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Fandom Dimensional Conflict (OOC)

Oh no you can jump in. We can just say your character or characters were on the boat and just no one noticed yet, the boat ride was pretty uneventful anyway so it makes no difference.
Ok, I will create my character and then start the rp
KirienIsamu KirienIsamu Hey, I'm sorry but I've started losing interest in this. I know it was really soon, but I wasnt as into it as I thought.
I kinda get the feeling we need to quickly move on to the first event before interest dies out. Do all of you just want me to skip ahead to the building or do you all want to just continue walking. Not much will happen unless anyone wants to ask a question.
I kinda get the feeling we need to quickly move on to the first event before interest dies out. Do all of you just want me to skip ahead to the building or do you all want to just continue walking. Not much will happen unless anyone wants to ask a question.
I get the same thinking as well, we can skip to the building, if others will agree
Alright then. I'll just make a little paragraph to summarize everything so that we can get to the fun.
I can’t wait to show the True power of the ancestor, also I am gonna create a character from the resident evil series if you don’t mind at all.
I Will get a post up in a sec :)
On the moving side of things, I don't really know right this moment...
I just feel like interacting with the other characters for a bit before doing the first challenge
I'm just kinda rolling with the moments fo now. I really don't know what i should be doing, so it's okay to move along without my post.
ok imma just skip to around 30 minutes later so that gives the characters about 30 minutes to talk before starting.

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