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Fantasy Project Grozny: Prologue OOC



Ardent Advocate of the Ausrufung
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[class=fyuriwrapper] max-width:970px; min-height:500px; margin:auto; background:transparent; [/class] [class=imageheader] height:190px; overflow:hidden; background:url('https://i.imgur.com/9JhUliZ.jpg') no-repeat center center; background-size: cover; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; [/class] [class=header] font-family:'Bilbo Swash Caps'; font-size:50px; color:#FFFFFF; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0px #A33E1D; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 1px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: rgba(255,255,255, 0.3); [/class] [class=fyuricredit] max-width:970px; margin:auto; opacity:0.3; font-size:10px; [/class]
[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=imageheader][div class=header]Black Cat Cabin[/div][/div][div class=fyuricredit]code/design by @Fyuri[/div]

@Meme Man @Swiftshots @Ayama @prettypessimist TheInsanityOfBobSemple TheInsanityOfBobSemple Ramjammer Ramjammer @_Zephyr_
Palatinate Palatinate

Welcome to Black Cat Cabin! A hastily assembled bar, fine use of army materials, all to meet your furlough preferences.
Watch your step, though! You get charged extra for stepping onto the creaky board. That's for the main characters to- [cough]
Anyways. Sit back, relax, and order something, ye hale and lusty heroes of the Expeditionary Force!

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I don't think there's a gender restriction. I myself just wanted to play a grumpy mom lmao.
Well, ten minutes on there and I've seen that literally anything and everything can be lewded.

I lose faith in humanity sometimes on Danbooru. But hey, at least the gun nerds in the comment sections are informative enough.

Knowledge is a curse.


Also, are all the characters female? Can't even find a decent male officer on there.

All the chars on the CS are female [thus far], but you can change that by making a male char.
Ramjammer Ramjammer Is it alright if I tie in Sylvia and Cesti's interactions prior to the main story as part of the lore?

Cesti would be her mentor ever since Verdan, since she has no military training prior. Would also explains why Sylvia has light magic proficiency in her abilities.
Is it alright if I create a character for the cast that is basically an emissary from Haven that is basically their way of keeping their eye on Sylvia and making sure that she stays loyal to the cause? He's kinda like a Political Officer and could kinda form as a bit of a foil.

Also, where do you guys get those fancy templates?
Is it alright if I create a character for the cast that is basically an emissary from Haven that is basically their way of keeping their eye on Sylvia and making sure that she stays loyal to the cause? He's kinda like a Political Officer and could kinda form as a bit of a foil.

Also, where do you guys get those fancy templates?
As far as narratives go, I'm not opposed to that idea. Although it would be better if they were a Companion as well. Since most of the story will see combat and expand on the interactions between the hero and companions.
You can definitely make a companion that has their own agendas to keep an eye on the Company, though, yes.

I usually use Fyuri's codes for the templates. Here's a link to their workshop:

If you want some simpler stuff to work with, check out RPN's BBCode Tutorials. Hope that answers your question?
Am I allowed to create a fairly minor battle for my character to have been a part of? If you say no, I'll just replace it with something canon.
Ramjammer Ramjammer Is it alright if I tie in Sylvia and Cesti's interactions prior to the main story as part of the lore?

Cesti would be her mentor ever since Verdan, since she has no military training prior. Would also explains why Sylvia has light magic proficiency in her abilities.

