip of it.


This...felt so nice. It made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Not the kind that she felt when she'd kissed her Yang on the lips but the kind when the other world's Yang hugged her and played a card game with her. "This feels so nice..." She murmured softly.
Weiss leaned forward, elbows demurely propped on the counter as she elegantly rested her cheek in one hand. "Your name's Ruby, isn't that right?"

Damn it....Damn it!!

She could feel her face growing warm. She wanted to look away but she couldn't.

A sheepish giggle escaped her mouth despite her best efforts to contain it.

"It's....It's my name, yes. Only the Yangs call me by it though...Oh, and you now too! hehe..."

She frowned as she took a soft bite of her sandwich. "Tastes great by the by.."

"I usually just go by the 'Masque' elsewhere. When I was a little girl, I liked to think of myself as...heh, a Princess among the bandits. I'd stand out among everybody else someday. Becoming the Red Masque let me do just that."
She took another soft nibble. "People would make up all kinds of crazy stories about me. 'Is the Masque a boy or a girl?' 'Are they some kind of super-Grimm?' 'Are they a conspiracy made up by the kingdoms?' All kinds of things and I could bask in it even if it was all total nonsense."

She smiled once more.


"Because it was me they were talking about.~"
"I'm always here." A throaty intonation that covered a minuscule distance, from the panther's maw into the ear of the snake in a whisper. It was a tone bereft of admonishment, a statement bluntly made with the brevity of words designed to emphasize the fact. The Talon reared back, ambivalent about his proximity relative to Snake's being tantamount to downright invasion of privacy, an abrupt intrusion that wasn't so much as rectified with a careful dislodging but more a brisk disengagement as Stream looked over the charge he was assigned to as bodyguard with an excising glance.

The first time that happened Snake had absolutely screamed. Not a loud scream, in fact in terms of decibels it barely was on par with a whisper, but no other word could be used to describe the hiss of air that escaped her lungs involuntarily for a good four seconds straight as she stood there frozen. Yet she was, as ever, quick to adjust, and all Panther got for his theatrics was a slightly amused quirk of Snake's lips as she side eyed whatever direction he'd appeared from as she stayed leaning on her desk. "I'd certainly hope so. I'd feel far less safe were my bodyguard not close enough to guard my body."

"You're calmer now. The good chameleon brings good tidings?"

The rationale behind his assignment as the Snake's bodyguard purely stemmed from his semblance though it was remiss to not highlight his capabilities that lied elsewhere. Stream didn't so much care about it at all, purely deigning only to respect the requests, and commands, of those he held in great esteem. One of whom happened to be the Right Hand of the Shadow Fang's leader, who issued the mandate that relocated himself to ensure Snake's safety as she orchestrated the actions of the faunus in the midst of all the ongoings that transpired since the destruction of the CCT in Haven. It was a bizarre affair, considering his quarry essentially departed without him... easily rectified, though.

He, unwittingly, did have the decency of broadening the expanse between them with yet another step, his arms drawn into a cross with his dominant hand splayed over his left biceps, fingers drumming in a cascade that spoke to some eagerness on his part though he reined himself in well enough. A simple glance informed anyone that this particular faunus was exceptionally fond of dressing in dark tones, in a segmented bodysuit befitting his lithe form with lightweight vambraces and greaves that looked a natural complement to his overall look. Particularly when it was designed to accentuate the motif of the Panther talon, a predatory design about it all, in conjunction with working fairly well for clandestine purposes.

To name it simply, the student took after the master.

"... I did eavesdrop." He commented shamelessly.


She shifted back to a frown as she turned her head to eye the other faunus fully and arched an eyebrow at him. "I can't say I appreciate that turn of phrase, panther. Insofar as I'm concerned, our Ilia is the good one; not this poor wayward soul. A fair weather friend at the absolute best, that one." She turned back to the window and drummed her fingers on the desk behind her, her tone calm and professional.

"If you listened, then you likely know what I'm going to ask; I don't intend to go to this meeting physically. I'd like you to go in my stead, and patch me through communications that way. They know that we're serious enough to send a Talon in person, and I'm not a very pretty and fragile intelligence source put in front of them that may tempt them into just taking what they want. I would trust you to protect me, of course, but nothing says an end to negotiations like a botched kidnapping attempt by one side. Besides, I'd prefer they not know that the Morsten heir is a dirty faunus yet. Any objections?" She asked

Damn it....Damn it!!

