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Realistic or Modern The Healer × The Fighter {with Hiddencard}



It's been three years since Hyzen Alanis' sister was killed in an underground fight. Felicity died in the ring while fighting an opponent that scarred the MMA community forever. Her opponent, Harper Lionel, killed her and rumor has it, the more pain inflicted, up to and including death, the more money Harper received. This was never proven, but Harper started living a lavish and luxury lifestyle.

Over the years, Hyzen had to delete his social media. Harper's followers started cyberbullying him, threatening him with violence and that he needs to be dead like his sister. The threats got worse and worse and then he got doxxed. He had to move apartments having just signed a lease and lost a lot of money. Someone with medical student loans can't afford these things. Now, he's forced to live in a dangerous part of town.

Hyzen himself isn't much of a fighter. He wears glasses, just graduated from medical school and now has the designation of doctor despite him only being an intern. Despite using his hands to heal rather than fight, he loved watching his sister in the ring. Felicity was good, too. Hyzen attended every fight, every training, like clockwork, cheering his sister on. Everything was great, until she ran into Harper in the ring. Felicity never walked out of that ring and died with Harper standing over her.

Hyzen's first day as a doctor and his internship goes as planned. Busy. Little to no sleep. He got his internship at Preston University Hospital, also where he got his medical degree. A 36-hour shift of pure torture with patients being dumb and nurses all over his case for writing orders wrong.

"Dr. Alanis!" a paramedic yells.

Hyzen spins around to see paramedics wheeling in two different stretchers through the automatic ER doors. He runs over, recognizing the paramedic. "What do we got, Steve?" he asks, helping the paramedics while in the stretcher to the Trauma 2 room.

Hyzen, the nurses, and the paramedics get the patient moved onto the table and they get to work. The paramedics leave, helping the others wheel the second stretcher into Trauma 1. Whoever this guy is... it's going to be hard to recognize him now. His face is smashed in. He at least has a broken arm, some broken ribs, and bruises on a large portion of his body; similar to a burn victim has burns all over the skin. "Did... fists do this?" Hyzen asks.

The room door slams open. "Dr. Alanis! We need you in Trauma 1," a nurse yells.

Hyzen bolts out of the room and swings open the doors of Trauma 1. "Let me guess, basically the same injuries? Beat up?"

"Looks that way," a nurse says.

Hyzen and his team stabilize them and call for consults, especially ortho for the broken bones and dislocations. He walks out of the room and stands in the lobby, writing something down on the charts on his hand and writing orders.

"Did you see what I did?" a chilling voice asks.

Hyzen drops his charts right there on the tile floor in the lobby. He knows that voice... pure evil. A seething hatred creeps into Hyzen's body. Hyzen slowly turns around to see Harper standing a few feet in front of him. "I..."

Harper grins. "It took me awhile to find you..."

Hyzen sees that same grin Harper had when his sister was dead in the ring. Harper was standing over her with that same expression, while his sister stopped breathing. "You piece of..."

"Aww, Hyzen! You look mad! Maybe you should do something about it?" Harper taunts.

Despite not having any fighting training, Hyzen can't help himself and charges straight at her. Harper braces herself with a wide smirk erupting onto her face.

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"It's her... or you, Reaper. Don't fuck it up."

Her or me.

Harper's heart was galloping against her ribs. The fight had gone on longer than she had expected. The crowd was no more than a distant hum in her ears now, and the whole ring seemed enveloped in fog. Perhaps from the cigarettes in the room, but more likely from the multiple punches she had taken to the face.

Both fighters were covered in blood as they faced each other.

Harper could feel a cut from her eyebrow trailing down the side of her face, and she could see similar red gushing from Felicity's nose. The girl's eyes were pure anger as she glared at her, animalistic, probably akin to Harper's own. Felicity charged first, her movements quick and calculated. A jab towards Harper's face. She sidestepped, feeling the rush of air as the fist soared by. Felicity was fast, but Harper was faster and countered with a sharp hook to her side.

Focus. Don't lose control.

Harper's next move was more aggressive but calculated—a flurry of punches and kicks. She blocked, parried, her body moving instinctively, muscle memory taking over. Each strike landed precisely, aimed at breaking the other girl's defense, wearing her down. And it was working. Felicity was showing signs of exhaustion, and the crowd was clearly noticing as well, because Harper could hear even more roars of excitement around them.

Harper jumped back to catch a breath.

Felicity swiftly came at her again, but more desperate this time. Her movements were erratic, fueled by a need to prove herself, to survive. Harper dodged, countering with a knee to her stomach. The girl gasped, doubling over. The crowd's cheers grew louder, a cacophony of bloodlust and excitement.

End it now. Don't hesitate.

Harper moved in for the final blow, but something in Felicity's eyes made her freeze for just a second. A flicker of fear, of vulnerability. In her moment of hesitation, Felicity threw a last, desperate punch, which was enough to snap Harper out of it.

Her or me.

Her or me!

Harper caught her wrist, twisting it, forcing her to the ground, and let down her final punch.

The crunch of broken bone made the crowd gasp.

And then... they cheered.

Three years later

It was raining when Harper's taxi arrived at the hospital. She pushed the hood of her jacket up as she rushed from the taxi and into the entrance where she could already see people being wheeled inside. Everyone was too busy to pay her much attention as she walked over to the information counter. She flung the hood off, and her dark hair spilled over her shoulders as she sent a big smile toward the lady, leaning over the counter revealing a giant shiner across her face.

