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Fantasy Finding Home Again Rp

Zuri Alexis Diamanto

Zuri heard that food was ready as she went to the table" who is she" she say pointing the stranger she didn't exactly like strangers she just puffed her cheeks she just just looked down at the pancakes as she was poking at it as she pouted she haven't said one word to the stranger yet she was nervous about talking to her" Ra is she, my big sister, mommy talked about in the letters" she asked as she waited for the others to get to the table so they can eat her stomach was growling she just played with her necklace she didn't know what to think her sister yet she was shy she just looked away" it's okay Ru they looks good" she say happily Ethereal_Dreams Ethereal_Dreams BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Peckinou Peckinou PauciloquentPumpkin PauciloquentPumpkin RikuXIII RikuXIII
Texangamer Texangamer Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Peckinou Peckinou RikuXIII RikuXIII Ethereal_Dreams Ethereal_Dreams BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
PauciloquentPumpkin PauciloquentPumpkin
Haruki scurried under the table popping up next to where Zuri usually sat when they all ate together. "Pancakes!!!" He exclaimed, blushing as he eyed the pile. Looking over at Kaoru and Willow "thanks for making breakfast, even if Kaoru burnt some of it again" laughing as he used his fork to stab and drag two pancakes onto his plate "everyone this is Keena! Shes Julia's oldest child" He exclaimed, happily staring at the pancakes "shes really nice just like Miss Julia.....was....." Haruki swallowed the bit of pancake in his mouth before looking at willow "Willow may I please be excused " he asked, a little sadness in his voice, everyone had brought up Julia that day and it was really getting to him. Starting to tear up again Haruki's ears laid down on top of his head just as he held his tail to hide his face. Anyone slightly listening could hear him holding back tears followed by sniffling.
Zuri Alexis Diamanto

Zuri just looked at her food as she noticed Haruki sit next to him" sister?" she said as she bites her lip as she sighed eating the pancakes she loved Karou pancakes they always tasted good" nice like mommy" she says" why did mommy have to die" she said as she sighed looking at Haruki" it's okay everything be okay I miss her too" she said rubbing his ears just like her mom used to. Zuri felt tears but she wiped it on her shirt all she wanted to do was eat her food and maybe try to talk to her sister" I um.... Ms. Keena" she says" i..... i....... my........ name...... is Zuri Alexis Diamanto" she says her full name while looking at the pancakes nervously she had so many questions for her sister but she doesn't know where to start to ask her big sister she played with her bangs she does it when she really nervous like now​
Keena watched the girl who sat next to her, "Its fine, i know me arriving at random has probably caught all of you guys off guard as much as it has me." She glanced to the pancakes before taking a bite and savoring it. When Haruki mentioned her name and her mother he got sad once again and she frowned slightly. Reaching over she gently patted his head, "I may not have known my mother but I'm happy that she still has people who care for her to this day." Her green eyes shifted over to the blonde girl, she had guessed this was her little sister. "It's nice to meet you Zuri, I hope you and I can have a nice talk once I've settled in. It's not everyday you find out you have a sibling." She sat back down and took another bite of the pancakes. Her eyes wandering to each person there, they all seemed nice. She smiled down at the food, thinking things over, "Life certainly wont be boring now." She whispered under her breath.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Texangamer Texangamer Ethereal_Dreams Ethereal_Dreams Peckinou Peckinou RikuXIII RikuXIII

(humanoid form)
interactions: Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Ethereal_Dreams Ethereal_Dreams
as sarcove dragged Keena and Haruki into the house he gave keena a smile "don't worry about it to much its the least i could do makes you feel more comfortable right?" he asked curiously as it seemed she was trying to avoid staring at him? it was a little confusing but the smell of pancakes filled his nostrils he licked his lips hungrily. "hey don't worry so much Kaoru there still pancakes even if there burned, and your not stupid... at all" he said with a smile before coming up behind the kitsune and giving her a hug nuzzling her a little from behind, before letting go after a moment to grab himself some pancakes mostly the burned stuff since he rather liked them before sitting down and scoffing down a bunch of the pancakes. "yeah.. things around here are certainly interesting" sarcove replied to keena through a mouthful of pancakes?
Zuri Alexis Diamanto
Zuri just looked at her big sister as she felt tears dropping down she couldn't believe she had a big sister she couldn't stop the tears" yeah let's have a talk later I will like to know my big sister" she crying as she looked at the dragon guy she was still scared if him and he made her feel uncomfortable when he doesn't have a shirt in she just looked away" Ms. Keena wanna see my room later or we can talk outside" she says as she was still nervous about talking to her​
"Thanks for the food, I'm about starved!" exclaimed Keena. Willow smiled and gave a nod in response. He smiled as everyone gathered around for breakfast, watching them as they ate. He was glad Keena had an appetite. It was always nice feeling appreciated.

