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Fantasy Project Grozny: Prologue Lore



👑 Exalted Monarch 👑
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[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=imageheader][div class=header]Dragonsreach Atheneum[/div][/div][div class=fyuricredit]code/design by @Fyuri[/div]


I. World of Grozny
The world of Grozny is a diverse world with a multitude of sentient beings that coexisted since the beginning of time. While conflict do spark every now and then, it often times led to reconciliation, albeit there still exists enmity and segregation issues among some conservative ethnic groups. Among the prominent states in mainland Grozny, arose the Kingdom of Haven in the West, and throughout the history of Grozny, have seen much conflict with her neighbors. Eventually, the threat of the forces of darkness from beyond the World's Edge would see to a series of coalitions and pacts between the continental states - uniting to fend of the Shadow Legions. Time and time again, the Dark Lord was contained beyond the World's Edge by the foreseen prophecy of a chosen Hero and their companions. Throughout Grozny's rugged history, the Dark Lord's rise always seem to coincide with the awakening of each era's prophesied heroes. As if, by some bound fate at the masterful hands of the Creator, Grozny seems to have miraculously survived thus long.

II. Kingdom of Haven
The most prominent power on the continent, Haven masterfully wrestled for its current state as the representative power of Grozny due to its progressive reforms and first-hand experience against the forces of darkness throughout the centuries. Always the first to raise the banner of joint endeavors against the Dark Lord, and always the first to act. The Kingdom's capital, Dragonsreach, is the center of all technological and commercial interests. The prized gem of the continent, Havenites are progressive people, whose fruitful endeavors are a shining example of their neighbors.
The Kingdom's armed forces consists of: Army, Navy, and Silver Company.

III. Silver Company
The Silver Company is formed by Sylvia of Verdan, the chosen hero, of whom was led on a quest to bring an end to the Dark Lord's menace. The Silver Companions, or simply Companions, are unique individuals that Sylvia spent much time together during war. Companions distinguish themselves by their diverse specialties, arcane capabilities, and most importantly, a certain bond with the Hero. Regardless of their background, the Companions are formidable on the field, usually taking on the Shadow Legion's commanders or other unique monstrosity that poses great danger to their more common counterparts. Companions are well trained and well-armed for any occasions. They often act as morale officers and are generally seen leading Havenite knights into battle. Raised to inspire, and honored for their deeds.

IV. Significant Events

Siege of Verdan
Having wreaked havoc to Alba, Syrakusa, and Trentino, Verdan would be Sertek's next target. A forward detachment was sent by Dragonsreach to aid in its evacuation, having suffered severe losses at sea against the overwhelming might of the Shadow Fleet. The awakening of a chosen hero during the siege led to the destruction of the Shadow Legion's forward advances. Despite this, Verdan was abandoned by the Continental Coalition after most of its inhabitants were evacuated, at the behest of the Hero's efforts.

Battle of Onyx Valley
Five years after the event of Verdan, the Coalition fought and paid dearly to hold onto their last stronghold in the central region of Grozny - Barley's Keep. By this time, the hero and her companions had barely retaken Sealow Heights to the East with staggering losses. The Dark Lord was poised to break the Groznyan's will by siege. In a daring attempt to regain their initiative, the Silver Company sallied forth to meet the Sertek's army at Onyx Valley. For one month of intense fighting, and eventual conduct of unconventional warfare, Sylvia and her allies were able to turn the tide of battle when the prior rushed headlong at the Dark Lord. A daring attack that managed to wound Sertek, despised suffering a grievous wound to her left arm. Due to the efforts of her companions, she managed to survive, while the Coalition forces managed to recapture Silesia and entrapped the Shadow Legion in a pocket. Despite this, the Dark Lord and his marshalls managed to escape North, before fleeing westward towards World's Edge. The Battle of Onyx Valley would mark the decisive turn in the conflict for the Havenites and their allies. For the next year, Haven would began rebuilding their fleet, in hopes of chasing after the Dark Lord.