"Hi. I am looking for Doctor Alanis. Hyzen Alanis," she told her, placing her hands on the counter. The tattoos of spikes on her knuckles were in plain sight, although the rest was hidden under the black sleeves of her jacket.

The lady looked up from her computer.

It would normally be unsettling to see a young woman with a black eye and dried blood around her eyebrow, but this was a hospital. So, the woman just nodded and searched up the doctor's name on the computer.

"Doctor Alanis is in the ER. Down the hall, and to the left, but I doubt he will have time, so you might have to sit in the waiting room. A lot of patients just arrived."

"Thank you so much."

She tried to hide her elation. Her sources had been correct. He really did work here.

Alanis. A name Harper would be unlikely to forget as long as she lived, and finally she had found him. While she walked down the hall she wondered if she would even be able to recognise him. It wasn't like they had ever properly interacted, but as she walked into the ER, where nurses and doctors ran around, she recognised him instantly.

He looked scrawnier than his sister had been, but they shared the same brown eyes and hair. The lines of his face, the shape of his nose... no doubt this was Felicity's brother.

Harper halted as she watched him. She was tall and leaned slightly against the wall with her arms crossed.

"Did you see what I did?" Her words weren't loud, but as they trailed across the room, they made the doctor stiffen. "It took me a while to find you."

As their eyes met, she saw pure hatred in his eyes. It triggered a defensiveness in her that always came out as taunt. Her lips curled up in a snarl, like she had done so many times to other fighters. She moved away from the wall when he started walking toward her. Hate. Disgust. It was all clear as day. He blamed her. She could see it all in his eyes. It made her tense, and as he leapt for her, her body moved on its own.

She grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back. "Seriously?" She shoved him up against the wall, speaking close to his ear. "That is your plan?"

Her eyes lifted, and when she saw the faces of the shocked nurses, she swiftly released her hold on him and stepped back with her arms raised.

"Doctor Alanis," one of them asked, looking between them. "Do we need to call security?"


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Hyzen grunts when he's slammed into the wall. Her words sound harsh and just the sound of her voice invokes a reaction, much like just seeing her physical presence causes him to attack; even with no fighting experience. He would much rather hear the sounds of nails on a chalkboard this close to his ear rather than Harper's voice. He squirms against Harper's grip on his arm, his face showing visible pain and getting redder and redder the longer Harper holds him.

One nurse that isn't a big fan of Hyzen, or any intern for that matter, compares Hyzen's facial expression from Harper's hold to the faces on the charts. The same charts where patients rate their pain from a scale of one to ten and there's a face above each number. The nurse squints her eyes, darting her eyes between Hyzen and a chart on the nearby wall in the lobby. "I'd say that's about a four..." the nurse chuckles.

Hyzen's finally released and he pants a few times. He turns and looks at Jared. "Security would probably be a good idea..." he says. Jared is a bigger man that rocks a great beard with a shiny bald head that reflects the lights from the ceiling. He's around the same age as Hyzen. Not fat or obese, but big boned as some people call it. He's been nice to Hyzen, unlike some of the other nurses who simply roll their eyes at yet another first year intern. Even with the doctor status, nurses learned to hate the first years due to their arrogance and inability to treat nurses like human beings. Hyzen isn't like that though, yet he's still grouped into that category.

The nurse who made fun of Hyzen's expression suddenly changes her tone and runs over to the nurse's station. She picks up a red phone sitting on a counter. The S.O.S. phone that rings directly to the security department. Although, security around here move like turtles. So if there is an actual emergency, the emergency would have come and gone before security even shows up. Not that Hyzen blames them. For what security gets paid, he wouldn't risk his life either and Harper is basically a lethal weapon.

Jared watches to make sure the nurse actually calls security and then looks back over at Hyzen. "Friend of yours?" he asks, nodding to Harper.

"No, Jared..." Hyzen says.

Jared folds his arms, now moving closer to Hyzen to perhaps help protect him if needed and it definitely might be needed. "Okay... an enemy then..."

Hyzen rubs his arm, looking at Harper. "Definitely. And a piece of shit might I add. This is Harper Lionel." The name stings his tongue as it departs his mouth. A toxicity about it. Almost like he swallowed venom and his body rejected it and had to spit it out.

Jared's eyes widen. "You mean she's the one who..."

"Killed my sister three years ago," Hyzen explains.

"Holy shit..." Jared says, almost shielding the doctor with his larger frame and stature.

Hyzen pokes his head around Jared. "What the fuck do you want?" he asks Harper. "What makes you think I ever wanted to see you again given what you did? More importantly, how did you find me?!" Hyzen screams. His screams draw more attention from the hospital lobby. Some in the waiting room peer over, others get off their phone to watch what's going on. Hyzen's fists clench again and again. He's angry. Oh, is he angry. For the first time since that day, he stares at the woman who completely ruined his life. Destroyed his family. Killed the one person who he was closest with. His best friend. His sibling. Now, he feels more alone than ever and a great sadness still consumes him to this day. The nightmares still continue. The flashbacks are horrendous. But he'll never let Harper know that. He can't let her know she still affects him even now.

"Hey!" Jared yells, seeing Hyzen walk around him and right up to Harper.

"What do you want?! Huh?! What, were those people in there collateral damage so you can get to me?" Hyzen points to the two victims in trauma rooms 1 & 2. Both intubated by now, and struggling to breathe. "You haven't changed one damn bit."

Security rushes up the hall, holding batons. Impressive timing for them. Maybe they should enter a 5k marathon.

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