"Willow may I please be excused?" Asked Haruki. Willow could see that talk of Julia was upsetting him. He didn't get the honor of meeting Julia, but from the stories he's heard from his people back on Wentra, she was definitely a woman that could move someone so. Willow didn't always know what to say, but this was one of those times he wished he had the words to comfort Haruki.

Willow smiled reassuringly as he answered, "Of course you may, Haru." Willow watched the others interact in silence, remembering his own family gatherings back on Wentra. He missed his family, and he wasn't so sure about things at first, but at least he has a new family. He ate his pancakes neatly, enjoying the company. The smell of syrup and sounds of chatter were comforting.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Texangamer Texangamer Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Peckinou Peckinou Ethereal_Dreams Ethereal_Dreams BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Interactions: BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Texangamer Texangamer Ethereal_Dreams Ethereal_Dreams PauciloquentPumpkin PauciloquentPumpkin

Riphalie went inside to find just what he was expecting breakfast and the burnt pancakes Kaoru made, he honestly thought that she should just stop using her powers to help her cook food faster. Although he did like speed he wasn't exactly a fan of her burning pancakes like this every time she helps cook though they made no effort to express their concern about it. They took a bit of food and took the least burnt pancake they could find although their plate was a bit small they didn't care much as they smiled from across the table of Keena. Although them mention of Julia which caused Haruki to cry was concerning they never really comforted Zuri or Haruki about it even though they were likely the best candidate to do so having known Julia the longest out of anyone here. In truth they didn't think they would be good even though they never showed any emotions regarding Julias death they were just as sad as them two perhaps even more so. Though they never let their sadness show and kept the smile on their face and a happy appearance even if it does make them seem like they had no care about it. They just went on to look towards the others who were chatting with one other "Im sure you will get along fine with your sister Zuri, you two will have more than enough time to acquaint yourselves with each other once Keena settles herself in." they poked a bit at their food taking bites of it while keeping their eyes facing forward towards the two, seeing that Keena would likely would to unload her bags in her room first before doing any sorta activities.​
Zuri Alexis Diamanto