She could feel her face growing warm. She wanted to look away but she couldn't.

A sheepish giggle escaped her mouth despite her best efforts to contain it.

"It's....It's my name, yes. Only the Yangs call me by it though...Oh, and you now too! hehe..."

She frowned as she took a soft bite of her sandwich. "Tastes great by the by.."

"I usually just go by the 'Masque' elsewhere. When I was a little girl, I liked to think of myself as...heh, a Princess among the bandits. I'd stand out among everybody else someday. Becoming the Red Masque let me do just that."
She took another soft nibble. "People would make up all kinds of crazy stories about me. 'Is the Masque a boy or a girl?' 'Are they some kind of super-Grimm?' 'Are they a conspiracy made up by the kingdoms?' All kinds of things and I could bask in it even if it was all total nonsense."

She smiled once more.


"Because it was me they were talking about.~"



Weiss maintained a patient, respectful silence for the entirety of Ruby's response, eyes such a pale blue they were like minerals insightful in the way they regarded the other girl as she heard what she had to say. The initial reaction may have seemed... unpromising. At least, if weighed against the last one-to-one conversation the Masque had attempted to have with someone, the way it ended with her being laughed out of the room like she was little more than a bad joke. The councilwoman at last broke eye contact to bring a hand to her lips and stifle a restrained, involuntary laugh of her own, though it merited saying that it couldn't have been further removed from the raucously bitter howls Yang had assailed her with. It was a soft, melodious tinkle, one that simply seemed to find genuine mirth in something or other Ruby had said as Weiss placatingly waved off whatever her impulse reaction to that may have been.

"My, my. A princess in my kitchen! Forgive me, it just occurred to me I'm still in my pajamas."

She was still reining the laughter during her clarification, letting her eyes widen with the delivery in a sort of mock wonder. It wasn't necessarily mocking, though. She composed herself, using the sandwich she'd barely even picked at herself as a focal point as rather than making any move towards eating it she started fussing and picking at its presentation where it lay on her plate.

It was a side of Weiss Schnee not terribly many people saw, the one Yang had become more acquainted with than perhaps anyone ever had during her time here. There were no pretenses affixed to the words, no feigned civility or carefully constructed diplomatic phrasing. Ruby just made her laugh.

When her giggle subsided, the maiden let a comfortable silence reign over the next few seconds before speaking again, clearing her mind with a sigh. When she spoke again, though, there was no further mirth. It wasn't quite somber, but there was a twinge of genuine, understanding melancholy to her next words.

"...You must've been very lonely."


Even still, there was a gentle smile on the heiress's face as she said them. Weiss had a gift for reading people. Even people as scattered and fragmented as the one keeping her company right now. In truth, she imagined there was very little she could claim to relate to in the woman sitting across from her; in point of fact, she was certain of it. But that?

Better than perhaps any other soul in Remnant, that was something she could see in a person from a mile away. The ghostly servant had taken to preparing a mug of coffee while they conversed, and it approached to place it in Weiss's hands deferentially while she considered her next words.

"I may not quite be royalty, or even from a world remotely similar to the one you grew up in. But I can relate. And I hope you won't take offense when I say this, but..."

She shook her head, a soft, incredulous exhale through her nose preempting a more targeted one through her lips to blow away some of her mug's steam.

"It's dumb."

And it was. There was nothing harsh or derisive about the words, blunt as they unquestionably were; it was simply an assessment. Weiss was a logical woman, and she wasn't willing to gloss over that. Nor accept it.

"I'm sorry, but it is. You said it yourself; every single word of what you just said is complete and utter nonsense. Total drivel, really. Don't get me wrong! It was a lovely mask, from what I recall. I simply can't see any kind of sense in your rationale for choosing to wear it. I mean... that just isn't how life works, dear. Who told you it was?" Her grin turned rueful, and she shook her head again as she raised the mug to her mouth for a sip. It still wasn't quite cool enough, but a momentary flicker of blue light flaring from the corners of her eyes saw the temperature of the cup's contents lower appropriately before she let any pass her lips. "You came up with a nickname and took on this scary persona to try and, what, garner some attention for yourself? That's just childish. Whoever allowed you to do that couldn't have been very kind. I'll put it this way... had you been wearing that mask when you broke in here, I most likely would've killed you. I've never had the slightest bit of interest in speaking to the Red Masque."

