Zombie rp planning thread (closed)

But when you're in improv acting, you're already there and jump in when you can. Here on a website, I cant be on all the time. I have classes and exams where I can't be on and when I come back (to past group rps as well) the story was jumped so far ahead and people get left behind because of that fact and that's when people just drop out. I mean I'm on everyday but thats besides the point. In systems like that people get left behind
but an order, would cause complications, say if someone choose to then that would go to heck. Say that the next in line choose's not to post the whole thing would stop, cause of one person.
Then that person, unless given a good reason like an emergency or something, has a day to respond. If not we continue. If we have an order with a time limit it should be no problem. And we can have a group message and decide together if a said person isn't frequent enough to continue.
I likee all of those ideas, but i dont think we should have an order. It gets to compilcated.
Well, in the rp i'm hoping the posting will be a bit more controlled. I did give two options though. If we go with the wait until everybody posts, it would be a bit freer but still structured. It's just that I had to quit a few rps I really liked because not only was I getting left behind, but I saw other people getting left behind.

So, how I had this one worked out, if you post, you have to wait for at least 4 more posts before you can again. Just for it to be fair and it would give others a chance to catch up. For example, if I was to post, then I would have to wait until 4 other people posted, or all five, before posting again.

I am not wanting it to turn out like this: I post, then maybe Peter posts and then I post again. Even if Peter's post contained something dealing with my character, it would have to wait until 4 other people posted just to be fair. Is this okay with everyone? And I do wish the others who had joined up would get on here and post some ideas.
I'm fine with that, but we should also incorporate, that if you have something to do like a family thing, no matter what, we could maybe have them do something with a like going out and getting wood for the fire, or something in that nature, cause this weekend I'm heading to my dad's for my birthday, so I might check in but keep going if I say like my character is back, I will only have him say something, then have him go out and do something out. thats only, if you know your going to be doing something for a few days.
Oh yeah, that's perfectly okay. That, or maybe since we really have to get our characters to meet up first, then maybe you can wait until you can actually post before having you character join in and seeing as how he was already on the move then that would be totally realistic. But then afterwards, yeah that's totally fine. If two people are going to be gone though or more, I'm thinking maybe the rp could be on a short little break. I'm still planning on making an OOC thread where we would have a place to talk about random stuff since this thread is going to be for ideas and things.
well I would just like to know, and I think everyone is thinking it, when will we start the RP. Not to be a jerk, but I would just like to know. I understand that we have to get this straight before we can do anything. But I was just wondering.
Well, I think. I mean I don't really like the idea that we have to wait.
Well, I think we got the most of it down, so I'll go ahead and start it now and post the link in here as well as send the link to those that may or may not have even been looking in this thread. Then, once I get the rp up, I'll start the OOC thread and do the same thing and I'll link everything in my first post to the rp.
Yeah, but it still needs to be started and we had planned out how it should go in the beginning. Just give me a minute to get it up ^_^ . I think I should ask though, are the zombies fast, slow, or moderate?
well I haven't played the last of us, so how ever fast they go should be good, but in the walking dead they're slow.
I've watched Pewdiepie play it and they were fast
I love Pewdiepie, and okay, since we're mixing them together, maybe the regular zombies could be a bit slow, but then the clickers could be fast?
ok guys,I got a few things to do, I shall return in a bit give me an hour, depending.
Okay, so I'm thinking that we can make this rp a little bit more realistic by dice rolls. For instance, lets say we are in a big fight and someone is doing close up battle like with an ax or something, there is a chance you are going to get bit. So, only if you guys like this idea will we do it, but I'm thinking at some point, like in the middle of the fight scene, we'll roll the dice the sight has and if it's odd, you're not bitten, but if it's even you are. We could also use the same system for like if our characters get sick or not. Perhaps it's cold out and your character gets wet somehow, then you would roll the dice to see if you would have to have a cold or something and then after a day or two in the rp, you would roll again to see if you're getting any better? I just think this would make it a bit more realistic, since in real life we can't control if we get sick or not.

So, you up for it or not? If not, I'm okay with that, just thought I'd put it out there.
alright but can I get a link to the dice roll. along with, I need to head to bed, I got a test, along with some soloing to do tomorrow, so I need my sleep. by soloing I mean in my band, with my saxophone. So night y'all.

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