Zuri just looked at Riphallie as she smiled as she listens to what he had to say as she was thinking what he said as she didn't know what to say she just closed her eyes as she sighed finishing eating her pancakes as she got up from the table" yeah I know I give big sister time to unpack and stuff" she said as she brought her plate to the kitchen. Zuri held the plate as she just remembered her mom as she gasps she remembered the pain what she went through when she was a kid' mom what do I do about sis I don't know what to say to her' she thought the memories of her mom was too much for her just like when she was a child her heart was fragile she had dropped onto the floor covering her ears she was having a mental breakdown she needed to block out the memories of her mom again she just closed her eyes crying breathing in and out" mommy" she cries she didn't know how to calm down she just was freaking out​
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Haruki left the table, quickly shoving what was left of his pancakes into his mouth. Sliding out of the chair he made his way back outside into the snow. Going to the garden Haruki curled up under a tree, holding his tail while reminiscing about Julia teaching him about the plants. Snuggling into his tail he used it as a pillow Haruki started laughing, remembering the good times the two of them shared "you wouldn't want me to cry....would you Miss Julia?" Laughing more as he relished in those wonderful memories, snow building up on him just as it did Sarcove over those days of his slumber. It wasn't as if the snow or cold really bothered him either.
Keena smiled as she watched the others sitting and eating, I reminded her a great deal of the orphanage and for once it sort of felt like she hadn't left home at all. Sure, these were all new people that she had to get to know, but they all seemed friendly and one of them actually was related to her by blood. She was happy her sister seemed eager to get to know her, "Well what if we took a stroll around the mansion while talking?" She asked looking to her sister. "It won't take me long to get my stuff settled in my room, I don't really have much anyways." She was also already thinking about what to make these guys for supper, she had been one of the ones to cook all the food for everyone. It felt like it would be a nice little surprise for them for such a warm welcome, maybe a bit of a frightful one but still warm nonetheless. Before that, though she'd have to find out what they liked to eat, she could make several different dishes. That wouldn't bother her at all and it would give her the chance to get familiar with the kitchen. When Zuri got up her eyes followed the girl until she didn't see her anymore, however she heard the thud of something hitting the floor and stood. She found Zuri on the floor crying and covering her ears as if she were trying to block something, she bent down gently touching Zuri's back and rubbing gently along her spine. "Everything will be okay... You can come to me at any time if you want, sometimes they say talking helps. And even if we don't seem much like sisters at this point we are and I'll be here for you." She said with a gentle smile, her green eyes holding the same gentle promise as she looked at her younger sister. She wondered just how hard everything had been for those who knew her mother and had been here when she had passed on.
Texangamer Texangamer
Zuri Alexis Diamanto
Zuri just covering her ears when she was having a mental breakdown she didn't think anyone would come to calm her down but her big sister came to her rescue as she just looked up at her tears coming down her face as she removed her hands from her ears as she looked at her she had her mother eyes blue" i... I get mental break down when I remember mom" she say as she sighed" I had no one to talk to I know I had the others but they wouldn't understand me my feelings except for cassie," she said as she hugged her as she felt the rubbing of her back as she got hugged" I'm sorry for worrying you Kea," she said coming up with a cute nickname even though she only met her today but she felt somewhat connected with her​
Keena smiled softly at the new nickname, "Well you'll be okay, I'm here for you as I'm sure everyone else is as well. Holding in those memories are probably far more painful to you than talking about them. But that is only my guess, so I'll leave it to you to decide. Plus, if you let those memories out through talking about them then as time goes by it all won't be pint up in you and I'll have learned a bit about our mother." She laughed slightly, "It's so strange saying that, but it's nice. I figured my parents loved me in a way since they left me with a name and the letter begged the orphanage not to change it for any reason. So I guess it makes sense now and believe it or not I am very happy to know I have a baby sister." She said giving her a bit of a tighter squeeze before pulling back and wiping at her sister's tears. "You want to come help me unpack? I have yet to be shown where my room is and I think that might just a good distraction for the time being." She knew her sister would need time before being able to talk about their mother, but she had all the time in the world. Before that, she could get to know her better and then they could move on to their mother. She also figured she could talk to Haruki about Julia, it could probably help him move on a bit as well along with anyone who might need to get things off their chest.
Texangamer Texangamer
Willow watched as Zuri had a breakdown, falling to the floor. He stood quickly, though he wasn't sure what to do. Luckily Keena acted quickly, rushing to her side to comfort her. It reminded him of the kindness of her mother. It helped to strengthen his convictions, to put his mind at ease that he was doing the right thing, helping Keena to unlock her powers. Though, he wasn't quite sure what he was supposed to do. He thought there would be time for that though. For now, it seemed it was time for Keena to get to know her younger sister.

Willow quietly gathered the dishes of everyone that was finished and brought them to the sink. He began cleaning up from the cooking earlier, and washing the dishes. He thought it was a good idea to leave Keena and Zuri to their business. Talk of why they were all there seemed like it could wait. As he placed the dishes neatly in the dish rack, he wondered what he should do until it was time to have a conversation with Keena. Maybe finish that book he was reading earlier. That seemed like a good idea.
Haruki Walked into the kitchen and over to WIllow, gently tugging on his shirt while using his free hand to wipe his eyes. "Willow...would you want to go play in the snow?" Putting a smile on as he helped WIllow with the dishes, drying them as he placed them on the rack before putting them up in the proper cabinets. "I know we are supposed to help them, but Miss Julia never told us how to help them exactly" Pausing to look at his reflection in a pot before fixing a few out of place hairs. Dusting his tail off Haruki yawned and rubbed his eyes, he had helped out quite a bit, mostly with making sure the fish in the fountains had been fed and checking on the plants in the garden "Oh! or you can help me in the garden, I haven't watered some of the vegetables today" Smiling as he held his tail, picking any stray matter out of it that he found.
PauciloquentPumpkin PauciloquentPumpkin