She inched forward, carefully gauging how the words were being taken as she once again rested her elbows on the countertop.


"I can't say I mind talking to Ruby, though."
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Yang came to a halt in front of the truck that was presumably parked inside the hotel garage, staring at it with her arms crossed and wearing an ambivalent frown.

"Its... its so... normal." She eventually managed to say, giving Ilia a wounded look. when that unsurprisingly did not make the faunus magically produce another vehicle, she gave a quiet, disappointed sigh and hopped into the cab of the truck. She caught the keys from the faunus, started the engine, moved her hands down to the gear, and froze with a puzzled frown that she slowly turned towards Ilia.

"So... serious question here, like for real this time; how did you get a truck up to atlas and how do I get it down from the flying city?"

"We drive right off the edge and hope for the best, of course! What kind of question was that? It's only like a couple miles of falling, are you telling me the great Yang Xiao Long is scared of that drop?"

"Oooookaaaay, guess you're not a fan of well deserved sarcasm, seriously blondie you kicked me through a wall let me have some things but fine, more seriously now. Near the center of Atlas, there's this building. Inside said building is a hardlight gravity dust lift. Atlas hollowed out a small part of the island all the way through for said lift and it connects to the Donut on the bottom of the floating island. We go to that lift, it takes us down through the island itself until we reach the Donut and from there we put the truck in the cargo hold of one of the larger public shuttles and hitch a ride down to Mantle, where we take the truck back and continue on. Simple as that."
The first time that happened Snake had absolutely screamed. Not a loud scream, in fact in terms of decibels it barely was on par with a whisper, but no other word could be used to describe the hiss of air that escaped her lungs involuntarily for a good four seconds straight as she stood there frozen. Yet she was, as ever, quick to adjust, and all Panther got for his theatrics was a slightly amused quirk of Snake's lips as she side eyed whatever direction he'd appeared from as she stayed leaning on her desk. "I'd certainly hope so. I'd feel far less safe were my bodyguard not close enough to guard my body."

"Unwise otherwise and it is my duty..."

He was a little disappointed that was all he got out of her, though it wasn't enough to dissuade the sly grin behind the mask.


She shifted back to a frown as she turned her head to eye the other faunus fully and arched an eyebrow at him. "I can't say I appreciate that turn of phrase, panther. Insofar as I'm concerned, our Ilia is the good one; not this poor wayward soul. A fair weather friend at the absolute best, that one." She turned back to the window and drummed her fingers on the desk behind her, her tone calm and professional.

"If you listened, then you likely know what I'm going to ask; I don't intend to go to this meeting physically. I'd like you to go in my stead, and patch me through communications that way. They know that we're serious enough to send a Talon in person, and I'm not a very pretty and fragile intelligence source put in front of them that may tempt them into just taking what they want. I would trust you to protect me, of course, but nothing says an end to negotiations like a botched kidnapping attempt by one side. Besides, I'd prefer they not know that the Morsten heir is a dirty faunus yet. Any objections?" She asked

The amber in his irises beset circumferentially by the porcelain of the mask handed down to him by the Right Hand grew in intensity, darkening with the inborn predator's stare looking out over the Snake. The singular defining feature that set him apart from the humans, that identified him as a faunus with the distinctive lack of sclera. Or rather, the diminutive presence of it, the aforementioned irises of tempered gold claiming nigh the entirety of the eye's surface area. In a way, he was more human than any other faunus due to a subtle marker that was easily hidden with the careful positioning of the head and eyes that allowed him to avert the prejudices most often suffered. Though there were the occasions that it wasn't enough. Nor did it spare him the jealousies and umbrage of those with the more obvious features.

The glance Snake got was more of an incredulous stare, before he gave a shrug and let it go, rectifying the word he selected in his attempt to be brief. "The fair chameleon." He murmured, nodding with ease towards the use of the word, accepting the new nomination for the otherworldly Ilia. It was less a pointed jab towards Lucie's lack of appreciation for his poor wording and more a corrective change for ease of communication. Whether it was correct or not was debatable.

"None. Hesitant to leave you be. But if it is what you wish."


"Whatever guards you'll take, double them."

That was the closest thing to an objection she'd get from Kyran.

