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Fantasy After The War (1x1 with Saffron_Majesty)

Rayvin looked up at him sullenly and listened. She looked tired now as well as she shuffled in place. "Alright.." She spoke quietly. There was nothing she could do now.. or for a while. The frustration kept building but her tiredness kept a damper on it for now. She watched him turn his head towards the bunker and started to walk away but she stayed standing where she was. They were going back already?

"Can.. Can I stay out here a little longer?" She asked him.
Anthony stopped and looked back. "Yeah. Ill stay with you." He said, some light coming back to his face. "It is your first time outside after all, and I'd hate for you to miss out." The big man explained, walking a couple short steps back to Rayvin.

"As long as we're out here we could explore your powers and physical abiities for a moment." Anthony said gesturing outwardly with his hands.
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"Uh-" His suggestion caught her off guard but it was something she was willing to do. "What should I do?" She looked down at her own hands through her hair. They gently clenched and released as she thought of what to do. It occurred to her that she wasn't quite sure what she could do. However out of everything else that seemed missing from her memory, this was something she seemed in the slightest bit confident in.

Rayvin's posture relaxed as she breathed in. Mid breath, she seemed to get an idea... a funny, little idea. Her eyes looked up at him before she exhaled hard at him. What followed was a rush of wind, followed by a flurry of dead leaves and foliage that blew into his face. She got a little friendly playback and seemed pleased with herself.
Anthony stood tall and took his karma, laughing and getting leaves in his hair. "Don't miss the little things though." Anthony said beaming at Rayvin and gesturing with his hand at the ground where two trails of frozen ground led from Anthony's shoes to Rayvin's, freezing the rubber of her shoes to the grass. Anthony burst out laughing quickly being reduced to a heap as he struggled to contain his jubilee.
Rayvin looked down to the ground and found she couldn't move her feet and they were getting cold with each passing moment. "How.." She pulled her feet away from the grass and shook them off. "I can't do anything like that.." She gave him a wrinkled nose for his laughing fit.
"No you can't. But you can do some amazing things tbat I can't." Anthony said finally recovering from his fit of laughter. "There are many things you can do with wind manipulating powers such as yours. With practice you could most likely control weather to an extend, leanr how to cut things with air, or maybe even fly." Anthony said encouragingly.
To Rayvin that sounded amazing! She started to wonder about all the things that she could do. Flying being the most forefront of the possibilities. It sounded too incredible! "What if I can't though?.." She started to let her thoughts wonder down a more pessimistic path. "What if it doesn't come back to me?"
Anthony let out a big strong laugh and paced over to Rayvin. He bent over, picking up a leaf. Anthoy then took Rayvin's hand and placed the leaf in her palm. "You have it in you. You might not remeber but the first time you woke up in the containment room, you made a tornado." Anthony said with an exited grin. "Close your eyes and focus on the leaf. Imagine it floating. Just a gently breeze carrying the leaf to a new home." Anthony said soothingly.
She nodded and started to focus intently. The leaf wiggled a little after a minute of concentration and then it took off in the wind!

Rayvin watched it float away... "I didn't do that." She stated quite flatly. It seemed Mother Nature decided to tease her today as well. She turned her back to the wind to shield her hand some and tried again. There were a few close attemps; one was near successful but it fell short, the others either stayed in her hand or got swept away by too much of her ability. It was starting to give her a headache and frustration was building once more.
Anthony smiled with reminiscence. "Maybe I'm thinking too small. Micro training does come later in your abilities. Let's go macro." Anthony said with boisterous excitement. He rapidly back-stepped a good distance from Rayvin. Ice spread from Anthony's shoes and crawled up his calves until he was firmly anchored to the ground. The big man spread his arms like wings. "Let it rip Rayvin!" he said, bracing himself.
Rayvin wasn't quite sure how to do that though. There was something familiar about how this felt. The breeze picked up as she started to think about what had happened in the containment room. It took a couple of minutes of her standing there to put herself back in that place. That incident was all she had to go on for recreating that event. She remembered she saw someone standing over her and him saying-

'Wait, no.." She shook her head slightly and closed her eyes. That had been Anthony. No one else was there.

She didn't realize it yet but the air around her started to still. Rustling leaves started to settle and the breeze came to a halt.
Anthony lowered his hands in mild disappointment when the air current stopped and the leaves settled before he realized the Rayvin was having a problem mentally. He could tell by the way she closed her eyes and softly shook her head that she was scared or having an emotional block.

The big man who was stuck to the ground put his hands on his hips and sighed. "Well I'm stuck here at the moment so let's do this another way." Anthony said trying to maintain positive energy between himself and Rayvin. He motioned for Rayvin to come to him by wave of his hand. "Come here and I'll show you how to do this without thinking and memories and the stuff that gets in the way." Anthony said with an encouraging smile.
Her attention was brought back to him and the gentle breeze returned. Her gaze was a little spacey until she heard him say he would show her.

She went over to to him and inspected his feet. “Can you not reverse the effect?”
"Unfortunately no." Anthony said chuckling. "In my order form I contain infinite amounts of energy. My only limit is my exhaustion from using my power too much. The same is said for this ability except that I can now absorb infinite amounts of energy. When I blew frost at you I wasn't blowing cold air. I was blowing normal air and sucking all of the heat out of it." Anthony explained, his orange eyes blazing.