(humanoid form)
interactions: Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf PauciloquentPumpkin PauciloquentPumpkin
Sarcove finished of his stack of pancakes having watch the two sisters go off to bond, it was probably for the best they where left alone. and there was a good question of what to do next he could always talk to Haruki he was cute well cute had fluffy sarcove has always liked that about him there was also willow to. The where cleaning up so and it looked like Haruki was restless then again he was having a big of a emotional day maybe they needed a hug? No...? maybe? Yeah sure Sarcove thought Getting up and walked behind the two he did overhear what they where talking about. ”hey snow sounds like fun, id be in for that“ he replied pulling both willow and Haruki into a hug form behind, as was sarcoves way... he was either stand off ish or overly affectionate.
Willow was lost in his thoughts when he felt a gentle tug on his shirt. He came to with a start, looking down at his would-be assailant. He smiled at the young boy, welcoming his help with the dishes. He replied to Haruki, "Tending to the garden sounds like a great idea. Once we finish the dishes, I'll grab my coat and we can head out to the garden." Before he finished the dishes, he felt an arm around him, pulling him in.

Willow had grown used to Sarcove's sudden embraces, though he was never fond of them. He turned his head towards Sarcove and spoke with a lack of enthusiasm, "Hello Sarcove." His voice picked back up as he continued, "Haru and I are going to tend to the garden once we finish up here, you're free to join." He turned his head back to continue washing dishes as he thought to himself, "Well, there goes a quiet day out the window." He didn't mind though, not every day can be a nice quiet one.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Zuri Alexis Diamanto
Zuri just looked at her big sister while she talked" I'll talk to them about my feelings I blocked the memories out for so long I'm glad I have you now" she said happily as she noticed her big sister wiping her tears" yeah can I help you out unpack I can show you my room too maybe we can go for walk and play in the pretty snow" she said smiling. Zuri just got up from the floor she felt better" thank you, Kea, you made me feel better" she say as she smiled looking outside" we can go sledding what is it like in the human world I don't go there too often I usually stay in this mansion I don't go to school either they pretty much taught me a lot of things" she said BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Willow was lost in his thoughts when he felt a gentle tug on his shirt. He came to with a start, looking down at his would-be assailant. He smiled at the young boy, welcoming his help with the dishes. He replied to Haruki, "Tending to the garden sounds like a great idea. Once we finish the dishes, I'll grab my coat and we can head out to the garden." Before he finished the dishes, he felt an arm around him, pulling him in.

Willow had grown used to Sarcove's sudden embraces, though he was never fond of them. He turned his head towards Sarcove and spoke with a lack of enthusiasm, "Hello Sarcove." His voice picked back up as he continued, "Haru and I are going to tend to the garden once we finish up here, you're free to join." He turned his head back to continue washing dishes as he thought to himself, "Well, there goes a quiet day out the window." He didn't mind though, not every day can be a nice quiet one.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3