"Gasp! Another contender around these parts? In this here mess hall?! Well I for one eagerly accept your challenge too!" Nora firmly stated, planting her hands on her hips as she stared unflinchingly from Gretchen to Cobalt and back and forth several times. "For I am the boldest bold ginger who ever did bold! One opponent on this field of battle, two opponents, a hundred, it makes no difference to me! THERE WILL ONLY BE ONE VICTOR WHEN WE ARE THROUGH EATING OUR WAY THROUGH MOST IF NOT ALL OF THE FOOD THE COOKS CAN SUPPLY!" She thumbed at herself with utmost confidence. "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA--"


"-HA?" Nora blinked, thereby herself losing the not-blinking part of the competition. Her head turned to look over from where that voice had come from, just in time to witness the girl jump onto a table of her own in the wake of all this hype craziness, the landing sending a loud thud echoing through the room, with even a light gust of wind shooting through the hall. One that was definitely not a bit of maiden magic she used to dramatically add to the effect of her declaring her entry into this grand competition.

"Have you forgotten that it was I who first asked for food? Who first expressed the depths of my HUNGRINESS? If you think for one second that you can count me out of this epic conflict, then you must not know who YOU ARE DEALING WITH!" The Fall Maiden roared, fists shaking with pure excitement. Her gaze briefly drifted in the direction of the kitchen itself, her expression almost predatory in staring down at the meals.


She turned back to the others quickly enough though, eye staring them all down in quick succession. Food and a chance to have a hell of a good time while chowing down? Like hell she was going to miss out on that! "I should warn you though, maiden magic burns through a heckuva lot of calories, so do not underestimate me!" Any actual truth to that statement be damned. With the way the others were going about establishing themselves, she had to do likewise!

"However, I think we've had enough talk about it, wouldn't you all say? Let's get it started already!"


"Oh, Cinder. Not you too," the epitome of a dejected sigh rumbled from his lungs, the death knell of Hazel's hopes the Fall Maiden wouldn't have been caught up in the tsunami of sheer exuberance and enthusiasm that was a mix of a hardened cowboy and huntsmen students, including himself apparently. The hapless Rainart gazed around in askance, noting the formation of a crowd gathering around the the contestants of the incoming eating contest, something of an expectant clamor rising from them as they looked one. Few glowered their disapproval towards the spectacle yet were drowned out by the rest, a telltale indicator of their ingratiated desire for the morale boost inherent to these sorts of things. It was as akin to a pep rally mixed with a country style eating festival.

Gretchen absolutely quaked at the very idea, the energy bounding within threatening to spill over as she grinned from ear to ear, taking stock of the newest comers aside the Valkyrie.

"You think a body that obscenely huge, a biological impossibility I say, an infeasibility, the stuff of legends, gets around on minimal calories? Hahaha, have you seen Hazel eat?! The biggest, soundest, most inhumane whipping of your gastronomical butts is about to come!"

"I hate that last sentence."

Gretchen slid across the table's surface she'd clambered onto at some point, leapt across the gap onto another apart from the others almost as if she were leaving. Except! The minuscule huntress skidded to a stop, dropped to a single knee as she did declare emphatically so with a forward swing of her right arm into a pointed jab of the finger that rested upon someone in this very room, this Colosseum of the gods of dining and cooking.

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Grey sat nearby with his mask off to the side and his hood pulled up.

All the better to keep attention away from his unmasked face.

As he started to eat, he glanced over at the erupting competition and made mental notes as usual.

'Given the energy, odds are on Valkyrie to win.'


'If anyone asks I'm to be an unbiased source..Still rooting for Cobalt..'

"Hey, you! Funny get-up aside, you're a reporter, right?! Dedicated to the pursuit of the truth and nothing but the truth? At all costs, you'd wrest the facts from the cold, unscrupulous hands of those that would sooner see them buried within purgatory than the light of day?!" A beat transpired at the end of her words and whatever Grey might have said, Gretchen bulldozed right to the point.

"I nominate you as an impartial judge! No! The impartial judge!"

The decision was made, there was no talk to be had, as Gretchen swiveled back around to approach the others, a maniacal glee spilling out from her. She approached Hazel, a hand at the ready to assuage his concerns or whatever it was going through him now before she paused, recognizing a shift in her sibling's posture. It was akin to the languid posture of a grizzly aroused from its hibernation, blinking eyes working double time to clarify its understanding of everything transpiring within its vicinity before they leveled onto the tiny person standing before it. A silent huff pushed past its nostrils, almost as if it was conveyance of disappointment towards the object. The outward demeanor was stoic, his eyes affixed in a leer as he lumbered forward which prompted the broadening of features in Gretchen's face, the widening of her eyes and the tightening of her mouth as if to encapsulate the bodily portrayal of

"Oh shit."

