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Fantasy War of the Dragons OOC

Why do they keep themselves secret? I was planning on having my lady’s house been from a distant land, a more heathen land I suppose. They found themselves in the court due to trading as her family could produce many exotic goods. They would not have had to keep it every where they originate from. Obviously as time went on they Assimilated it’s only natural being away from your land of origins for generations. I was going to have her already know for her rather... foreign practice. It seems to be fitting
Why do they keep themselves secret? I was planning on having my lady’s house been from a distant land, a more heathen land I suppose. They found themselves in the court due to trading as her family could produce many exotic goods. They would not have had to keep it every where they originate from. Obviously as time went on they Assimilated it’s only natural being away from your land of origins for generations. I was going to have her already know for her rather... foreign practice. It seems to be fitting
The secrecy is a safety measure. They are aware the Abyss is viewed negatively by many, first of all. Second, their internal network can easily be disrupted if it became known, since such well organized citizens can easily be seen as a threat. Lastly, they heritage from a time of more religious supression than they experience today. Many of the traditions have been made during that time and as traditions go, they have not been changed. They are somewhat applicable for aforementioned reasons, too, so there really isnt much reason to change them.
Gonna be hard to hide when everyone knows you are a foreigner to begin with
Gonna be hard to hide when everyone knows you are a foreigner to begin with
Just because you are a foreigner doesnt mean you have to be part of the religion. If she does not break tradition, there should not be any evidence. Rumors, maybe, who knows what people come up with :3

Also, if you have ideas for the Abysswalkers, feel free to pitch them, they are by no means a set in stone concept (the Abyssheart part of them more than the Watchers, the Watchers are very open to any cool ideas)
Abyss walkers remind me of a evil Ultra Class in a certain game, they are pretty hard to beat and scary in the game.
well I was thinking it be cool to be the religion, she just also happened to be a foreigner. Even if she doesn’t claim to be part of it the religion she will already be consider strange for her clothing and practices and traditions. It would probably be more fun for her to not actually be part of the walkers but everyone just thinks she is
lol surprise surprise the church hates the foreigns for looking and talking different. I Love it
Pretty sure it was the fact one side has a Dark Knight and the other has a Demon.
Enryn doesn't like anyone. He doesn't even like Darius. He only serves him because that means he can keep on hunting traitors to his hearts content.
So wait , is the current Queen married to a foreign king?
Wouldn't that make their child heir to both this kingdoms and their kingdoms throne if they do succeed in the Rebellion.
So wait , is the current Queen married to a foreign king?
Wouldn't that make their child heir to both this kingdoms and their kingdoms throne if they do succeed in the Rebellion.
The Queen was married. Her husband died, so she's technically Queen Dowager, with her son technically also being Emperor.

Oh well that makes sense. Mhm, someone at least needs to give Darius a break.
Darius doesn't deserve a break.
well according to morals, Darius is going through crap. He may be racist...and genderist....and stupid.....but...uh

The Queen was married. Her husband died, so she's technically Queen Dowager, with her son technically also being Emperor.

Darius doesn't deserve a break.
So couldn't the Queen call for help from the foreign kingdom into the war then if their son is emperor?
Now that I think about it, if you want, I can write a bit of lore about how the government, economy, and people work. You know? How the people really think of the type of government, and the type of currency the kingdom uses; even the treaties that may have occurred in the past. I would also be interested in writing the type of world they live in, the creature's that walk the Earth and where they are relatively to different territories.

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