(humanoid form)
interactions: Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf PauciloquentPumpkin PauciloquentPumpkin
Sarcove finished of his stack of pancakes having watch the two sisters go off to bond, it was probably for the best they where left alone. and there was a good question of what to do next he could always talk to Haruki he was cute well cute had fluffy sarcove has always liked that about him there was also willow to. The where cleaning up so and it looked like Haruki was restless then again he was having a big of a emotional day maybe they needed a hug? No...? maybe? Yeah sure Sarcove thought Getting up and walked behind the two he did overhear what they where talking about. ”hey snow sounds like fun, id be in for that“ he replied pulling both willow and Haruki into a hug form behind, as was sarcoves way... he was either stand off ish or overly affectionate.
“We can play in the snow as well, it’s always fun hitting Sarcove with snowballs” Haruki laughed as he hugged Sarcove back “Hey Sarcove...do you know how we are supposed to help Julia’s oldest daughter?” Haruki still hadn’t gotten past that line of questioning when he initially asked Willow “oh! And after we play in the snow we can all go take a hot bath!” He exclaimed excitedly, nearing jumping up and down. Sarcove and Willow were two of of his favorite adopted siblings....or at least that is how he saw the two of them. Haruki’s tail starting to wag as he hummed, trying to finish up in the kitchen as quickly as possible so they could go to the garden and then play.
(humanoid form)
interactions: Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf PauciloquentPumpkin PauciloquentPumpkin
”well, don’t think I won’t hit you either“ Sarcove said with a chuckle happy that Haruki seemed to be feeling a lot better and hugged sarcove back the dragon wings wrapping around both willow and Haruki for a little bit before breaking off. So they could both get back to what they where doing although the question play on his mind... how where they meant to help her? For sarcove the thoughts where still rather fresh, even if it had been years.. “honestly i have no clue... maybe just give it some time? And yeah a hot bath does sound nice” he commented calmly waiting for the two of them to finish up with cleaning “right then, first one outside is a whelp” sarcove shouted excitedly before racing outside.
Keena was happy that her sister seemed to cheer up, "Alright little sis, lead the way." She said standing and going to fetch her stuff. After about five minutes of walking around they had landed at Keenas room, she really didn't know what to expect when they walked in but the room was beautiful and large. "Geez, I'm going to need to get some more stuff to make this room not seem so empty..." Her eyes darted to the two doors leading out to a small balcony and she smiled, "Oh!!" She rushed over opening the doors and stepping outside before glancing back to her little sister, "This place is amazing, It's hard to believe that I own it now...oh we can bring out two chairs for us and have chats while watching the sunset tonight. It's a little chilly, but I can make us some hot chocolate and warm chocolate chip cookies and we could snuggle up in blankets." Perhaps she was getting ahead of herself but she had always wanted to sit and chat with someone on a balcony while watching the sunset. It had been a long time dream of hers even if it might have seemed a little weird to others.
Texangamer Texangamer
Zuri Alexis Diamanto
Zuri just looked at her sister as she smiled as her sister got her stuff" I'm glad your here" she said as she smiled going to her sister room she didn't want to show her room how messy it was she usually get scolded for her room she just looked at her sister once they reached the room and her walking towards the balcony" it's nice huh" she said. Zuri just smiled as she heard what she wanted to do" chocolate chip cookies sound good and hot chocolate I will like that" she says happily" well mom can't give it to me since I'm still a kid I'm only 14" she said looking at her big sister she liked that she was spending some time with her sister" I can't wait to start training with you magic is awesome" she said wearing the lucky bracelet her mom gave to her. BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
"I am a bit surprised she left it in my name since I'm only 18, though I doubt she could have left it in both of our names. If you want we can look over the paperwork later and see if we can put in both our names once you turn 18." She said with a small laugh before taking her shoes off and walking back into the room as to not get snow in the room. "Ahh yes, this whole magic thing, in the letter mother wrote me she said that those who are living here will awaken my powers...though it didn't say how. I am also curious if the magic will work through one's will power or if I need to learn spells. Or is it possibly a mix, when I arrived and first stepped foot on these grounds I felt a hum of what I now think might have been power. Or maybe it was just my nerves..." She walked over grabbing her suitcase and headed for the dresser off to the side. The first thing she pulled out was a letter, the one her parents had left with her before dropping her off at the orphanage, "This letter was the only reason I ever thought that our parents actually did care for me. Do you want to read it? It's pretty much just them asking the place I had been living at to keep my name the same at all costs. Most parents who abandon their children wouldn't do that. I don't think they were really expecting to have another child, but I am glad that you got to live with mother while she was alive. Did you ever meet our father?"
Texangamer Texangamer
Zuri Alexis Diamento
Zuri just looked at her sister" i'm not that surprised she did say she loved you very much when she.... died" she say as she just took a deep breath" i don't how i'm just 14 so i wouldn't know plus i don't remember much of when i was a kid since i blocked it out but i'm gonna try to get it back" she say as she smiled looking at her sister unpack. Zuri just looked at the letter" i wanna see" she say as she went to her big sister" i don't know daddy he died when i was born i don't know why i was kept here there so many questions i have can you me what you like" she asked as she smiled looking at her sister looking at the letter" mom never gave me a leter everyone else have one but me" she told her. BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
With the help of Haruki, Willow finished the dishes quickly. He told the others that he would meet them outside, he still had to get his jacket. He made his way to his room, picking up his blue parka. He could handle the cold, if he were in his unicorn form, but since his people were attacked back on Wentra, he hasn't shifted out of his human form, fearful of what people might do, what hunters would seek him out if he did.

Before leaving, Willow checked out his window, wondering if Sarcove and Haruki were out by the garden yet. He saw no sign of the yet. Knowing those two, they'd likely be wanted to do more energetic things besides just tending to the garden. To remedy this, he decided to bring along a book. He tucked it into his jacket as he made his way outside and toward the garden to meet up with the others. The air was chilly outside, the snowfall had stopped, leaving a fresh new sheet of snow, untouched by people. Well, mostly. A set of footprints lead from the door, and Willow followed them towards the garden, expecting to see Haruki and Sarcove there.

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3

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