Hazel sauntered past, grabbed the nearest table that was ajar from the formation, hoisted over his head without issue and swiveled around in place with an intense expression now, prompting an uncharacteristic panic from Gretchen as she doubled over and scampered away, only for Hazel to slam down the table where she once stood, connecting the tables where the competitors stood. He lifted the meaty appendages that were magnificently more than just hands, settled them flat atop the table's surface with the slow, purposeful glance of those around him. The intensity only seemed to double, many of the onlookers mistakenly interpreting it as the disapproving outburst of an older sibling given to frustration and anger.

His mouth opened.

"If you want to lose so badly, let's eat already."

Gretchen was completely and totally befuddled at the turn of events, a blank in her mind as she failed to comprehend what in the seven blazes had just happened. A slap from Brosel brought her back to reality and she beamed in an instant, the radiant exuberance returning in full force as she jumped to standing with both arms pulled by her flank before they shot upwards in a cheery display.


Though, of course, she had to facilitate getting the food and yeah.
She smiled yet again as she looked down at Fiona, so greatly appreciative that someone as compassionate and kind and just overall good as the sheep faunus had saw fit to pledge loyalty to her. There was never going to be a time where she would let herself take that for granted. Yet before she could say anything in response, Fiona's stare behind her drew Robyn's attention as well. She looked over in that direction to see Winter striding out, just as she heard some of whatever was going on in there. Things were definitely picking up around here lately. "Huh."


"I believe it is less about wanting to check it out, and more-" A rather mischievous smirk emerged. "-we need to check it out." Robyn moved to step to the side, gesturing out in that direction for Fiona to take the lead. "After you."

"Wow, whatever's going on, it's drawing a lot of attention. I mean a lot." The sheep faunus pointed out the blatantly obvious as she led the way into the cafeteria, pushing through the admittedly not large crowd in a bid to the front. A loud slam did make her jump, concern laden in her features as she slipped through with a sense of urgency, popping out the other side with a stupefied expression.

"... Oh my god," she started giggling, the sound closer to adorable hiccups, "It's a freaking food eating contest. Really? Pffffthahaha." It was an impossibility to stifle her chortling at the display of the kids as they all clambered to prepare the foodie tourney.
"Wow, whatever's going on, it's drawing a lot of attention. I mean a lot." The sheep faunus pointed out the blatantly obvious as she led the way into the cafeteria, pushing through the admittedly not large crowd in a bid to the front. A loud slam did make her jump, concern laden in her features as she slipped through with a sense of urgency, popping out the other side with a stupefied expression.

"... Oh my god," she started giggling, the sound closer to adorable hiccups, "It's a freaking food eating contest. Really? Pffffthahaha." It was an impossibility to stifle her chortling at the display of the kids as they all clambered to prepare the foodie tourney.

"...Really?" Robyn couldn't help but echo Fiona, her eyes shifting towards somebody in particular once she'd put together what was going on here herself. "Really, Cobalt? Are you actually encouraging this or was it in your idea in the first place? Because if so...I approve." Her tone suddenly changed, giving the leader a half smirk and a thumbs up. Couldn't hurt to let off some steam now and again. "You know, you could join in if you wish." Robyn added, turning her attention back to Fiona by tapping the sheep faunus in the back at the same time she said those words.​
"If you want to lose so badly, let's eat already."


Both of the other two young and short contenders seemed caught off guard by that declaration, given how the big guy had been acting thus far throughout all this zany excitement. Yet slowly the two of them, both their heads moved until they were side-eyeing the other with knowing smiles.​


Before they turned as one, each leveling a pointed finger over at Hazel as they yelled back in unison.


Of course, the fact was that one of them would also have to lose went unsaid between them, though both were thinking of it. And how best to celebrate a victory afterwards. The pair quickly scrambled to take their seats though to await the FOOD.​
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Both of the other two young and short contenders seemed caught off guard by that declaration, given how the big guy had been acting thus far throughout all this zany excitement. Yet slowly the two of them, both their heads moved until they were side-eyeing the other with knowing smiles.


