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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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"On my way." Grigory grabbed an empty bottle and went upstairs. "What do you got here? The owner or something? Or is it another freak that made his way up here?" He casually asked as he put the vodka on his backpack.

Miya sprints over to her sisters body and flings it over her shoulder. Weighed down by her sister she slowly makes Ber ay back over to AJ with a smile. "Told you I wouldn't die." She said not yet noticing B was back.

@Quillicious @Yappi
MiyaTheNeko said:
Miya sprints over to her sisters body and flings it over her shoulder. Weighed down by her sister she slowly makes Ber ay back over to AJ with a smile. "Told you I wouldn't die." She said not yet noticing B was back.
@Quillicious @Yappi

"Miya you cheat death so many times, you could win Russian Rullete with all 6 chambers loaded" I say jokingly "Now we need to run" I say as the horde approaches

"Ha, thanks." She took the machete and weighed it against two finger. "Nice and balanced, though I do prefer heavy-handled knives. Fun to throw by the blade. Does cause more of a risk to the palm skin, on the downside." Max handed the blade back to him. "Almost all of mine are blade-heavy and balanced, but the one I had since I was eight is handle-heavy." She slouched back in the seat for a moment.

Russian peestol pro]"On my way." Grigory grabbed an empty bottle and went upstairs. "What do you got here? The owner or something? Or is it another freak that made his way up here?" He casually asked as he put the vodka on his backpack. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36712-pripyatranger/ said:
Johnny turned to Grigory, looked on ground while widening his eyes "I totally have no idea but, this guy is what we want. Norman and I'll try to tie him with a rope, watch out for our asses."

She tipped her head slightly and sat up. The scenery had definitely changed from the last time she had seen anything out of the window. "Almost where?" Max still wasn't sure where are why they were going to whatever.

"Somewhere away from the geeks. Hard to come by."

He slowed the car down near a small lake. It was beside a wooded area.

"Let's get out. I've checked this place out, no walkers for miles."

MiyaTheNeko said:
Mira giggled happily and walked outside with him. She was happy that they could take a peaceful walk together. She held his hand and stayed close to him as she watched the trees. She didn't notice to many zombies and the few she did see isn't see them. She was on guard incase something happened. "Nice outside today." She said with a smile as she looked around the quiet woods. The father they walked the heavier the trees got around them. More trees to hide zombies if they where around anywhere.
"Yeah... It is." But I can make it louder. Avery smiled, and put an arm around his beautiful wife. "So, what'd I miss while I was 'Dead'?" He asked, with a slight chuckle, as if it were an inside joke. He sighed a bit as he thought of when he left... Or rather, when he was left behind... That bitch could've killed me. Avery's left eye twitched rapidly for a few seconds, before calming down again. He rested his head on her shoulder, and waited for her to comfort him like she always did.

"I only have a bottle, but will try." Grigory leans against the wall, keeping an eye on the entrance. 'Ehhehehe, finally a zombie' He thought, quietly, glancing back at the two once in a while.


She pursed her lips and flickered her eyes around the area. It looked pleasant, for the most part. Max stepped out of the vehicle and stretched her legs and arms. She adjusted her navy blue baseball cap and stood next to the car.

Jay pretended to check her out while she was stretching.

"Oh yeah, warm those hammies up, baby!"

He laughed and sat on the hood of the car, flicking his blunt into the grass.

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Quillicious said:
Jay pretended to check her out while she was stretching.
"Oh yeah, warm those hammies up, baby!"

He laughed and sat on the hood of the car, flicking his blunt into the grass.

Yappi said:
"So you me ok with this?" I say nibbing his neck a little again
Lucas backed away a bit, flustered "M-Maybe you should rest some...You're still h-healing after all" he protested, going and putting his backpack under the other bed.

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Aidan woke up at the counter of the bar. Once again dreaming of Max, hoping to death she was okay. He knew Jay wasn't the best person as far as he could tell. He let out a low groan as he stood and stretches some. He makes his way outside where he sees couple of biters waiting around for him. He stabs them down and moved the bodies to be burned in a different area. He poured gasoline over the bodies and flicked a match on them, causing more zombies to make there way over and stoke the fire. He would have been smiling but he couldn't. He wasnt able to smile while max was gone. Aidan wondered to himself if she ever thought of him like he did of her. He made his way into the bar and downed an ale he had on the shelf. What if Jay tried to steal max for himself, for his own good. Aidan couldn't belive he thought some of the things he did. He wanted to see her again, maybe he was addicted... Almost as of he needed her to keep him happy. No, that's wasn't that... he was happy before he met her... what was it, that's when he thought about it. She was filling an empty void. A void that was lost when he finally became a bartender. No one seemed to pay attention to him unless he was serving them drinks but she was different. She payed attention to him because of who he was not what he served. She was exactly what hr needed in his life. He had to find her, make sure she was okay. He ran out and jumped into the truck then sped off down the road, hoping he could find her.



((Not necessarily an interaction but it has stuff about you guys in it. It's more of a fill on how Aidan is doing.))

Mira smiled up at him and had to think about it for a moment. That's when she thought about it, the story that she was going to tell Laika and Jay. She smiled snd pulled him into a hug, giggling at everything. "I died." She said in the best serious voice she could do.

((Anyone got free characters I can send Laika or Melina to? :3))
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