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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate shooks his head, laughing in the street. This was so different to how he used to travel. He would travel guarded, safely down the roads. Always moving where he could quickly find cover or safety. But not now. Now they walked out in the open, relatively loud as they discussed the ridiculousness that was this conversation. Playing. There was so much joy. So much positivity in the air. “Well, I have been both fooled and duped then. This is a shocking turn of events. Perhaps I should leave. What do you think? Turn around and walk away before it gets too bad. I would hate to be manipulated and swindled.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex knew they should be quiet, that they should be paying attention to their surroundings but Alex couldn’t bring himself to care. He was having too much fun playing around with Nate. Alex listened to him as he talked, shaking his head at the man. “I think you should keep coming with me. What’s the worst thing that happens with me. Possibility of death or a farmhouse dream. But on your own a chance of being lost forever.” Alex said with a smile.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate brought up a hand in thought. He narrowed his eyes like this was something he needed to consider. “I do like this farmhouse dream, that’s true. It’s the best of the options by far. Well, I mean, being lost isn’t so bad. I’m sure I’d find something eventually. It would beat death by giant monsters who would probably kill me in viscous and horrifying ways.” He looked over his shoulder. “ do you think maybe I’d be better off on my own then?” He let his hand relax and began to fall out of Alex’s.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex was so busy working on keeping a straight face that he had to think on how to best answer Nate. “Being lost could lead you right into those same things and you’d be all alone.” Alex started, watching Nate with a grin. As he felt Nate’s hand begin to move out of his own, he tightened his grip, trying to keep that hand. “I don’t think you’d be better on your own.” Alex said truthfully. “I know I wouldn’t be anymore.” He added softly.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate was considering trying to be coy up until the part where the hand was restolen and Alex got so ungodly cute it was unbearable. Those sweet words at the end made his entire heart ache not to be with him. So instead of being coy or sassy in response to this forceful display of Alex’s obvious opinions, he closed that gap between them, being as physically close as would allow with hand holding, and answered, “Well then maybe you’d be better off with me.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex had been patiently waiting to see just what Nate would do when he reclaimed his hand in Alex's. He wasn't expecting him to close the gap and bring them close to each other. He blushed as he looked at Nate with a smile. "I think I'd be much much better off with you" Alex said softly, honestly. He had no reason to lie about this, and he wouldn't. He knew in his heart that he'd always be better off with Nate.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate laughed and looked down. He had no reason to be embarrassed, and he wasn’t. It was one of those weird moments where the world was just too perfect for him to fathom how it could even manage that with horrible situations like stalkers and shamblers out there. How can this be so good when that is so bad? It was almost like he should feel guilty for being happy when so many people could never be. They never got the chance. “Alex?” Because now that he considered it, this was a question for which he needed the answer. This answer would change how to continued. “Are you happy?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex looked at Nate when he asked that question. He had never had anyone ask him that before. He thought back to the last time he was happy, which had been eight years ago, before he'd started his warrior training, before he was forced to grow up. When he tried to recall the last time warrior Alex had been happy, it was harder. But he was able to pinpoint that it was around the time he met Nate, when he was happy again. He looked at Nate for a second, as if to confirm his thoughts. "Yes, I am happy" He answered genuinely.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate released a breath he had not been aware that he was holding. A smile spread from the center of his lips out to his ears. If Alex had not been happy, he realized that Nate would also not be happy. That probably should have confused him, and it did a very small amount, but it made sense. With his mama and the boys, he was always making sure that they were happy. When they were miserable, so was Nate. It was always his job to bring everything back up. Even with how silly Ben could be and how good natured Max always was, it was always Nate who worked the hardest to make it better. This was something he understood about himself. His mama once told him. “Good,” he said, squeezing the hand of which he never wanted to let go. “I’m glad you’re happy.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex heard Nate breathe, then he saw the smile that he loved seeing so much. He didn’t realize just how much he loved seeing that smile until he’d realized how he felt. He studied Nate for a moment, hearing his words and tilted his head a bit. “Nate? Are you happy? Like really happy?” He asked. He wanted Nate to be happy too, even if Alex wasn’t completely sure of his own emotions, he cared if Nate was truly happy or not.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

