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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Yappi said:
(Johny, Pyro)
((Okay :3 could you maybe set up a starting post for one if them so I know where they are and who to send?))
Yappi said:
I walk into a bar, it's pretty abandoned so there may be some booze left. I take out my rifle and walk into the bar... I hear voices echoe throughout. I see 3 men, I put my gun up "Hello comrades" I say hoping they won't shoot me

@Russian peestol pro @Prip
(Upper floor, Johnny and the other guy are 'handcuffing' a zombie while I am watching the stairs xD )
Yappi said:
I walk through the city, avoiding zombies as I go. I find a hardware store, perfect

((The only character I have that would be in a hardware store is in use right now xD ))

~*Laika Flynn*~

After Mira's surgery was finished up, Laika left the church and went to the city hoping to find something of use to her or see something interesting. She walked down the street, nearing the hardware store as she walked.

[QUOTE="Russian peestol pro](Well, I am in an abandoned bar with pripyatranger if you need interaction)

((Looks like Yappi filled that place :'D thank you for the offer though :3))

"Yep, let's go in shall we. Just need to find the generator, it's right next to a river so we have water power" I say unlocking the door and walking into the storm shelter. I flip on the generator and almost all the lights kick on "Then AJ said, 'Let there be light!'"

I Walk upstairs to see 3 men "Hello Comraded- why is there a chained up zombie" I ask creeped oi
Nona said:
((The only character I have that would be in a hardware store is in use right now xD ))

~*Laika Flynn*~

After Mira's surgery was finished up, Laika left the church and went to the city hoping to find something of use to her or see something interesting. She walked down the street, nearing the hardware store as she walked.

((Looks like Yappi filled that place :'D thank you for the offer though :3))

I search through the hardware store looting explosive material
Johnny and Norman attarcs the Zombie, it stood up and started walking. A little faster than other zombies. Johnny pushed it while Norman kicked it in the knee. The zombie fell down on his back. "Damn, let's try it again." While zombie trying to stand up, Johnny kicked it in the back. "Now it fell down on his face. Quick Norman, I'll hold it's head on ground."

Norman started tie the fallen Zombie
Yappi said:
I search through the hardware store looting explosive material

~*Laika Flynn*~

As she walked she gave the hardware store a look over...she'd never been in there before... After pondering the thought for a moment, she shrugged her shoulders gently and went in, thinking maybe something cool might actually be there.

Miya looks around in awe at the greatness of the mansion. She followed AJ to the storm shelter and watches as the lights suddenly flash on. She laughed and hugged him. "This is why I love you."
MiyaTheNeko said:
Miya looks around in awe at the greatness of the mansion. She followed AJ to the storm shelter and watches as the lights suddenly flash on. She laughed and hugged him. "This is why I love you."

I laugh a little and smile slyly "I'm pretty sure there's a few longer reasons for that" I say before chuckling


"Say, any vodka here... Only been able to find whisky in this hell hole" I say before laughing and sitting down
MiyaTheNeko said:
Miya gave him a clever smirk and couldnt help but giggle. "Foot size doesnt matter AJ." She said slyly and hugged him again, laughing harder than before.


I can barely speak I'm laughing so hard. I calm down after a minute "Welp, let's go to the actual house" I say walkin out of the storm shelter and into the mansion "I know it's massive, but I know a few other things that I bigger" I say chuckling even more. "Choose a room to crash in. I don't care which
"Yes, comrade! I got a full bottle of Yamskaya here, but I'm holding it up for later because we are celebrating the creation of our... newfound group.." Grigory just shrugged as he said so. "Name's Grigory, who are you?" He casually proceeded to ask the man his name. 'I just hope we can trust this guy, he surely looks like a nice person' He thought, waiting for his reply.


Miya giggled and follows him to the mansion. "AJ, that's strange that you do because... I sure don't..." she laughed more and starts to look around for a room to crash in. She then returns to aj and tilts her head. "Where Is the master? Me and you get that room." She said holding his hand.


MiyaTheNeko said:
Miya giggled and follows him to the mansion. "AJ, that's strange that you do because... I sure don't..." she laughed more and starts to look around for a room to crash in. She then returns to aj and tilts her head. "Where Is the master? Me and you get that room." She said holding his hand.

(Watch out... here he goes going to turn you into a slaaave!)
MiyaTheNeko said:
Miya giggled and follows him to the mansion. "AJ, that's strange that you do because... I sure don't..." she laughed more and starts to look around for a room to crash in. She then returns to aj and tilts her head. "Where Is the master? Me and you get that room." She said holding his hand.


"Over here" I go to a pair of doors and open them to reveal a room in prestige condition. A big king sized bed with a golden Frame and curtains. The rest of the room is furnished in pretty much anything you would see in a rich mob bosses room. I crack open a floorboard to reveal a drug stash, COKE
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