Yeah that works for me. I can get started on adding that to Nemir's history.
I have an idea for a possible organization to add Haven's Armies that my character could potentially be a part of. Of course, you don't have to accept it at all. Due to the eternal war with the Dark Forces, morale suffers in the Heavenly Armies. The rate of corruption is high, with the Dark Lord's agents sowing discord and treason among the ranks. The war is turning desperate and Haven is often forced to use conscription under the threat of force, leading to many green soldiers with little will to fight. That is where the Black Uniforms come in, named such after their distinctive uniforms. They are Discipline/Political Officers designed to keep the discipline, loyalty, bravery, and mettle of the troopers of Haven. They answer directly to Dragonsreach and the Throne. None save for those who hold the Throne are above their watchful eye. The individual agents of this organization are known as "Observers." They are the representatives of the Royal Court's will in the units to which they were assigned, Observers had the authority to countermand the orders given by the military commanders they "supervised". Observers are typically orphans who are taken by the Government at a young age. They spend most of their childhood and teenage years being indoctrinated by the State to the ideology of the Light. They are taught that their only purpose in life is to crush the Dark Lord and his heretical servants. An Observer is empowered to use any means necessary to ensure the loyalty and moral purity of his or her charges, including overriding or even executing a commanding officer should they be found wanting or treasonous. Some use the fear to control the troops while others take a softer benevolent approach. Again, this is a rather big idea so I could tone it down. Feel free to reject it, there won't be any problems. I kinda thought that this would be kinda like the dark underbelly of Haven, showing how desperate they are to win the war that they employ such means.
I have an idea for a possible organization to add Haven's Armies that my character could potentially be a part of. Of course, you don't have to accept it at all. Due to the eternal war with the Dark Forces, morale suffers in the Heavenly Armies. The rate of corruption is high, with the Dark Lord's agents sowing discord and treason among the ranks. The war is turning desperate and Haven is often forced to use conscription under the threat of force, leading to many green soldiers with little will to fight. That is where the Black Uniforms come in, named such after their distinctive uniforms. They are Discipline/Political Officers designed to keep the discipline, loyalty, bravery, and mettle of the troopers of Haven. They answer directly to Dragonsreach and the Throne. None save for those who hold the Throne are above their watchful eye. The individual agents of this organization are known as "Observers." They are the representatives of the Royal Court's will in the units to which they were assigned, Observers had the authority to countermand the orders given by the military commanders they "supervised". Observers are typically orphans who are taken by the Government at a young age. They spend most of their childhood and teenage years being indoctrinated by the State to the ideology of the Light. They are taught that their only purpose in life is to crush the Dark Lord and his heretical servants. An Observer is empowered to use any means necessary to ensure the loyalty and moral purity of his or her charges, including overriding or even executing a commanding officer should they be found wanting or treasonous. Some use the fear to control the troops while others take a softer benevolent approach. Again, this is a rather big idea so I could tone it down. Feel free to reject it, there won't be any problems. I kinda thought that this would be kinda like the dark underbelly of Haven, showing how desperate they are to win the war that they employ such means.

I forgot about that part, thanks for reminding me. Yes, that idea works, because I already have it planned for this RP's sequel. Drakensreiter are in essence, the NKVD of Haven. While they exist as an elite aerial shock unit, they are also responsible for keeping their peers in line. While most are dragon riders, some are trained as dismounted Reiters that are essentially grounded kommissars. Most Drakensreiter have at least some years of experience. Only those that made it past the officer selection course are given the Drakensreiter title.

So if you want, you may tie in your character's connection with the Drakensreiter. Hence the black armor they wear to distinguish themselves from the white steel armors that common Army wear. And yes, when the war was desperate, especially when the Coalition was cornered at Sealow Heights, they had to use evil necessities. Some kids as young as thirteen are often sent into battle.

Anyways, the idea works, as it is already planned. Drakensreiter would be your Black Uniforms. On the frontline as of now, they'll be mainly shock units and morale officers. But when the sequel picks up on the war's end, it will elaborate more on their background. However, if you wanna build their narrative ICly, that's fine with me.
I forgot about that part, thanks for reminding me. Yes, that idea works, because I already have it planned for this RP's sequel. Drakensreiter are in essence, the NKVD of Haven. While they exist as an elite aerial shock unit, they are also responsible for keeping their peers in line. While most are dragon riders, some are trained as dismounted Reiters that are essentially grounded kommissars. Most Drakensreiter have at least some years of experience. Only those that made it past the officer selection course are given the Drakensreiter title.

So if you want, you may tie in your character's connection with the Drakensreiter. Hence the black armor they wear to distinguish themselves from the white steel armors that common Army wear. And yes, when the war was desperate, especially when the Coalition was cornered at Sealow Heights, they had to use evil necessities. Some kids as young as thirteen are often sent into battle.

Anyways, the idea works, as it is already planned. Drakensreiter would be your Black Uniforms. On the frontline as of now, they'll be mainly shock units and morale officers. But when the sequel picks up on the war's end, it will elaborate more on their background. However, if you wanna build their narrative ICly, that's fine with me.
So I can make my character a Drakensreiter political officer?

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