He knew the question was coming, but that didn’t make me any less nervous to answer it. Was he? Was he really, truly happy? Because it was a loaded, layered question with so many twists and turns to consider. He nodded. “Yeah, I’m happy,” he answered knowing that it wasn’t that easy. Knowing that this answer wasn’t exactly the full truth. “But that kinda makes me sad too, I think. It’s hard to be the one who gets to be happy when the rest don’t.” They were due for some emotional unloading since they didn’t have that yet today. “But I’m happy. Mostly.” It wouldn’t be fair to disclude when he cried for his brothers he had to kill or forgot how to smile when he felt the heavy loss of his mama. “Like you.” He wrapped his free hand around the arm his occupied hand was currently attached to. He leaned his head against Alex’s shoulder. “Sad for the loss of your friends and family. Sad for the loss of a home. It was hard to leave, and it hurts you.” He breathed a moment, willing the correct words to come to him. “But being with you helps me a lot. More than I ever dreamed.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex listened completely to Nate, taking in each section of answer to a loaded question. He understood that it wasn’t fair for them to be happy when others including his mom and brothers, the woman in the building, and others didn’t get that happy feeling. He felt Nate wrap his arm with the same arm holding his hand. He felt Nate rest his head on Alex’s shoulder. Alex realized he was sad in a way. He missed his friends, his family, his home. But he’d found a new home and maybe a new family. “I have to agree. I’m glad you’re happy, and I will say that being here with you, it’s the happiest I’ve been in years.” Alex said quietly. Nate could hear him, how could he not resting his head on his shoulder like he was.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate looked up, watched Alex’s face like it would reveal secrets to him. “Yeah?” Even if they were just saying that they were happy because they had this, it was different to hear the words. That was the kind of confirmation that meant more than an assumption one did for themselves. “Even when I get all grumbly cranky, because I didn’t want to kill the people trying to kill us?” He smiled while he asked, but the pain that he was like that still stung. He could feel where that anger still hooked and clawed at his being. That was not fair to Alex, and he shouldn’t have to suffer through that just because it was difficult for Nate to handle.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex let out a small laugh, seeing Nate look up at him. “Yeah. Even when you get grumpy and cranky. It’s a uh cute look on you.” He admitted, cheeks turning red as he blushed. It was true, he’d been hurt and upset then, but he knew it wasn’t something that drove him to not be happy around Nate. There wasn’t much that would keep from being happy with this man. Nothing much at all.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate’s cheeks ran red with the admission. “Oh,” he managed as he tried to take that in. Cute when he was cranky was better than it could have been. Far better than it could have been actually. The fact that Alex was still with him after how frankly ugly he was earlier meant that either it was not as bad thought or that Alex was a far better person than him. Both of these were viable options, though why he would say cute really threw him off. In the grand scheme of things, with the way they were so complimentary all the time, he should have been find with this. And yet… A little laugh escaped his lips, and he removed his far hand that was only attached to an arm to cover his mouth.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex saw the redness in Nate’s cheeks and smiled. He found it amusing that he could make that happen. Sure he’d been upset at first when Nate had been angry, but seeing him go from always happy to having that cranky and grumpy mood had made Alex realize there was so much more to Nate than he’d originally thought. The talk afterwards had been as illuminating as the original mood change. He heard the small laugh, then saw Nate cover his mouth with his free hand and let out a low chuckle. “Alright, you ready to move on down the road? See what else we can find here before we head west?” He asked.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate looked away for a moment as he tried to pull himself together again. Because that was apparently a thing he had to do now. Alex made him forget how to be a normal person, and that was kind of amazing. He didn’t have to always be Nate the optimist. He could be whoever Nate was. He moved half a foot or so to the side, loosening his arms so that they swung again. “Yeah, but if we find anymore stalkers, I don’t care how messed up your pants or my jacket is.” He turned his attention to the buildings once more, searching for something that might be useful.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex noticed Nate look away and felt a small smile cross his face. He didn’t really want to move on, he would rather stay where they were. He watched Nate step a half foot or so to the side so he could swing their arms. Alex chuckled softly as he heard Nate. “Got it. Hear skittering, get out quick.” He said. Alex looked around, his eyes trying to focus and listening. Hold on. He listened and turned his head in the direction he was listening in. He must be hearing things. Alex turned back to Nate and started walking.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Skittering meant something that he did not understand, and therefore he like any good survivor decided to ignore it. There was a terrible part of him who wished that he could have stayed to learn more about them, though he knew that was absolutely not a possibility. There was no stick around and learn about the infected. Besides, what good would it be to learn about them? He couldn’t do anything to help them once they were that far gone.

