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Fandom The Hymn of Hermosa (A Disney-Based RP) - OOC1

Well, Charlie is going to offer him a room for the night but maybe on their way to her house they could come across Shasta?
That sounds good, hopefully Shasta will have recovered from her epic trolling enough to continue being terrible to people by then 😄
Once the morning comes, Mr.Sykes will visit Mayor Leblanc and introduce Honest John and The CEO. Now i have the image of Honest John in his true fox form leading a parade advertising the resort while twirling a parade baton.
Aw man, I'd love to find a Tramp for Lady. And Pongo for Perdita. And Ratigan for Basil. And Dodger cause Oliver can have his bff. And Bambi for Faline. And Thomas O'Malley for Duchess.
I have a wish list, lmao. XD
Part of me kinda wishes that Jayde gets with someone completely different than Phoebus, especially her "Fuck the police" mentality, since I'm sure that Phoebus would be a cop. IDK, I just think it'd be cool, maybe change her sexuality to bisexual so it's more open.
Part of me kinda wishes that Jayde gets with someone completely different than Phoebus, especially her "Fuck the police" mentality, since I'm sure that Phoebus would be a cop. IDK, I just think it'd be cool, maybe change her sexuality to bisexual so it's more open.
That would be interesting to see! ^.^
Feel tempted to have Sykes' main boss, the Don in Seattle show up in town eventually. You know, checking how his underling is handling the business.
Moonlit Wishes Moonlit Wishes Basically Basil stumbles upon Howard at the grocery store, or somewhere more shady buying a box of Valentine's Day chocolates and roses. When confronted, He denies that he is buying it for someone else, but for himself. Then, depending on how it goes, Basil is witness to those gestures of romance getting run over by a steam roller or a limo
Moonlit Wishes Moonlit Wishes Basically Basil stumbles upon Howard at the grocery store, or somewhere more shady buying a box of Valentine's Day chocolates and roses. When confronted, He denies that he is buying it for someone else, but for himself. Then, depending on how it goes, Basil is witness to those gestures of romance getting run over by a steam roller or a limo

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