Before they turned as one, each leveling a pointed finger over at Hazel as they yelled back in unison.


Of course, the fact was that one of them would also have to lose went unsaid between them, though both were thinking of it. And how best to celebrate a victory afterwards. The pair quickly scrambled to take their seats though to await the FOOD.​

He said nothing more, electing to let actions and laser eyes speak for him.


"Oooookaaaay, guess you're not a fan of well deserved sarcasm, seriously blondie you kicked me through a wall let me have some things but fine, more seriously now. Near the center of Atlas, there's this building. Inside said building is a hardlight gravity dust lift. Atlas hollowed out a small part of the island all the way through for said lift and it connects to the Donut on the bottom of the floating island. We go to that lift, it takes us down through the island itself until we reach the Donut and from there we put the truck in the cargo hold of one of the larger public shuttles and hitch a ride down to Mantle, where we take the truck back and continue on. Simple as that."

"Wow. Weiss really giving you a whole lotta proof for that whole 'surveillance state' angle huh?" Yang drawled with a snort as she shifted gears and backed out of the space. "But alright then, lets go!"

And go they did


Weiss maintained a patient, respectful silence for the entirety of Ruby's response, eyes such a pale blue they were like minerals insightful in the way they regarded the other girl as she heard what she had to say. The initial reaction may have seemed... unpromising. At least, if weighed against the last one-to-one conversation the Masque had attempted to have with someone, the way it ended with her being laughed out of the room like she was little more than a bad joke. The councilwoman at last broke eye contact to bring a hand to her lips and stifle a restrained, involuntary laugh of her own, though it merited saying that it couldn't have been further removed from the raucously bitter howls Yang had assailed her with. It was a soft, melodious tinkle, one that simply seemed to find genuine mirth in something or other Ruby had said as Weiss placatingly waved off whatever her impulse reaction to that may have been.

"My, my. A princess in my kitchen! Forgive me, it just occurred to me I'm still in my pajamas."
The Masque blinked at Weiss's laugh.

'Did...Did I do something funny...?' 'I hope she's laughing with me not at me...I dunno if my heart could take that...'

When Weiss eventually spoke again, a warm smile left it's mark on the Masque's face.


"It's ok! Your pajamas look nice on you!"

On top of that, the Masque hadn't given her much time to go and get changed. So, it was all good!
"I may not quite be royalty, or even from a world remotely similar to the one you grew up in. But I can relate. And I hope you won't take offense when I say this, but..."

She shook her head, a soft, incredulous exhale through her nose preempting a more targeted one through her lips to blow away some of her mug's steam.

"It's dumb."

And it was. There was nothing harsh or derisive about the words, blunt as they unquestionably were; it was simply an assessment. Weiss was a logical woman, and she wasn't willing to gloss over that. Nor accept it.

"I'm sorry, but it is. You said it yourself; every single word of what you just said is complete and utter nonsense. Total drivel, really. Don't get me wrong! It was a lovely mask, from what I recall. I simply can't see any kind of sense in your rationale for choosing to wear it. I mean... that just isn't how life works, dear. Who told you it was?" Her grin turned rueful, and she shook her head again as she raised the mug to her mouth for a sip. It still wasn't quite cool enough, but a momentary flicker of blue light flaring from the corners of her eyes saw the temperature of the cup's contents lower appropriately before she let any pass her lips. "You came up with a nickname and took on this scary persona to try and, what, garner some attention for yourself? That's just childish. Whoever allowed you to do that couldn't have been very kind. I'll put it this way... had you been wearing that mask when you broke in here, I most likely would've killed you. I've never had the slightest bit of interest in speaking to the Red Masque."

Well, it did kind of put a damper on her mood to have her whole moniker torn down like that.

But what was worse? Being told the identity you went out and forged for yourself to try and establish yourself as an individual was dumb? Or being called an incel by the woman you tried to kiss?

The Masque quietly rubbed at her neck and gulped at the mention that Weiss would have killed her if she'd come in her full Masque attire. "O-Oh..." She took a long sip of milk to try and calm her nerves.
"I can't say I mind talking to Ruby, though."

The smile slowly returned as the Masque-no Ruby quirked her head to the side.

"That's....Not something anybody has ever really taken the time to say."


"I appreciate it a lot."

She took another big bite out of her sandwich. it was tasty and it helped relax her.