"Now," the big man began. "Stand beside me and take my position. Follow my movements and words." Anthony instructed. "Our powers as elementals is based on our breathing." Anthony explained. "Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and exhale." Anthony said. "Now begin a deep breath and raising your hands at the same time. Prolong the completion of this inhale until your hands meet above your head like a diver. Keep you eyes closed and think of nothing." Anthony said completing the movement himself.
Rayvin listened to his explanation but she didn’t dare admit she didn’t understand. Some of it made sense but he lost her at absorbing. She figured she would learn it along the way.

The breathing aspect also confused her. Couldn’t she simply command the wind and it would bend to her whim? Her brow was furrowed but her focus was honed in to his motions. She followed his instruction and did so calmly and as patiently as she could. Now to think of nothing.. that honestly wasn’t too hard since there wasn’t much in her memory.. but the questions. No! Silence them. The expression on her face made it clear she was fighting with the few memories she had to quiet them.
Anthony looked to his side and chuckled watching Rayvin. "The point is to bring your lungs and your mind into rhythm. The only way to expel large amounts of force is to maintain peace." Anthony said. The big man frowned slightly. "I know you must be having trouble finding peace." He said contemplatively. "First we must clear up your conscience." Anthony said looking into Rayvin's eyes. Your main worry is your memories and your desperation to know your past as well as who you are. We must solve the problem in your mind and you must wholeheartedly accept the solution." Anthony advised Rayvin.
Rayvin nodded and followed his solution but it only made her feel worse. I’m exhausted exasperation she let her hands fall with a slump. “How can I find a solution when I can’t even remember my real name?” She shook her head.

“I-I’m Sorry.. I guess I’m just... really tired.” She had hoped she would have managed to figure something out.. This was going to be a lot harder than she thought.

“Is there something else I can do?” It was clearer that patience wasn’t a virtue of hers.
"Well yes, atleast it's something I can do. But the costs for me will be less steep if you can do as I say with this solution." Anthony said hesitantly. He took one of Rayvin's hands and clasped it in his. "I promise we are going to figure out who you are. I need you to know that I will do whatever it takes." Anthony reassured Rayvin. "The thing you need to accept, is that this will take time. Your solution is the acceptance of the likelihood that the process we are going to go through to find you is going to go on for a while. Once you accept that, everything becomes easier. Do you think you can do that for me?" Anthony ask with a soft expression.
There was a hesitant step back as her hand was taken. “I..” she struggled to come to terms with it all. “I don’t know..” she looked solemnly to the ground as she thought. Looking ahead she didn’t see herself being able to get past this..

He was right. She needed to accept it. Her hand squeezed in his gently as she looked back up to him. “I can try..”
"Good." Anthony said nodding. "I believe that you will do your best and that is enough for the next step." Anthony said becoming very serious. He let go of Rayvin's hand. "Part of my abilities involve my body's flow of energy and how I react with the universal flow. This is why I can tap into infinite amounts of energy as well as the vacuum of energy. This also means that I can control the energy in all things, even the living. But in order to do that I must share my connection, which is painful. Basically I'd be attaching my nervous system to yours." Anthony said willfully. "Consider me a super-powered chi masseuse." Anthony said letting a little humor flair into a smile and a chuckle.
“Wait what??” She stepped back at the thought of that. “Is that really necessary??” She gave him a quizzical look. “Look.. I just want to know how to get stronger so we can goo find someone who might know something about me.. I don’t understand how you ... doing that is going to help.”
"I know how scary that sounds but you are the one who wants to pursue yourself as fast as you can so it's either great patience like I mentioned before, or significantly less patience and greater power. What I can do will boost your progress significantly. Beggars can't be choosers." Anthony told Rayvin with a sympathetic look. "Also, I have had my abilities for near twenty years, since I was only ten, and I have used them to help and hurt many people, gaining great power and experience along the way. Trust me that I know what I'm doing." Anthony explained and sighed. "It's intimidating and I understand if that isn't the way you want to do this, but it won't injure either of us and there is much to gain from it."
She thought it over some and came to a decision. “I would like that but you’ve already been through enough today..” she recounted the events that took place in her containment room. There was a slight appreciative smile.

A stiff breeze blew around them, causing Rayvin to brush her hair out of her face.
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Anthony held out his hands wide with a nice smile. "What I've been through today pales in comparison to the lies, pain, and torture I've been subjected to for most of my life." Anthony said, astride with confidence. "I must insist on providing this service." Anthony said. "Look at you. Wind is a natural state for your life." Anthony said remarking at Rayvin's beautiful hair that blew in the wind.
There was a steady exhale from her as her eyes stayed downcast. His compliment caused her to lift her eyes some to look at him. Her chin raised slightly too as her confidence returned. "I'm.. going to trust you again." She breathed out. "If this will help, then alright." She stepped forward to him again, "What do I need to do?" Her eyes looked at his now with determination. It had been a quick turn around but she couldn't explain why she was so hesitant in the first place.

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