Nate tilted his head as he noticed Alex pause. “Are you good?” He asked unsure what that was about. But he was walking now, so maybe it was fine? Who was he to judge for getting distracted by thoughts and the world?
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex looked over at Nate. “I thought I heard something.” He said. His voice sounded unsure, and he was walking with his head tilted to the side he’d been listening to. He feared that the hunters on the border belonged to a larger group. And a larger group would need a city to work out of. A city like this. Alex hoped he was wrong, he just wanted to get a few days gain on the hunters and hopefully make it back up to Montana or west to Wyoming.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate studied Alex a moment before deciding that it was worth the moment. He squeezed his hand, peering to the side that Alex clearly was worried about, and when he heard nothing, he gently pulled on his arm. “Walk on the side with me like my mama taught me. Close to buildings. Close to where we can duck away quickly. That way, if there is something, then we have cover fast and more obstacles between us and them.” He began to move to the side even if it did seem a bit silly. But it had saved him and his mama many times.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex was intent on listening for anything. He flinched when he felt his arm being pulled but realized it was Nate. It made sense to walk on the side of the street. More coverage, more ways to hide and escape. Alex followed him to the side of the street. “Nate.. I’m afraid that the hunters we ran into back there, they.. what if they have a bigger group, here in control of the city.” He said, a little nervous energy in his voice.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

More hunters. Larger group. Okay. Nate slowed, willing Alex to slow as well. “I don’t know this area at all, so I don’t know much about how we can get around. This isn’t one of the big cities, so it’s probably got ways around. We could go around it if we want. Or we stick to staying inside buildings as much as possible. We find ways through some of the more… auspicious looking routes.” He paused to assess their surroundings. “Ears open for people and stay away from them.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex slowed down when Nate did. He knew they should keep looking for supplies, try and search the city, but Alex just wanted out. The last big group he faced in a city had been the WLF and he still remembered the battle that day. He’d gotten away with scratches and scars on his body but he’d also been removed from patrolling, due to a lucky hit to his chest from a woman wielding a crowbar. It had broken a rib which had meant he had to take it easy till it healed. The advanced healers, akin to Doctors in the old world had been called in for that, and it had left its memories in his head. Since then, Alex has tried to steer away from large groups, large cities. Preferring the woods instead. “Can we just leave here? Head back the way we came and follow the border to Wyoming?” He asked, crossing his arms.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

There was something more going on in Alex’s mind. Nate could tell. They may not have been traveling together for terribly long, but they were learning very quickly who they were with. That was the face of something else happening. He was thinking through something. There was knowledge there that Nate did not currently possess. That was okay. With the way they worked, he would share when he wanted to and if he wanted to. Nate nodded. “Yeah, we can go a different way. We got a lot of food from here already. I got a bat I might be able to use. We found a lot of little things we can probably make use of when we have time. We don’t need this place. We can go however you need us to go.” He placed a hand on Alex’s arm. “I am with you wherever you go.”

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