Aquila Campaign
After a solid year of rebuilding and mobilization, the Kingdom of Haven and her allies sought to launch the Aquila Campaign, codename for the allied invasion of the Dark Lord's home island beyond the World's Edge - Saarema. Efforts to put together a sizeable fleet and manpower was met with some difficulty after the Shadow Legion's scourge a year prior. Despite this, the Coalition managed to muster up a fleet of 500 fighting vessels to facilitate the expedition Westward. Led by Grand Commander Sylvia, having returned from her recuperation, Haven's Expeditionary Force would make ready for the audacious attempt to attack Sertek's realm. No attempts of this feat was made by the previous heroes, as Grozny now watches over the Hero's decision to commit to a full-scale invasion. Eternal peace will prevail. However, should the Hero and her Companions fail, Grozny will surely meet its end.

V. Glossary

Mana-powered instruments used to amplify and transmit/receive voices. Utilizing mana crystal that are imbued with wind magic enchantments, the Anprac is able to relay messages over a certain radius. Generally used by Haven's military units in the field to keep in touch with their allies.

Specialized soldiers or mages that work with Anpracs.

Terms for non-regular Shadow Legions. Fireblazers, Giltines, Dracomancers, and other specialized units that poses a great threat to the main army. They are generally handled personally by the Companions.

[More will be added later]

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Haven Expeditionary Force

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    Knights of Haven
    The bread and butter of the Kingdom of Haven and her allies, these men and women are the regular faces that one might see on the field of battle. The Coalition shares the same set of armored uniforms, with distinctive color to mark their units, or plumed/crested helmet for field officers. Proficient, and diverse in a variety of skill sets, Knights of Haven, or alternatively called Havenites, are the general issued manpower of the Expeditionary Force.
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Shadow Legion

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    Shadow Legionnaires / Shades
    Shadow Legionnaires are mostly composed of cultists or followers of the Dark Lord. Their training mirrored that of their Havenite foes, with the same doctrinal approaches on the field. They are however, fanatical in their devotions to Sertek, and usually fight to the death, rather than surrender. Like the Havenite armed forces, Shadow Legion's ranks are filled with a variety of different races and composition of auxiliary fighting forces, such as undead, ghouls, and elementals.
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Haven NPC
Haven NPC

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    Sir Aerus Bukanan
    Protector of Rhineland
    Marshall of White Stag Corps

    Sir Aerus Bukanan is a well-known and well-respected noble among the faces of Dragonsreach's court. Having served in the army for years, the man is considered a true mustang, as he worked his way from the bottom as a simple footman to being granted an honorable title and personal estate in Haven. Bukanan served alongside the Hero ever since her awakening in Verdan, and was involved in the joint efforts between the Silver Company and Haven's Armed Forces. Well-versed in the art of war and politics, Bukanan conducts his battles in a gentleman-like fashion, with a strong emphasis on keeping his men alive. Bukanan is a charismatic and benevolent leader, upholding the means over the ends. He holds a certain respect for the Hero and her Companions, lending aid where he can in their common struggle to defeat the Dark Lord. He is now the acting Marshall of the White Stag Corps.
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Shadow Legions NPC

Colloquially called Harbingers, these individuals are powerful enforcers of the Dark Lord's regime. They are the equivalent of the Companions' counterpart, arguably stronger. Some commands their own armies, while others work alone. Even when confronted alone, they are not to be underestimated.

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    The Cloaked Sword

    A mysterious cloaked swordsman, whose varied use of shadow techniques make him a deadly assassin on the field. He once infiltrated Dragonsreach to murder the King. The attempt was thwarted by the Companion's timely arrival.

    Thead's name only surfaced when Banri and Pola unearthed an old record that detailed the Cloaked Sword's appearances throughout Grozny's history. His true origins remain a mystery to this day, but one thing remains concrete: he is ruthless and will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.
    Thead was responsible for wounding Sylvia at Onyx Valley.

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