"I'm a bit of an open book so if you wanna know anything about me, you can go right on and ask!~"

"...Well that ain't necessary sir, but we 'ppreciate your continued patronage as always Mr. Beige." The bartender answered, her voice switching right back to saccharine sweet on a dime once the money was on the bar. She gave the other employees (and a couple overly enthusiastic patrons who were just so, so excited to draw their guns) a curt nod, and the number of guns drawn in the building slowly went back to zero.

"Nonono, nonsense! You help run a fine establishment here and this is just my meager way of helping show my appreciation for that. I may not tend to drink a whole lot-The Boss says it tends to impair me and I'm already kinda gullible as is-but others do like all these fine people-" He gestured with a wide sweeping motion to the other patrons and barflies. "To allow them a place to relax and empty their wallets as well as their thoughts sounds like a fine idea to me! So long as nobody abuses their bodies!!" Aurora warned with a stern wag of his finger.

Before he immediately broke into a fit of giggles.

"Enjoy yourselves, everyone!~"

"If you're still lookin for gift advice, while there ain't a lady out there who'll say no to a bouquet, sounds like your down on her luck new friend a' yours could use somethin to help her get back on 'er feet more than somethin pretty. Cash, somethin to keep clean with, new clothes, somethin down that line a' thinkin. In fact I- O-oh, uh, b- I mean, young miss, I see you're up?"
"Cash...clothes....cleaning materials...The perfect trifecta of gifts a girl would love! Thank you sooo much, Miss!~"

Aurora was tempted to give her some more money as thanks but he had a feeling he'd get a call from the Boss if he did.

"I express my sincerest gratitude for all your help. Thank you so much.~"
Neopolitan had gently hopped into the stool a few seats away, far too impeccably dressed and put together for someone who just woke up and had to stretch her legs and arms forward as she flexed her fingers like a cat before she leaned on the bar and gave the bartender a weird look. She was boss last night, why couldnt' she be boss now? she gave her a dismissive wave before she pointed at the kitchen in askance.

"Course miss, I'll have em whip somethin up for ya right quick!" the bartender said with a nervous grin that Neo felt obliged to return with a confused one.

The Boss's spies hadn't really picked up any information that power had changed from Malachite to someone so...young?

She looked barely older than him if that!

'The Boss is definitely going to want to hear about this....Mistral's infobroker phased out by what appears to be some kind of kid...?' Aurora was at least right that the former premier infobroker of Mistral had been phased out.

Of this mortal coil but nevertheless she was out of the picture.

Well, no point in being deliberately antagonistic! He'd save that for these people were just as scary as that Callows boy had been! Plus she had pink hair like him! What was there to lose?


"Oh, um, excuse me Miss?"
Aurora called out in an attempt to try and get Neo's attention. "What you just did there with the bartender....Is it correct to assume that you're the one in charge here? Forgive me for saying so but you don't look that much older than me! It's quite remarkable to hold such an influential position at such a young age regardless! Do you...uh...know what happened to Lil Miss Malachite?"

Oh, wait there was something he forgot!

Wiping away the blood from his nose, he sheepishly chuckled.

"Whoops, sorry! Forgot about introductions! I'm Aurora Beige, right hand to The Boss- leader of the Bound Ashes. It's a pleasure to meet you!"
She took another big bite out of her sandwich. it was tasty and it helped relax her.

"I'm a bit of an open book so if you wanna know anything about me, you can go right on and ask!~"


"Hmm... Not necessary."

She shook her head, a peremptory inflection to her words that almost verged on stern. She stood up, pushing away the sandwich she'd put so much effort into constructing without ever actually enjoying a bite of, and brushed off her gown in an elegant sweeping motion as she continued.

"There'll be plenty of time for all that if you're going to be staying here with me. Right now, I'm afraid I simply can't abide the sight of all that blood. It's thoroughly spoiled my appetite."

She put a hand on her hip, and grandly threw the other one up to point towards one of the doors leading out of the kitchen. The ethereal servant was in the process of leaving through it, its featureless figure leaving nary a footstep to disrupt the mansion's eerie silence in spite of what looked to be a rather exquisite pair of leather loafers.

"There's a bathroom down the hall to the right. Tidy yourself up a bit once you've finished and change into the clothes he leaves out for you, then meet me back here. Would you be opposed to a trip in my limousine? There's something I'd like to show you."
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